312 research outputs found

    Towards Efficient Sensor Placement for Industrial Wireless Sensor Network

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    Industrial Wireless Sensor Network (IWSN) is the recent emergence in wireless technologies that facilitate industrial applications. IWSN constructs a reliable and self-responding industrial system using interconnected intelligent sensors. These sensors continuously monitor and analyze the industrial process to evoke its best performance. Since the sensors are resource-constrained and communicate wirelessly, the excess sensor placement utilizes more energy and also affects the environment. Thus, sensors need to use efficiently to minimize their network traffic and energy utilization. In this paper, we proposed a vertex coloring based optimal sensor placement to determine the minimal sensor requirement for an efficient network

    A Review on Human Gait Detection

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    The human gait is the identification of human locomotive based on limbs position or action The tracking of human gait can help in various applications like normal and abnormal gait fall detection gender detection age detection biometrics and in some terrorist and criminal activity detection The present work carried out is a review of various methodologies employed in human gait detection The analysis describes that the different feature extraction and machine learning techniques to be adopted for the identification of human gait based on the purpose of the applicatio


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    Aim and Objective: The aim of the study was to evaluate the role of Vitamin E supplementation in Type II diabetes mellitus (DM), to determines whether people with Type II DM treated with hypoglycemic agents alone, with or without Vitamin E, to determines the drug interaction in such treatment regimen, and to evaluates the Safety of the regimen.Methods: Type II DM patients with or without complications were included in this study along with serum glycated hemoglobin (HbA1c) concentration between 7.5% and 9.5%. They are divided into test group (which received hypoglycemic agent along with Vitamin E 4000 IU) and control group. Body mass index (BMI) status, fasting blood sugar (FBS), and post-prandial blood sugar (PPBS) were noted once in a month, HbA1c percentage, total cholesterol level (TC), and serum Vitamin E level were estimated and noted for every 3 months at total 9 months of this study. Patients with other comorbid conditions were prominent in this study.Results: It is perceptible with the analysis of obtained data that FBS, PPBS, HbA1c percentage, TC level, and BMI status of the patients were declined gradually in test group (patients with Vitamin E supplementation along with their hypoglycemic agents). Thus, antioxidant therapy is highly propitious whereby delaying the onset of complications in patients with DM. This development would be highly helpful for diabetic patients

    The Value of Perinatal Autopsy in the Evaluation of Genitourinary and Anorectal Malformations

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    INTRODUCTION: When the autopsy is being done on foetus or a neonate its termed as perinatal autopsy. The most common indications for perinatal autopsy includes termination of pregnancies for anomalies, intrauterine foetal demise and inevitable abortion. Urogenital and anorectal malformations is one of the commonest congenital anomaly and are seen only next to the anomalies of central nervous system and cardiovascular system. Foetal autopsy has a crucial role in confirming the congenital anomalies documented by the antenatal sonographic reports. Our ultimate aim is to detect the cause of death which includes investigations comprising of foetal autopsy, placental examination and genetic studies including karyotyping. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES: 1. To emphasize the role of foetal autopsy in urogenital and anorectal malformations. 2. To analyse the gross and microscopic examination of these foetuses with its placental findings. 3. To categorize the structural abnormalities and to explore the associated multi system manifestations of urogenital and anorectal anomalies. 4. To correlate the final autopsy findings with prenatal ultrasound features of these foetuses. MATERIALS AND METHODS: All foetal and perinatal autopsies performed at the department of pathology between January 2014 to December 2018 were analysed. Of the received 225 autopsies 40 cases of foetal anorectal and urogenital malformations / abnormalities were identified and included in the study. After receiving the foetus for examination, an informed consent was obtained from either of the parents. Maternal data collection was done including age of the mother, obstetric history, gestational age, consanguinity status and history of any medications. Photographs of the foetuses were taken before evisceration. Supine, prone with right and left lateral positions were taken. The external examination was performed systematically from head to toe including the general appearance and the skin.The internal examination was done by dissection. The placenta and cord were also examined, photographed and relevant sections were given. RESULTS: Of the studied 40 cases, 13 cases of congenital anomalies involving only the urinary tract were identified. Urinary tract anomalies with associated malformations in genital, anorectal tracts including cloacal dysgenesis/ urorectal septum malformation sequence were noted in 7 cases. 14 cases of syndromic causes were encountered, among which VACTERL ASSOCIATION was the commonest syndrome and seen in 6 cases.Non syndromic causes /multisystem anomalies occurred in 6 cases and involving CVS,RS,GIT,CNS and skeletal systems. We identified 12 cases of urorectal septum malformation sequence. Of which 3 cases each of complete and partial urorectal septum malformation sequence were observed The most common syndromes related to Urogenital & anorectal malformations identified in our study were VACTERL Associations(6 cases), OEIS complex(2 cases) and Meckel-Gruber syndrome(2 cases). Reasons for discordance in ultrasound findings can be due to fetal position, operator experience, amniotic fluid volume and maternal obesity leading to poor visualization of fetal anatomy. The highest rate of discordance was found in multiple anomalies. The clinical autopsy has long been an indispensable aspect of medical practice. Nevertheless over a past few decades, there is a dramatic reduction in the utilization rate of clinical and foetal autopsy, which causes a major concern. The foetal autopsy will contribute to establish the cause of death, to understand the disease process and to confirm the prenatal diagnosis. Autopsy results can also contribute to medico legal aspects, research, audit and be helpful as quality check for prenatal ultrasound examination

