699 research outputs found

    The Cost of Creating Therapeutic Relationships: A Phenomenological Study

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    The purpose of this phenomenological study was to describe how licensed counselors address vicarious trauma and burnout when working with individuals exposed to trauma. This study involved ten licensed professionals from diverse settings including clinics, private practices, and non-profit organizations. Constructive Self-Development Theory guided this study, which defines how traumatic experiences influence a person’s sense of identity. This theory is particularly relevant to this qualitative study because it explains the challenges faced by professional counselors who interact with trauma survivors and acts as a guide toward solutions for preventing counselors from experiencing vicarious trauma and burnout. Snowball sampling was used in participant selection for the study, in which new participants were recommended by existing ones. This study provided valuable insights into how counselors address the challenges of vicarious trauma and burnout and may inform the development of evidence-based interventions to support the well-being of those who work in this field. Data collection methods consisted of semi-structured interviews and focus groups, with licensed counselors above 18 years of age who have experienced trauma in their interactions with clients. Thematic analysis was used to identify, scrutinize, and interpret emerging patterns or themes. The results of this study can inform the creation of enhanced support systems and resources for counselors navigating challenges within the helping profession

    Feasibility of interleukin-6 receptor blockade in cardiac antibody-mediated rejection

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    BACKGROUND: Antibody-mediated rejection (AMR) remains a significant cause of heart transplant mortality with few effective therapies. METHODS: This study aimed to describe initial experience of using interleukin-6 receptor blockade with tocilizumab in the treatment of acute cardiac AMR at Barnes-Jewish Hospital/Washington University Transplant Center from July 2017 to May 2021 (n = 7). Clinical, echocardiographic, and serum alloantibody data were analyzed before and after treatment. RESULTS: All participants demonstrated marked improvement in functional status. Echocardiographic data following 4-6 mo of tocilizumab revealed significant improvements in biventricular systolic function for all participants. Consistent reductions in donor-specific HLA or angiotensin type I receptor antibodies were not observed, suggesting that tocilizumab may act downstream of antibody production. No patient experienced drug-related complications that necessitated discontinuation of therapy. CONCLUSIONS: These findings provide initial insights into the safety and efficacy of interleukin-6 receptor blockade in the treatment of cardiac AMR and support the design of larger prospective studies

    Large Geographic Variability in the Resistance of Corals to Thermal Stress

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    Aim: Predictions for the future of coral reefs are largely based on thermal exposure and poorly account for potential geographic variation in biological sensitivity to ther- mal stress. Without accounting for complex sensitivity responses, simple climate ex- posure models and associated predictions may lead to poor estimates of future coral survival and lead to policies that fail to identify and implement the most appropri- ate interventions. To begin filling this gap, we evaluated a number of attributes of coral taxa and communities that are predicted to influence coral resistance to thermal stress over a large geographic range. Location: Western Indo-Pacific and Central Indo-Pacific Ocean Realms. Major taxa studied: Zooxanthellate Scleractinia – hard corals. Methods: We evaluated the geographic variability of coral resistance to thermal stress as the ratio of thermal exposure and sensitivity in 12 countries during the 2016 global-bleaching event. Thermal exposure was estimated by two metrics: (a) histori- cal excess summer heat (cumulative thermal anomaly, CTA), and (b) a multivariate index of sea-surface temperature (SST), light, and water flow (climate exposure, CE). Sensitivity was estimated for 226 sites using coordinated bleaching observations and underwater surveys of coral communities. We then evaluated coral resistance to ther- mal stress using 48 generalized linear mixed models (GLMMs) to compare the poten- tial influences of geography, historical SST variation, coral cover and coral richness. Results: Geographic faunal provinces and ecoregions were the strongest predic- tors of coral resistance to thermal stress, with sites in the Australian, Indonesian and Fiji-Caroline Islands coral provinces having higher resistance to thermal stress than Africa-India and Japan-Vietnam provinces. Ecoregions also showed strong gradients in resistance with highest resistance to thermal stress in the western Pacific and Coral Triangle and lower resistance in the surrounding ecoregions. A more detailed evaluation of Coral Triangle and non-Coral Triangle sites found higher resistance to thermal stress within the Coral Triangle, associated with c. 2.5 times more recent historical thermal anomalies and more centralized, warmer, and cool-water skew SST distributions, than in non-Coral Triangle sites. Our findings identify the importance of environmental history and geographic context in future predictions of bleaching, and identify some potential drivers of coral resistance to thermal stress. Main conclusions: Simple threshold models of heat stress and coral acclimation are commonly used to predict the future of coral reefs. Here and elsewhere we show that large-scale responses of coral communities to heat stress are geographically variable and associated with differential environmental stresses and histories

