376 research outputs found

    The sdA problem - III. New extremely low-mass white dwarfs and their precursors from Gaia astrometry

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    The physical nature of the sdA stars---cool hydrogen-rich objects with spectroscopic surface gravities intermediate between main sequence and canonical mass white dwarfs---has been elusive since they were found in Sloan Digital Sky Survey Data Release 12 spectra. The population is likely dominated by metal-poor A/F stars in the halo with overestimated surface gravities, with a small contribution of extremely low-mass white dwarfs and their precursors, i.e., ELMs and pre-ELMs. In this work, we seek to identify (pre-)ELMs with radii smaller than is possible for main sequence stars, allowing even for very low metallicity. We analyse 3891 sdAs previously identified in the Sloan Digital Sky Survey using Gaia DR2 data. Our Monte Carlo analysis supports that 90 of these are inconsistent with the main sequence. 37 lie close to or within the canonical white dwarf cooling sequence, while the remaining 53 lie between the canonical white dwarfs and main sequence, which we interpret as likely (pre-)ELMs given their spectral class. Of these, 30 pass more conservative criteria that allow for higher systematic uncertainties on the parallax, as well as an approximate treatment of extinction. Our identifications increase the number of known (pre-)ELMs by up to 50 per cent, demonstrating how Gaia astrometry can reveal members of the compact (pre-)ELM subpopulation of the sdA spectral class.Comment: 13 pages, 19 figures, 1 table. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    Destroying Aliases from the Ground and Space: Super-Nyquist ZZ Cetis in K2 Long Cadence Data

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    With typical periods of order 10 minutes, the pulsation signatures of ZZ Ceti variables (pulsating hydrogen-atmosphere white dwarf stars) are severely undersampled by long-cadence (29.42 minutes per exposure) K2 observations. Nyquist aliasing renders the intrinsic frequencies ambiguous, stifling precision asteroseismology. We report the discovery of two new ZZ Cetis in long-cadence K2 data: EPIC 210377280 and EPIC 220274129. Guided by 3-4 nights of follow-up, high-speed (<=30 s) photometry from McDonald Observatory, we recover accurate pulsation frequencies for K2 signals that reflected 4-5 times off the Nyquist with the full precision of over 70 days of monitoring (~0.01 muHz). In turn, the K2 observations enable us to select the correct peaks from the alias structure of the ground-based signals caused by gaps in the observations. We identify at least seven independent pulsation modes in the light curves of each of these stars. For EPIC 220274129, we detect three complete sets of rotationally split ell=1 (dipole mode) triplets, which we use to asteroseismically infer the stellar rotation period of 12.7+/-1.3 hr. We also detect two sub-Nyquist K2 signals that are likely combination (difference) frequencies. We attribute our inability to match some of the K2 signals to the ground-based data to changes in pulsation amplitudes between epochs of observation. Model fits to SOAR spectroscopy place both EPIC 210377280 and EPIC 220274129 near the middle of the ZZ Ceti instability strip, with Teff = 11590+/-200 K and 11810+/-210 K, and masses 0.57+/-0.03 Msun and 0.62+/-0.03 Msun, respectively.Comment: 13 pages, 9 figures, 7 tables; accepted for publication in Ap

    A Dark Spot on a Massive White Dwarf

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    We present the serendipitous discovery of eclipse-like events around the massive white dwarf SDSS J152934.98+292801.9 (hereafter J1529+2928). We selected J1529+2928 for time-series photometry based on its spectroscopic temperature and surface gravity, which place it near the ZZ Ceti instability strip. Instead of pulsations, we detect photometric dips from this white dwarf every 38 minutes. Follow-up optical spectroscopy observations with Gemini reveal no significant radial velocity variations, ruling out stellar and brown dwarf companions. A disintegrating planet around this white dwarf cannot explain the observed light curves in different filters. Given the short period, the source of the photometric dips must be a dark spot that comes into view every 38 min due to the rotation of the white dwarf. Our optical spectroscopy does not show any evidence of Zeeman splitting of the Balmer lines, limiting the magnetic field strength to B<70 kG. Since up to 15% of white dwarfs display kG magnetic fields, such eclipse-like events should be common around white dwarfs. We discuss the potential implications of this discovery on transient surveys targeting white dwarfs, like the K2 mission and the Large Synoptic Survey Telescope.Comment: ApJ Letters, in pres

    Discovery of pulsations, including possible pressure modes, in two new extremely low mass, He-core white dwarfs

