79 research outputs found

    Valorisation de substrats organiques divers dans l'agriculture péri-urbaine de Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) pour l'amendement et la fertilisation des sols : acteurs et pratiques

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    Organic substrates recycling in the sub-urban agriculture of Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso) for soils fertilization: description of the different actors and their practices. This study aimed to establish an overview of the main actors of the sub-urban agriculture of Ouagadougou, their practices and expectations, and to characterize the used organic substrates (OS). For that, a farm survey was carried out on the most representative sites with 64 persons (cereal farmers, truckers and nurserymen) randomly chosen. OS were sampled with each actor, when available. Thus, 27 samples were taken and characterized through chemical analyses and laboratory incubations to follow organic carbon mineralization. The results highlighted that 35% of cereal farmers, 69% of truckers and 95% of nurserymen were 20 to 40 years old, that a large proportion of cereal farmers and truckers were not sent to school while 70% of nurserymen had at least primary education. Sub-urban agriculture was the only activity for 43% of farmers, 83% of truckers and 91% of nurserymen. Moreover, 71% of cereal farmers and 73% of nurserymen used municipal wastes as source of organic matter against only 17% of truckers, the majority of them using animal manures. The main criterion of choice of OS was their availability without any other consideration. Even if a large majority of the actors think that composts of OS were better than brut OS, a minority of them used currently composts. The best ways for an adoption and utilization of OS composts were to facilitate their accessibility and to promote these composts, composting techniques and their interests through advertising in mass media. Chemical analyses and laboratory incubations showed a great variability of the SUW, both in the same group and actors' groups. However, in case of total organic carbon, total nitrogen and total phosphorous contents, the following tendencies were observed: Contenttruckers > Contentfarmers > Contentnurserymen. For the sum of major elements Ca, K, Mg, Na (SME), it was observed that SMEtruckers ≈ SMEfarmers > SMEnurserymen. In addition, except a few atypical substrates, OS used by nurserymen were largely stabilized compared to those of cereal farmers and truckers

    Numerical and experimental study of an air-soil heat exchanger for cooling habitat in Sahelian zone: case of Ouagadougou

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    The use of air-soil heat exchangers for the cooling home has developed considerably in recent years. In this work, we have leaded the numerical study of an air-soil heat exchanger by using a nodal approach. We have also presented our experimental prototype implemented in Ouagadougou. This study has allowed determining the evolution of air temperature along the exchanger and also validating our numerical results with those of the literature and the experiment

    Prevalence of COVID-19 at the Wahgnion-Gold mining site in Burkina Faso and use of RT-PCR initial cycle threshold to monitor the dynamics of SARS-CoV-2 load

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    Background: To control the spread of coronavirus disease-19 (COVID-19) caused by the severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus-2 (SARS-CoV-2), it is necessary to adequately identify and isolate infectious patients particularly at the work place. Real time polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR) assay is the recommended confirmatory method for the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2 infection. The aim of this study was to determine the prevalence of SARSCoV-2 infection in Burkina Faso and to use the initial cycle threshold (Ct) values of RT-PCR as a tool to monitor the dynamics of the viral load. Methodology: Between September 2021 and February 2022, oropharyngeal and/or nasopharyngeal swab samples of consecutively selected COVID-19 symptomatic and apparently healthy workers from the Wahgnion mining site in the South-western Burkina Faso who consented to the study were collected according to the two weeks shift program and tested for SARS-CoV-2 using RT-PCR assay. Patients positive for the virus were followed-up weekly until tests were negative. Association of the initial RT-PCR Ct values with disease duration was assessed by adjusted linear regression approach. Two-sided p value < 0.05 was considered statistically significant. Results: A total of 1506 (92.9% males) participants were recruited into the study, with mean age and age range of 37.1±8.7 and 18-68 years respectively. The overall prevalence of SARS-CoV-2 infection was 14.3% (216/1506). Of the 82 patients included in the follow-up study, the longest duration of positive RT-PCR test, from the first positive to the first of the two negative RT-PCR tests, was 33 days (mean 11.6 days, median 10 days, interquartile range 8-14 days). The initial Ct values significantly correlated with the duration of RT-PCR positivity (with β=-0.54, standard error=0.09 for N gene, and β=-0.44, standard error=0.09 for ORF1ab gene, p<0.001). Participants with higher Ct values corresponding to lower viral loads had shorter viral clearance time than those of lower Ct values or higher viral loads. Conclusion: Approximately 1 out of 7 tested miners had SARS-CoV-2 infection and the duration of their RT-PCR tests positivity independently correlated with the initial viral load measured by initial Ct values. As participants with lower initial Ct values tended to have longer disease duration, initial RT-PCR Ct values could be used to guide COVID-19 patient quarantine duration particularly at the work place

