253 research outputs found

    Development of Pratylenchus Coffeae in Biochar Applied Soil, Coffee Roots and Its Effect on Plant Growth

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    Biochar improve physical, chemical and biological properties of soil. It may also be used as botanical pesticides. The experiment was aimed to determine the effect of biochar on population development of parasitic nematode Pratylenchus coffeae. The experiment was carried out in Nematology Laboratory and in a greenhouse of Indonesian Coffee and Cocoa Research Institute (ICCRI), Jember, Indonesia. The experiment was arranged according to completely randomized design with six treatments of biochar concentrations, i.e. 4%; 3%; 2%; 1%; 0.5% and 0% dry weight of soil. Research results revealed that biochar application of 4.0% was effectively killed 74.5% of P. coffeae, while the lowest mortality level of 37.5% at biochar 0.5% treatment. In the greenhouse trial, application of biochar 4.0% was the most effective in suppressing the population of parasitic nematode in coffee seedlings. Application of biochar was also able to increase the growth and biomass of coffee seedlings

    Hukum Perdata Internasional Indonesia Bidang Hukum Keluarga (Family Law) dalam Menjawab Kebutuhan Global

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    In the current era of globalization and Internationalization where economic, social and cultural developments have caused International relations to be infinite which can lead to civil disputes which give rise to the meeting of legal systems of countries in the world that have their own characteristics related to International Private Law. Hopefully there will not be many problems that arise if disputes over different citizenship civilizations are resolved through Alternative dispute resolution. Although when the Al forum decision on alternative dispute resolution was not carried out voluntarily by the parties affected by the execution, the execution of such decisions became the competence of the district court. Especially if the arbitration forum ruling was dropped outside Indonesia, then when the decision is to obtain recognition and execution within the jurisdiction of the Republic of Indonesia, the decision must first obtain an exequature from the Chair of the Central Jakarta District. Court. But the situation will be different if the dispute is not resolved through Alternative dispute resolution but is left to the court authorities to resolve it, it will be different

    Penyebab Wajib Pajak Tidak Patuh

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    This study aims to determine the causes of non-compliance with taxpayers. Using qualitative methods, this study was conducted by interviewing fifteen taxpayers who have not complied with tax reporting to article 21 until 31 March 2015. Non-compliance includes both not reporting and not accurately calculating their taxes. Fifteen samples. The results showed that knowledge of tax laws and transparency of tax expenditures significantly affect taxpayer voluntary compliance

    Kearifan Lokal Tambang Rakyat sebagai Wujud Ecoliteracy di Kabupaten Bangka

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    The issues studied in this research included, first: how to build ecoliteracy for a sustainable environment? Second, how the local wisdom in people mining as a form of ecoliteracy in Bangka is. This research used a socio-legal approach with the techniques of data collection through documentation, participative observation and interviews. The result of the research concluded that first: ecoliteracy development for a sustainable environment can be done by reviewing the local wisdom of local communities. The participation of community in protecting and preserving local wisdom is in line with Article 70 paragraph (3) letter (e) of Law No. 32 Year 2009. Second, the local wisdom of people mining in the form of ampak tin is an essential element to build ecoliteracy in Bangka. The local wisdom in people mining in the form of ampak tin needs to be strengthened in the form of regulations of local governments to prevent Bangka Regency from the threat of environmental damages. In addition, the ampak tin must be preserved and used as a form ecoliteracy in Bangka for a sustainable environment

    Eksistensi Perusahaan Dalam Pelaksanaan Fungsi Dan Tujuannya Di Masyarakat

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    Existence of Company is Existence of based Company activitys of economics expanding to go forwardsociety through some function and target him where conducted by body or individualness of effort both forlegal company and a/so do not conducted the lega/ company continually by creating service and goods tomarketing and also obtain, get advantage. Company classification is classification of is each company ofgoodness of effort based private sector efforl and a/so state to the founding, arrangement and alsoresponsibility as according to applicable law order

