3,941 research outputs found

    Objectively-measured sedentary time and physical activity in a bi-ethnic sample of young children : variation by socio-demographic, temporal and perinatal factors

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    Background: Evidence suggests that South Asian school-aged children and adults are less active compared to the white British population. It is unknown if this generalises to young children. We aimed to describe variability in levels of physical activity and sedentary time in a bi-ethnic sample of young children from a deprived location. Methods: This observational study included 202 South Asian and 140 white British children aged 1.5 to 5y, who provided 3,181 valid days of triaxial accelerometry (Actigraph GT3X+). Variability in sedentary time and physical activity levels were analysed by linear multilevel modelling. Logistic multilevel regression was used to identify factors associated with physical inactivity (failing to perform ≥180 minutes of total physical activity including ≥60 minutes moderate-to-vigorous physical activity (MVPA) per day). Results: There were no significant ethnic differences in the overall levels of behaviours; South Asian and white British children spent half of daily time sedentary, just over 40% in light physical activity, and the remaining 7.5 to 8% of time in MVPA. Sedentary time was lower and physical activity levels were higher in older children, and levels of MVPA and vector magnitude counts per minute (CPM) were higher on weekends compared to weekdays. In South Asian children, sedentary time was lower on weekends. Sedentary time was lower and physical activity levels were higher in spring compared to winter in white British children, and in all seasons compared to winter in South Asian children. South Asian children born at high birth weight performed more MVPA, and in both ethnicities there was some evidence that children with older mothers were more sedentary and less active. Sedentary time was higher and light physical activity was lower in South Asian children in the highest compared to the lowest income families. South Asian girls performed less MVPA, registered fewer vector magnitude CPM, and were 3.5 times more likely to be physically inactive than South Asian boys. Conclusions: Sedentary time and physical activity levels vary by socio-demographic, temporal and perinatal characteristics in young children from a deprived location. South Asian girls have the most to gain from efforts to increase physical activity levels

    Paisatges funeraris i diversitat a Anglaterra i a Gal·les: l'establiment d'una agenda = Deathscapes and diversity in England and Wales: setting an agenda

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    Aquest article se centra en una dimensió poc discutida, però important, de les experiències dels migrants i les minories a Anglaterra i Gal·les: els cementiris i crematoris de què disposen. Basat en una àmplia investigació amb comunitats locals i proveïdors de serveis en quatre ciutats casos d’estudi, aquest article ex-plora les diverses necessitats funeràries culturals i religioses a Anglaterra i Gal·les, els reptes que hi estan associats i les formes en què tant les comunitats com els proveïdors de serveis (p. ex.: planifica-dors i directors funeraris) hi responen. Destaquen vuit temes clau: i)l’oferta de cementiris; ii)l’oferta de crematoris; iii)l’oferta desigual per diferents grups migrants i minoritaris; iv)la diversitat en la diversitat; v)els canvis de patrons de repatriació;vi)el foment del diàleg;vii)la comprensió entre professionals icomunitats, i viii)la planificació dels cementiris com aespais de trobada.Este artículo se centra en una dimensión poco discutida pero importante de las experiencias de los migrantes y las mi-norías en Inglaterra y Gales: los cemen-terios y crematorios de que disponen. Basándose en una amplia investigación con comunidades locales y proveedores de servicios en cuatro ciudades casos de estudio, este artículo explora las diver-sas necesidades funerarias culturales y religiosas en Inglaterra y Gales, los retos asociados a estas y las formas en que tanto las comunidades como los provee-dores de servicios (p. ej.: planificadores y directores funerarios) responden a ellos. Destacan ocho temas clave: i)la oferta de cementerios; ii)la oferta de crematorios; iii)la oferta desigual por diferentes grupos migrantes y minoritarios; iv)la diversidad en la diversidad;v)los cambios de patrones de repatri-ación; vi)el fomento del diálogo;vii)la comprensión entre profesionalesy comunidades, y viii)la planificación de los cementerios como espacios de encuentro.This paper focuses on a little discussed but important dimension of migrant and minority experiences in England and Wales: cemetery and crematoria provi-sion. Based on extensive research with local communities and service providers in four case study towns, this paper explores the varied cultural and religious funerary needs in England and Wales, the associated challenges and the ways in which both communities and service providers (e.g. cemetery managers, town planners and funeral directors) respond to them. It highlights seven key themes, namely:i)cemetery provision;ii)crematorium provision;iii)unequal provision across migrantand minority groups;iv)diversity within diversity;v)changing patterns of repatriation; vi)fostering dialogue;vii)understanding between profession-als and communities; and viii)planning for cemeteries as spacesof encounter. / Este artículo se centra en una dimensión poco discutida pero importante de las experiencias de los migrantes y las mi-norías en Inglaterra y Gales: los cemen-terios y crematorios de que disponen. Basándose en una amplia investigación con comunidades locales y proveedores de servicios en cuatro ciudades casos de estudio, este artículo explora las diver-sas necesidades funerarias culturales y religiosas en Inglaterra y Gales, los retos asociados a estas y las formas en que tanto las comunidades como los provee-dores de servicios (p. ej.: planificadores y directores funerarios) responden a ellos. Destacan ocho temas clave: i)la oferta de cementerios; ii)la oferta de crematorios; iii)la oferta desigual por diferentes grupos migrantes y minoritarios; iv)la diversidad en la diversidad;v)los cambios de patrones de repatri-ación; vi)el fomento del diálogo;vii)la comprensión entre profesionalesy comunidades, y viii)la planificación de los cementerios como espacios de encuentro. / This paper focuses on a little discussed but important dimension of migrant and minority experiences in England and Wales: cemetery and crematoria provi-sion. Based on extensive research with local communities and service providers in four case study towns, this paper explores the varied cultural and religious funerary needs in England and Wales, the associated challenges and the ways in which both communities and service providers (e.g. cemetery managers, town planners and funeral directors) respond to them. It highlights seven key themes, namely:i)cemetery provision;ii)crematorium provision;iii)unequal provision across migrantand minority groups;iv)diversity within diversity;v)changing patterns of repatriation; vi)fostering dialogue;vii)understanding between profession-als and communities; and viii)planning for cemeteries as spacesof encounter

