79 research outputs found

    Interaction Between Hot Carrier Aging and PBTI Degradation in nMOSFETs: Characterization, Modelling and Lifetime Prediction

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    Modelling of the interaction between Hot Carrier Aging (HCA) and Positive Bias Temperature Instability (PBTI) has been considered as one of the main challenges in nanoscale CMOS circuit design. Previous works were mainly based on separate HCA and PBTI instead of Interacted HCA-PBTI Degradation (IHPD). The key advance of this work is to develop a methodology that enables accurate modelling of IHPD through understanding the charging/discharging and generation kinetics of different types of defects during the interaction between HCA and PBTI. It is found that degradation during alternating HCA and PBTI stress cannot be modelled by independent HCI/PBTI. Different stress sequence, i.e. HCA-PBTI-HCA and PBTI-HCA-PBTI, lead to completely different degradation kinetics. Based on the Cyclic Anti-neutralization Model (CAM), for the first time, IHPD has been accurately modelled for both short and long channel devices. Complex degradation mechanisms and kinetics can be well explained by our model. Our results show that device lifetime can be underestimated by one decade without considering interaction

    NBTI-Generated Defects in Nanoscaled Devices: Fast Characterization Methodology and Modeling

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    Negative bias temperature instability (NBTI)-generated defects (GDs) have been widely observed and known to play an important role in device’s lifetime. However, its characterization and modeling in nanoscaled devices is a challenge due to their stochastic nature. The objective of this paper is to develop a fast and accurate technique for characterizing the statistical properties of NBTI aging, which can be completed in one day and thus reduce test time significantly. The fast speed comes from replacing the conventional constant voltage stress by the voltage step stress (VSS), while the accuracy comes from capturing the GDs without recovery. The key advances are twofold: first, we demonstrate that this VSS-GD technique is applicable for nanoscaled devices; second, we verify the 15 accuracy of the statistical model based on the parameters extracted from this technique against independently measured data. The proposed method provides an effective solution for GD evaluation, as required when qualifying a CMOS process

    Microscopic origin of random telegraph noise fluctuations in aggressively scaled RRAM and its impact on read disturb variability

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    Random telegraph noise (RTN) is an important intrinsic phenomenon of any logic or memory device that is indicative of the reliability and stochastic variability in its performance. In the context of the resistive random access memory (RRAM), RTN becomes a key criterion that determines the read disturb immunity and memory window between the low (LRS) and high resistance states (HRS). With the drive towards ultra-low power memory (low reset current) and aggressive scaling to 10 × 10 nm2 area, contribution of RTN is significantly enhanced by every trap (vacancy) in the dielectric. The underlying mechanisms governing RTN in RRAM are yet to be fully understood. In this study, we aim to decode the role of conductance fluctuations caused by oxygen vacancy transport and inelastic electron trapping and detrapping processes. The influence of resistance state (LRS, shallow and deep HRS), reset depth and reset stop voltage (VRESET-STOP) on the conductance variability is also investigated. © 2013 IEEE

    Reliable time exponents for long term prediction of negative bias temperature instability by extrapolation

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    To predict the negative bias temperature instability (NBTI) towards the end of pMOSFETs’ 10 years lifetime, power-law based extrapolation is the industrial standard method. The prediction accuracy crucially depends on the accuracy of time exponents, n. The n reported by early work spreads in a wide range and varies with measurement conditions, which can lead to unacceptable errors when extrapolated to 10 years. The objective of this work is to find how to make the n extraction independent of measurement conditions. After removing the contribution from as-grown hole traps (AHT), a new method is proposed to capture the generated defects (GD) in their entirety. The n extracted by this method is around 0.2 and insensitive to measurement conditions for the four fabrication processes we tested. The model based on this method is verified by comparing its prediction with measurements. Under AC operation, the model predicts that GD can contribute to ~90% of NBTI at 10 years

    Hot carrier aging and its variation under use-bias: kinetics, prediction, impact on Vdd and SRAM

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    As CMOS scales down, hot carrier aging (HCA) scales up and can be a limiting aging process again. This has motivated re-visiting HCA, but recent works have focused on accelerated HCA by raising stress biases and there is little information on HCA under use-biases. Early works proposed that HCA mechanism under high and low biases are different, questioning if the high-bias data can be used for predicting HCA under use-bias. A key advance of this work is proposing a new methodology for evaluating the HCA-induced variation under use-bias. For the first time, the capability of predicting HCA under use-bias is experimentally verified. The importance of separating RTN from HCA is demonstrated. We point out the HCA measured by the commercial Source-Measure-Unit (SMU) gives erroneous power exponent. The proposed methodology minimizes the number of tests and the model requires only 3 fitting parameters, making it readily implementable

    Interaction between Hot Carrier Aging and PBTI Degradation in nMOSFETs: Characterization, Modelling and Lifetime Prediction

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    Modelling of the interaction between Hot Carrier Aging (HCA) and Positive Bias Temperature Instability (PBTI) has been considered as one of the main challenges in nanoscale CMOS circuit design. Previous works were mainly based on separate HCA and PBTI instead of Interacted HCA-PBTI Degradation (IHPD). The key advance of this work is to develop a methodology that enables accurate modelling of IHPD through understanding the charging/discharging and generation kinetics of different types of defects during the interaction between HCA and PBTI. It is found that degradation during alternating HCA and PBTI stress cannot be modelled by independent HCI/PBTI. Different stress sequence, i.e. HCA-PBTI-HCA and PBTI-HCA-PBTI, lead to completely different degradation kinetics. Based on the Cyclic Anti-neutralization Model (CAM), for the first time, IHPD has been accurately modelled for both short and long channel devices. Complex degradation mechanisms and kinetics can be well explained by our model. Our results show that device lifetime can be underestimated by one decade without considering interaction
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