573 research outputs found

    Compact-like abelian groups without non-trivial quasi-convex null sequences

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    In this paper, we study precompact abelian groups G that contain no sequence {x_n} such that {0} \cup {\pm x_n : n \in N} is infinite and quasi-convex in G, and x_n --> 0. We characterize groups with this property in the following classes of groups: (a) bounded precompact abelian groups; (b) minimal abelian groups; (c) totally minimal abelian groups; (d) \omega-bounded abelian groups. We also provide examples of minimal abelian groups with this property, and show that there exists a minimal pseudocompact abelian group with the same property; furthermore, under Martin's Axiom, the group may be chosen to be countably compact minimal abelian.Comment: Final versio

    Beremendia (Mammalia, Soricidae) remains from the late Early Pleistocene Somssich Hill 2 locality (Southern Hungary) and their taxonomic, biostratigraphic, palaeoecological and palaeobiogeographical relations

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    Beremendia fi ssidens and B. minor remains of the late Early Pleistocene vertebrate fauna of the Somssich Hill 2 locality are described. B. minor is reported here as a new element in the site. This record emended the stratigraphic range of this species to the Early Biharian Stage, Nagyharsányhegy Phase (ca. 900 ka). The detailed morphological and morphometrical studies gave a chance to make a new diff erential diagnosis between the two forms. Both of them might have been characterized by special nutrition strategy (poisoning snails and other small animals by their grooved lower incisor and storing them in their pits) and they could have lived in forest- and bushcovered lake-, or riversides. The European stratigraphical and palaeobiogeographical occurrences of the genus are summarized on the basis of published literature

    On the quasi-component of pseudocompact abelian groups

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    In this paper, we describe the relationship between the quasi-component q(G) of a (perfectly) minimal pseudocompact abelian group G and the quasi-component q(\widetilde G) of its completion. Specifically, we characterize the pairs (C,A) of compact connected abelian groups C and subgroups A such that A \cong q(G) and C \cong q(\widetilde G). As a consequence, we show that for every positive integer n or n=\omega, there exist plenty of abelian pseudocompact perfectly minimal n-dimensional groups G such that the quasi-component of G is not dense in the quasi-component of the completion of G.Comment: minor revisio

    Quasi-convex sequences in the circle and the 3-adic integers

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    In this paper, we present families of quasi-convex sequences converging to zero in the circle group T, and the group J_3 of 3-adic integers. These sequences are determined by an increasing sequences of integers. For an increasing sequence \underline{a}=\{a_n\} of integers, put g_n=a_{n+1}-a_n. We prove that: (a) the set \{0\}\cup\{\pm 3^{-(a_n+1)} : n\in N\} is quasi-convex in T if and only if a_0>0 and g_n>1 for every n\in N; (b) the set \{0\}\cup\{\pm 3^{a_n} : n\in N\} is quasi-convex in the group J_3 of 3-adic integers if and only if g_n>1 for every n\in N. Moreover, we solve an open problem of Dikranjan and de Leo by providing a complete characterization of the sequences \underline{a} such that \{0\}\cup\{\pm 2^{-(a_n+1)} : n\in N\} is quasi-convex in T. Using this result, we also obtain a characterization of the sequences \underline{a} such that the set \{0\}\cup\{\pm 2^{-(a_n+1)} : n\in N\} is quasi-convex in R.Comment: 19 page

    Bimodal pumice populations in the 13.5 Ma Harsány ignimbrite, Bükkalja Volcanic Field, Northern Hungary: Syn-eruptive mingling of distinct rhyolitic magma batches?

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    Abstract The 13.5 Ma Harsány ignimbrite, in the eastern part of the Bükkalja volcanic field, eastern-central Europe, provides a rare example of mingled rhyolite. It consists of two distinct pumice populations (‘A’- and ‘B’-type) that can be recognized only by detailed geochemical work. The pumice and the host ignimbrite have a similar mineral assemblage involving quartz, plagioclase, biotite and sporadic Kfeldspar. Zircon, allanite, apatite and ilmenite occur as accessory minerals. The distinct pumice types are recognized by their different trace element compositions and the different CaO contents of their groundmass glasses. Plagioclase has an overlapping composition; however, biotite shows bimodal composition. Based on trace element and major element modeling, a derivation of ‘A’-type rhyolite magma from the ‘B’-type magma by fractional crystallization is excluded. Thus, the two pumice types represent two isolated rhyolite magma batches, possibly residing in the same crystal mush. Coeval remobilization of the felsic magmas might be initiated by intrusion of hot basaltic magma into the silicic magma reservoir The rapid ascent of the foaming rhyolite magmas enabled only a short-lived interaction and thus, a syn-eruptive mingling between the two magma batches

    Imaging of viroids in nuclei from tomato leaf tissue by in situ hybridization and confocal laser scanning microscopy.

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    The intracellular localization of viroids has been investigated by viroid-specific in situ hybridization and analysis by digital microscopy of the distribution of the fluorescent hybridization signals. Isolated nuclei from green leaf tissue of tomato plants infected with potato spindle tuber viroid (PSTVd) were bound to microscope slides, fixed with formaldehyde and hybridized with biotinylated transcripts of cloned PSTVd cDNA. The bound probe was detected with lissamine--rhodamine conjugated streptavidin. Nucleoli were identified by immunofluorescence using the monoclonal antibody Bv96 and a secondary FITC-conjugated antibody. In plants infected with either a lethal or an intermediate PSTVd strain, the highest intensity of fluorescence that arose from hybridization with the probe specific for the viroid (+)strand was found in the nucleoli, confirming results of previous fractionation studies. A similar distribution was found for (-)strand replication intermediates of PSTVd using specific (+)strand transcripts as hybridization probes. In order to determine if viroids are located at the surface or in the interior of the nucleoli, the distribution of the fluorescence hybridization signals was studied with a confocal laser scanning microscope (CLSM). It was shown by three-dimensional reconstruction that viroids are neither restricted to the surface of the nucleoli nor to a peripheral zone, but are instead homogeneously distributed throughout the nucleolus. The functional implications of the intranucleolar location of viroids and their replication intermediates are discussed with respect to proposed mechanisms of viroid replication and pathogenesis

