51 research outputs found

    In vivo anti-malarial activity of hydroalcoholic extracts from Asparagus africanus Lam. in mice infected with Plasmodium berghei

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    Background: Malaria is a major public health problem in the world in general and developing countries in particular, causing an estimated 1-2 million deaths per year, an annual incidence of 300-500 million clinical cases and more than 2 billion people are at risk of infection from it. But it is also becoming more difficult to treat malaria due to the increasing drug resistance. Therefore, the need for alternative drugs is acute. Objective: The This study aims at investigating the in vivo antiplasmodial activity of extracts of the roots and area parts from traditionally used medicinal plant, named Asparagus africanus (Liliaceae). Methods: A rodent malaria parasite, Plasmodium berghei, which was maintained at the Ethiopian Health and Nutrition Research Institute (EHNRI) laboratory, was inoculated into Swiss albino mice. The mice were infected with 1x107 parasites intraperitoneally. The extracts were administered by an intra gastric tube daily for four days starting from the day of parasite inoculation. The control groups received the same amount of solvent (vehicle) used to suspend each dose of the herbal drug. Chloroquine was used as a standard drug, and was administered through the same route. Results: Extracts from the roots and aerial parts of A.africanus were observed to inhibit Plasmodium berghei parasitaemia in the Swiss albino mice by 46.1% and 40.7% respectively. Conclusion: The study could partly confirm the claim in Ethiopian traditional medicine that the plant has therapeutic values in human malaria. There is, thus, the need to initiate further in-depth investigation by using different experimental models. The Ethiopian Journal of Health Development Vol. 20 (2) 2006: 112-11

    Extended Use of Aprepitant in Pediatric Patients

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    The effect of women's empowerment in the utilisation of family planning in Western Ethiopia : a structural equation modelling approach

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    This study examines the associations between women’s empowerment and family planning use in Jimma Zone, Western Ethiopia. A total of 746 randomly selected married women of reproductive age were interviewed. The data were employed by structural equation modelling (SEM) to investigate the complex and multidimensional pathways to show women’s empowerment domains in family planning utilisation. Results of the study revealed that 72% of married women had used family planning. Younger women, having access to information, having access to health facilities and being aware about family planning methods, living in a rural area, having an older partner and increased household decision-making power were associated with using family planning methods. Women’s empowerment is an important determinant of contraceptive use. Women’s empowerment dimensions included increased household decision-making power, socio-demographic variables and having access to information about family planning and accessible health facilities. These were found to be important determinants of contraceptive use. Future interventions should focus on integrating women’s empowerment into family planning programming, particularly in enhancing women’s autonomy in decision making. Further research is warranted on the socio-cultural context of women that influences women’s empowerment and family planning use to establish an in-depth understanding and equity of women in society

    South-South Technical Knowledge Exchange and Learning Initiative (STEKELI) Workshop

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    In Africa, many actors, programmes, projects, or initiatives are implemented by international organizations or continental institutions, or sub-regional and national entities to improve the development, provision, uptake and use of weather and climate services1 .For instance, the Regional Climate Centers (RCCs) have been engaged in developing models and methodologies based on ground and satellite observations to forecast/monitor rainfall, cropwater requirements, drought, early warning system, weather/climate, and seasonal and inter-annual variations. They have also provided training in a wide range of expertise in agro-meteorology, hydrology, and equipment maintenance, as well as on topics related to food security, climate change, and sustainable natural resources (land and water) management. Reliable observed climate data are essential to monitoring past and current weather and climate conditions, producing reliable forecast information, assessing the models' skill, understanding climate variability and longterm changes, and assessing sectoral impacts (agriculture, water resources, and health). Reliable climate information could, therefore, help build resilience against the negative impact of climate change and improve people's livelihood

    Does voluntary family planning contribute to food security? : evidence from Ethiopia

