879 research outputs found


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    Cold waves in the Romanian Carpathians, an indicator of negative temperature extremes. Cold waves are a representative indicator frequently used to analyze the incidence of cold extremes in a given area. This study was undertaken on these cold extremes in the Romanian Carpathians defined by the STARDEX project. Investigations had in view mountain weather stations located >1,000 m a.s.l. (15 sites) over the 1961-2003 period of available daily temperature records. Long-term records of daily minimum temperature (blended) were also studied from the available ECA&D data sets at Omu Peak station (1928-2011). Regional patterns of cold waves were expressed by comparing their frequency, duration and intensity at the weather stations located in the alpine, sub-alpine and forest vegetation belts. There is an evident inter-annual variability of cold wave duration, showing a significant increase particularly in some forest belt locations in the Southern Carpathians. However, the long-term variability trend (83 years) at Omu Peak alpine station showed quite an opposite trend, corresponding to the warming process in terms of minimum temperature values. Cold waves are usually associated to a high number of consecutive frosty nights and freeze days, but they have low effects on the characteristics of snow season

    Artificial Intelligence Techniques Applied to Electromagnetic Interference Problems Between Power Lines and Metal Pipelines

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    European ecological regulations meant to protect nature and wild life along with construction cost reduction policies generated a set of government regulations that limit the access to new transmission and distribution corridors. As a result, gas, water or oil supply pipelines are forced to share the same distribution corridors with Electrical Power Lines (EPL), AC Railway Systems or Telecommunication Lines (figure 1)

    A q-Deformed Schr\"odinger Equation

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    We found hermitian realizations of the position vector r⃗\vec{r}, the angular momentum Λ⃗\vec{\Lambda} and the linear momentum p⃗\vec{p}, all behaving like vectors under the suq(2)su_q(2) algebra, generated by L0L_0 and L±L_\pm. They are used to introduce a qq-deformed Schr\" odinger equation. Its solutions for the particular cases of the Coulomb and the harmonic oscillator potentials are given and briefly discussed.Comment: 14 pages, latex, no figure

    The decay constants of pseudoscalar mesons in a relativistic quark model

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    The decay constants of pseudoscalar mesons are calculated in a relativistic quark model which assumes that mesons are made of a valence quark antiquark pair and of an effective vacuum like component. The results are given in terms of quark masses and of some free parameters entering the expression of the internal wave functions of the mesons. By using the pion and kaon decay constants Fπ+=130.7 MeV, FK+=159.8 MeVF_{\pi^+}=130.7~MeV,~F_{K^+}=159.8~MeV to fix the parameters of the model one gets 60 MeV≀FD+≀185 MeV, 95 MeV≀FDs≀230 MeV, 80 MeV≀FB+≀205 MeV60~MeV\leq F_{D^+}\leq 185~MeV,~95~MeV\leq F_{D_s}\leq230~MeV,~80~MeV\leq F_{B^+}\leq205~MeV for the light quark masses mu=5.1 MeV, md=9.3 MeV, ms=175 MeVm_u=5.1~MeV,~m_d=9.3~MeV,~m_s=175~MeV and the heavy quark masses in the range: 1. GeV≀mc≀1.6 GeV, 4.1 GeV≀mb≀4.5 GeV1.~GeV\leq m_c\leq1.6~GeV,~4.1~GeV\leq m_b\leq4.5~GeV. In the case of light neutral mesons one obtains with the same set of parameters Fπ0≈138 MeV, Fη≈ 130 MeV,Fηâ€Č≈ 78 MeVF_{\pi^0}\approx 138~MeV,~F_\eta\approx~130~MeV,F_{\eta'} \approx~78~MeV. The values are in agreement with the experimental data and other theoretical results.Comment: 11 pages, LaTe

    Inter-observer reliability of ultrasound detection of tendon abnormalities at the wrist and ankle in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

