119 research outputs found
Bingkai Berita Kasus Dugaan Korupsi Aliran Dana Bantuan Likuiditas Bank Indonesia Pada Detik.com Dan Tempo Interaktif
The corruption case that was interested to analyze was the suspected corruption of theflow of Indonesian Liquidity Fund. This case involved two obligors: Anthony salim and SjamsulNursalim. The anti climax of the case was the release of the two suspects as the court wasunable to prove the act of corruption and all debts of the suspects to the government wereconsidered settled. Research method used was framing analysis. This research investigates howtwo online news media (detik.com and tempo interaktif) construct the presented news in relationto the issue above. The framing of the two online news media in relation to the corruption casetended to be negative. This can be seen from the elements of syntaxes, thematic, detail, meaning,sentence structure, rhetoric, lexicon, metaphor. The negative tendency was also found in thenews titles that the online news media adopted, such as Former officials were questioned, BLBIcase shows no progress, No further additional time for BLBI investigation, Attorney generalstops BLBI investigation. Nonetheless, both online news media presented fair news coverageindicated through the USAge of news sources. Both online news media tended to question theresult of Supreme Court that declared both suspects were proved not guilty of act of corruption.Both media adopted straight news and tended to deligitimise the existing pow
Development of Electronic Commerce on Tourist Traveling
The research aims to specify the effect of the expansion of e-commerce on the ticket booking business. The method used in this research was descriptive analysis, which was a method that presents a complete picture of the phenomena that occur in the case raised. Besides that, this study identifies the extent of the impact resulting from the development of e-commerce on the ticket booking business, as well as the benefits to be gained from the results of the ticket booking. The results of this study prove that booking tickets online is very efficient and makes it easy in the transaction process. Based on the analysis conducted, the impact of the development of e-commerce on the online ticket booking business has a major effect on the development of e-commerce. The research concluded that the effect of e-commerce development has a big influence on people's interest in booking tickets online
Studi Fenomenologi: Tumbuhnya Prasangka Etnis Di YOGYAKARTA
Penelitian ini melihat tumbuhnya prasangka-prasangka etnis di Yogyakarta dalam perspektifteori Fenomenologi. Hal ini disebabkan banyaknya pendatang dari berbagai daerah yang datangke Yogyakarta, baik sekedar untuk wisata, mencari nafkah, maupun untuk melanjutkan studi.Berbagai etnis ada di Yogyakarta ini menyebabkan rentan akan konflik. Dalam penelitian inimengambil obyek penelitian Jawa Yogya, Batak, Cina, Arab, dan Flores. Metode yang digunakandalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif dan masuk dalam kategori constructivis social research.Sumber penelitian diambil melalui wawancara mendalam, observasi, dan studi pustaka. Hasilpenelitian menunjukkan bahwa ada tiga faktor penyebab munculnya prasangka etnis yakni adanyaperbedaan, stereotype yang melekat karena secara turun temurun, dan kebanggaan etnis. Faktorpendukung yang dapat mengurangi prasangka antar etnis di Yogya adalah pendidikan keluarga,lingkungan, tingkat pendidikan etnis itu sendiri, serta budaya etnis Jawa Yogya sebagai pendudukasli dan mayoritas yang lemah lembut, santun, mengenal unggah-ungguh. Faktor penghambatadalah masing-masing etnis memilki kebanggan tersendiri akan etnisnya, merasa etnisnyalebih hebat (superioritas/ etnocentris) dan adanya stereotype negative terhadap etnis lainnya
Ac Repair Service System on PT. Igloo Nuansa Segar
Use tools such as computers in the present is not foreign to the advancement of industry and technology. And also very menbantu a company big enough money such as PT. IGLOO. With a computerized system of data that has been recorded can be processed into a useful information that will in the future required a lot of parties. With this system PT. IGLOO in the input of customer data will become very efficient and effective when compared to the use of recording into a book which is a manual system. The new system is Visual Basic 5.0 application software is difficult for a beginner. However, when compared with other applications, this application further to minimize the writing program, thus simplifying the use of the program, coupled with the tools contained in this application makes the program look interesting