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    This study aims to explore the effects of voluntary family planning (FP) utilization on food security in selected districts of Ethiopia. Quantitative research methods were used to conduct a community-based study among a sample of 737 women of reproductive age. The data were analyzed using a hierarchical logistic regression constructed in three models. The findings showed 579 (78.2%) were using FP at the time of the survey. According to the household-level food insecurity access scale, 55.2% of households experienced food insecurity. The likelihood of food security was lower by 64% for women who used FP for less than 21 months (AOR = 0.64: 95%CI: 0.42–0.99) in comparison to mothers who used FP for more than 21 months. Households having positive adaptive behaviors were three times more likely (AOR = 3.60: 95%CI 2.07–6.26) to have food security in comparison to those not having positive adaptive behaviors. This study also revealed that almost half of the mothers (AOR: 0.51: 95%CI: 0.33–0.80) who reported being influenced by other family members to use FP had food security, in comparison to their counterparts. Age, duration of FP use, positive adaptive behaviors, and influence by significant others were found to be independent predictors of food security in the study areas. Culturally sensitive strategies need to be considered to expand awareness and dispel misconceptions that lead to hesitancy around FP utilization. Design strategies should take into account households’ resilience in adaptive skills during shocks, natural disasters, or pandemics which will be invaluable for food security

    Ordered Porous Electrodes by Design: Towards Enhancing the Effective Utilization of Platinum in Electrocatalysis

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    Platinum‐nanoparticle‐functionalized, ordered, porous support electrodes are prepared and characterized as a potential new class of oxygen reduction reaction (ORR) electrocatalysts. This study aims to develop electrode materials that enhance the effective utilization of Pt in electrocatalytic reactions through improved mass transport properties, high Pt mass specific surface area, and increased Pt electrochemical stability. The electrodes are prepared using modular sacrificial templates, producing a uniform distribution of Pt nanoparticles inside ordered porous Au electrodes. This method can be further fine‐tuned to optimize the architecture for a range of characteristics, such as varying nanoparticle properties, pore size, or support material. The Pt‐coated Au, ordered, porous electrodes exhibit several improved characteristics, such as enhanced Pt effective utilization for ORR electrocatalysis. This includes a nearly twofold increase in Pt mass specific surface area over other ultrathin designs, superior mass transport properties in comparison to traditional catalyst layers of C black supported Pt nanoparticles mixed with ionomer, good methanol tolerance and exceptional stability toward Pt chemical and/or electrochemical dissolution through interfacial interactions with Au. The methods to prepare Pt‐coated ordered porous electrodes can be extended to other architectures for enhanced catalyst utilization and improved performance of Pt in electrochemical processes

    Electrochemically Active Nickel Foams as Support Materials for Nanoscopic Platinum Electrocatalysts

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    Platinum is deposited on open-cell nickel foam in low loading amounts via chemical reduction of Pt cations (specifically, Pt2+ or Pt4+) originating from aqueous Pt salt solutions. The resulting Pt-modified nickel foams (Pt/Ni foams) are characterized using complementary electrochemical and materials analysis techniques. These include electron microscopy to examine the morphology of the deposited material, cyclic voltammetry to evaluate the electrochemical surface area of the deposited Pt, and inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry to determine the mass of deposited Pt on the Ni foam substrate. The effect of potential cycling in alkaline media on the electrochemical behavior of the material and the stability of Pt deposit is studied. In the second part of this paper, the Pt/Ni foams are applied as electrode materials for hydrogen evolution, hydrogen reduction, oxygen reduction, and oxygen evolution reactions in an aqueous alkaline electrolyte. The electrocatalytic activity of the electrodes toward these processes is evaluated using linear sweep voltammetry curves and Tafel plots. The results of these studies demonstrate that nickel foams are acceptable support materials for nanoscopic Pt electrocatalysts and that the resulting Pt/Ni foams are excellent electrocatalysts for the hydrogen evolution reaction. An unmodified Ni foam is shown to be a highly active electrode for the oxygen evolution reaction

    Importance of Ethnicity, CYP2B6 and ABCB1 Genotype for Efavirenz Pharmacokinetics and Treatment Outcomes: A Parallel-group Prospective Cohort Study in two sub-Saharan Africa Populations.

