1,337 research outputs found

    Evolution in the Volumetric Type Ia Supernova Rate from the Supernova Legacy Survey

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    We present a measurement of the volumetric Type Ia supernova (SN Ia) rate (SNR_Ia) as a function of redshift for the first four years of data from the Canada-France-Hawaii Telescope Supernova Legacy Survey (SNLS). This analysis includes 286 spectroscopically confirmed and more than 400 additional photometrically identified SNe Ia within the redshift range 0.1 ≤ z ≤ 1.1. The volumetric SNR_Ia evolution is consistent with a rise to z ~ 1.0 that follows a power law of the form (1+z)^α, with α = 2.11 ± 0.28. This evolutionary trend in the SNLS rates is slightly shallower than that of the cosmic star formation history (SFH) over the same redshift range. We combine the SNLS rate measurements with those from other surveys that complement the SNLS redshift range, and fit various simple SN Ia delay-time distribution (DTD) models to the combined data. A simple power-law model for the DTD (i.e., ∝ t^(–β)) yields values from β = 0.98 ± 0.05 to β = 1.15 ± 0.08 depending on the parameterization of the cosmic SFH. A two-component model, where SNR_Ia is dependent on stellar mass (M_stellar) and star formation rate (SFR) as SNR_(Ia)(z) = A × M_(stellar)(z) + B × SFR(z), yields the coefficients A = (1.9 ± 0.1) × 10^(–1)4 SNe yr^(–1) M^(–1)_☉ and B = (3.3 ± 0.2) × 10^(–4) SNe yr^(–1) (M_☉ yr^(–1))^(–1). More general two-component models also fit the data well, but single Gaussian or exponential DTDs provide significantly poorer matches. Finally, we split the SNLS sample into two populations by the light-curve width (stretch), and show that the general behavior in the rates of faster-declining SNe Ia (0.8 ≤ s < 1.0) is similar, within our measurement errors, to that of the slower objects (1.0 ≤ s < 1.3) out to z ~ 0.8

    Social transmission of leadership preference:knowledge of group membership and partisan media reporting moderates perceptions of leadership ability from facial cues to competence and dominance

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    While first impressions of dominance and competence can influence leadership preference, social transmission of leadership preference has received little attention. The capacity to transmit, store and compute information has increased greatly over recent history, and the new media environment may encourage partisanship (i.e. ‘echo chambers’), misinformation and rumour spreading to support political and social causes and be conducive both to emotive writing and emotional contagion, which may shape voting behaviour. In our pre-registered experiment, we examined whether implicit associations between facial cues to dominance and competence (intelligence) and leadership ability are strengthened by partisan media and knowledge that leaders support or oppose us on a socio-political issue of personal importance. Social information, in general, reduced well-established implicit associations between facial cues and leadership ability. However, as predicted, social knowledge of group membership reduced preferences for facial cues to high dominance and intelligence in out-group leaders. In the opposite-direction to our original prediction, this ‘in-group bias’ was greater under less partisan versus partisan media, with partisan writing eliciting greater state anxiety across the sample. Partisanship also altered the salience of women’s facial appearance (i.e., cues to high dominance and intelligence) in out-group versus in-group leaders. Independent of the media environment, men and women displayed an in-group bias toward facial cues of dominance in same-sex leaders. Our findings reveal effects of minimal social information (facial appearance, group membership, media reporting) on leadership judgements, which may have implications for patterns of voting or socio-political behaviour at the local or national level

    MegaPipe: the MegaCam image stacking pipeline at the Canadian Astronomical Data Centre

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    This paper describes the MegaPipe image processing pipeline at the Canadian Astronomical Data Centre. The pipeline combines multiple images from the MegaCam mosaic camera on CFHT and combines them into a single output image. MegaPipe takes as input detrended MegaCam images and does a careful astrometric and photometric calibration on them. The calibrated images are then resampled and combined into image stacks. The astrometric calibration of the output images is accurate to within 0.15 arcseconds relative to external reference frames and 0.04 arcseconds internally. The photometric calibration is good to within 0.03 magnitudes. The stacked images and catalogues derived from these images are available through the CADC website:Comment: Data available at http://www.cadc-ccda.hia-iha.nrc-cnrc.gc.ca/megapipe/index.htm