Analisis Pengaruh Instrumen Moneter Syariah dan Konvensional terhadap Penyaluran Dana ke Sektor Pertanian di Indonesia
This study aimed to analyze the effect of sharia and conventional monetary instruments to the distribution of agricultural sector funds from 2009 to 2014 and using VAR / VECM which analysed through Impulse response Function (IRF) and the Forecast Error Variance Decomposition (FEVD). Results of research on the conventional models, shows that the SBI interest rate and lending interest rates (SBK) significantly negative effect and interbank rates (PUAB) have a significant positive effect on agricultural credit. In addition, the results of research on the sharia model indicates that the SBIS and ERP significant negative effect on agricultural financing and PUAS significant negative effect on agricultural finance. Based on the FEVD results , SBI has a considerable effect on the agricultural credit compared with SBK and interbank rates (PUAB) on the conventional models whereas the models of sharia, SBIS have a smaller effect than the ERP and PUAS
Pengaruh Bauran Promosi Terhadap Tingkat Penjualan Petani Pada Aplikasi E-commerce ‘E-farmer for Android'
This study aimed to find out the influence of the promotional mix toward sales levels with the study on farmers to support the sale of agricultural output. The application of E-commerce E-Farmer ' For Android ' is a media promotion and information are expected to meet the needs of farmers to market the results of his farm. This research using the method of survey respondents with the farmers who use the application e-commerce e-farmer ' for Android '. Testing is done using simple regression analysis and test F to do a test of the hypothesis. The results obtained are the promotion of E-Commerce applications using ' E-Farmer for Android "effect simultaneously against the level of sale
Peningkatan Aktivitas Siswa dalam Pembelajaran IPS Menggunakan Tipe Stad Kelas IV SD
This study aimed to describe the increased activity of students in social studies using a type Student Teams Achievement Divisions Elementary School fourth grade 16 South Pontianak. The method used is descriptive. The results obtained on the ability of teachers to plan learning cycle of 3.27 category 1 well, cycle 2 was increased by 0.18 to 3.45 both categories, and 3 cycles experienced an increase of 0.36 increased to 3.81 both categories once. The ability of teachers to implement the learning cycle of 3.10 category 1 well, 2 cycles increased 0.40 to 3.50 both categories once, and 3 cycles has increased by 0.42 to 3.92 so splendidly. Student activity cycle 1 at 62.00% enough category, cycle 2 has increased from 14.00% to 76.00% higher category, and 3 cycles increased by 4%, raising it to 80.00% higher category. By using the type Student Teams Achievement Division can improve the ability of teachers to plan and implement learning and student activities
Plant Species From Coal Mine Overburden Dumping Site in Satui, South Kalimantan, Indonesia
Coal mine overburden (OB) materials were nutrient-poor, loosely adhered particles of shale, stones, boulders, and cobbles, also contained elevated concentration of trace metals. This condition cause OB substrate did not support plants growth. However, there were certain species that able to grow on overburden dumping site. This investigation sought to identify plants species that presence on coal mine overburden. The research was conducted on opencast coal mine OB dumping site in Satui, South Kalimantan. Vegetation sampling was carried out on six different ages of coal mine OB dumps (7, 10, 11, 42, 59 and 64 month) using line transect. Species identification used information from local people, AMDAL report of PT Arutmin Indonesia-Satui mine project, and website. There were 123 plant species, consisted of 79 herbs (Cyperaceae, Poaceae and Asteraceae), 10 lianes, bryophyte, 9 ferns, 10 shrubs, and 14 trees. A number of Poaceae, i.e., Paspalumconjugatum, Paspalumdilatatum, and Echinochloacolona generally present among the stones, boulders, and cobbles. While Cyperaceae such as Fimbristylis miliaceae, Cyperus javanicus, Rhyncospora corymbosa and Scleria sumatrensis most often foundinand around thebasin/pond with its smooth and humid substrate characteristics. Certain species of shrubs and trees present on the 7 month OB dumping site. They wereChromolaena odorata, Clibadium Surinamense, Melastoma malabathricum, Trema micrantha, and Solanum torvum (Shrubs), Ochroma pyramidale and Homalanthus populifolius (trees). This plant species could be used for accelerating primary succession purpose on coal mine overburden dumping site. Nevertheless, species selection was needed to avoid planting invasive species
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