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    We evaluated the importance of ethnicity and pharmacogenetic variations in determining efavirenz pharmacokinetics, auto-induction and immunological outcomes in two African populations. ART naïve HIV patients from Ethiopia (n = 285) and Tanzania (n = 209) were prospectively enrolled in parallel to start efavirenz based HAART. CD4+ cell counts were determined at baseline, 12, 24 and 48 weeks. Plasma and intracellular efavirenz and 8-hydroxyefvairenz concentrations were determined at week 4 and 16. Genotyping for common functional CYP2B6, CYP3A5, ABCB1, UGT2B7 and SLCO1B1 variant alleles were done. Patient country, CYP2B6*6 and ABCB1 c.4036A>G (rs3842A>G) genotype were significant predictors of plasma and intracellular efavirenz concentration. CYP2B6*6 and ABCB1 c.4036A>G (rs3842) genotype were significantly associated with higher plasma efavirenz concentration and their allele frequencies were significantly higher in Tanzanians than Ethiopians. Tanzanians displayed significantly higher efavirenz plasma concentration at week 4 (p<0.0002) and week 16 (p = 0.006) compared to Ethiopians. Efavirenz plasma concentrations remained significantly higher in Tanzanians even after controlling for the effect of CYP2B6*6 and ABCB1 c.4036A>G genotype. Within country analyses indicated a significant decrease in the mean plasma efavirenz concentration by week 16 compared to week 4 in Tanzanians (p = 0.006), whereas no significant differences in plasma concentration over time was observed in Ethiopians (p = 0.84). Intracellular efavirenz concentration and patient country were significant predictors of CD4 gain during HAART. We report substantial differences in efavirenz pharmacokinetics, extent of auto-induction and immunologic recovery between Ethiopian and Tanzanian HIV patients, partly but not solely, due to pharmacogenetic variations. The observed inter-ethnic variations in efavirenz plasma exposure may possibly result in varying clinical treatment outcome or adverse event profiles between populations

    Proceeding Report of the 40th Anniversary of National Meteorological Agency, Official endorsement of the National Framework for Climate Services an International Scientific Conference

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    Ethiopia is located in the Horn of Africa within 3–15° N and 33–48° E, bordered by Eritrea to the north and northeast, Djibouti to the east, Sudan to the west, Kenya to the south, and Somalia to the south and east. It covers an area of about 1.14 million square kilometers. The country's topography consists of high and rugged plateaus and peripheral lowlands. Elevations in the country range from 160 meters below sea level (northern exit of the Rift Valley) to over 4600 meters above sea level (of northern mountainous regions). The highest mountains are concentrated on the northern and southern plateaus of the country. A large percentage of the country consists of high plateaus and mountain ranges, dissected by major rivers such as Blue Nile, Tekeze, Awash, Omo, Wabi Shebelle, etc. Overall, Ethiopia consists of 9 major rivers and 19 lakes. The Blue Nile, the chief headstream of the Nile, rises in Lake Tana in northwest Ethiopia. The meteorological observation started in the 1890s with few meteorological stations. In 1951, meteorological services were established as a small unit in the then Civil Aviation Department to render aeronautical services. Since then, meteorological observation has been expanding over Ethiopia. As the importance of meteorology was realized by other economic sectors, National Meteorological Services Agency (NMSA) was established by the Government Proclamation Number 201/1980. Besides, NMA started seasonal forecasting and advisory service in 1987 for three seasons, namely Belg (February - May), Kiremt (June-September), and Bega (October-January). The primary duty of NMA is to support all country's socio-economic developments by delivering climate services. Moreover, NMA has more than one thousand three hundred conventional Meteorological stations, three hundred automatic weather stations, five AWOS, three air pollution monitoring stations, three upper air stations, one radar, and eleven satellite receiver stations. The government of Ethiopia is determined to eradicate poverty and become a prosperous country by 2030. In this regard, addressing climate variability and change play a pivotal role in achieving this goal. To this effect, NMA is equipping with modern weather observing and monitoring capabilities and improving processing, analyzing, interpreting, and forecasting weather and climate capabilities at a high resolution and accuracy to meet the end-user's demands and effectively support all socio-economic developments of the country. NMA collaborates with all key stakeholders and partners through continuous engagement on climate services. The NFCS, endorsed during the NMA 40th Anniversary, is envisaged to strengthen collaborative co-production between climate services provider (NMA) and climate service beneficiaries institutions (MoWIE, EFCCC, MoA, MoH, and NDRMC). To commemorate its 40th anniversary, NMA has organized a conference with a theme of "Forty Years of Climate and Weather Services in Ethiopia" on May 25-26, 2021, at Skylight Hotel, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. Generally, three main sessions were held during the conference. These include; Session one: panel discussion and opening ceremony; session two: presentations on the history of NMA and NFCS Ethiopia, official endorsement of NFSC Ethiopia, and certificate wards; and session three: parallel session of four groups and paper presentations on different thematic areas were made. The 40th anniversary was attended by ministers, commissioners, heads of organizations, and representatives from the WMO Africa regional office, international institutes representatives, experts from different organizations, lecturers, researchers, and NMA officials and staff. This document is proceedings of the 40th anniversary, including summaries of the opening session and the presentations