    Stakeholder perceptions on the deployment of multiple first-line therapies for uncomplicated malaria: a qualitative study in the health district of Kaya, Burkina Faso

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    BACKGROUND: In Burkina Faso, malaria remains the first cause of medical consultation and hospitalization in health centres. First-line case management of malaria in the country's health facilities is based on the use of artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT). To optimize the use of these anti-malarial drugs in the perspective of mitigating the emergence of artemisinin resistance, which is a serious threat to malaria control and elimination, a pilot programme using multiple first-line therapies (MFTs) [three artemisinin-based combinations-pyronaridine-artesunate, dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine and artemether-lumefantrine] has been designed for implementation. As the success of this MFT pilot programme depends on the perceptions of key stakeholders in the health system and community members, the study aimed to assess their perceptions on the implementation of this strategy. METHODS: Semi-structured interviews, including 27 individual in-depth interviews and 41 focus groups discussions, were conducted with key stakeholders including malaria control policymakers and implementers, health system managers, health workers and community members. Volunteers from targets stakeholder groups were randomly selected. All interviews were recorded, transcribed and translated. Content analysis was performed using the qualitative software programme QDA Miner. RESULTS: The interviews revealed a positive perception of stakeholders on the implementation of the planned MFT programme. They saw the strategy as an opportunity to strengthen the supply of anti-malarial drugs and improve the management of fever and malaria. However, due to lack of experience with the products, health workers and care givers expressed some reservations about the effectiveness and side-effect profiles of the two anti-malarial drugs included as first-line therapy in the MFT programme (pyronaridine-artesunate, dihydroartemisinin-piperaquine). Questions were raised about the appropriateness of segmenting the population into three groups and assigning a specific drug to each group. CONCLUSION: The adherence of both populations and key stakeholders to the MFT implementation strategy will likely depend on the efficacy of the proposed drugs, the absence of, or low frequency of, side-effects, the cost of drugs and availability of the different combinations

    Feasibility and acceptability of a strategy deploying multiple first-line artemisinin-based combination therapies for uncomplicated malaria in the health district of Kaya, Burkina Faso

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    (1) Background: Effective malaria case management relies on World Health Organization (WHO) recommended artemisinin-based combination therapies (ACTs), but partial resistance to artemisinin has emerged and is spreading, threatening malaria control and elimination efforts. The strategy of deploying multiple first-line therapies (MFT) may help mitigate this threat and extend the therapeutic life of current ACTs. (2) Methods: A district-wide pilot quasi-experimental study was conducted, deploying three different ACTs at the public health facility (PHF) level for uncomplicated malaria treatment from December 2019 to December 2020 in the health district (HD) of Kaya, Burkina Faso. Mixed methods, including household and health facility-based quantitative and qualitative surveys, were used to evaluate the pilot programme. (3) Results: A total of 2008 suspected malaria patients were surveyed at PHFs, of which 79.1% were tested by rapid diagnostic test (RDT) with 65.5% positivity rate. In total, 86.1% of the confirmed cases received the appropriate ACT according to the MFT strategy. The adherence level did not differ by study segment (p = 0.19). Overall, the compliance level of health workers (HWs) with MFT strategy was 72.7% (95% CI: 69.7-75.5). The odds of using PHF as the first source of care increased after the intervention (aOR = 1.6; 95% CI, 1.3-1.9), and the reported adherence to the 3-day treatment regimen was 82.1%; (95% CI: 79.6-84.3). Qualitative results showed a high acceptance of the MFT strategy with positive opinions from all stakeholders. (4) Conclusions: Implementing an MFT strategy is operationally feasible and acceptable by stakeholders in the health systems in Burkina Faso. This study provides evidence to support the simultaneous use of multiple first-line artemisinin combination therapies in malaria-endemic countries such as Burkina Faso

