104 research outputs found

    Curriculum sexual medicine at the University of Greifswald

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    Undergraduate medical education of sexual medicine contents in Germany is very heterogeneous and is spread over various disciplines such as urology, gynaecology, dermatology, psychiatry and forensic medicine. In none of the existing curricula sexual health is a mandatory subject. Only those universities that have sexual medicine as an independent discipline offer a noteworthy curriculum. Based on incidence of sexual disorders and resultant necessity of health education as well as changes in the German medical licensing order (ÄAppO) have led to restructuring undergraduate medical education. Emanating from the necessity of imparting sexual health knowledge, attitudes and communication skills we planned and implemented a new curriculum for sexual medicine. The bio-psycho-social approach of human sexuality is the basis of the curriculum that is divided in several parts.Die Lehre von sexualmedizinischen Inhalten in Deutschland ist sehr heterogen und verteilt sich auf verschiedene Fächer wie die Urologie, Gynäkologie, Dermatologie, Psychiatrie und Rechtsmedizin. In keiner Studienordnung ist Sexualmedizin als Pflichtfach verankert. Ein nennenswertes Angebot findet sich bisher nur an den Hochschulen, an denen Sexualmedizin als eigenständiges Fach vertreten ist. Ausgehend von der Häufigkeit von Sexualstörungen, der sich daraus ergebenden Notwendigkeit einer strukturierten sexualmedizinischen Lehre im Humanmedizinstudium und den veränderten Bedingungen durch die Einführung der neuen ÄAppO ist durch die Klinik und Poliklinik für Urologie der Universität Greifswald ein sexualmedizinisches Curriculum geplant und implementiert worden . Grundlage des Curriculums ist die bio-psycho-soziale Betrachtungsweise der Sexualität des Menschen. Das Curriculum ist in mehrere Abschnitte gegliedert, in denen Wissen über Sexualität und Sexualstörungen und notwendige kommunikative Fähigkeiten gelehrt werden

    The three oralTori in the Coimbra population (Portugal) at the beginning of the XXth century A.D.

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    The remarkable anthropological series formed by E. Tamagnini at the Universidade de Coimbra consists of the exhumed human remains from “La Conchada” cemetery, in Coimbra (Northern Portugal). From this collection, only those individuals coming from the different districts of Coimbra, where they also lived and died, were selected for study. The resulting series was made of by 483 individuals: 234 women and 249 men. The personal data sheets indicate that these people died between 1910 and 1938; their professions, age at death and its cause are also noted. They can be considered as a relatively homogeneous group of low socioeconomical level. The study of the three oraltori demonstrated the high frequencies of all of them, the absence of sexual dimorphism and only a few statistically significant differences between some of the age classes considered. The possible etiological factors (genetical and/or environmental) are also discussed
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