7,448 research outputs found

    Tensor Representation of Spin States

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    We propose a generalization of the Bloch sphere representation for arbitrary spin states. It provides a compact and elegant representation of spin density matrices in terms of tensors that share the most important properties of Bloch vectors. Our representation, based on covariant matrices introduced by Weinberg in the context of quantum field theory, allows for a simple parametrization of coherent spin states, and a straightforward transformation of density matrices under local unitary and partial tracing operations. It enables us to provide a criterion for anticoherence, relevant in a broader context such as quantum polarization of light.Comment: 5 pages + 7 pages of supplementary informatio

    Anticoherence of spin states with point group symmetries

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    We investigate multiqubit permutation-symmetric states with maximal entropy of entanglement. Such states can be viewed as particular spin states, namely anticoherent spin states. Using the Majorana representation of spin states in terms of points on the unit sphere, we analyze the consequences of a point-group symmetry in their arrangement on the quantum properties of the corresponding state. We focus on the identification of anticoherent states (for which all reduced density matrices in the symmetric subspace are maximally mixed) associated with point-group symmetric sets of points. We provide three different characterizations of anticoherence, and establish a link between point symmetries, anticoherence and classes of states equivalent through stochastic local operations with classical communication (SLOCC). We then investigate in detail the case of small numbers of qubits, and construct infinite families of anticoherent states with point-group symmetry of their Majorana points, showing that anticoherent states do exist to arbitrary order.Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Tunneling of magnetization versus spin-phonon and spin-spin transitions in LiY_0.998Ho_0.002F_4

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    Strong hyperfine coupling in a 0.2% Holmium doped LiYF_4 single crystal induces staircaselike hysteresis loops of the magnetization at very low temperatures. The field sweep rate dependence of hysteresis loops allows the study of two different regimes in the magnetic relaxation of these weakly coupled magnetic moments. At slow field sweep rates, quantum tunneling of the magnetization occurs at avoided level crossings in the low-energy scheme of a single ion Ho^3+. At faster sweep rates, nonequilibrated spin-phonon and spin-spin transitions, mediated by weak dipolar interactions, lead to magnetization oscillations and additional steps.Comment: 4 figures, Conference proceeding: 1st Joint European Magnetic Symposia (JEMS01'), Grenoble (France), 28th August - 1st September, 200

    The Ongoing Gender Gap in Art Museum Directorships

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    In a 2014 report, AAMD and the National Center for Arts Research (NCAR) found that a gender gap existed in art museum directorships. We found that women held less than half of directorships, that the average female director's salary lagged behind that of the average male director, and that these phenomena were most persistent in the largest museums. Three years later, despite press attention and field-wide dialogue on the topic, the gender gap persists, although trends showing incremental gains in some areas of pay and employment representation deserve recognition

    Quasi-gaussian fixed points and factorial cumulants in nuclear multifragmentation

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    We re-analyze the conditions for the phenomenon of intermittency (self-similar fluctuations) to occur in models of multifragmentation. Analyzing two different mechanisms, the bond-percolation and the ERW (Elattari, Richert and Wagner) statistical fragmentation models, we point out a common quasi-gaussian shape of the total multiplicity distribution in the critical range. The fixed-point property is also observed for the multiplicity of the second bin. Fluctuations are studied using scaled factorial cumulants instead of scaled factorial moments. The second-order cumulant displays the intermittency signal while higher order cumulants are equal to zero, revealing a large information redundancy in scaled factorial moments. A practical criterion is proposed to identify the gaussian feature of light-fragment production, distinguishing between a self-similarity mechanism (ERW) and the superposition of independent sources (percolation).Comment: 20 pages, uuencoded .tex file including 16 figure

    Eigenmodes of Decay and Discrete Fragmentation Processes

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    Linear rate equations are used to describe the cascading decay of an initial heavy cluster into fragments. This representation is based upon a triangular matrix of transition rates. We expand the state vector of mass multiplicities, which describes the process, into the biorthonormal basis of eigenmodes provided by the triangular matrix. When the transition rates have a scaling property in terms of mass ratios at binary fragmentation vertices, we obtain solvable models with explicit mathematical properties for the eigenmodes. A suitable continuous limit provides an interpolation between the solvable models. It gives a general relationship between the decay products and the elementary transition rates.Comment: 6 pages, plain TEX, 2 figures available from the author

    Direct probing of band-structure Berry phase in diluted magnetic semiconductors

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    We report on experimental evidence of the Berry phase accumulated by the charge carrier wave function in single-domain nanowires made from a (Ga,Mn)(As,P) diluted ferromagnetic semiconductor layer. Its signature on the mesoscopic transport measurements is revealed as unusual patterns in the magnetoconductance, that are clearly distinguished from the universal conductance fluctuations. We show that these patterns appear in a magnetic field region where the magnetization rotates coherently and are related to a change in the band-structure Berry phase as the magnetization direction changes. They should be thus considered as a band structure Berry phase fingerprint of the effective magnetic monopoles in the momentum space. We argue that this is an efficient method to vary the band structure in a controlled way and to probe it directly. Hence, (Ga,Mn)As appears to be a very interesting test bench for new concepts based on this geometrical phase.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Quantum computing of delocalization in small-world networks

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    We study a quantum small-world network with disorder and show that the system exhibits a delocalization transition. A quantum algorithm is built up which simulates the evolution operator of the model in a polynomial number of gates for exponential number of vertices in the network. The total computational gain is shown to depend on the parameters of the network and a larger than quadratic speed-up can be reached. We also investigate the robustness of the algorithm in presence of imperfections.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figures, research done at http://www.quantware.ups-tlse.fr

    Optimal measurement strategies for fast entanglement detection

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    With the advance of quantum information technology, the question of how to most efficiently test quantum circuits is becoming of increasing relevance. Here we introduce the statistics of lengths of measurement sequences that allows one to certify entanglement across a given bi-partition of a multi-qubit system over the possible sequence of measurements of random unknown states, and identify the best measurement strategies in the sense of the (on average) shortest measurement sequence of (multi-qubit) Pauli measurements. The approach is based on the algorithm of truncated moment sequences that allows one to deal naturally with incomplete information, i.e. information that does not fully specify the quantum state. We find that the set of measurements corresponding to diagonal matrix elements of the moment matrix of the state are particularly efficient. For symmetric states their number grows only like the third power of the number NN of qubits. Their efficiency grows rapidly with NN, leaving already for N=4N=4 less than a fraction 10610^{-6} of randomly chosen entangled states undetected.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figure