143 research outputs found

    News on immune checkpoint inhibitors as immunotherapy strategies in adult and pediatric solid tumors

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    Immune checkpoint inhibitors (ICIs) have shown unprecedented benefits in various adult cancers, and this success has prompted the exploration of ICI therapy even in childhood malignances. Although the use of ICIs as individual agents has achieved disappointing response rates, combinational therapies are likely to promise better results. However, only a subset of patients experienced prolonged clinical effects, thus suggesting the need to identify robust bio-markers that predict individual clinical response or resistance to ICI therapy as the main challenge. In this review, we focus on how the use of ICIs in adult cancers can be translated into pediatric malignances. We discuss the physiological mechanism of action of each IC, including PD-1, PD-L1 and CTLA-4 and the new emerging ones, LAG-3, TIM-3, TIGIT, B7-H3, BTLA and IDO-1, and evaluate their prognostic value in both adult and childhood tumors. Furthermore, we offer an overview of preclinical models and clinical trials currently under investigation to improve the effectiveness of cancer immunotherapies in these patients. Finally, we outline the main predictive factors that influence the efficacy of ICIs, in order to lay the basis for the development of a pan-cancer immunogenomic model, able to direct young patients towards more specific immunotherapy

    Epigenetic deregulation of micrornas in rhabdomyosarcoma and neuroblastoma and translational perspectives

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    Gene expression control mediated by microRNAs and epigenetic remodeling of chromatin are interconnected processes often involved in feedback regulatory loops, which strictly guide proper tissue differentiation during embryonal development. Altered expression of microRNAs is one of the mechanisms leading to pathologic conditions, such as cancer. Several lines of evidence pointed to epigenetic alterations as responsible for aberrant microRNA expression in human cancers. Rhabdomyosarcoma and neuroblastoma are pediatric cancers derived from cells presenting features of skeletal muscle and neuronal precursors, respectively, blocked at different stages of differentiation. Consistently, tumor cells express tissue markers of origin but are unable to terminally differentiate. Several microRNAs playing a key role during tissue differentiation are often epigenetically downregulated in rhabdomyosarcoma and neuroblastoma and behave as tumor suppressors when re-expressed. Recently, inhibition of epigenetic modulators in adult tumors has provided encouraging results causing re-expression of anti-tumor master gene pathways. Thus, a similar approach could be used to correct the aberrant epigenetic regulation of microRNAs in rhabdomyosarcoma and neuroblastoma. The present review highlights the current insights on epigenetically deregulated microRNAs in rhabdomyosarcoma and neuroblastoma and their role in tumorigenesis and developmental pathways. The translational clinical implications and challenges regarding modulation of epigenetic chromatin remodeling/microRNAs interconnections are also discusse

    Two bullets in the gun: combining immunotherapy with chemotherapy to defeat neuroblastoma by targeting adrenergic-mesenchymal plasticity

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    neuroblastoma (NB) is a childhood tumor that originates in the peripheral sympathetic nervous system and is responsible for 15% of cancer-related deaths in the pediatric population. Despite intensive multimodal treatment, many patients with high-risk NB relapse and develop a therapy-resistant tumor. one of the phenomena related to therapeutic resistance is intratumor heterogeneity resulting from the adaptation of tumor cells in response to different selective environmental pressures. The transcriptional and epigenetic profiling of NB tissue has recently revealed the existence of two distinct cellular identities in the NB, termed adrenergic (ADRN) and mesenchymal (MES), which can spontaneously interconvert through epigenetic regulation. this phenomenon, known as tumor plasticity, has a major impact on cancer pathogenesis. The aim of this review is to describe the peculiarities of these two cell states, and how their plasticity affects the response to current therapeutic treatments, with special focus on the immunogenic potential of MES cells. furthermore, we will discuss the opportunity to combine immunotherapy with chemotherapy to counteract NB phenotypic interconversion

    GD2 redirected CAR T and activated NK-cell-mediated secretion of IFNγovercomes MYCN-dependent IDO1 inhibition, contributing to neuroblastoma cell immune escape

