15 research outputs found
Supplementary material for: "Comparative study of the effects of a small-scale trout farm on the macrozoobenthos, potamoplankton and epilithic diatom communities"
Table S1 Relative abudance (%) of epilithic diatoms on research localities of the RaÅ”ka River. Table S2 Relative abudance (%) of potamoplankton at research localities of the RaÅ”ka River. Table S3 Relative abudance (%) of macrozoobenthos on research localities of the RaÅ”ka River.Supplementary material for: StojanoviÄ, K., ŽiviÄ, M., DuliÄ, Z., MarkoviÄ, Z., KrizmaniÄ, J., MiloÅ”eviÄ, D., MiljanoviÄ, B., JovanoviÄ, J.,& VidakoviÄ, D. (2017). Comparative study of the effects of a small-scale trout farm on the macrozoobenthos, potamoplankton and epilithic diatom communities. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, Springer., 189(8), 403. [https://doi.org/10.1007/s10661-017-6114-0]Published version of the article: [https://cer.ihtm.bg.ac.rs/handle/123456789/4545
Vulnerability to natural disasters in Serbia: spatial and temporal comparison
The frequency of natural disasters and the extent of their consequences at a
global level are constantly increasing. This trend is partially caused by increased population vulnerability, which implies the degree of population vulnerability due to high magnitude natural processes. This paper presents an analysis of vulnerability to natural disaster in Serbia in the second half of the twentieth and the early twenty-first century. Vulnerability changes were traced on the basis of demographicāeconomic indicators derived from statistical data for local government units (municipalities) provided by the Statistical Office of the Republic of Serbia. Calculations were performed in the geographical information system environment. The results of the study show that spatial and temporal vulnerability variations are causally correlated with changes in the selected
components. Significant rise of vulnerability is related to urban areas, while lower values are characteristic for other areas of Serbia; this is primarily a consequence of different population density
Effects of different anesthetic agents on GM-CSF, MCP1, IL1Ī± and TNFĪ± levels in rat sepsis model
Anesthetic agents could alter the course and outcome of physical trauma, as well as experimentally or naturally occurring severe infections, by regulating several immune response mechanisms. The aim of our study was to investigate the influence of several commercially used anesthetic agents (ketamine, propofole, pentylentetrazole - PTZ) on cytokine concentrations, animal survival and pathohistological changes in the model of rat sepsis. In adult, male Wistar rats after different anesthetic treatment and induction of sepsis by cecal ligation and punction we estimated serum levels of IL1Ī±, TNFĪ±, GM-CSF and MCP-1 at 12h intervals. After 48h of sepsis induction, the largest number of animals survived in the group treated with PTZ (47%), while the lowest survival rate was in the propofole treatment group (24%). Contrary to survival rate, the most abundant pathohistological changes were seen on preparations from PTZ and than in ketamine/PTZ treated groups, without any significant changes in the CNS of propofole treated animals. In the propofole treated group there was a prominent increament of GM-CSF values at 12h and 24h, followed by a significant decreament at 36h. These changes were negatively correlated to the survival rate in this group. This group had the lowest levels of MCP1 at all evaluated time intervals. After high initial levels, IL1Ī± and TNFĪ± levels fell to undetectable concentrations and at 24h increased to a high level. In PTZ as well as ketamine groups, at 12 h interval, GM-CSF levels were lower than in the propofole treated group. Contrary, MCP-1 levels were higher in these groups comparing to propofole group. After a high initial peak, IL1Ī± levels decreased to low but detectable levels, followed by an intensive rise in ketamine treated, but with further decrement in pentazole treated groups. TNFĪ± levels were low through all evaluated intervals in both these groups. Our results indicate that induction of anaesthesia of animals with sepsis with variuos anesthetic agents is connected to different pathohistological CNS changes, distinct serum cytokine profiles and diverse survival rates
Efekti razliÄitih anestetika na nivoe GM-CSF, MCP1, IL1Ī± i TNFĪ± na pacovskom modelu sepse
Anesthetic agents could alter the course and outcome of physical trauma, as well as experimentally or naturally occuring severe infections, by regulating several immune response mechanisms. The aim of our study was to investigate the influence of several commercially used anesthetic agents (ketamine, propofole, pentylentetrazole - PTZ) on cytokine concentrations, animal survival and pathohistological changes in the model of rat sepsis. In adult, male Wistar rats after different anesthetic traeatment and induction of sepsis by cecal ligation and punction we estimated serum levels of IL1Ī±, TNFĪ±, GM-CSF and MCP-1 at 12h intervals. After 48h of sepsis induction, the largest number of animals survived in the group treated with PTZ (47%), while the lowest survival rate was in the propofole treatment group (24%). Contrary to survival rate, the most abundant pathohistological changes were seen on preparations from PTZ and than in ketamine/PTZ treated groups, without any significant changes in the CNS of propofole treated animals. In the propofole treated group there was a prominent increament of