771 research outputs found
Preliminary results of measurements by automated probes Vega 1 and 2 or particle concentration in clouds of Venus at heights 47-63 KM
Results of the preliminary processing of the Vega 1 and 2 descender data on the cloud layer structure of the Venusian atmosphere are discussed. A photoelectric counter for aerosol particles is described together with its optical and pneumatic circuits and operation algorithm. Vertical profiles of concentrations of particles with a diameter of 0.4 microns agree quantitatively with the Pioneer-Venus and Venera 9 and 10 data. Concentrations of these particles are: in the B layer, up to 190/cu cm; in the C layer, up to 10/cu cm; and in the D layer, up to 130/cu cm. Layers have sharp boundaries with a significant vertical heterogeneity of the aerosol concentration field inside them
Pacifying the Fermi-liquid: battling the devious fermion signs
The fermion sign problem is studied in the path integral formalism. The
standard picture of Fermi liquids is first critically analyzed, pointing out
some of its rather peculiar properties. The insightful work of Ceperley in
constructing fermionic path integrals in terms of constrained world-lines is
then reviewed. In this representation, the minus signs associated with
Fermi-Dirac statistics are self consistently translated into a geometrical
constraint structure (the {\em nodal hypersurface}) acting on an effective
bosonic dynamics. As an illustrative example we use this formalism to study
1+1-dimensional systems, where statistics are irrelevant, and hence the sign
problem can be circumvented. In this low-dimensional example, the structure of
the nodal constraints leads to a lucid picture of the entropic interaction
essential to one-dimensional physics. Working with the path integral in
momentum space, we then show that the Fermi gas can be understood by analogy to
a Mott insulator in a harmonic trap. Going back to real space, we discuss the
topological properties of the nodal cells, and suggest a new holographic
conjecture relating Fermi liquids in higher dimensions to soft-core bosons in
one dimension. We also discuss some possible connections between mixed
Bose/Fermi systems and supersymmetry.Comment: 28 pages, 5 figure
Bethe eigenvectors of higher transfer matrices
We consider the XXX-type and Gaudin quantum integrable models associated with
the Lie algebra . The models are defined on a tensor product irreducible
-modules. For each model, there exist one-parameter families of
commuting operators on the tensor product, called the transfer matrices. We
show that the Bethe vectors for these models, given by the algebraic nested
Bethe ansatz are eigenvectors of higher transfer matrices and compute the
corresponding eigenvalues.Comment: 48 pages, amstex.tex (ver 2.2), misprints correcte
Spaces of quasi-exponentials and representations of gl_N
We consider the action of the Bethe algebra B_K on (\otimes_{s=1}^k
L_{\lambda^{(s)}})_\lambda, the weight subspace of weight of the
tensor product of k polynomial irreducible gl_N-modules with highest weights
\lambda^{(1)},...,\lambda^{(k)}, respectively. The Bethe algebra depends on N
complex numbers K=(K_1,...,K_N). Under the assumption that K_1,...,K_N are
distinct, we prove that the image of B_K in the endomorphisms of
(\otimes_{s=1}^k L_{\lambda^{(s)}})_\lambda is isomorphic to the algebra of
functions on the intersection of k suitable Schubert cycles in the Grassmannian
of N-dimensional spaces of quasi-exponentials with exponents K. We also prove
that the B_K-module (\otimes_{s=1}^k L_{\lambda^{(s)}})_\lambda is isomorphic
to the coregular representation of that algebra of functions. We present a
Bethe ansatz construction identifying the eigenvectors of the Bethe algebra
with points of that intersection of Schubert cycles.Comment: Latex, 29 page
A Spinning Wheel for YARN: User Interface for a Crowdsourced Thesaurus
YARN (Yet Another RussNet) project started in 2013 aims at creating a large open thesaurus for Russian using crowdsourcing. This paper describes synset assembly interface developed within the project — motivation behind it, design, usage scenarios, implementation details, and first experimental results
Evidence of electro-active excitation of the spin cycloid in TbMnO3
Terahertz electromagnetic excitations in the multiferroic TbMnO3 at the
field-induced magnetic transition are investigated for different orientations
of the magnetic cycloid. In addition to the electromagnon along the a-axis, the
detailed polarization analysis of the experimental spectra suggests the
existence of an electro-active excitation for ac electric fields along the
crystallographic c-axis. This excitation is possibly the electro-active
eigenmode of the spin cycloid in TbMnO3, which has been predicted within the
inverse Dzyaloshinskii-Moriya mechanism of magnetoelectric coupling.Comment: 5 page
Asymmetric Lineshape due to Inhomogeneous Broadening of the Crystal-Field Transitions in Mn12ac Single Crystals
The lineshape of crystal-field transitions in single crystals of Mn12ac
molecular magnets is determined by the magnetic history. The absorption lines
are symmetric and Gaussian for the non-magnetized state obtained by zero-field
cooling (zfc). In the magnetized state which is reached when the sample is
cooled in a magnetic field (fc), however, they are asymmetric even in the
absence of an external magnetic field. These observations are quantitatively
explained by inhomogeneous symmetrical (Gaussian) broadening of the
crystal-field transitions combined with a contribution of off-diagonal
components of the magnetic susceptibility to the effective magnetic
permeability.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure
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