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    Immune escape mechanisms employed by neuroblastoma (NB) cells include secretion of immunosuppressive factors disrupting effective antitumor immunity. The use of cellular therapy to treat solid tumors needs to be implemented. Killing activity of anti-GD2 Chimeric Antigen Receptor (CAR) T or natural killer (NK) cells against target NB cells was assessed through coculture experiments and quantified by FACS analysis. ELISA assay was used to quantify interferon-gamma (IFN gamma) secreted by NK and CAR T cells. Real Time PCR and Western Blot were performed to analyze gene and protein levels modifications. Transcriptional study was performed by chromatin immunoprecipitation and luciferase reporter assays on experiments of mutagenesis on the promoter sequence. NB tissue sample were analyzed by IHC and Real Time PCR to perform correlation study. We demonstrate that Indoleamine-pyrrole 2,3-dioxygenase1 (IDO1), due to its ability to convert tryptophan into kynurenines, is involved in NB resistance to activity of immune cells. In NB, IDO1 is able to inhibit the anti-tumor effect displayed by of both anti-GD2 CAR (GD2.CAR) T-cell and NK cells, mainly by impairing their IFN gamma production. Furthermore, inhibition of MYCN expression in NB results into accumulation of IDO1 and consequently of kynurenines, which negatively affect the immune surveillance. Inverse correlation between IDO1 and MYCN expression has been observed in a wide cohort of NB samples. This finding was supported by the identification of a transcriptional repressive role of MYCN on IDO1 promoter. The evidence of IDO1 involvement in NB immune escape and its ability to impair NK and GD2.CAR T-cell activity contribute to clarify one of the possible mechanisms responsible for the limited efficacy of these immunotherapeutic approaches. A combined therapy of NK or GD2.CAR T-cells with IDO1 inhibitors, a class of compounds already in phase I/II clinical studies, could represent a new and still unexplored strategy capable to improve long-term efficacy of these immunotherapeutic approaches

    Exosomal microRNAs from Longitudinal Liquid Biopsies for the Prediction of Response to Induction Chemotherapy in High-Risk Neuroblastoma Patients: A Proof of Concept SIOPEN Study

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    Despite intensive treatment, 50% of children with high-risk neuroblastoma (HR-NB) succumb to their disease. Progression through current trials evaluating the efficacy of new treatments for children with HR disease usually depends on an inadequate response to induction chemotherapy, assessed using imaging modalities. In this study, we sought to identify circulating biomarkers that might be detected in a simple blood sample to predict patient response to induction chemotherapy. Since exosomes released by tumor cells can drive tumor growth and chemoresistance, we tested the hypothesis that exosomal microRNA (exo-miRNAs) in blood might predict response to induction chemotherapy. The exo-miRNAs expression profile in plasma samples collected from children treated in HR-NBL-1/SIOPEN before and after induction chemotherapy was compared to identify a three exo-miRs signature that could discriminate between poor and good responders. Exo-miRNAs expression also provided a chemoresistance index predicting the good or poor prognosis of HR-NB patients

    The MRN complex is transcriptionally regulated by MYCN during neural cell proliferation to control replication stress

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    The MRE11/RAD50/NBS1 (MRN) complex is a major sensor of DNA double strand breaks, whose role in controlling faithful DNA replication and preventing replication stress is also emerging. Inactivation of the MRN complex invariably leads to developmental and/or degenerative neuronal defects, the pathogenesis of which still remains poorly understood. In particular, NBS1 gene mutations are associated with microcephaly and strongly impaired cerebellar development, both in humans and in the mouse model. These phenotypes strikingly overlap those induced by inactivation of MYCN, an essential promoter of the expansion of neuronal stem and progenitor cells, suggesting that MYCN and the MRN complex might be connected on a unique pathway essential for the safe expansion of neuronal cells. Here, we show that MYCN transcriptionally controls the expression of each component of the MRN complex. By genetic and pharmacological inhibition of the MRN complex in a MYCN overexpression model and in the more physiological context of the Hedgehog-dependent expansion of primary cerebellar granule progenitor cells, we also show that the MRN complex is required for MYCN-dependent proliferation. Indeed, its inhibition resulted in DNA damage, activation of a DNA damage response, and cell death in a MYCN- and replication-dependent manner. Our data indicate the MRN complex is essential to restrain MYCN-induced replication stress during neural cell proliferation and support the hypothesis that replication-born DNA damage is responsible for the neuronal defects associated with MRN dysfunctions.Cell Death and Differentiation advance online publication, 12 June 2015; doi:10.1038/cdd.2015.81

