2,740 research outputs found

    Acidified and ultrafiltered recovered coagulants from water treatment works sludge for removal of phosphorus from wastewater

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    This study used a range of treated water treatment works sludge options for the removal of phosphorus (P) from primary wastewater. These options included the application of ultrafiltration for recovery of the coagulant from the sludge. The treatment performance and whole life cost (WLC) of the various recovered coagulant (RC) configurations have been considered in relation to fresh ferric sulphate (FFS). Pre-treatment of the sludge with acid followed by removal of organic and particulate contaminants using a 2kD ultrafiltration membrane resulted in a reusable coagulant that closely matched the performance FFS. Unacidified RC showed 53% of the phosphorus removal efficiency of FFS, at a dose of 20 mg/L as Fe and a contact time of 90 min. A longer contact time of 8 h improved performance to 85% of FFS. P removal at the shorter contact time improved to 88% relative to FFS by pre-acidifying the sludge to pH 2, using an acid molar ratio of 5.2:1 mol H+:Fe. Analysis of the removal of P showed that rapid phosphate precipitation accounted for >65% of removal with FFS. However, for the acidified RC a slower adsorption mechanism dominated; this was accelerated at a lower pH. A cost-benefit analysis showed that relative to dosing FFS and disposing waterworks sludge to land, the 20 year WLC was halved by transporting acidified or unacidified sludge up to 80 km for reuse in wastewater treatment. A maximum inter-site distance was determined to be 240 km above the current disposal route at current prices. Further savings could be made if longer contact times were available to allow greater P removal with unacidified RC

    Reuse of recovered coagulants in water treatment: An investigation on the effect coagulant purity has on treatment performance

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    Coagulant recovery offers many potential benefits to water treatment, by reducing chemical demand and waste production. The key obstacle to successful implementation is achieving the same levels of treatment quality and process economics as commercial coagulants. This study has evaluated the selectivity of pressure-filtration in the role of a low-cost coagulant recovery technology from waterworks sludge. The treatment performance of the purified recovered coagulant was directly compared to fresh and raw recovered coagulants. DOC and turbidity removal by recovered coagulants was close to that of commercial coagulants, indicating that coagulant can be successfully recovered and regenerated by acidifying waterworks sludge. However, performance was less consistent, with a much narrower optimum charge neutralisation window and 10–30% worse removal performance under optimum conditions. This inferior performance was particularly evident for recovered ferric coagulants. The impact of this was confirmed by measuring THM formation potential and residual metals concentrations, showing 30–300% higher THMFPs when recovered coagulants were used. This study confirms that pressure-filtration can be operated on an economically viable basis, in terms of mass flux and fouling. However, the selectivity currently falls short of the purity required for potable treatment, due to incomplete rejection of sludge contaminants

    Coagulant recovery and reuse for drinking water treatment

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    Coagulant recovery and reuse from waterworks sludge has the potential to significantly reduce waste disposal and chemicals usage for water treatment. Drinking water regulations demand purification of recovered coagulant before they can be safely reused, due to the risk of disinfection by-product precursors being recovered from waterworks sludge alongside coagulant metals. While several full-scale separation technologies have proven effective for coagulant purification, none have matched virgin coagulant treatment performance. This study examines the individual and successive separation performance of several novel and existing ferric coagulant recovery purification technologies to attain virgin coagulant purity levels. The new suggested approach of alkali extraction of dissolved organic compounds (DOC) from waterworks sludge prior to acidic solubilisation of ferric coagulants provided the same 14:1 selectivity ratio (874 mg/L Fe vs. 61 mg/L DOC) to the more established size separation using ultrafiltration (1285 mg/L Fe vs. 91 mg/L DOC). Cation exchange Donnan membranes were also examined: while highly selective (2555 mg/L Fe vs. 29 mg/L DOC, 88:1 selectivity), the low pH of the recovered ferric solution impaired subsequent treatment performance. The application of powdered activated carbon (PAC) to ultrafiltration or alkali pre-treated sludge, dosed at 80 mg/mg DOC, reduced recovered ferric DOC contamination to <1 mg/L but in practice, this option would incur significant costs. The treatment performance of the purified recovered coagulants was compared to that of virgin reagent with reference to key water quality parameters. Several PAC-polished recovered coagulants provided the same or improved DOC and turbidity removal as virgin coagulant, as well as demonstrating the potential to reduce disinfection byproducts and regulated metals to levels comparable to that attained from virgin material