    Research Notes : Genetic and altitude effects on seed protein content in soybean

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    Sixty germplasm lines were raised in replicated trial at 700 m above m.s.l. and 1300 m above m.s.l. in the western zone of sub-Himalayan region to understand the genetic and altitude effects on seed protein in soybean. A larger influence of genetic effect was recorded; however, an appreciable influence of altitude, and genotype x altitude interaction effects were also noticed. Expression of protein content was maximum at the lower altitude, as compared with higher altitude

    Generation of “OP7 chimera” defective interfering influenza A particle preparations free of infectious virus that show antiviral efficacy in mice

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    Influenza A virus (IAV) defective interfering particles (DIPs) are considered as new promising antiviral agents. Conventional DIPs (cDIPs) contain a deletion in the genome and can only replicate upon co-infection with infectious standard virus (STV), during which they suppress STV replication. We previously discovered a new type of IAV DIP “OP7” that entails genomic point mutations and displays higher antiviral efficacy than cDIPs. To avoid safety concerns for the medical use of OP7 preparations, we developed a production system that does not depend on infectious IAV. We reconstituted a mixture of DIPs consisting of cDIPs and OP7 chimera DIPs, in which both harbor a deletion in their genome. To complement the defect, the deleted viral protein is expressed by the suspension cell line used for production in shake flasks. Here, DIP preparations harvested are not contaminated with infectious virions, and the fraction of OP7 chimera DIPs depended on the multiplicity of infection. Intranasal administration of OP7 chimera DIP material was well tolerated in mice. A rescue from an otherwise lethal IAV infection and no signs of disease upon OP7 chimera DIP co-infection demonstrated the remarkable antiviral efficacy. The clinical development of this new class of broad-spectrum antiviral may contribute to pandemic preparedness

    First-principles study of orthorhombic CdTiO3 perovskite

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    In this work we perform an ab-initio study of CdTiO3 perovskite in its orthorhombic phase using FLAPW method. Our calculations help to decide between the different cristallographic structures proposed for this perovskite from X-Ray measurements. We compute the electric field gradient tensor (EFG) at Cd site and obtain excellent agreement with available experimental information from a perturbed angular correlation (PAC) experiment. We study EFG under an isotropic change of volume and show that in this case the widely used "point charge model approximation" to determine EFG works quite well.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure. Accepted in Physical Review