806 research outputs found

    An algebraic proof of Bogomolov-Tian-Todorov theorem

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    We give a completely algebraic proof of the Bogomolov-Tian-Todorov theorem. More precisely, we shall prove that if X is a smooth projective variety with trivial canonical bundle defined over an algebraically closed field of characteristic 0, then the L-infinity algebra governing infinitesimal deformations of X is quasi-isomorphic to an abelian differential graded Lie algebra.Comment: 20 pages, amspro

    La pedofilia, tra stigmatizzazione e prevenzione: uno sguardo nel canton Ticino

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    La pedofilia è un disturbo della preferenza sessuale che viene spesso confusa con il comportamento sessuale abusante verso i bambini. Se in determinati casi la pedofilia coincide con degli atti criminali, va precisato che molte persone affette da questo disturbo dimostrano un grande senso di responsabilità e moralità nel decidere di non soddisfare i propri impulsi sessuali in nome del rispetto dell’integrità del bambino. Tuttavia, l’opinione pubblica fatica a differenziare il pedofilo dall’abusatore usando questa terminologia in maniera equivalente. Nel primo caso il soggetto è attratto sessualmente dai bambini, mentre nel secondo commette un atto illegale e spregevole. Una persona che abusa sessualmente di un bambino non è inevitabilmente affetto da pedofilia. Ciononostante, il soggetto con pedofilia è ingiustamente responsabilizzato di tutti i crimini sessuali contro i bambini. La stigmatizzazione presente nella nostra società, potrebbe paradossalmente indurre degli effetti sfavorevoli sulla prevenzione agli abusi sessuali sui bambini poiché emargina la persona affetta da pedofilia e non lo mette in condizioni di cercare un aiuto psicoterapeutico. È dunque necessario sensibilizzare e informare correttamente la società in modo da incoraggiare l’accettazione delle persone affette da pedofilia (senza chiaramente voler giustificare o permettere degli atti pedosessuali) e favorire uno spazio di ascolto e di aiuto per le persone preoccupate da tale problema. Aiutare questi individui ad affrontare il loro disagio potrebbe giovare alla prevenzione dei primi passaggi all’atto e alla lotta contro gli abusi sessuali.

    Restoring an eroded legitimacy: the adaptation of nonfinancial disclosure after a scandal and the risk of hypocrisy

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    Purpose \u2013 This study contributes to the literature on hypocrisy in corporate social responsibility by investigating how organizations adapt their nonfinancial disclosure after a social, environmental or governance scandal. Design/methodology/approach \u2013 The present research employs content analysis of nonfinancial disclosures by 11 organizations during a 3-year timespan to investigate how they responded to major scandals in terms of social, environmental and sustainability reporting and a content analysis of independent counter accounts to detect the presence of views that contrast with the corporate disclosure and suggest hypocritical behaviors. Findings \u2013 Four patterns in the adaptation of reporting \u2013 genuine, allusive, evasive, indifferent \u2013 emerge from information collected on scandals and socially responsible actions. The type of scandal and cultural factors can influence the response to a scandal, as environmental and social scandal can attract more scrutiny than financial scandals. Companies exposed to environmental and social scandals are more likely to disclose information about the scandal and receive more coverage by external parties in the form of counter accounts. Originality/value \u2013 Using a theoretical framework based on legitimacy theory and organizational hypocrisy, the present research contributes to the investigation of the adaptation of reporting when a scandal occurs and during its aftermath

    Widespread septic embolization in injection drug use mitro-aortic infective endocarditis as a remote cause of death

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    Injection drug use-related infective endocarditis (IDU-IE) assumes peculiar epidemiological, pathogenetic, and prognostic characteristics that allow to consider it a distinct nosological entity, as well as a current problem of considerable social weight. Incidence is reasonably underestimated because diagnosis is often accidental in postmortem examination when drug-related death is suspected. In many cases, postmortem toxicological examinations are negative for acute drug abuse, and findings of infective endocarditis became relevant in the explanation of the mechanism of death. Extracardiac involvement of infective endocarditis is rarely reported as fatal. Fragmentation and embolization of bacterial vegetations can be associated with parenchymal infarcts, systemic spread of the infectious process by formation of an abscess. A case of septic shock as a consequence of the constant bacteremia determined by the continuous proliferation and release of bacteria into the circulation is presented in an injection drug user with left-sided endocarditis and widespread septic embolization. Authors reviewed forensic and medical literature and promote epidemiological value of medical and forensic autopsy. Extracardiac involvement of infective endocarditis may represent a remote and alternative cause of death in injection drug users, and an early diagnosis can be relevant for prognosis. Postmortem examination still represents a valuable opportunity of learning for clinicians and improving diagnostic accuracy with injection drug users. A call for changing of attitudes and practice toward autopsy is finally demanded

    Continental rift architecture and patterns of magma migration: a dynamic analysis based on centrifuge models.

