Diagnostics of seeded RF plasmas: An experimental study related to the gaseous core reactor
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Measurements of the temperature profiles in an RF argon plasma were made over magnetic field intensities ranging from 20 amp turns/cm to 80 amp turns/cm. The results were compared with a one-dimensional numerical treatment of the governing equations and with an approximate closed form analytical solution that neglected radiation losses. The average measured temperatures in the plasma compared well with the numerical treatment, though the experimental profile showed less of an off center temperature peak than predicted by theory. This may be a result of the complex turbulent flow pattern present in the experimental torch and not modeled in the numerical treatment. The radiation term cannot be neglected for argon at the power levels investigated. The closed form analytical approximation that neglected radiation led to temperature predictions on the order of 1000 K to 2000 K higher than measured or predicted by the numerical treatment which considered radiation losses