743 research outputs found
Influence of antigen distribution on the mediation of immunological glomerular injury
Influence of antigen distribution on the mediation of immunological glomerular injury. To determine if the site of immune reaction could influence the mediation and morphological expression of glomerular injury in experimental anti-glomerular basement membrane (anti-GBM) nephritis and membranous nephropathy, we studied the events that followed the in situ reaction of rat antibody with antigen planted in either the GBM (especially the lamina rara interna) or in the subepithelial space (SE). Non-nephritogenic amounts of noncomplement-fixing sheep anti-GBM or anti-tubular brushborder antibody were injected into separate groups of rats to plant sheep IgG in the GBM and SE, respectively. Kidneys containing sheep IgG were then transplanted into naive recipients that were passively immunized with rat anti-sheep IgG. There was marked proteinuria after 2 days (antigen in GBM: 226 ± 50.7; antigen in SE: 69 ± 50.7 mg/24 hr) that was abrogated by prior depletion of complement in both groups (antigen in GBM: 10.2 ± 1.7; antigen in SE: 14.3 ± 8.7 mg/24 hr). When antigen was planted in SE, inflammatory-cell depletion with either anti-neutrophil (PMN) serum or lethal irradiation had no effect on proteinuria. In contrast, anti-PMN abolished proteinuria (12.0 ± 5.6 mg/24 hr) and irradiation reduced it by 60% when antigen was in GBM. Glomeruli of kidneys with antigen in GBM were significantly larger and more hypercellular than those with antigen in SE after transplantation into immunized recipients. Endothelial cell injury and adherence of inflammatory cells to denuded GBM were prominent in the former (antigen in GBM), while glomeruli with antigen in SE showed only subepithelial deposits, adjacent slit-diaphragm displacement, and epithelial cell foot-process effacement. Thus, the reaction of antigen and antibody in glomeruli produced complement-mediated injury which was cell-independent when complex formation occurred on the outer aspect of the GBM but was cell-dependent when the same reagents reacted more proximally to the circulation. We therefore conclude that antigen distribution can critically influence the mediation and morphologic expression of immune glomerular injury and may, in part, account for variations in the clinical and histological manifestations of antibody-induced glomerular disease in humans.Influence de la distribution antigĂ©nique sur la mĂ©diation des lĂ©sions glomĂ©rulaires immunologiques. Afin de dĂ©terminer si le site de la rĂ©action immune pourrait influencer la mĂ©diation et l'expression morphologique des lĂ©sions glomĂ©rulaires lors d'une nĂ©phrite expĂ©rimentale anti-membrane basale glomĂ©rulaire (anti-GBM) et d'une nĂ©phropathie extra-membraneuse, nous avons Ă©tudiĂ© les Ă©vĂ©nements qui suivaient la rĂ©action in situ d'anticorps de rat avec un antigĂšne fixĂ© soit dans la GBM (surtout dans la lamina rara interna), soit dans l'espace sous-Ă©pithĂ©lial (SE). Des quantitĂ©s non nephritogĂšnes d'anticorps anti-GBM, ou anti-bordure en brosse tubulaire de mouton ne fixant pas le complĂ©ment ont Ă©tĂ© injectĂ©es Ă diffĂ©rents groupes de rats pour fixer de l'IgG de mouton dans la GBM et le SE, respectivement. Les reins contenant l'IgG de mouton Ă©taient alors transplantĂ©s Ă des receveurs vierges passivement immunisĂ©s avec de l'IgG de rat antimouton. Il existait une protĂ©inurie marquĂ©e aprĂšs deux jours (antigĂšne dans la GBM: 226 ± 50,7; antigĂšne dans SE: 69 ± 50,7 mg/24 hrs) qui Ă Ă©tĂ© abrogĂ© par une dĂ©plĂ©tion du complement dans les deux groupes (antigĂšne dans la GBM: 10,2 ± 1,7; antigĂšne dans SE: 14,3 ± 8,7 mg/24 hr). Lorsque l'antigĂšne Ă©tait fixĂ© dans SE, une dĂ©plĂ©tion en cellules inflammatoires par du sĂ©rum anti-neutrophile (PMN) ou une irradiation lĂ©thale n'avaient pas d'effet sur la protĂ©inurie. A l'opposĂ©, anti-PMN supprimait la protĂ©inurie (12,0 ± 5,6 mg/24 hr) et l'irradiation la rĂ©duisait de 60% lorsque l'antigĂšne Ă©tait dans la GBM. Les glomĂ©rules de reins ayant l'antigĂšne dans la GBM Ă©taient significativement plus gros et plus hyper-cellulaires que ceux ayant l'antigĂšne dans SE aprĂšs transplantation chez des receveurs immunisĂ©s. Les lĂ©sions cellulaires endothĂ©liales et l'adhĂ©rence des cellules inflammatoires Ă des GBM nues Ă©taient prĂ©dominantes chez les premiers (antigĂšne dans la GBM) alors que les glomĂ©rules ayant l'antigĂšne dans SE prĂ©sentaient uniquement des dĂ©pĂŽts sous-Ă©pithĂ©liaux, un dĂ©placement du slit-diaphragme adjacent et un effacement des pĂ©dicelles des cellules Ă©pithĂ©liales. Ainsi, la rĂ©action d'un antigĂšne et d'un anticorps dans des glomĂ©rules a produit des lĂ©sions Ă mĂ©diation complĂ©mentaire indĂ©pentantes des cellules lorsque la formation de complexes survenait dans la partie extĂ©rieure de la GBM, mais dĂ©pendantes des cellules lorsque les mĂȘmes rĂ©actifs interagissaient de façon plus proximale dans la circulation. Nous concluons donc que la distribution antigĂ©nique peut influencer de maniĂšre critique la mĂ©diation et l'expression morphologique des lĂ©sions glomĂ©rulaires immunes et qu'elle peut, en partie, rendre compte de variations dans les manifestations cliniques et histologiques de glomĂ©rulopathies Ă mĂ©diation par anticorps chez l'homme
License prices for financially constrained firms
It is often alleged that high auction prices inhibit service deployment. We investigate this claim under the extreme case of financially constrained bidders. If demand is just slightly elastic, auctions maximize consumer surplus if consumer surplus is a convex function of quantity (a common assumption), or if consumer surplus is concave and the proportion of expenditure spent on deployment is greater than one over the elasticity of demand. The latter condition appears to be true for most of the large telecom auctions in the US and Europe. Thus, even if high auction prices inhibit service deployment, auctions appear to be optimal from the consumersâ point of view