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    We report the discovery of the second and third pulsating extremely low mass white dwarfs (WDs), SDSS J111215.82+111745.0 (hereafter J1112) and SDSS J151826.68+065813.2 (hereafter J1518). Both have masses < 0.25 Msun and effective temperatures below 10,000 K, establishing these putatively He-core WDs as a cooler class of pulsating hydrogen-atmosphere WDs (DAVs, or ZZ Ceti stars). The short-period pulsations evidenced in the light curve of J1112 may also represent the first observation of acoustic (p-mode) pulsations in any WD, which provide an exciting opportunity to probe this WD in a complimentary way compared to the long-period g-modes also present. J1112 is a Teff = 9590 +/- 140 K and log(g) = 6.36 +/- 0.06 WD. The star displays sinusoidal variability at five distinct periodicities between 1792-2855 s. In this star we also see short-period variability, strongest at 134.3 s, well short of expected g-modes for such a low-mass WD. The other new pulsating WD, J1518, is a Teff = 9900 +/- 140 K and log(g) = 6.80 +/- 0.05 WD. The light curve of J1518 is highly non-sinusoidal, with at least seven significant periods between 1335-3848 s. Consistent with the expectation that ELM WDs must be formed in binaries, these two new pulsating He-core WDs, in addition to the prototype SDSS J184037.78+642312.3, have close companions. However, the observed variability is inconsistent with tidally induced pulsations and is so far best explained by the same hydrogen partial-ionization driving mechanism at work in classic C/O-core ZZ Ceti stars.Comment: 9 pages, 5 figures, accepted to The Astrophysical Journa

    The search for ZZ Ceti stars in the original Kepler mission

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    We report the discovery of 42 white dwarfs in the original Kepler mission field, including nine new confirmed pulsating hydrogen-atmosphere white dwarfs (ZZ Ceti stars). Guided by the Kepler-INT Survey (KIS), we selected white dwarf candidates on the basis of their U-g, g-r, and r-H_alpha photometric colours. We followed up these candidates with high-signal-to-noise optical spectroscopy from the 4.2-m William Herschel Telescope. Using ground-based, time-series photometry, we put our sample of new spectroscopically characterized white dwarfs in the context of the empirical ZZ Ceti instability strip. Prior to our search, only two pulsating white dwarfs had been observed by Kepler. Ultimately, four of our new ZZ Cetis were observed from space. These rich datasets are helping initiate a rapid advancement in the asteroseismic investigation of pulsating white dwarfs, which continues with the extended Kepler mission, K2.Comment: 9 pages, 6 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    Evidence from K2 for rapid rotation in the descendant of an intermediate-mass star

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    Using patterns in the oscillation frequencies of a white dwarf observed by K2, we have measured the fastest rotation rate, 1.13(02) hr, of any isolated pulsating white dwarf known to date. Balmer-line fits to follow-up spectroscopy from the SOAR telescope show that the star (SDSSJ0837+1856, EPIC 211914185) is a 13,590(340) K, 0.87(03) solar-mass white dwarf. This is the highest mass measured for any pulsating white dwarf with known rotation, suggesting a possible link between high mass and fast rotation. If it is the product of single-star evolution, its progenitor was a roughly 4.0 solar-mass main-sequence B star; we know very little about the angular momentum evolution of such intermediate-mass stars. We explore the possibility that this rapidly rotating white dwarf is the byproduct of a binary merger, which we conclude is unlikely given the pulsation periods observed.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figure, 1 table; accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journal Letter

    Radius constraints from high-speed photometry of 20 low-mass white dwarf binaries

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    We carry out high-speed photometry on 20 of the shortest-period, detached white dwarf binaries known and discover systems with eclipses, ellipsoidal variations (due to tidal deformations of the visible white dwarf), and Doppler beaming. All of the binaries contain low-mass white dwarfs with orbital periods less than 4 hr. Our observations identify the first eight tidally distorted white dwarfs, four of which are reported for the first time here, which we use to put empirical constraints on the mass-radius relationship for extremely low-mass (<0.30 Msun) white dwarfs. We also detect Doppler beaming in several of these binaries, which confirms the high-amplitude radial-velocity variability. All of these systems are strong sources of gravitational radiation, and long-term monitoring of those that display ellipsoidal variations can be used to detect spin-up of the tidal bulge due to orbital decay.Comment: 14 pages, 5 figures, accepted for publication in The Astrophysical Journa

    Engineering geological models: an introduction: IAEG commission 25

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    The generation and use of engineering geological models should be a fundamental activity for any geotechnical project. Such models are an essential tool for engineering quality control and provide a transparent way of identifying project-specific critical engineering geological issues and parameters. Models should also form the basis for designing the scope, the method and assessing the effectiveness of site investigations. However, whilst the idea of models in engineering geology has existed for several decades, there has been little published that systematically distinguishes the different model types and how and when they might be used. This paper presents the views of the International Association for Engineering Geology and the Environment Commission C25 on the ‘Use of Engineering Geological Models

    Evidence from K2 for Rapid Rotation in the Descendant of an Intermediate-mass Star

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    Using patterns in the oscillation frequencies of a white dwarf observed by K2, we have measured the fastest rotation rate (1.13 ± 0.02 hr) of any isolated pulsating white dwarf known to date. Balmer-line fits to follow-up spectroscopy from the SOAR telescope show that the star (SDSSJ0837+1856, EPIC 211914185) is a 13,590 340 K, 0.87±0.03Me white dwarf. This is the highest mass measured for any pulsating white dwarf with known rotation, suggesting a possible link between high mass and fast rotation. If it is the product of single-star evolution, its progenitor was a roughly 4.0Me main-sequence B star; we know very little about the angular momentum evolution of such intermediate-mass stars. We explore the possibility that this rapidly rotating white dwarf is the byproduct of a binary merger, which we conclude is unlikely given the pulsation periods observed