    The effects of super-fruits including Montmorency tart cherries and pomegranate on the human body: A literature review

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    This literature review explores several published articles that report results related to health benefits of super-fruits including Montmorency tart cherries and pomegranate. Research suggests that Montmorency tart cherry supplementation may have the ability to relieve pain by decreasing inflammation, prevent gout flare ups by reducing uric acid levels in the bloodstream, relieve insomnia with natural exogenous melatonin, and lessen symptoms of muscle damage from physical exertion by decreasing oxidative stress. Studies have also shown that pomegranate supplementation may have the ability to help prevent obesity by helping to decrease body weight and fat production and improving insulin sensitivity as well as reducing the risk for heart disease by preventing low density lipoproteins from accumulating and causing atherosclerosis. Studies also claim that pomegranate can be beneficial in treating gastrointestinal ailments, cancer prevention, wound healing. The following literature review will delve deeper into the mechanisms by which Montmorency tart cherries and pomegranate affect the human body

    Climate Ready Estuaries - COAST in Action: 2012 Projects from Maine and New Hampshire

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    In summer 2011 the US EPA’s Climate Ready Estuaries program awarded funds to the Casco Bay Estuary Partnership (CBEP) in Portland, Maine, and the Piscataqua Region Estuaries Partnership (PREP) in coastal New Hampshire, to further develop and use COAST (COastal Adaptation to Sea level rise Tool) in their sea level rise adaptation planning processes. The New England Environmental Finance Center worked with municipal staff, elected officials, and other stakeholders to select specific locations, vulnerable assets, and adaptation actions to model using COAST. The EFC then collected the appropriate base data layers, ran the COAST simulations, and provided visual, numeric, and presentation-based products in support of the planning processes underway in both locations. These products helped galvanize support for the adaptation planning efforts. Through facilitated meetings they also led to stakeholders identifying specific action steps and begin to determine how to implement them

    Molecular assembly and mechanical properties of the extracellular matrix: A fibrous protein perspective

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    AbstractThe extracellular matrix is an integral and dynamic component of all tissues. Macromolecular compositions and structural architectures of the matrix are tissue-specific and typically are strongly influenced by the magnitude and direction of biomechanical forces experienced as part of normal tissue function. Fibrous extracellular networks of collagen and elastin provide the dominant response to tissue mechanical forces. These matrix proteins enable tissues to withstand high tensile and repetitive stresses without plastic deformation or rupture. Here we provide an overview of the hierarchical molecular and supramolecular assembly of collagens and elastic fibers, and review their capacity for mechanical behavior in response to force. This article is part of a Special Issue entitled: Fibrosis: Translation of basic research to human disease


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    The purpose of this study was to identify changes that occur in pelvis kinematics as baseball pitchers fatigue during extended performances. Kinematic data describing the actions of the pelvis were collected using electromagnetic tracking techniques and calculated using the ISB recommendations. There were significant differences between non-fatigued and fatigued conditions in the angle of lateral pelvis flexion at maximum external rotation and release (

    Effects of Home Value, Home Age, and Lot Size on Lawn Watering Practices of Residential Homeowners

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    Lawn care and lawn watering practices of residential homeowners were significantly affected by home value and home age, but lot size was less a factor


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    Previous biomechanical studies have compared kinematic and kinetics of the fastball baseball pitch to the change-up, but there is yet to be a description of muscle activations between the two pitches. With the fastball being the most common baseball pitch and the change-up being the staple off-speed pitch, it is typical for a baseball pitcher to have these two pitches in his compilation of pitches. The change-up is thrown in attempt to mimic the fastball, however has a much lower velocity than the fastball. The intention of both pitches exhibiting the same delivery is an attempt to distract the batter. Therefore it was the purpose of this study to quantitatively analyze the core musculature attached to the pelvis during both the fastball and the change-up baseball pitches
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