    Desain Perancangan Buku Pop-up Perancangan Buku Pop-up Mengenal Candi Bajang Ratu Trowulan

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    Sejarah yang ada di negara kita Indonesia sangatlah beragam dan penting untuk dipelajari dan dikenalkan sejak dini kepada anak – anak. Ada banyak macam bangunan peninggalan bersejarah yang ada di Indonesia, termasuk peninggalan yang ada di Mojokerto. Pada masa sekarang ini banyak anak – anak bahkan orang dewasa yang belum tahu sejarah mengenai candi Bajang Ratu. Pembuatan media kreatif diharapkan dapat mengenalkan secara kreatif kepada anak – anak sejak dini dengan cara yang menyenangkan. Salah satunya diantaranya adalah buku pop-up “Mengenal Candi Bajang Ratu Trowulan”. Metode yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah metode pengembangan. Proses pengumpulan data pada penelitian ini dilakukan dengan metode observasi , wawancara, dan dokumentasi serta menggunakan teknik validasi data dan desain untuk mengetahui kevalidan buku pop-up yang akan dibuat. Untuk penerapan buku pop-up “Mengenal Candi Bajang Ratu, Trowulan” akan diuji coba terbatas kepada 3 anak usia antara 5 – 8 tahun. Pada tahap awal proses perancangan buku pop-up “Mengenal Candi Bajang Ratu, Trowulan”, yaitu terlebih dahulu melewati proses pembuatan sinopsis susunan buku , membuat ilustrasi candi dan membuat karakter tokoh yang ada dalam cerita sejarah ,membuat susunan sketsa ilustrasi, membuat dummy pop–up dari sketsa ilustrasi, memindah komponen dummy menjadi file dalam komputer, melakukan proses pewarnaan dengan menggunakan software digital photoshop dan paint tool, mencetak komponen pop-up pada kertas Art Paper 260 gram berukuran A3, memotong setiap bagian komponen pop-up, merakit komponen pop-up dan yang terakhir melakukan penjilidan ilustrasi pop-up dengan hard cover. Desain buku pop – up “Mengenal Candi Bajang Ratu, Trowulan” setiap halamannya dibuat banyak ilustrasi gambar dan minim tulisan. Uji coba dilakukan hanya untuk melihat apakah anak tertarik dengan buku pop-up yang telah dirancang. Dan ketika anak tertarik untuk lebih memahami dan mempelajari dapat dikatakan bahwa buku perancangan yang dibuat telah berhasil dan dapat membantu anak belajar dengan metode yang kreatif dan menyenangkan . Kata Kunci : Buku Pop-Up, Candi Bajang Ratu, Trowulan History in our country Indonesia is very diverse and it is important to be studied and introduced early to our children. Many kinds of historical heritage buildings in Indonesia , including in Mojokerto. At the present time many children and even adults who do not know the history of the temple of Bajang Ratu. Making creative media is expected to introduce creatively to children from an early age in a fun way. One of them include a pop -up book "Understanding Bajang Ratu Temple Trowulan ". The method used in this research is the development method. The process of collecting data in this study conducted by the method of observation , interviews , and documentation as well as using data validation techniques and designs to determine the validity of the pop -up book to be created. For the implementation of pop -up book " Understanding Bajang Ratu Temple Trowulan " will be tested is limited to 3 children aged between 5-8 years . In the early stages or process design pop-up book " Understanding Bajang Ratu Temple Trowulan " , which is first passed through the process of making a synopsis of the composition of the book , illustrating the temple and make the character in the story of history, making the arrangement sketched illustrations , create a dummy pop -up of sketch illustration , move the dummy components into a file in the computer , perform the coloring process by using digital software photoshop and paint tool, printing component pop-up on Art Paper 260 grams of A3 size , cut off any pop -up component parts , assembling components pop - ups and the latter did bindery illustrations pop -up with a hard cover . Book design pop - up " Understanding Bajang Ratu Temple Trowulan " every page created many illustrations and minimal Jurnal Pendidikan Seni Rupa, Volume 03 Nomor 03, Tahun 2015, 177-182 text.The test is done to see if the child is only interested in the pop -up book that has been designed. And when children are interested to better understand and learn it can be said that the book design made have been successful and can help children learn the methods of creative and fun . Keywords : Pop - Up Book , Bajang Ratu Temple, Trowula

