147,953 research outputs found

    FORTRAN program flow chart is automatically produced

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    Computer under control of the flo-tran program automatically produces and updates flowcharts of fortran program source decks fed to it. The flowcharts are produced on either 35mm film or paper

    High energy density electrochemical cell

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    Primary cell has an anode of lithium, a cathode containing dihaloisocyanuric acid, and a nonaqueous electrolyte comprised of a solution of lithium perchlorate in methyl formate. It produces an energy density of 213 watt hrs/lb and can achieve a high current density

    Testing the use of viscous remanent magnetisation to date flood events

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    © 2015 Muxworthy, Williams and Heslop. Using erratics associated with large flood events, this paper assesses whether their viscous remanent magnetisation (VRM) can be used to date the flood events. We tested this method using flood erratics from three large events: (1) the Late Pleistocene Bonneville mega-flood in Idaho, USA, (~14–18 ka), (2) the 1918 A.D. Mt. Katla, Iceland, eruption and associated jökulhaup (meltwater flood) at Mýrdalssandur, and (3) the Markarfljót jökulhaup due to an earlier eruption of Mt. Katla (~2.5 ka). We measured 236 specimens, 66 of which yielded clear identifiable and measurable viscous magnetisation signals from erratics with clustered VRM directions. From the VRM unblocking temperatures, age estimates were made. The age estimate for the most recent event (Mýrdalssandur) worked well, with a median estimated age of 80 years (with individual erratic estimates distributed between 61–105 years) compared to the known age of 91 years. The ages of the other two events were over-estimated. The estimates for Markarfljót [15 ka (7–33 ka)] were based on the results of just one erratic. For the Bonneville flood the estimates were too old, however, this locality had the largest uncertainty in the ambient temperature used in the age determination; the VRM acquired is strongly dependent on the ambient temperature, the older the event the greater the uncertainty. Southern Idaho currently has hot summers, with average summer maximum temperatures of ~31°C, but a mean annual temperature of only ~ 9°C. It is suggested that the VRM dating method works best for recent events (<2–3 ka) where the ambient temperature history can be constrained

    Innovative psychological treatments for depression

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    A number of high-intensity psychosocial interventions have been shown to be as efficacious as and more enduring than medications in the treatment of nonpsychotic depression. Moreover, there have been important advances in the development of strategies to facilitate the selection of the best treatment for a given patient with a depression diagnosis. However, the demand for services is too great to be met by conventional high-intensity approaches alone. Some of the most exciting work in recent years has focused on the development of low-intensity approaches that can benefit many people and do so cost-effectively

    Mapping biodiversity value worldwide: combining higher-taxon richness from different groups

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    Maps of large-scale biodiversity are urgently needed to guide conservation, and yet complete enumeration of organisms is impractical at present. One indirect approach is to measure richness at higher taxonomic ranks, such as families. The difficulty is how to combine information from different groups on numbers of higher taxa, when these taxa may in effect have been defined in different ways, particularly for more distantly related major groups. In this paper, the regional family richness of terrestrial and freshwater seed plants, amphibians, reptiles and mammals is mapped worldwide by combining: (i) absolute family richness; (ii) proportional family richness; and (iii) proportional family richness weighted for the total species richness in each major group. The assumptions of the three methods and their effects on the results are discussed, although for these data the broad pattern is surprisingly robust with respect to the method of combination. Scores from each of the methods of combining families are used to rank the top five richness hotspots and complementary areas, and hotspots of endemism are mapped by unweighted combination of range-size rarity scores

    Monolayers of 3He on the Surface of Bulk Superfluid 4He

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    We have used quantum evaporation to investigate the two-dimensional fermion system that forms at the free surface of (initially isotopically pure) 4He when small quantities of 3He are added to it. By measuring the first-arrival times of the evaporated atoms, we have determined that the 3He-3He potential in this system is V_3S/k_B=(0.23+/-0.02) K nm^2 (repulsive) and estimated a value of m_3S=(1.53+/-0.02)m_3 for the zero-coverage effective mass. We have also observed the predicted second layer-state which becomes occupied once the first layer-state density exceeds about 0.6 monolayers.Comment: 2 pages, 3 figures. Submitted to Proc. LT-22 (1999) to appear in Physica

    Diagnostics of seeded RF plasmas: An experimental study related to the gaseous core reactor

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    Measurements of the temperature profiles in an RF argon plasma were made over magnetic field intensities ranging from 20 amp turns/cm to 80 amp turns/cm. The results were compared with a one-dimensional numerical treatment of the governing equations and with an approximate closed form analytical solution that neglected radiation losses. The average measured temperatures in the plasma compared well with the numerical treatment, though the experimental profile showed less of an off center temperature peak than predicted by theory. This may be a result of the complex turbulent flow pattern present in the experimental torch and not modeled in the numerical treatment. The radiation term cannot be neglected for argon at the power levels investigated. The closed form analytical approximation that neglected radiation led to temperature predictions on the order of 1000 K to 2000 K higher than measured or predicted by the numerical treatment which considered radiation losses