    Own attractiveness and perceived relationship quality shape sensitivity in women’s memory for other men on the attractiveness dimension

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    Although recent work suggests that opposite-sex facial attractiveness is less salient in memory when individuals are in a committed romantic relationship, romantic relationship quality can vary over time. In light of this, we tested whether activating concerns about romantic relationship quality strengthens memory for attractive faces. Partnered women were exposed briefly to faces manipulated in shape cues to attractiveness before either being asked to think about a moment of emotional closeness or distance in their current relationship. We measured sensitivity in memory for faces as the extent to which they recognized correct versions of studied faces over versions of the same person altered to look either more or less-attractive than their original (i.e. studied) version. Contrary to predictions, high relationship quality strengthened hit rate for faces regardless of the sex or attractiveness of the face. In general, women’s memories were more sensitive to attractiveness in women, but were biased toward attractiveness in male faces, both when responding to unfamiliar faces and versions of familiar faces that were more attractive than the original male identity from the learning phase. However, findings varied according to self-rated attractiveness and a psychometric measure of the quality of their current relationship. Attractive women were more sensitive to attractiveness in men, while their less-attractive peers had a stronger bias to remember women as more-attractive and men as less-attractive than their original image respectively. Women in better-quality romantic relationships had stronger positive biases toward, and false memories for, attractive men. Our findings suggest a sophisticated pattern of sensitivity and bias in women’s memory for facial cues to quality that varies systematically according to factors that may alter the costs of female mating competition (‘market demand’) and relationship maintenance


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    The purpose of this study was to quantify the inter- and intra-individual spinal movement variability in a group of pre-elite and elite fast bowlers. Eleven pre-elite and elite level bowlers from the Otago region (New Zealand) took part in the study. Each bowler bowled two six-over spells, while being recorded by a 3D motion analysis system in two sessions, one week apart. Thorax and lumbopelvis segments were modelled and analysed. Between session changes in spine kinematics were greatest for lateral bending (p = .0001). Inter-individual variability was much greater than the average within-participant variability (more than double), highlighting the need for individual analyses of fast bowlers in the future. Inter- and intra-individual variability in spinal movement among a homogenous group of fast bowlers found in the current study will be important for designing future studies on cricket fast bowlers

    Dissociable neural responses to facial expressions of sadness and anger

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    Substructure in the Andromeda Galaxy Globular Cluster System

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    In the most prominent current scenario of galaxy formation, galaxies form hierarchically through the merger of smaller systems. Such mergers could leave behind dynamical signatures which may linger long after the event. In particular, the globular cluster system (GCS) of a merging satellite galaxy may remain as a distinct sub-population within the GCS of a massive galaxy. Using the latest available globular cluster velocities and metallicities, we present the results of a search for grouping in the GCS of our nearest large spiral galaxy neighbor, M31. A modified friends-of-friends algorithm is used to identify a number of possible merger remnants in projected position, radial velocity and [Fe/H] parameter space. Numerical simulations are used to check that such merger remnants are indeed plausible over the timescales of interest. The identification of stellar streams associated with these groups is required in order to confirm that they represent merger remnants.Comment: 19 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in the Ap

    Skin Blood Perfusion and Oxygenation Colour Affect Perceived Human Health

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    Skin blood perfusion and oxygenation depends upon cardiovascular, hormonal and circulatory health in humans and provides socio-sexual signals of underlying physiology, dominance and reproductive status in some primates. We allowed participants to manipulate colour calibrated facial photographs along empirically-measured oxygenated and deoxygenated blood colour axes both separately and simultaneously, to optimise healthy appearance. Participants increased skin blood colour, particularly oxygenated, above basal levels to optimise healthy appearance. We show, therefore, that skin blood perfusion and oxygenation influence perceived health in a way that may be important to mate choice