    Case-based Reasoning (Cbr) dan Pengaruhnya terhadap Peningkatkan Kemampuan Pemecahan Masalah

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    Penelitian ini memfokuskan pada upaya pemecahan permasalahan mengenai rendahnya kemampuan siswa dalam memecahkan kesulitan-kesulitan ketika mempelajari materi pelajaran Bahasa Indonesia. Tujuan penelitian ini diarahkan pada upaya menjelaskan pengaruh Case-Based Reasoning (CBR) dalam pembelajaran terhadap kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa. Metode penelitian adalah kuasi eksperimen dengan objek penelitian adalah siswa MA di salah satu kabupaten di Jawa Barat, di mana pembelajaran yang digunakan oleh kelas kontrol adalah Pembelajaran Berbasis Masalah (PBL). Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa dengan menggunakan model pembelajaran CBR sebesar 44% dalam interpretasi tinggi dan sebesar 56% dalam interpretasi sedang. Sedangkan pembelajaran menggunakan model pembelajaran PBL sebesar 28% dalam interpretasi tinggi, sebesar 56% dalam interpretasi sedang dan 16% dalam interpretasi rendah. Sementara berdasarkan hasil uji hipotesis diperoleh nilai zhitung = -3.089 lebih kecil dari ztabel = -1.64. Hasil pengujian ini menunjukan bahwa Ho ditolak atau Ha diterima, artinya ada perbedaan secara signifikan antara kemampuan pemecahan masalah siswa yang menggunakan model pembelajaran CBR dan siswa yang menggunakan model pembelajaran PBL. Simpulan penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa penggunaan CBR yang dirancang selama penelitian ternyata terbukti memberikan pengaruh terhadap kemampuan pemecahan masalah oleh sisw

    The Effect of Gamma Radiation on Microbial Content and Curcuminoids of Curcuma Amada Roxb. Rhizomes

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    The microbial contamination in the rhizomes of medicinal plants including Curcuma amada rhizomes is generally high. This due to the fact that rhizomes are the bottom parts that grow in the soil. Based on the Regulation of Head of the Indonesian National Agency of Drug and Food Control Number HK., the limits of microbial contamination in herbal/medicinal plants are 106 cfu/g for the total microbial and 2×104 cfu/g for the total yeast and mold. Gamma irradiation is one of the methods to reduce microbial contamination in medicinal plants. In this research, the effectiveness of gamma irradiation in microbial reduction and its effects to curcuminoid contents was determined by irradiating Curcuma amada rhizomes at doses of 5 and 10 kGy. The initial contamination in this rhizome was 8.78×107 cfu/g and 5×101 cfu/g for the total microbial and for the total yeast and mould, respectively. The result indicates that at 5 kGy, the microbial contamination and the mould and yeast contamination were reduced from 8.78×107 cfu/g and 5×101 cfu/g to 1.39×104 cfu/g and under 1×101 cfu/g, respectively. Meanwhile the comparison of curcuminoids between the irradiated and non irradiated samples was performed by HPLC method and was found to actually increase from 0.26% to 0.36% after the 5-kGy irradiation. It can be concluded that an irradiation dose of 5 kGy is effective to reduce the content of microorganisms without lowering curcuminoids. Gamma radiation could be used as decontamination method in medicinal plants.Received: 03 July 2015 ; Revised: 29 December 2015; Accepted: 19 Februari 201
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