1,441 research outputs found

    Repcoin: A Market-Based Approach to Reputation

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    Individuals use measures of reputation as heuristics for determining how much interest and trust they should place in other individuals. Clear measures of reputation save time and increase efficiency because they prevent individuals from having to go through the traditional process of determining reputation, especially in cases where these traditional measures no longer suffice. Repcoin aimed to give experts in different areas a platform for highlighting their expertise, provide an avenue for users to find credible experts in different areas, and a place for users to try and predict whose reputation will increase and thereby prove their ability to identify who will be credible in the future. Repcoin’s 300 users used the site on a regular basis and displayed complex behavior. Repcoin failed in its aim to function as a proof-of-concept for accurately storing and predicting future reputation, and didn’t provide a sufficient incentive for its users to display their content on the site. The Repcoin experiment illustrates the difficulties of building a simple but accurate market for reputation but shows that users are willing to participate in these sorts of markets

    Unilateral Mistake of Fact in Personal Injury Releases

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    Many personal injury cases that appear on court calendars, as well as many not filed, are settled before trial. Settlements usually involve payment by the alleged wrongdoer in consideration of a release executed by the injured party. As for the alleged wrongdoer, this act settles the conflict in that the releasor has bargained away his legal remedy. As for the releasor, compensation for the injury was his objective. Sparse authority to the contrary, a release constitutes a contract, the validity of which can be affected by fraud, duress or mistake. Generally, one need not go into equity and pray for specific relief from the release on one or more of these grounds. The majority of jurisdictions permit the injured party to bring his action, notwithstanding the previous release of all claims. By way of replication to the defense of release, the injured party sets up his contention for avoidance. It is thereby possible, under this procedure, to avoid the release and bring the suit in one action at law

    Acute exercise and mindfulness meditation on learning and memory: Randomized controlled intervention

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    © 2019 The Author(s). Background: The purpose of this experiment was to evaluate the potential combined effects of acute exercise and mindfulness mediation on episodic memory. Methods: All data collection occurred in the authors’ laboratory (January to May of 2019). In this three-arm, within-subject design, participants (N=20; Mage=21.6 years) completed three counterbalanced laboratory visits, including Exercise Only, Exercise + Meditation and Control. Learning and memory were assessed from a word-list task. A one-factor repeated-measures ANOVA was computed for two memory outcomes, including the learning outcome (average performance across the 6 trials) and the long-term memory recall (10-minute delay). Results: The exercise conditions had a greater learning effect when compared to the Control visit, Mdiff = 0.68 (95% CI: 0.10, 1.25), P = 0.02. The Exercise + Memory visit had better long-term memory when compared to Exercise Only, Mdiff = 0.95 (95% CI: 0.07, 1.83), P = 0.03. Conclusion: The present experiment provides suggestive evidence that acute exercise may enhance learning and, when coupling acute exercise prior to encoding with meditation during early consolidation, long-term memory may be enhanced

    A simple and quick sensitivity analysis method for methane isotopologues detection with GOSAT-TANSO-FTS

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    Measurements of methane isotopologues can differentiate between different source types, be they biogenic (e.g. marsh lands) or abiogenic (e.g. industry). Global measurements of these isotopologues would greatly benefit the current disconnect between ‘top-down’ (knowledge from chemistry transport models and satellite measurements) and ‘bottom-up’ (in situ measurement inventories) methane measurements. However, current measurements of these isotopologues are limited to a small number of in situ studies and airborne studies. In this paper we investigate the potential for detecting the second most common isotopologue of methane (13CH4) from space using the Japanese Greenhouse Gases Observing Satellite applying a quick and simple residual radiance analysis technique. The method allows for a rapid analysis of spectral regions, and can be used to teach university students or advanced school students about radiative transfer analysis. Using this method we find limited sensitivity to 13CH4, with detections limited to total column methane enhancements of >6%, assuming a desert surface albedo of >0.3

    Modern information technologies in high school education

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    Article is devoted to urgent problems of using modern information technologies in teaching students of universities. New conditions of the development Russian society determine the necessity of using information technologies as a means of accumulation and implementation of innovative potential participants in the educational process. Analyzes the efficiency conditions of using information technologies in improving the quality of educationИсследуются актуальные вопросы использования современных информационных технологий при обучении студентов вузов. Новые условия развития российского общества определяют необходимость использования информационных технологий как средств накопления и реализации инновационного потенциала участников образовательного процесса. Анализируются условия эффективности применения информационных технологий в повышении качества образовани

    Biobanding:: A new paradigm for youth sports and training

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    Impact of the Volkswagen emissions control defeat device on US public health

