4,938 research outputs found

    Gravitational wave recoil in Robinson-Trautman spacetimes

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    We consider the gravitational recoil due to non-reflection-symmetric gravitational wave emission in the context of axisymmetric Robinson-Trautman spacetimes. We show that regular initial data evolve generically into a final configuration corresponding to a Schwarzschild black-hole moving with constant speed. For the case of (reflection-)symmetric initial configurations, the mass of the remnant black-hole and the total energy radiated away are completely determined by the initial data, allowing us to obtain analytical expressions for some recent numerical results that have been appeared in the literature. Moreover, by using the Galerkin spectral method to analyze the non-linear regime of the Robinson-Trautman equations, we show that the recoil velocity can be estimated with good accuracy from some asymmetry measures (namely the first odd moments) of the initial data. The extension for the non-axisymmetric case and the implications of our results for realistic situations involving head-on collision of two black holes are also discussed.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, final version to appear in PR

    The electrum analyzer: Model checking relational first-order temporal specifications

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    This paper presents the Electrum Analyzer, a free-software tool to validate and perform model checking of Electrum specifications. Electrum is an extension of Alloy that enriches its relational logic with LTL operators, thus simplifying the specification of dynamic systems. The Analyzer supports both automatic bounded model checking, with an encoding into SAT, and unbounded model checking, with an encoding into SMV. Instance, or counter-example, traces are presented back to the user in a unified visualizer. Features to speed up model checking are offered, including a decomposed parallel solving strategy and the extraction of symbolic bounds. Source code: https://github.com/haslab/ElectrumVideo: https://youtu.be/FbjlpvjgMDA.European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation (COMPETE2020) and by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agency, Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia (FCT) within project POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016826, and the French Research Agency project FORMEDICIS ANR-16-CE25-000

    Validating the hybrid ERTMS/ETCS level 3 concept with electrum

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    This paper reports on the development of a formal model for the Hybrid ERTMS/ETCS Level 3 concept in Electrum, a lightweight formal specification language that extends Alloy with mutable relations and temporal logic operators. We show how Electrum and its Analyzer can be used to perform scenario exploration to validate this model, namely to check that all the example operational scenarios described in the reference document are admissible, and to reason about expected safety properties, which can be easily specified and model checked for arbitrary track configurations. The Analyzer depicts scenarios (and counter-examples) in a graphical notation that is logic-agnostic, making them understandable for stakeholders without expertise in formal specification.- Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia(POCI-01-0145-FEDER-016826); ERDF - European Regional Development Fund through the Operational Programme for Competitiveness and Internationalisation - COMPETE 2020 and by National Funds through the Portuguese funding agenc

    O potencial do mercado de software para o agronegócio.

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    Discutir o potencial do mercado de software aplicado ao agronegócio no Brasil a partir de análises quantitativas e cruzamentos de dados de fontes do setor, como órgãos governamentais e instituições de pesquisa.Trabalho apresentado na V Mostra de Trabalhos de Estagiários e Bolsistas, Campinas, out. 2009

    Black-hole horizons as probes of black-hole dynamics I: post-merger recoil in head-on collisions

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    The understanding of strong-field dynamics near black-hole horizons is a long-standing and challenging prob- lem in general relativity. Recent advances in numerical relativity and in the geometric characterization of black- hole horizons open new avenues into the problem. In this first paper in a series of two, we focus on the analysis of the recoil occurring in the merger of binary black holes, extending the analysis initiated in [1] with Robinson- Trautman spacetimes. More specifically, we probe spacetime dynamics through the correlation of quantities defined at the black-hole horizon and at null infinity. The geometry of these hypersurfaces responds to bulk gravitational fields acting as test screens in a scattering perspective of spacetime dynamics. Within a 3 + 1 approach we build an effective-curvature vector from the intrinsic geometry of dynamical-horizon sections and correlate its evolution with the flux of Bondi linear momentum at large distances. We employ this setup to study numerically the head-on collision of nonspinning black holes and demonstrate its validity to track the qualita- tive aspects of recoil dynamics at infinity. We also make contact with the suggestion that the antikick can be described in terms of a "slowness parameter" and how this can be computed from the local properties of the horizon. In a companion paper [2] we will further elaborate on the geometric aspects of this approach and on its relation with other approaches to characterize dynamical properties of black-hole horizons.Comment: final version published on PR

    Zoneamento agrícola de riscos climáticos da laranja no Estado de São Paulo.

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    O presente estudo teve como objetivo realizar um zoneamento climático observando os riscos para o estado de São Paulo no que se refere ao cultivo de laranja. Os resultados foram obtidos através da análise do déficit hídrico médio anual, temperaturas médias anuais e precipitações médias anuais. Essas variáveis foram extraídas do banco de dados da Embrapa Informática Agropecuária. Entretanto, os dados do déficit hídrico foram calculados pelo método de THORNTHWAITE e MATHER (1955), corrigido por CAMARGO et al. (1999). As localidades foram classificadas de acordo com as exigências climáticas de cada cultura, dentro de um ambiente de Sistema de Informação Geográfica (SIG), que produziu mapas de riscos climáticos através de espacialização e interpolação. O zoneamento de riscos mostrou que as regiões do noroeste e litoral do estado de São Paulo possuem alto risco climático para a produção de laranja. Os resultados podem auxiliar em novos estudos desta cultura importante do agronegócio brasileiro.CBA 2009
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