2,241 research outputs found

    Thomas-Fermi versus one- and two-dimensional regimes of a trapped dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate

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    We derive the criteria for the Thomas-Fermi regime of a dipolar Bose-Einstein condensate in cigar, pancake and spherical geometries. This also naturally gives the criteria for the mean-field one- and two-dimensional regimes. Our predictions, including the Thomas-Fermi density profiles, are shown to be in excellent agreement with numerical solutions. Importantly, the anisotropy of the interactions has a profound effect on the Thomas-Fermi/low-dimensional criteria.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Chemical abundances in the protoplanetary disk LV2 (Orion): clues to the causes of the abundance anomaly in HII regions

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    Optical integral field spectroscopy of the archetype protoplanetary disk LV2 in the Orion Nebula is presented, taken with the VLT FLAMES/Argus fibre array. The detection of recombination lines of CII and OII from this class of objects is reported, and the lines are utilized as abundance diagnostics. The study is complemented with the analysis of HST Faint Object Spectrograph ultraviolet and optical spectra of the target contained within the Argus field of view. By subtracting the local nebula background the intrinsic spectrum of the proplyd is obtained and its elemental composition is derived for the first time. The proplyd is found to be overabundant in carbon, oxygen and neon compared to the Orion Nebula and the sun. The simultaneous coverage over LV2 of the CIII] 1908-A and [OIII] 5007-A collisionally excited lines (CELs) and CII and OII recombination lines (RLs) has enabled us to measure the abundances of C++ and O++ for LV2 with both sets of lines. The two methods yield consistent results for the intrinsic proplyd spectrum, but not for the proplyd spectrum contaminated by the generic nebula spectrum, thus providing one example where the long-standing abundance anomaly plaguing metallicity studies of HII regions has been resolved. These results would indicate that the standard forbidden-line methods used in the derivation of light metal abundances in HII regions in our own and other galaxies underestimate the true gas metallicity.Comment: Accepted by MNRAS November 8; 16 pages, 9 figs; typos corrected, error in FWHMs in table 4 corrected in this versio

    Dynamical Instability of a Rotating Dipolar Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    We calculate the hydrodynamic solutions for a dilute Bose-Einstein condensate with long-range dipolar interactions in a rotating, elliptical harmonic trap, and analyse their dynamical stability. The static solutions and their regimes of instability vary non-trivially on the strength of the dipolar interactions. We comprehensively map out this behaviour, and in particular examine the experimental routes towards unstable dynamics, which, in analogy to conventional condensates, may lead to vortex lattice formation. Furthermore, we analyse the centre of mass and breathing modes of a rotating dipolar condensate.Comment: 4 pages, including 2 figure

    Vortex in a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate with dipole-dipole interactions

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    We calculate the critical rotation frequency at which a vortex state becomes energetically favorable over the vortex-free ground state in a harmonically trapped Bose-Einstein condensate whose atoms have dipole-dipole interactions as well as the usual s-wave contact interactions. In the Thomas-Fermi (hydrodynamic) regime, dipolar condensates in oblate cylindrical traps (with the dipoles aligned along the axis of symmetry of the trap) tend to have lower critical rotation frequencies than their purely s-wave contact interaction counterparts. The converse is true for dipolar condensates in prolate traps. Quadrupole excitations and centre of mass motion are also briefly discussed as possible competing mechanisms to a vortex as means by which superfluids with partially attractive interactions might carry angular momentumComment: 12 pages, 12 figure

    Atomic Bloch-Zener oscillations for sensitive force measurements in a cavity

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    Cold atoms in an optical lattice execute Bloch-Zener oscillations when they are accelerated. We have performed a theoretical investigation into the case when the optical lattice is the intra-cavity field of a driven Fabry-Perot resonator. When the atoms oscillate inside the resonator, we find that their back-action modulates the phase and intensity of the light transmitted through the cavity. We solve the coupled atom-light equations self-consistently and show that, remarkably, the Bloch period is unaffected by this back-action. The transmitted light provides a way to observe the oscillation continuously, allowing high precision measurements to be made with a small cloud of atoms.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures. Updated version including cavity heating effect

