7,115 research outputs found

    Min-oscillations in Escherichia coli induced by interactions of membrane-bound proteins

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    During division it is of primary importance for a cell to correctly determine the site of cleavage. The bacterium Escherichia coli divides in the center, producing two daughter cells of equal size. Selection of the center as the correct division site is in part achieved by the Min-proteins. They oscillate between the two cell poles and thereby prevent division at these locations. Here, a phenomenological description for these oscillations is presented, where lateral interactions between proteins on the cell membrane play a key role. Solutions to the dynamic equations are compared to experimental findings. In particular, the temporal period of the oscillations is measured as a function of the cell length and found to be compatible with the theoretical prediction.Comment: 17 pages, 5 figures. Submitted to Physical Biolog

    Quantum mechanics on manifolds and topological effects

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    A unique classification of the topological effects associated to quantum mechanics on manifolds is obtained on the basis of the invariance under diffeomorphisms and the realization of the Lie-Rinehart relations between the generators of the diffeomorphism group and the algebra of infinitely differentiable functions on the manifold. This leads to a unique ("Lie-Rinehart") C* algebra as observable algebra; its regular representations are shown to be locally Schroedinger and in one to one correspondence with the unitary representations of the fundamental group of the manifold. Therefore, in the absence of spin degrees of freedom and external fields, the first homotopy group of the manifold appears as the only source of topological effects.Comment: A few comments have been added to the Introduction, together with related references; a few words have been changed in the Abstract and a Note added to the Titl

    D'yakonov-Perel' spin relaxation for degenerate electrons in the electron-hole liquid

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    http://arxiv.org/PS_cache/arxiv/pdf/1010/1010.5544v1.pdfWe present an analytical study of the D'yakonov-Perel' spin relaxation time for degenerate electrons in a photo-excited electron-hole liquid in intrinsic semiconductors exhibiting a spin-split band structure. The D'yakonov-Perel' spin relaxation of electrons in these materials is controlled by electron-hole scattering, with small corrections from electron-electron scattering and virtually none from electron-impurity scattering. We derive simple expressions (one-dimensional and two- dimensional integrals respectively) for the effective electron-hole and electron-electron scattering rates which enter the spin relaxation time calculation. The electron-hole scattering rate is found to be comparable to the scattering rates from impurities in the electron liquid - a common model for n-type doped semiconductors. As the density of electron-hole pairs decreases (within the degenerate regime), a strong enhancement of the scattering rates and a corresponding slowing down of spin relaxation is predicted due to exchange and correlation effects in the electron-hole liquid. In the opposite limit of high density, the original D'yakonov-Perel' model fails due to decreasing scattering rates and is eventually superseded by free precession of individual quasiparticle spins.This work was supported by the National Science Foundation under grant number DMR-0705460 and the Department of Energy under grant number DE-FG02-05ER46203. The work of IVT was supported by Spanish MEC (FIS2007-65702-C02-01), \Grupos Consolidados UPV/EHU del Gobierno Vasco" (IT-319-07), and the European Union through e-I3 ETSF project (Contract No. 211956)

    Influence of the Particles Creation on the Flat and Negative Curved FLRW Universes

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    We present a dynamical analysis of the (classical) spatially flat and negative curved Friedmann-Lameitre-Robertson-Walker (FLRW) universes evolving, (by assumption) close to the thermodynamic equilibrium, in presence of a particles creation process, described by means of a realiable phenomenological approach, based on the application to the comoving volume (i. e. spatial volume of unit comoving coordinates) of the theory for open thermodynamic systems. In particular we show how, since the particles creation phenomenon induces a negative pressure term, then the choice of a well-grounded ansatz for the time variation of the particles number, leads to a deep modification of the very early standard FLRW dynamics. More precisely for the considered FLRW models, we find (in addition to the limiting case of their standard behaviours) solutions corresponding to an early universe characterized respectively by an "eternal" inflationary-like birth and a spatial curvature dominated singularity. In both these cases the so-called horizon problem finds a natural solution.Comment: 14 pages, no figures, appeared in Class. Quantum Grav., 18, 193, 200