    A study to compare the efficacy of methotrexate alone vs. methotrexate plus pioglitazone in the management of plaque-type psoriasis

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    Background: Psoriasis is a common skin condition affecting a huge segment of global population. So far, the treatment has been confined to drugs like methotrexate, cyclosporine and oral retinoids which are highly toxic for long term usage and requires a novel drug that is safer.Methods: Cases of plaque type psoriasis are divided into two arms and treated with methotrexate monotherapy in group A and methotrexate plus pioglitazone combination therapy in group B. The outcome of the study is analyzed using PASI score and DLQI scoring systems.Results: Group A and Group B showed significant reduction in the PASI and DLQI scores. Group B was better in terms of efficacy (p<0.05) when compared to Group A. There was no significant difference between the groups in terms of DLQI scoring. Both groups had similar side effect profile.Conclusions: Pioglitazone which acts by sensitizing the cells to insulin poses no risk of hypoglycemia. It is more specific for the treatment of psoriasis as it targets the keratinocytes. Present study suggests a possible role as an adjuvant in the treatment of psoriasis, and could pave way for low dose methotrexate and thereby reducing the potential side effects

    A secured and optimized deep recurrent neural network (DRNN) scheme for remote health monitoring system with edge computing

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    Patients now want a contemporary, advanced healthcare system that is faster and more individualized and that can keep up with their changing needs. An edge computing environment, in conjunction with 5G speeds and contemporary computing techniques, is the solution for the latency and energy efficiency criteria to be satisfied for a real-time collection and analysis of health data. The feature of optimum computing approaches, including encryption, authentication, and classification that are employed on the devices deployed in an edge-computing architecture, has been ignored by previous healthcare systems, which have concentrated on novel fog architecture and sensor kinds. To avoid this problem in this paper, an Optimized Deep Recurrent Neural Network (O-DRNN) model is used with a multitier secured architecture. Initially, the data obtained from the patient are sent to the healthcare server in edge computing and the processed data are stored in the cloud using the Elliptic Curve Key Agreement Scheme (ECKAS) security model. The data is pre-processed and optimal features are selected using the Particle Swarm Optimization (PSO) algorithm. O-DRNN algorithm hyper-parameters are optimized using Bayesian optimization for better diagnosis. The proposed work offers superior outcomes in terms of accuracy and encryption latency while using computational cloud services