On the lease rate, convenience yield and speculative effects in the gold futures market
By examining data on the gold forward offered rate (GOFO) and lease rates over the period 1996- 2009, we conclude that the convenience yield of gold is better approximated by the lease rate than the interest-adjusted spread of Fama & French (1983). Using the latter quantity, we study the relationship between gold leasing and the level of COMEX discretionary inventory and exhibit that lease rates are negatively related to inventories. We also show that Futures prices have increasingly exceeded forward prices over the period, and this effect increases with the speculative pressure and the maturity of the contracts
Do people really want to be nudged towards healthy lifestyles?
This paper assesses Thaler and Sunsteinâs claim that policies that nudge individuals towards healthy lifestyles promote the welfare of those individuals, as judged by themselves. I argue that Thaler and Sunstein switch between two different interpretations of that clause. One interpretation gives the clause a wide range of applicability, but drains it of its content as a repudiation of paternalism. The other interpretation makes it more meaningful to say that people want to make the choices they are being nudged towards, but applies to a much narrower range of cases than Thaler and Sunstein have in mind
Collusion through Joint R&D: An Empirical Assessment
This paper tests whether upstream R&D cooperation leads to downstream collusion. We consider an oligopolistic setting where firms enter in research joint ventures (RJVs) to lower production costs or coordinate on collusion in the product market. We show that a sufficient condition for identifying collusive behavior is a decline in the market share of RJV-participating firms, which is also necessary and sufficient for a decrease in consumer welfare. Using information from the US National Cooperation Research Act, we estimate a market share equation correcting for the endogeneity of RJV participation and R&D expenditures. We find robust evidence that large networks between direct competitors â created through firms being members in several RJVs at the same time â are conducive to collusive outcomes in the product market which reduce consumer welfare. By contrast, RJVs among non-competitors are efficiency enhancing
How do women at increased, but unexplained, familial risk of breast cancer perceive and manage their risk? A qualitative interview study
<p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>The perception of breast cancer risk held by women who have not had breast cancer, and who are at increased, but unexplained, familial risk of breast cancer is poorly described. This study aims to describe risk perception and how it is related to screening behaviour for these women.</p> <p>Methods</p> <p>Participants were recruited from a population-based sample (the Australian Breast Cancer Family Study - ABCFS). The ABCFS includes women diagnosed with breast cancer and their relatives. For this study, women without breast cancer with at least one first- or second-degree relative diagnosed with breast cancer before age 50 were eligible unless a <it>BRCA1 </it>or <it>BRCA2 </it>mutation had been identified in their family. Data collection consisted of an audio recorded, semi-structured interview on the topic of breast cancer risk and screening decision-making. Data was analysed thematically.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>A total of 24 interviews were conducted, and saturation of the main themes was achieved. Women were classified into one of five groups: don't worry about cancer risk, but do screening; concerned about cancer risk, so do something; concerned about cancer risk, so why don't I do anything?; cancer inevitable; cancer unlikely.</p> <p>Conclusions</p> <p>The language and framework women use to describe their risk of breast cancer must be the starting point in attempts to enhance women's understanding of risk and their prevention behaviour.</p
Load carrying capacity of a heterogeneous surface bearing
It has been shown before that liquids can slip at a solid boundary, which prompted the idea that parallel-surfaces bearings can be achieved just by alternating slip and non-slip regions in the direction of fluid flow. The amount of slip at the wall depends on the surface tension at the liquidâsolid interface, which in turn depends on the chemical state of the surface and its roughness. In the present study a heterogeneous surface was obtained by coating half of a circular glass disc with a coating repellant to glycerol. A rotating glass disc was placed at a known/calibrated distance and the gap was filled with glycerol. With the mobile surface moving from the direction of slip to non-slip region it can be theoretically shown that a pressure build up can be achieved. The pressure gradient in the two regions is constant, similar to that in a Rayleigh step bearing, with the maximum pressure at the separation line. The heterogeneous disc was placed on a holder supported by a load cell thus the force generated by this pressure increase can be measured accurately. Tests were carried out at different sliding speeds and gaps and the load carried was measured and subsequently compared with theoretical calculations. This allowed the slip coefficient to be evaluated
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