    Attitudes, practices, and determinants of community care-seeking behaviours for fever/malaria episodes in the context of the implementation of multiple first-line therapies for uncomplicated malaria in the health district of Kaya, Burkina Faso

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    BACKGROUND: Malaria case management relies on World Health Organization (WHO)-recommended artemisinin-based combination therapy (ACT), and a continuous understanding of local community knowledge, attitudes, and practices may be a great support for the success of malaria disease control efforts. In this context, this study aimed to identify potential facilitators or barriers at the community level to inform a health district-wide implementation of multiple first-line therapies (MFT) as a new strategy for uncomplicated malaria case management. METHODS: A community-based cross-sectional study using a mixed-method design was carried out from November 2018 to February 2019, in the health district (HD) of Kaya in Burkina Faso. Quantitative data were collected using a standardized questionnaire from 1394 individuals who had fever/malaria episodes four weeks prior to the survey. In addition, 23 focus group discussions (FGDs) were conducted targeting various segments of the community. Logistic regression models were used to assess the predictors of community care-seeking behaviours. RESULTS: Overall, 98% (1366/1394) of study participants sought advice or treatment, and 66.5% did so within 24 h of fever onset. 76.4% of participants preferred to seek treatment from health centres as the first recourse to care, 5.8% were treated at home with remaining drug stock, and 2.3% preferred traditional healers. Artemether-lumefantrine (AL) was by far the most used anti-malarial drug (98.2%); reported adherence to the 3-day treatment regimen was 84.3%. Multivariate analysis identified less than 5 km distance travelled for care (AOR = 2.7; 95% CI 2.1-3.7) and education/schooling (AOR = 1.8; 95% CI 1.3-2.5) as determinants of prompt care-seeking for fever. Geographical proximity (AOR = 1.5, 95% CI 1.2-2.1), having a child under five (AOR = 4.6, 95% CI 3.2-6.7), being pregnant (AOR = 6.5, 95% CI 1.9-22.5), and living in an urban area (AOR = 2.8, 95% CI 1.8-4.2) were significant predictors for visiting health centres. The FGDs showed that participants had good knowledge about malaria symptoms, prevention tools, and effective treatment. Behaviour change regarding malaria treatment and free medication for children under five were the main reasons for participants to seek care at health centres. CONCLUSIONS: The study showed appropriate knowledge about malaria and positive community care-seeking behaviour at health centres for fever/malaria episodes. This could potentially facilitate the implementation of a MFT pilot programme in the district. CLINICALTRIALS: gov Identifier: NCT04265573

    Analysis of blood transfusion requirements during the gravido-puerperal period in a hospital in Ouagadougou