    Juvenile granulosa cell tumour: a rare clinical entity

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    Ovarian cancer is the third most common neoplasm of the female genital tract. Based on the cell type of origin, primary ovarian malignancies are classified into surface epithelium, germ cell, and sex cord tumors. Sex cord tumors account for 1% to 2% of ovarian malignancies. They may contain granulosa cells, theca cells, sertoli cells, or fibroblasts of gonadal stromal origin. Granulosa Cell Tumours (GCTs) account for approximately 2-5% of all ovarian tumors and can be divided into adult (95%) and juvenile (5%) types based on histologic findings. GCTs secrete estrogen thus resulting in menstrual irregularities in the affected individual. More serious estrogen effects can occur in various end organs such as uterus resulting in endometrial hyperplasia, endometrial adenocarcinomas and increased risk of breast cancers. Androgen production is also reported but rare and produces virilization in the affected women. Juvenile Granulosa Cell Tumours (JGCTs) are clinically & histopathologically distinct from the GCTs. They are rarely encountered but mostly in youngsters. Surgery is the primary modality of treatment with chemotherapy being reserved for advanced or recurrent disease states. We herewith report an interesting case of JGCT in a young teenage girl.

    Retinal Blood Vessels Extraction Based on Curvelet Transform and by Combining Bothat and Tophat Morphology

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    Retinal image contains vital information about the health of the sensory part of the visual system. Extracting these features is the first and most important step to analysis of retinal images for various applications of medical or human recognition. The proposed method consists of preprocessing, contrast enhancement and blood vessels extraction stages. In preprocessing, since the green channel from the coloured retinal images has the highest contrast between the subbands so the green component is selected. To uniform the brightness of image adaptive histogram equalization is used since it provides an image with a uniformed, darker background and brighter grey level of the blood vessels. Furthermore Curvelet transforms is used to enhance the contrast of an image by highlighting its edges in various scales and directions. Eventually the combination of Bothat and Tophat morpholological function followed by local thresholding is provided to classify the blood vessels. Hence the retinal blood vessels are separated from the background image.DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.11591/ijece.v4i3.632

    Determination of gestational age: correlation between foetal biometry and transverse cerebellar diameter in women with uncomplicated pregnancy

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    Background: Transverse Cerebellar Diameter (TCD) serves as a reliable predictor of gestational age in foetus and is a standard against which aberrations in other foetal parameters can be compared, especially when the GA cannot be determined by the date of last menstrual period or early pregnancy scan, TCD is one foetal parameter that has remained consistently superior in predicting gestational age in both singleton and twin gestation. Aim of the study was to assess and evaluate the effectiveness of transverse cerebellar diameter by using ultrasonography for determining the gestational age of the foetus.Methods: A cross-sectional study was done in 100 uncomplicated pregnant patients between the 15th week of gestation to term referred from routine antenatal clinic in outpatient and in-patient department of Obstetrics and Gynecology department of Vinayaka Mission Krupananda Variyar medical college and hospital, Salem during study period April 2015-March 2016. TCD is obtained in the axial plane in the cerebellar view i.e. with a slight rotation of the transducer approximately 30° from the conventional thalamic plane where the biparietal diameter is measured using the cavum septi pellucidi, third ventricle and thalami as landmarks.Results: The correlation of transcerebellar diameter (TCD) with that of BPD (bi-parietal diameter) had shown a perfect positive correlation (r = 0.978) and a similar type of correlation was also seen with HC (head circumference) (r = 0.979), AC (abdominal circumference) (r = 0.966), FL (femur length) (r = 0.976) and USG GA (ultrasonogram gestational age) (r = 0.983).Conclusions: In the normally developing foetus, the TCD increases in a linear fashion with advancing gestational age. The data of this study suggest foetal TCD on ultrasound is a reliable predictive biometric parameter of gestational age

    Automatic Attendance Monitoring System

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    The attendance is taken in every organization. Traditional approach for attendance is, professor calls student name & record attendance. For each lecture this is wastage of time. To avoid these losses, we are about to use automatic process which is based on image processing. In this project approach, we are using face detection & face recognition system. The first phase is pre-processing where the face detection is processed through the step image processing. It includes the face detection and face recognition process. Second phase is feature extraction. Step by step execution of these techniques (Image Processing) helps to achieve the final output. The working of this project is to detect and recognize the face and mark the attendance for the corresponding face in the database. Input of this project is face detection and recognition and output is to mark the attendance. Our project is being presented as a solution for the Automatic Attendance Marking System. It is designed to be reliable and low power. The Automatic face detection and recognition proposed to attendance marking in database acts as the solution for the automatic attendance marking system.