    Dynamic critical behavior of the Chayes-Machta-Swendsen-Wang algorithm

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    We study the dynamic critical behavior of the Chayes-Machta dynamics for the Fortuin-Kasteleyn random-cluster model, which generalizes the Swendsen-Wang dynamics for the q-state Potts model to noninteger q, in two and three spatial dimensions, by Monte Carlo simulation. We show that the Li-Sokal bound z \ge \alpha/\nu is close to but probably not sharp in d=2, and is far from sharp in d=3, for all q. The conjecture z \ge \beta/\nu is false (for some values of q) in both d=2 and d=3.Comment: Revtex4, 4 pages including 4 figure

    Photon Production From The Scattering of Axions Out of a Solenoidal Magnetic Field

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    We calculate the total cross section for the production of photons from the scattering of axions by a strong inhomogeneous magnetic field in the form of a 2D delta-function, a cylindrical step function and a 2D Gaussian distribution, which can be approximately produced by a solenoidal current. The theoretical result is used to estimate the axion-photon conversion probability which could be expected in a reasonable experimental situation. The calculated conversion probabilities for QCD inspired axions are bigger by a factor of 2.67 (for the cylindrical step function case) than those derived by applying the celebrated 1D calculation of the (inverse) coherent Primakoff effect. We also consider scattering at a resonance EaxionmaxionE_{axion} \sim m_{axion}, which corresponds to the scattering from a delta-function and gives the most enhanced results. Finally, we analyze the results of this work in the astrophysical extension to suggest a way in which they may be directed to a solution to some basic solar physics problems and, in particular, the coronal heating problem.Comment: 19 pages, 1 figure, added analysis of our results in the astrophysical extensio

    Probing the nature of possible open cluster remnants with the Southern Prope r Motion Program

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    We discuss the nature of eleven Possible Open Cluster Remnants (POCRs) by using absolute proper motions from the Southern Proper Motion (SPM) Program 3 (Girard et al. [CITE], AJ, 127, 3060) combined with near infrared photometry from 2MASS. The analysis is done by considering the distribution of stars in the Color–Magnitude and the Vector Point diagrams. We successfully probed the capabilities of the SPM catalog to detect a physical group by looking at the open cluster Blanco 1. However, within the uncertainties of the SPM3 catalog and basing on 2MASS photometry we conclude that only one – ESO 282SC26 – out of eleven objects turns out to be a probable physical group. We suggest it is an open cluster 1.3 Gyr old and located 1.4 kpc from the Sun

    Lagrangian phase transitions in nonequilibrium thermodynamic systems

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    In previous papers we have introduced a natural nonequilibrium free energy by considering the functional describing the large fluctuations of stationary nonequilibrium states. While in equilibrium this functional is always convex, in nonequilibrium this is not necessarily the case. We show that in nonequilibrium a new type of singularities can appear that are interpreted as phase transitions. In particular, this phenomenon occurs for the one-dimensional boundary driven weakly asymmetric exclusion process when the drift due to the external field is opposite to the one due to the external reservoirs, and strong enough.Comment: 10 pages, 2 figure

    Coulomb interaction effects in spin-polarized transport

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    We study the effect of the electron-electron interaction on the transport of spin polarized currents in metals and doped semiconductors in the diffusive regime. In addition to well-known screening effects, we identify two additional effects, which depend on many-body correlations and exchange and reduce the spin diffusion constant. The first is the "spin Coulomb drag" - an intrinsic friction mechanism which operates whenever the average velocities of up-spin and down-spin electrons differ. The second arises from the decrease in the longitudinal spin stiffness of an interacting electron gas relative to a noninteracting one. Both effects are studied in detail for both degenerate and non-degenerate carriers in metals and semiconductors, and various limiting cases are worked out analytically. The behavior of the spin diffusion constant at and below a ferromagnetic transition temperature is also discussed.Comment: 9 figure