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    OBJECTIVE: To assess inter-observer reliability in US detection of tendon inflammatory and structural changes at wrists and ankles in RA patients. METHODS: Fourteen consecutive RA patients underwent bilateral US assessment of the extensor carpi ulnaris (ECUT) and tibialis posterior tendons (TPTs) by two blinded rheumatologists, with different level of experience in musculoskeletal (MS) US. Grey scale and power Doppler (PD) US assessment was focused on detection of tenosynovitis, tenosynovial and intra-tendon PD signal and structural lesions (i.e. tendinosis, tendon erosion, partial or total rupture). RESULTS: The frequency of US findings detected by Investigator 1 was 28.6% for inflammatory changes and 51.8% for structural damage changes while Investigator 2 detected 34 and 53.6% for the corresponding abnormalities. A high overall agreement (82.7%) was found for inflammatory pathology and 89.7% for structural lesions in all tendons. Mean kappa (Îș) values for all tendons and pathology was moderate (Îș = 0.42), with fair level of agreement for the wrist region (0.27-0.34) and moderate to good values for the ankle region (Îș = 0.47-0.62). Subclinical abnormalities were detected in 37.5% of the tendons by Investigator 1 and 28.6% of the tendons by Investigator 2. CONCLUSIONS: MSUS showed high overall agreement and fair to moderate inter-observer Îș-values between investigators with different levels of experience in detection of tendon pathology at the wrist and ankle in RA patients. Further standardization of scanning method and pathology definitions may improve MSUS reproducibility

    Strong Two--Body Decays of Light Mesons

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    In this paper, we present results on strong two-body decay widths of light qqˉq\bar q mesons calculated in a covariant quark model. The model is based on the Bethe-Salpeter equation in its instantaneous approximation and has already been used for computing the complete meson mass spectrum and many electroweak decay observables. Our approach relies on the use of a phenomenological confinement potential with an appropriate spinorial Dirac structure and 't Hooft's instanton--induced interaction as a residual force for pseudoscalar and scalar mesons. The transition matrix element for the decay of one initial meson into two final mesons is evaluated in lowest order by considering conventional decays via quark loops as well as Zweig rule violating instanton--induced decays generated by the six--quark vertex of 't Hooft's interaction; the latter mechanism only contributes if all mesons in the decay have zero total angular momentum. We show that the interference of both decay mechanisms plays an important role in the description of the partial widths of scalar and pseudoscalar mesons.Comment: 35 pages, 7 figure

    Local regularity for fractional heat equations

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    We prove the maximal local regularity of weak solutions to the parabolic problem associated with the fractional Laplacian with homogeneous Dirichlet boundary conditions on an arbitrary bounded open set Ω⊂RN\Omega\subset\mathbb{R}^N. Proofs combine classical abstract regularity results for parabolic equations with some new local regularity results for the associated elliptic problems.Comment: arXiv admin note: substantial text overlap with arXiv:1704.0756

    Improvements to the Method of Dispersion Relations for B Nonleptonic Decays

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    We bring some clarifications and improvements to the method of dispersion relations in the external masses variables, that we proposed recently for investigating the final state interactions in the B nonleptonic decays. We first present arguments for the existence of an additional term in the dispersion representation, which arises from an equal-time commutator in the LSZ formalism and can be approximated by the conventional factorized amplitude. The reality properties of the spectral function and the Goldberger-Treiman procedure to perform the hadronic unitarity sum are analyzed in more detail. We also improve the treatment of the strong interaction part by including the contributions of both t and u-channel trajectories in the Regge amplitudes. Applications to the B0→π+π−B^0\to \pi^+\pi^- and B+→π0K+B^+\to \pi^0 K^+ decays are presented.Comment: 16 pages, 4 new figures. modifications of the dispersion representatio

    A New Method for Finding Vacua in String Phenomenology

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    One of the central problems of string-phenomenology is to find stable vacua in the four dimensional effective theories which result from compactification. We present an algorithmic method to find all of the vacua of any given string-phenomenological system in a huge class. In particular, this paper reviews and then extends hep-th/0606122 to include various non-perturbative effects. These include gaugino condensation and instantonic contributions to the superpotential.Comment: 27 pages, 5 .eps figures. V2: Minor corrections, reference adde

    Moduli Stabilisation in Heterotic Models with Standard Embedding

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    In this note we analyse the issue of moduli stabilisation in 4d models obtained from heterotic string compactifications on manifolds with SU(3) structure with standard embedding. In order to deal with tractable models we first integrate out the massive fields. We argue that one can not only integrate out the moduli fields, but along the way one has to truncate also the corresponding matter fields. We show that the effective models obtained in this way do not have satisfactory solutions. We also look for stabilised vacua which take into account the presence of the matter fields. We argue that this also fails due to a no-go theorem for Minkowski vacua in the moduli sector which we prove in the end. The main ingredient for this no-go theorem is the constraint on the fluxes which comes from the Bianchi identity.Comment: 20 pages, LaTeX; references adde
