784 research outputs found

    Uniform high irradiance source

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    New 50 Kw xenon short arc lamp mounted within elliptical collector provides irradiance levels up to 4.4 x 10 to the 7th power watts/sq m with non-uniformity ratio of 3.30. Energy mixer or light pipe between lamp source and target improves non-uniformity to required ratio

    Turbulence, heat-transfer, and boundary layer measurements in a conical nozzle with a controlled inlet velocity profile

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    Turbulence, heat transfer, and boundary layer measurements in conical nozzl

    Crystallization and gelation in colloidal systems with short-ranged attractive interactions

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    We systematically study the relationship between equilibrium and non-equilibrium phase diagrams of a system of short-ranged attractive colloids. Using Monte Carlo and Brownian dynamics simulations we find a window of enhanced crystallization that is limited at high interaction strength by a slowing down of the dynamics and at low interaction strength by the high nucleation barrier. We find that the crystallization is enhanced by the metastable gas-liquid binodal by means of a two-stage crystallization process. First, the formation of a dense liquid is observed and second the crystal nucleates within the dense fluid. In addition, we find at low colloid packing fractions a fluid of clusters, and at higher colloid packing fractions a percolating network due to an arrested gas-liquid phase separation that we identify with gelation. We find that this arrest is due to crystallization at low interaction energy and it is caused by a slowing down of the dynamics at high interaction strength. Likewise, we observe that the clusters which are formed at low colloid packing fractions are crystalline at low interaction energy, but glassy at high interaction energy. The clusters coalesce upon encounter.Comment: 8 pages, 8 figure

    Electromagnetic waves in gravitational wave spacetimes

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    We have considered the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a space-time representing an exact gravitational plane wave and calculated the induced changes on the four-potential field Aμ of a plane electromagnetic wave. By choosing a suitable photon round-trip in a Michelson interferometer, we have been able to identify the physical effects of the exact gravitational wave on the electromagnetic field, i.e. phase shift, change of the polarization vector, angular deflection and delay. These results have been exploited to study the response of an interferometric gravitational wave detector beyond the linear approximation of the general theory of relativity. A much more detailled examination of this problem can be found in our paper recently published in Classical and Quantum Gravity (28 (2011) 235007)

    Lagrangian planetary equations in Schwarzschild space--time

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    We have developed a method to study the effects of a perturbation to the motion of a test point--like object in a Schwarzschild spacetime. Such a method is the extension of the Lagrangian planetary equations of classical celestial mechanics into the framework of the full theory of general relativity. The method provides a natural approach to account for relativistic effects in the unperturbed problem in an exact way.Comment: 7 pages; revtex; accepted for publication in Class. Quantum Gra

    Phase behavior of hard spheres confined between parallel hard plates: Manipulation of colloidal crystal structures by confinement

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    We study the phase behavior of hard spheres confined between two parallel hard plates using extensive computer simulations. We determine the full equilibrium phase diagram for arbitrary densities and plate separations from one to five hard-sphere diameters using free energy calculations. We find a first-order fluid-solid transition, which corresponds to either capillary freezing or melting depending on the plate separation. The coexisting solid phase consists of crystalline layers with either triangular or square symmetry. Increasing the plate separation, we find a sequence of crystal structures from n triangular to (n+1) square to (n+1) triangular, where n is the number of crystal layers, in agreement with experiments on colloids. At high densities, the transition between square to triangular phases are intervened by intermediate structures, e.g., prism, buckled, and rhombic phases.Comment: 9 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication in J. Phys.: Condens. Matte

    Hard sphere crystallization gets rarer with increasing dimension

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    We recently found that crystallization of monodisperse hard spheres from the bulk fluid faces a much higher free energy barrier in four than in three dimensions at equivalent supersaturation, due to the increased geometrical frustration between the simplex-based fluid order and the crystal [J.A. van Meel, D. Frenkel, and P. Charbonneau, Phys. Rev. E 79, 030201(R) (2009)]. Here, we analyze the microscopic contributions to the fluid-crystal interfacial free energy to understand how the barrier to crystallization changes with dimension. We find the barrier to grow with dimension and we identify the role of polydispersity in preventing crystal formation. The increased fluid stability allows us to study the jamming behavior in four, five, and six dimensions and compare our observations with two recent theories [C. Song, P. Wang, and H. A. Makse, Nature 453, 629 (2008); G. Parisi and F. Zamponi, Rev. Mod. Phys, in press (2009)].Comment: 15 pages, 5 figure

    Structural Transitions in A Crystalline Bilayer : The Case of Lennard Jones and Gaussian Core Models

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    We study structural transitions in a system of interacting particles arranged as a crystalline bilayer, as a function of the density ρ\rho and the distance dd between the layers. As dd is decreased a sequence of transitions involving triangular, rhombic, square and centered rectangular lattices is observed. The sequence of phases and the order of transitions depends on the nature of interactions.Comment: 11 pages,6 figure

    New syntaxon names for the Italian Quercus cerris woods

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    Based on the results of a previous nomenclatural revision of the Italian Quercus cerris forests, 31 syntaxon names are here validated or described as new and 5 lectotypes are designated