    A gyógyszer indukálta vérzékeny betegek fogorvosi, szájsebészeti ellátása: a 2015-ös hazai szakmai ajánlás alkalmazása és értékelése

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    Absztrakt Bevezetés: A Magyar Arc-, Állcsont- és Szájsebészeti Társaság és a Magyar Fogorvosok Implantológiai Társasága által 2015-ben elfogadásra került „A gyógyszer indukálta vérzékeny betegek fogorvosi ellátása” szakmai ajánlás. Célkitűzés: A szerzők célja volt az ajánlásban leírt lokális vérzéscsillapítási módszerek hatékonyságának, megbízhatóságának ellenőrzése. Módszer: Az orális antithromboticus kezelésben részesülő betegeiknél vizsgálták a fogorvosi, szájsebészeti ellátásukat követő utóvérzések előfordulását, retrospektív módon. Eredmények: 263, vérzéssel járó beavatkozás történt (186 betegnél), amelyből 138 K-vitamin-antagonista, 97 thrombocytaaggregáció-gátló és 6, úgynevezett új típusú orális antikoaguláns kezelésben részesülő betegeknél. Összesen 6 (2,3%) esetben tapasztaltak utóvérzést az egyórás kontrollnál, míg ügyeletbe 1 beteg jött vissza utóvérzés miatt (0,5%). Ezzel szemben 86-an jelentkeztek ügyeletükön, akiknél az ajánlást nem vették figyelembe, közülük K-vitamin-antagonista gyógyszert szedett 3 beteg, alacsony molekulasúlyú heparinkezelésben részesült 24 beteg, thrombocytaaggregáció-gátló szert szedett 30 beteg és új típusú orális antikoaguláns kezelésben részesült 1 beteg. Következtetések: A hazai szakmai ajánlás az ambuláns gyakorlatban biztonságosan alkalmazható az antithromboticus terápiában részesülő páciensek vérzéssel járó fogorvosi/szájsebészeti beavatkozásakor, habár a körzetes fogorvos ellátók sok esetben nincsenek ilyen jellegű ellátásra felkészülve. Orv. Hetil., 2016, 157(43), 1722–1728. | Abstract Introduction: In 2015 a new Hungarian guideline was published regarding dental treatment and management of anticoagulated patients in agreement of the Hungarian Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons and the Dental Implantology Association of Hungarian Dentists. Aim: The aim of the authors was to evaluate the efficiency and safety of local hemostatic measures recommended by the guideline in anticoagulated patients. Method: In these patients, postoperative bleeding episodes were examined after dental and oral surgical treatments, retrospectively. Results: Overall 263 bleeding risk cases were treated; 138 patients with vitamin K antagonists, 97 patients with antiplatelet therapy and 6 patients with novel oral anticoagulants. Six patients (2.3%) had minor postoperative bleeding after the “one hour control”, while one patient needed a night duty support (0.5%). In contrast, 86 patients who were treated in rural practices neglecting the guideline attended the night duty with postoperative bleeding (3 patients treated with vitamin K antagonists, 24 patients taking low molecular weight heparin, 30 patients receiving antiplatelet therapy and one patient on novel oral anticoagulant therapy. Conclusions: The Hungarian guideline can be applied safely, without increasing the risk of postoperative bleeding, however, rural dental practices are frequently unprepared for these treatments. Orv. hetil., 2016, 157(43), 1722–1728

    Targeting dsRNA-specific single-chain Fv antibody fragments to different cellular locations in Nicotiana tabacum L.

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    Expression of antibodies or antibody fragments in plants is a useful tool for producing active antibody derivatives for diagnostic or pharmaceutical purposes as well as for immunomodulation. We investigated the effect of cellular expression site on the stability and yield of double-stranded RNA (dsRNA)-specific single-chain Fv-fragments (scFv) in transgenic tobacco. Two antibodies (J2 and P6) belonging to the V23(J558) heavy chain variable gene family but differing in the light chain variable domain were used. scFvs were targeted to the cytoplasm – with or without anchoring them in the plasma membrane –, into the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) and to the apoplast. Although high mRNA concentrations were detected in all cases, scFv proteins accumulated only when scFvs were made ER-resident by appropriate signal sequences. When the ER retention signal was removed to allow scFv-secretion to the apoplast, no scFv-proteins were detected. Despite the strong homology of the VH-sequences of J2 and P6 antibodies, only P6 provided a stable scFv scaffold for intracytoplasmic expression. J2-scFv could not be stabilised neither by adding a C-terminal stabilisation signal nor by anchoring the protein at the cytoplasmic side of the plasma membrane (PM). It was found that dsRNA-specific J2-scFvs are active in vivo and enhance Potato Virus Y induced symptoms in infected tobacco. This is the first report describing the expression and biological effect of RNA-specific antibodies in plants

    Axistationary perfect fluids -- a tetrad approach

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    Stationary axisymmetric perfect fluid space-times are investigated using the curvature description of geometries. Attention is focused on space-times with a vanishing electric part of the Weyl tensor. It is shown that the only incompressible axistationary magnetic perfect fluid is the interior Schwarzschild solution. The existence of a rigidly rotating perfect fluid, generalizing the interior Schwarzschild metric is proven. Theorems are stated on Petrov types and electric/magnetic Weyl tensors.Comment: 12 page