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    This work was carried out with the aim to analyze the needs covered and not covered in blood during the gravid-postpartum period. This retrospective study covered the period from 1st January 2007 to December 31, 2009. It took into account the records of patients admitted to a direct or indirect obstetric causes, and has received an indication for transfusion. 450 patients had an indication for transfusion during the gravid-puerperal period. The main indications for transfusion were posed in front of 75.1% and 24.9% bleeding to chronic anemia. The rate of pre-transfusion hemoglobin averaged 5.7g/dl and 58.5% of women had a lower rate 6g/dl. Among the 450 women, 84.4% were transfused. The unmet need was 15.6%. The unavailability of blood was the main reason for unmet need (74.6%). Transfusion incidents or accidents were reported in 8.1%. The prognosis was better if breast coverage need for transfusion (p =0.00056), however, remained subject to a mortality of 4%. Blood transfusion, often essential to preserve the life of the mother and child must be more accessible while respecting the established protocols in order to limit the risks.Objectif : Ce travail a été réalisé dans l’objectif d’analyser les besoins couverts et non couverts en matière de transfusion sanguine au cours de la période gravio-puerpérale. Patientes et méthodes : Cette étude rétrospective portait sur la période du 1 janvier 2007 au 31 décembre 2009. Elle prenait en compte les dossiers des patientes admises pour une cause obstétricale directe ou indirecte et ayant bénéficié d’une indication de transfusion. Résultats : 450 patientes ont eu une indication de transfusion au cours de la période gravido-puerpérale. Les principales indications de transfusion étaient posées dans 75,1% devant l’hémorragie et dans 24,9% devant une anémie chronique. Le taux d’hémoglobine pré-transfusionnel était en moyenne de 5,7g /dl et 58,5% des femmes avaient un taux inférieur à 6g/dl. Parmi les 450 femmes, 84,4% ont été transfusées. Le besoin non couvert était de 15,6%. L’indisponibilité du sang était la principale raison du besoin non couvert (74,6%). Les  incidents ou accidents transfusionnels ont été relevés dans 8,1%. Le pronostic maternel était meilleur en cas de couverture du besoin transfusionnel (p=0,00056) cependant il restait grevé d’une mortalité de 4%. Discussion et conclusion : La transfusion sanguine, souvent indispensable pour préserver la vie de la mère et de son enfant se doit d’être plus accessible tout en respectant les protocoles établis afin d’en limiter les risques.Objetivo: Este estudio se realizó con el objetivo de analizar las necesidades de sangre cubiertas y no cubiertas durante el período gestacional y puerperal (inmediatamente posterior al parto). Pacientes y métodos: Este estudio retrospectivo cubrió el período transcurrido entre el 1 de enero de 2007 y el 31 de diciembre de 2009. Se utilizaron los historiales de pacientes admitidas directa o indirectamente por causas de obstetricia y a las que se les indicó una transfusión. Resultados: Se indicó una transfusión a 450 pacientes durante el período gestacional y puerperal. Las causas principales para indicar una transfusión fueron las hemorragias en un 75,1 % de los casos y la anemia crónica en un 24,9 % de los casos. Los niveles medios de hemoglobina antes de las transfusiones eran de 5,7 g/dl, y el 58,5 % de las mujeres tenían niveles inferiores a 6 g/dl. De las 450 pacientes, 84,4 % de ellas recibieron una transfusión. La tasa no atendida fue del 15,6 %, y la principal causa fue la no disponibilidad de sangre (74,6 %). En el 8,1 % de las transfusiones se produjo algún incidente o accidente. El pronóstico materno fue mejor cuando se cubrió la necesidad transfusional (p = 0,00056) sin embargo, se vio gravado con una mortalidad del 4 %. Debate y conclusión: Las transfusiones de sangre, a menudo esenciales para preservar la vida de madre e hijo, deben ser más accesibles aunque respetando siempre los protocolos establecidos para limitar sus riesgos

    PLoS One

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    Timely diagnosis of Pulmonary Tuberculosis (PTB) is associated with good prognosis, but remains difficult in primary healthcare facilities and particularly in children and patients living with HIV. The aim of this study was to compare the GeneXpert ® MTB/RIF assay (Xpert) performed using a stool sample (3-5 g) and using the first Respiratory Tract Sample (RTS; i.e., sputum, bronchoalveolar or gastric aspirate; as normally done) concomitantly collected from 119 patients with suspected PTB to improve PTB diagnosis in Burkina Faso, a high tuberculosis burden country with limited resources. Overall, microbiological, microscopic and molecular analysis of the 119 first RTS and 119 stool specimens led to Mycobacterium tuberculosis complex detection in 28 patients (23 positive RTS cultures and 5 negative RTS cultures-RTS Xpert positive). When using the 28 clinical confirmed cases as reference standard, the sensitivities of the stool-based and RTS-based Xpert assays were not different (24/28, 85.7%, versus 26/28, 92.86%; p > 0.30), and 22 results were fully concordant. Considering the first RTS culture as the gold standard, the sensitivities of the stool-based and RTS-based Xpert assays to detect PTB in patients with positive RTS culture were 100% (23/23) and 91.3% (21/23), respectively (p >0.05). The stool-based Xpert assay specificity for excluding PTB was 99% (95/96) (compared with 95%, 91/96, when using RTS) and its negative and positive predictive values were 100% (95/95) and 96% (23/24), respectively. Compared with the 23 positive RTS cultures, the incremental yield rates of the RTS-based and stool-based Xpert assays were 4.2% (5/119) and 0.84% (1/119), respectively. Overall, our findings support using the stool-based Xpert assay as an alternative method for earlier PTB diagnosis, when RTS are difficult to obtain
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