    Processos de subjetivação e relações micropolíticas do modo de atenção psicossocial

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    This article aims to problematize the micropolitical relationships produced in the Psychosocial Care Center (caps), Alegrete-RS, focusing on ethical principles in relation with customers and teamwork, identifying similarities and differences with the propositions of psychosocial care. This study follows a qualitative, descriptive and analytical approach. Interviews were conducted with users and workers, as well as participant observation. Aspects of subjective mobilization, innovation and the creation of relationships that produce ruptures in institutional practices were found, increasing subjectivation, negotiation, agency, resistance, and invention of various relationship and interaction devices in society, producing existential territories in the psychosocial care perspective. Micropolitical relations serve as agents for the production of meaning and the valorization of knowledges and enhancement of knowledge meaning, featuring an ethical stance regarding relationsEl artículo tiene como objetivo problematizar las relaciones micropolíticas producidas en el Centro de Atención Psicosocial (caps) de Alegrete-RS, enfoncando los principios éticos de las relaciones de los trabajadores con la clientela y en el trabajo en equipo, identificando las aproximaciones y los distanciamientos con las propuestas de atención psicosocial. Se trata de un estudio de abordaje cualitativo, descriptivo y analítico. Se realizaron entrevistas con los usuarios y trabajadores, y observación participante. Se encontraron aspectos de movilización subjetiva, innovación y creación de relaciones que producen rupturas en las prácticas institucionales, potencializando la subjetivación, los agenciamientos, las resistencias y la invención de diversos dispositivos de relación e interacción en la sociedad, produciendo territorios existenciales en la perspectiva de la atención psicosocial. Las relaciones micropolíticas trabajan para agenciar procesos de producción de sentido y valorización de los saberes, caracterizando una postura ética en el ámbito de las relacionesO artigo objetiva problematizar as relações micropolíticas produzidas no Centro de Atenção Psicossocial (caps), de Alegrete-RS, com foco nos princípios éticos da relação dos trabalhadores com a clientela e no trabalho em equipe, identificando aproximações e distanciamentos com as proposições da atenção psicossocial. Trata-se de um estudo de abordagem qualitativa, descritiva e analítica. Realizaram-se entrevistas com usuários e trabalhadores, e observação participante. Encontraram-se aspectos de mobilização subjetiva, inovação e criação de relações que produzem rupturas nas práticas institucionais, potencializando subjetivação, agenciamentos, resistências e invenção de dispositivos diversos de relação e interação na sociedade, produzindo territórios existenciais, na perspectiva da atenção psicossocial. As relações micropolíticas trabalham para agenciar processos de produção de sentido e valorização de saberes, caracterizando uma postura ética no âmbito das relaçõe

    A tutorial on sensitivity analyses in clinical trials : the what, why, when and how

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    Background: Sensitivity analyses play a crucial role in assessing the robustness of the findings or conclusions based on primary analyses of data in clinical trials. They are a critical way to assess the impact, effect or influence of key assumptions or variations - such as different methods of analysis, definitions of outcomes, protocol deviations, missing data, and outliers - on the overall conclusions of a study. The current paper is the second in a series of tutorial-type manuscripts intended to discuss and clarify aspects related to key methodological issues in the design and analysis of clinical trials. Discussion. In this paper we will provide a detailed exploration of the key aspects of sensitivity analyses including: 1) what sensitivity analyses are, why they are needed, and how often they are used in practice; 2) the different types of sensitivity analyses that one can do, with examples from the literature; 3) some frequently asked questions about sensitivity analyses; and 4) some suggestions on how to report the results of sensitivity analyses in clinical trials. Summary. When reporting on a clinical trial, we recommend including planned or posthoc sensitivity analyses, the corresponding rationale and results along with the discussion of the consequences of these analyses on the overall findings of the study