GM-CSF values at 12h and 24h, followed by a significant decreament at 36h. These changes were negatively correlated to the survival rate in this group. This group had the lowest levels of MCP1 at all evaluated time intervals. After high initial levels, IL1Ī± and TNFĪ± levels fell to undetectable concentrations and at 24h increased to a high level. In PTZ as well as ketamine groups, at 12 h interval, GM-CSF levels were lower than in the propofole treated group. Contrary, MCP-1 levels were higher in these groups comparing to propofole group. After a high initial peak, IL1Ī± levels decreased to low but detectable levels, followed by an intensive rise in ketamine treated, but with further decrement in pentazole treated groups. TNFĪ± levels were low through all evaluated intervals in both these groups. Our results indicate that induction of anaesthesia of animals with sepsis with variuos anesthetic agents is connected to different pathohistological CNS changes, distinct serum cytokine profiles and diverse survival rates.Anestetici mogu izmeniti tok i ishod uticaja fiziÄke traume kao i eksperimentalno ili prirodno nastalih teÅ”kih infekcija, regulacijom nekoliko mehanizama imunskog odgovora. Cilj naÅ”e studije je bio da ispitamo uticaj nekoliko komercijalno koriÅ”Äenih anestetika (ketamina, propofola i pentzlentetrazola) na koncentraciju citokina, preživljavanje životinja i patohistoloÅ”ke promene u modelu sepse indukovane u pacova. U odraslih pacova, muÅ”kog pola, po primeni razliÄitih anestetika i indukcije sepse podvezivanjem i punkcijom cekuma, utvrÄivali smo nivoe IL1Ī±, TNFĪ±, IL4, IFNy, GM-CSF i MCp-1 u intervalima od 12 sati. Nakon 48 sati od indukcije sepse, najveÄi broj životinja preživeo je u grupi tretiranoj pentylenetetrazolom (50%), potom u ketamin/pentylenetetrazol tretiranoj grupi, dok je najmanja stopa preživljavanja bila u grupi tretiranoj propofolom (22%). Nasuprot stopi preživljavanja, najizraženije patohistoloÅ”ke promene su utvrÄene na preparatima grupa tratiranih pentazolom i ketamin/pentylenetetrazol, bez znaÄajnih promena u CNS u grupi životinja tretiranih propofolom. U uzorcima grupe tretirane propofolom detektovali smo intezivan porast vrednosti GM-CSF 12h i 24h, praÄen znaÄajnim padom posle 36h. Ove promene su negativno korelirale sa stopom preživljavanja u ovoj grupi. Ova grupa je imala i najniže vrednosti MCP-1 u svim praÄenim vremenskim intervalima. Posle visokih inicijalnih nivoa, vrednosti IL1a i TNFĪ± pale su na nedetektabilne a u terminu od 24h porasle su na visok nivo. U grupama tretiranim pentazolom i ketaminom, 12. sata, vrednosti GM-CSF bile su niže od grupe tretirane propofolom. Nasuprot tome, vrednosti MCP-1 su bile veÄe u ovim grupama u odnosu na propofolom tretiranu grupu. Posle visokog inicijalnog skoka, vrednosti IL1Ī± smanjuju se na niske ali detektabilne vrednosti, a zatim sledi intezivan rast u ketaminom tretiranoj grupi i dalji pad vrednosti u pentilenetetrazol tretiranoj grupi. Vrednosti TNFĪ± su u ove dve grupe bile niske u svim ispitivanim intervalima. Vrednosti IL4 i IFNy su bile praktiÄno nedetektabilne u svim ispitivanim grupama. NaÅ”i rezultati ukazuju da je indukcija anestezije u životinja sa sepsom razliÄitim anesteticima povezana sa razliÄitim patohistoloÅ”kim nalazima u CNS, razliÄitim serumskim profilom citokina i razliÄitom stopom preživljavanja
The begginings of Pistia stratiotes (Linnaeus, 1753) invasion in the lower Danube delta: The first record for the Province of Vojvodina (Serbia)
Pistia stratiotes L. (water lettuce) is known as one of the most troublesome aquatic macrophytes, strongly affecting the environment and human activities in slowmoving and stagnant inland water systems. It was introduced into Europe in the 20th century and has since spread to 15 European countries. This paper presents data on the first record of this invasive aquatic plant in natural inland waters of Vojvodina (northern lowland part of Serbia) and discusses the possible pathways of its introduction. Field research was conducted in October and November 2017 on the Begej River in Vojvodina Province (Serbia), where populations of P. stratiotes were documented for the first time near Srpski Itebej, in close proximity (1.2 km downstream) of the Romanian border. The plant samples were collected, photographed in situ and deposited in the BUNS Herbarium. The relevant environmental data were also recorded in situ and water samples were collected for chemical analysis. This new record presents the first documented case of this invasive alien in rivers in Serbia, and expands upon the previous findings of this species in natural thermal waters of south-eastern and eastern Serbia. Taking into account the distance from the Romanian border and the fact that it has already been present in this country for several years, this introduction could be attributed to the spontaneous spreading of P. stratiotes from this neighbouring country. Nevertheless, despite this possibility, discarded aquarium plants cannot be entirely discounted as a potential source of this new introduction. Although it is hard to predict the exact consequences of this new introduction at such an early stage, bearing in mind the detrimental impacts P. stratiotes can have on the environment and excellent lateral connectivity of the Begej River with the canal and river network of Serbia, this finding highlights the need to take urgent action to control and instate regular monitoring measures, especially on the rivers and canals located close to the state borders