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    Small-scale centrifuge models were used to investigate the role of continental rift structure in controlling patterns of magma migration and emplacement. Experiments considered the reactivation of weakness zones in the lower crust and the presence of magma at Moho depths. Results suggest that surface deformation, which reflects the weakness zone geometry, exerts a major control on patterns of magma migration. In the case of a single rift segment, the experimental lower crust and magma were both transferred in an extension-parallel direction toward the rift flanks. This lateral migration reflected the dominance of far-field stresses over extension-induced buoyancy forces. Local pressure gradients favored the raise of experimental magma in correspondence of marginal grabens. The lateral migration gave rise to major accumulations below the footwall of major boundary faults, providing the magma source able to feed off-axis volcanoes in nature, as inferred for the Main Ethiopian Rift. In the case of two offset rift segments, a major transfer zone developed. This transfer zone was characterized by prominent experimental lower crust doming and strong magma accumulation. Dynamic analysis showed that the transfer zone development caused a strong pressure difference in a rift-parallel direction, which dominated over the farfield thinning. Owing to this pressure gradient, almost all the underplated experimental magma collected below the lower crust dome, suggesting a rift-parallel (extension-orthogonal) migration. This process has a direct relevance for the localization of magmatic activity at transfer zones in natural continental rifts, such as in the Western Branch of the East African Rift System. Copyright 2004 by the American Geophysical Union

    Soluble guanylate cyclase stimulation fosters angiogenesis and blunts myofibroblast-like features of systemic sclerosis endothelial cells

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    OBJECTIVES: In SSc, angiogenesis impairment advances in parallel with the development of fibrosis orchestrated by myofibroblasts originating from different sources, including endothelial-to-mesenchymal transition (EndoMT). Soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) stimulation has shown antifibrotic effects in SSc skin fibroblasts and mouse models. Here, we investigated the effects of pharmacological sGC stimulation on impaired angiogenesis and myofibroblast-like features of SSc dermal microvascular endothelial cells (SSc-MVECs). METHODS: To determine whether sGC stimulation affected cell viability/proliferation, SSc-MVECs and healthy dermal MVECs (H-MVECs) were challenged with the sGC stimulator (sGCS) MK-2947 and assayed by annexin V/propidium iodide flow cytometry and the water-soluble tetrazolium salt (WST-1) assay. To study angiogenesis and EndoMT, MK-2947-treated SSc-MVECs were subjected to wound healing and capillary morphogenesis assays and analysed for the expression of endothelial/myofibroblast markers and contractile ability. RESULTS: MK-2947 treatment did not affect H-MVEC viability/proliferation, while it significantly increased SSc-MVEC proliferation, wound healing capability and angiogenic performance. After MK-2947 treatment, SSc-MVECs exhibited significantly increased proangiogenic MMP9 and decreased antiangiogenic MMP12 and PTX3 gene expression. A significant increase in the expression of CD31 and vascular endothelial cadherin paralleled by a decrease in α-smooth muscle actin, S100A4, type I collagen and Snail1 mesenchymal markers was also found in MK-2947-treated SSc-MVECs. Furthermore, stimulation of sGC with MK-2947 significantly counteracted the intrinsic ability of SSc-MVECs to contract collagen gels and reduced phosphorylated-extracellular signal-regulated kinases 1 and 2 protein levels. CONCLUSION: These findings demonstrate for the first time that pharmacological sGC stimulation effectively ameliorates the angiogenic performance and blunts the myofibroblast-like profibrotic phenotype of SSc-MVECs, thus providing new evidence for repurposing sGCSs for SSc

    Silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) is able to thrive and prosper under meso-Mediterranean conditions

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    The potential ecological envelope of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) based on its present distribution suggests a high suitability for moist rather than warm and dry environments. This contrasts with paleoecological evidence reporting its former presence at low elevations under meso-Mediterranean conditions. In this study, we evaluated the growth performance of silver fir at low elevation (20–60 m a.s.l.) under meso-Mediterranean climatic conditions in Tuscany (central Italy). We conducted a dendroecological analysis on Abies alba trees along a geomorphological gradient (from depression to upper slope conditions). Climate-growth relationships were assessed by means of correlations, response functions, pointer years, and superposed epoch analysis. Silver fir was found to grow and regenerate well in these stands mixed with evergreen (e.g., Quercus ilex L.) and thermophilous deciduous Mediterranean tree species (e.g., Q. cerris L.). Summer drought was the most growth-influencing factor, with immediate (i.e., current season) negative impacts on tree-ring widths (TRW). No significant impacts were observed in the four years following extreme summer droughts, but the TRW series (which started between the 1930s and 1950s) showed a growth decline since the mid-1990s that is likely drought-related. Our results show that, provided there is a sufficiently large soil water holding capacity, silver fir provenances exist which are able to withstand Mediterranean summer droughts, can naturally and regularly regenerate in these systems, and may even dominate over typical meso-Mediterranean species. As long as annual precipitation is not too low (i.e., >850 mm) and summer drought conditions not too extreme (i.e., less than three months), silver fir has thus the potential to thrive under warm Mediterranean conditions.ISSN:0378-1127ISSN:1872-704

    Pancreatic transplant surgery and stem cell therapy: Finding the balance between therapeutic advances and ethical principles

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    The latest achievements in the field of pancreas transplantation and stem cell therapy require an effort by the scientific community to clarify the ethical implications of pioneering treatments, often characterized by high complexity from a surgical point of view, due to transplantation of multiple organs at the same time or at different times, and from an immunological point of view for stem cell therapy. The fundamental value in the field of organ transplants is, of course, a solidarity principle, namely that of protecting the health and life of people for whom transplantation is a condition of functional recovery, or even of survival. The nature of this value is that of a concept to which the legal discipline of transplants entrusts its own ethical dignity and for which it has ensured a constitutional recognition in different systems. The general principle of respect for human life, both of the donor and of the recipient, evokes the need not to put oneself and one's neighbor in dangerous conditions. The present ethical reflection aims to find a balance between the latest therapeutic advances and several concepts including the idea of the person, the respect due to the dead, the voluntary nature of the donation and the consent to the same, the gratuitousness of the donation, the scientific progress and the development of surgical techniques, and the policies of health promotion
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