    Functional Correlations of Pathogenesis-Driven Gene Expression Signatures in Tuberculosis

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    Tuberculosis remains a major health threat and its control depends on improved measures of prevention, diagnosis and treatment. Biosignatures can play a significant role in the development of novel intervention measures against TB and blood transcriptional profiling is increasingly exploited for their rational design. Such profiles also reveal fundamental biological mechanisms associated with the pathology of the disease. We have compared whole blood gene expression in TB patients, as well as in healthy infected and uninfected individuals in a cohort in The Gambia, West Africa and validated previously identified signatures showing high similarities of expression profiles among different cohorts. In this study, we applied a unique combination of classical gene expression analysis with pathway and functional association analysis integrated with intra-individual expression correlations. These analyses were employed for identification of new disease-associated gene signatures, identifying a network of Fc gamma receptor 1 signaling with correlating transcriptional activity as hallmark of gene expression in TB. Remarkable similarities to characteristic signatures in the autoimmune disease systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) were observed. Functional gene clusters of immunoregulatory interactions involving the JAK-STAT pathway; sensing of microbial patterns by Toll-like receptors and IFN-signaling provide detailed insights into the dysregulation of critical immune processes in TB, involving active expression of both pro-inflammatory and immunoregulatory systems. We conclude that transcriptomics (i) provides a robust system for identification and validation of biosignatures for TB and (ii) application of integrated analysis tools yields novel insights into functional networks underlying TB pathogenesis

    The Influence of Enhanced Post-Glacial Coastal Margin Productivity on the Emergence of Complex Societies

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    Abstract We analyze the dynamics of post-glacial coastal margin (CM) productivity and explore how it affected the emergence of six complex CM societies. Following deglaciation, global relative sea level stabilized after ~7000 BP and CM productivity significantly increased in many areas. Primary and secondary productivity (fish) likely increased by an order of magnitude or more. Aquatic animals were readily available in the CM providing sources of polyunsaturated omega-3 fatty acids, high quality protein, and nutrients, especially essential to human nutrition. In all six case studies, mature CMs appear to have been occupied by Neolithic agricultural and fishing villages within ~500 years of sea-level stabilization. Within a few hundred years population densities increased and roughly a millennium later social ranking and monumental architecture appeared. Sea-level stabilization and increased CM productivity in conjunction with agricultural intensification in lower alluvial floodplains were major contributors to the origins of many complex CM societies. Keyword

    Just how versatile are domains?

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Creating new protein domain arrangements is a frequent mechanism of evolutionary innovation. While some domains always form the same combinations, others form many different arrangements. This ability, which is often referred to as versatility or promiscuity of domains, its a random evolutionary model in which a domain's promiscuity is based on its relative frequency of domains.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>We show that there is a clear relationship across genomes between the promiscuity of a given domain and its frequency. However, the strength of this relationship differs for different domains. We thus redefine domain promiscuity by defining a new index, <it>DV I </it>("domain versatility index"), which eliminates the effect of domain frequency. We explore links between a domain's versatility, when unlinked from abundance, and its biological properties.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>Our results indicate that domains occurring as single domain proteins and domains appearing frequently at protein termini have a higher <it>DV I</it>. This is consistent with previous observations that the evolution of domain re-arrangements is primarily driven by fusion of pre-existing arrangements and single domains as well as loss of domains at protein termini. Furthermore, we studied the link between domain age, defined as the first appearance of a domain in the species tree, and the <it>DV I</it>. Contrary to previous studies based on domain promiscuity, it seems as if the <it>DV I </it>is age independent. Finally, we find that contrary to previously reported findings, versatility is lower in Eukaryotes. In summary, our measure of domain versatility indicates that a random attachment process is sufficient to explain the observed distribution of domain arrangements and that several views on domain promiscuity need to be revised.</p