    Self-Binding Transition in Bose Condensates with Laser-Induced ``Gravitation''

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    In our recent publication (D. O'Dell, et al, Phys. Rev. Lett. 84, 5687 (2000)) we proposed a scheme for electromagnetically generating a self-bound Bose-Einstein condensate with 1/r attractive interactions: the analog of a Bose star. Here we focus upon the conditions neccessary to observe the transition from external trapping to self-binding. This transition becomes manifest in a sharp reduction of the condensate radius and its dependence on the laser intensity rather that the trap potential.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures: slightly enhanced text: more explanatio

    Terahertz spectroscopy of electromagnons in Eu_{1-x}Y_xMnO_3

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    Dielectric permittivity spectra of yttrium-doped EuMnO3_3 in the composition range 0 =< x =< 0.5 have been investigated in the terahertz frequency range. Magnetoelectric contributions to the permittivity were observed in all compositions for ac electric fields parallel to the crystallographic a-axis. Well defined electromagnons exist for x >= 0.2 close to \nu ~ 20 cm^{-1} and with dielectric strength strongly increasing on doping. In addition to electromagnons, a broad contribution of magnetoelectric origin is observed for all compositions. For Eu_{0.8}Y_{0.2}MnO_3 the electromagnons can be suppressed by external magnetic fields which induce a canted antiferromagnetic phase. Magnetoelectric effects in the different doping regimes are discussed in detail.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figures include

    A Chandra Search for Coronal X Rays from the Cool White Dwarf GD 356

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    We report observations with the Chandra X-ray Observatory of the single, cool, magnetic white dwarf GD 356. For consistent comparison with other X-ray observations of single white dwarfs, we also re-analyzed archival ROSAT data for GD 356 (GJ 1205), G 99-47 (GR 290 = V1201 Ori), GD 90, G 195-19 (EG250 = GJ 339.1), and WD 2316+123 and archival Chandra data for LHS 1038 (GJ 1004) and GD 358 (V777 Her). Our Chandra observation detected no X rays from GD 356, setting the most restrictive upper limit to the X-ray luminosity from any cool white dwarf -- L_{X} < 6.0 x 10^{25} ergs/s, at 99.7% confidence, for a 1-keV thermal-bremsstrahlung spectrum. The corresponding limit to the electron density is n_{0} < 4.4 x 10^{11} cm^{-3}. Our re-analysis of the archival data confirmed the non-detections reported by the original investigators. We discuss the implications of our and prior observations on models for coronal emission from white dwarfs. For magnetic white dwarfs, we emphasize the more stringent constraints imposed by cyclotron radiation. In addition, we describe (in an appendix) a statistical methodology for detecting a source and for constraining the strength of a source, which applies even when the number of source or background events is small.Comment: 27 pages, 4 figures, submitted to the Astrophysical Journa

    On an exact solution of the Thomas-Fermi equation for a trapped Bose-Einstein condensate with dipole-dipole interactions

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    We derive an exact solution to the Thomas-Fermi equation for a Bose-Einstein condensate which has dipole-dipole interactions as well as the usual s-wave contact interaction, in a harmonic trap. Remarkably, despite the non-local anisotropic nature of the dipolar interaction the solution is an inverted parabola, as in the pure s-wave case, but with a different aspect ratio. Various properties such as electrostriction and stability are discussed.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    IXPE Mirror Module Assemblies

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    Expected to launch in 2021 Spring, the Imaging X-ray Polarimetry Explorer (IXPE) is a NASA Astrophysics Small Explorer Mission with significant contributions from the Italian space agency (ASI). The IXPE observatory features three identical x-ray telescopes, each comprised of a 4-m-focal-length mirror module assembly (MMA, provided by NASA Marshall Space Flight Center) that focuses x rays onto a polarization-sensitive, imaging detector (contributed by ASI-funded institutions). This paper summarizes the MMAs design, fabrication, alignment and assembly, expected performance, and calibration plans
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