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    The US Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has alleged that Volkswagen Group of America (VW) violated the Clean Air Act (CAA) by developing and installing emissions control system 'defeat devices' (software) in model year 2009–2015 vehicles with 2.0 litre diesel engines. VW has admitted the inclusion of defeat devices. On-road emissions testing suggests that in-use NO[subscript x] emissions for these vehicles are a factor of 10 to 40 above the EPA standard. In this paper we quantify the human health impacts and associated costs of the excess emissions. We propagate uncertainties throughout the analysis. A distribution function for excess emissions is estimated based on available in-use NO[subscript x] emissions measurements. We then use vehicle sales data and the STEP vehicle fleet model to estimate vehicle distance traveled per year for the fleet. The excess NO[subscript x] emissions are allocated on a 50 km grid using an EPA estimate of the light duty diesel vehicle NO[subscript x] emissions distribution. We apply a GEOS-Chem adjoint-based rapid air pollution exposure model to produce estimates of particulate matter and ozone exposure due to the spatially resolved excess NO[subscript x] emissions. A set of concentration-response functions is applied to estimate mortality and morbidity outcomes. Integrated over the sales period (2008–2015) we estimate that the excess emissions will cause 59 (95% CI: 10 to 150) early deaths in the US. When monetizing premature mortality using EPA-recommended data, we find a social cost of ~450moverthesalesperiod.Forthecurrentfleet,weestimatethatareturntocomplianceforallaffectedvehiclesbytheendof2016willavert 130earlydeathsandavoid 450m over the sales period. For the current fleet, we estimate that a return to compliance for all affected vehicles by the end of 2016 will avert ~130 early deaths and avoid ~840m in social costs compared to a counterfactual case without recall

    Bio-Banding in Youth Sports::Background, Concept and Application

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    Inter-individual differences in size, maturity status, function, and behavior among youth of the same chronological age (CA) have long been a concern in grouping for sport. Bio-banding is a recent attempt to accommodate maturity-associated variation among youth in sport. The historical basis of the concept of maturity-matching and its relevance to youth sport, and bio-banding as currently applied are reviewed. Maturity matching in sport has often been noted but has not been systematically applied. Bio-banding is a recent iteration of maturity matching for grouping youth athletes into ‘bands’ or groups based on characteristic(s) other than CA. The percentage of predicted young adult height at the time of observation is the estimate of maturity status of choice. Several applications of bio-banding in youth soccer have indicated positive responses from players and coaches. Bio-banding reduces, but does not eliminate, maturity-associated variation. The potential utility of bio-banding for appropriate training loads, injury prevention, and fitness assessment merits closer attention, specifically during the interval of pubertal growth. The currently used height prediction equation requires further evaluation

    GALEX UV Spectroscopy and Deep Imaging of LIRGs in the ELAIS S1 field

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    The ELAIS S1 field was observed by GALEX in both its Wide Spectroscopic and Deep Imaging Survey modes. This field was previously observed by the Infrared Space Observatory and we made use of the catalogue of multi-wavelength data published by the ELAIS consortium to select galaxies common to the two samples. Among the 959 objects with GALEX spectroscopy, 88 are present in the ELAIS catalog and 19 are galaxies with an optical spectroscopic redshift. The distribution of redshifts covers the range 0<z<1.60<z<1.6. The selected galaxies have bolometric IR luminosities 10<Log(LIR)<1310<Log(L_{IR})<13 (deduced from the 15μm15 \mu m flux using ISOCAM) which means that we cover a wide range of galaxies from normal to Ultra Luminous IR Galaxies. The mean (σ\sigma) UV luminosity (not corrected for extinction) amounts to Log(λ.L1530)=9.8(0.6)Log(\lambda.L_{1530}) = 9.8 (0.6) L_\sun for the low-z (z0.35z \le 0.35) sample. The UV slope β\beta (assuming fλλβf_\lambda \propto \lambda^\beta) correlates with the GALEX FUV-NUV color if the sample is restricted to galaxies below z<0.1z < 0.1. Taking advantage of the UV and IR data, we estimate the dust attenuation from the IR/UV ratio and compare it to the UV slope β\beta. We find that it is not possible to uniquely estimate the dust attenuation from β\beta for our sample of galaxies. These galaxies are highly extinguished with a median value AFUV=2.7±0.8A_{FUV} = 2.7 \pm 0.8. Once the dust correction applied, the UV- and IR-based SFRs correlate. For the closest galaxy with the best quality spectrum, we see a feature consistent with being produced by a bump near 220nm in the attenuation curve.Comment: This paper has been published as part of the GALEX ApJL Special Issue (ApJ 619, L63