423 research outputs found

    Perlindungan Hukum terhadap Kreditur Atas Tidak Diterimanya Permohonan Pailit terhadap Perusahaan Asing yang Menjalankan Kegiatan USAhanya di Indonesia

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    Ketentuan-ketentuan Internasional dalam hukum kepailitan Indonesia tidaklah secara rinci dan tegas berkenaan mengenai permasalahan kepailitan lintas batas khususnya mengenai tata cara pengajuan permohonan pernyataan pailit yang tidak membedakan antara debitor atau kreditor asing dengan debitor atau kreditor lokal. Berdasarkan ketentuan Hukum Kepailitan dalam hal pengajuan kepailitan yang diajukan terhadap debitor yang tidak berkedudukan di wilayah negara Republik Indonesia hanya dapat dilakukan apabila debitor tersebut menjalankan profesi atau USAha di Indonesia. Namun pengaturan menjalankan profesi dan USAha potensial menimbulkan konflik sejauh apakah seseorang debitor dapat dikatakan telah menjalankan profesi dan USAha di Indonesia, oleh karena adanya pengaturan yang kurang tegas dalam ketentuan Pasal 2 ayat (4) Undang-Undang Kepailitan No 4 Tahun 1998 sebagaimana juga diatur dalam ketentuan Pasal 3 ayat (4) Undang-Undang Kepailitan No. 37 Tahun 2004. Intrepretasi hukum dalam menentukan kedua unsur tersebut perlu kiranya dilakukan untuk memberikan kepastian hukum. Hasil penelitian ini menyimpulkan bahwa setiap badan USAha baik perorangan maupun badan hukum dalam menjalankan profesi serta kegiatan USAhanya di Indonesia wajib memiliki legalitas dari pejabat yang berwenang dan mematuhi peraturan Perundang-undangan yang berlaku, sehingga putusan Pengadilan Niaga Nomor: 30/PAILIT/2002/PN.Niaga/Jkt.Pst sudah sesuai dengan undang-undang kepailitan Indonesia dalam kaitannya dengan ketentuan Hukum Perdata Internasional yang menganut place of incorporation. Perlindungan hukum yang dapat diberikan terhadap para kreditor untuk tetap memperoleh hak-haknya adalah dengan melalui mekanisme Alternatif Disputes Resolution (ADR) yang merupakan prinsip fundamental penyelesaian sengketa perdagangan Internasional

    Penerapan Tiga Motif Desain Tropical Watercolor pada Scarf Menggunakan Aplikasi Digital Printing

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      Penerapan Tiga Motif Desain Tropical Watercolor yang ditransformasikan pada kain berupa produk jadi scarf melalui teknik digital printing. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hasil jadi desain dengan tema Tropical yang menggunakan desain motif flora dan fauna ditinjau dari  aspek;  irama, aspek kesatuan, aspek proporsi, aspek keseimbangan, dan aspek center on interest.  Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian deskriptif kuantitatif, yang berusaha menggambarkan dan mengiinterprestasikan objek sesuai apa adanya. Dalam penelitian ini pengambilan data dilakukan oleh 35 observer, 5 penelis ahli (dosen) Tata Buasana dan 30 mahasiswa Tata Busana yang sudah atau sedang memprogram mata kuliah dasar seni dan desain. Analisis data dalam penelitian ini menggunakan rata-rata (mean) untuk mencari rata-rata (mean) dalam setiap aspek penilaian pada desain. Hasil penelitian terbukti bahwa hasil jadi scarf dengan desain motif flora fauna dengan nilai mean yang tertinggi yaitu 3,36 menunjukkan kriteria sangat baik, merupakan desain yang paling baik (peringkat pertama). Hasil jadi scarf dengan desain motif flora  menduduki peringkat kedua dengan nilai rata-rata  mean  yaitu 3,33 menunjukkan kriteria  baik. Sedangkan  hasil jadi scarf dengan desain motif fauna menduduki peringkat ketiga dengan nilai rata-rata  mean  yaitu 3,19 menunjukkan kriteria  baik.   Kata Kunci : Tropical, watercolor, scarf, digital printing. &nbsp

    Functional models and extending strategies for ecological networks

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    Complex network analysis is rising as an essential tool to understand properties of ecological landscape networks, and as an aid to land management. The most common methods to build graph models of ecological networks are based on representing functional connectivity with respect to a target species. This has provided good results, but the lack of a model able to capture general properties of the network may be seen as a shortcoming when the activity involves the proposal for modifications in land use. Similarity scores, calculated between nature protection areas, may act as a building block for a graph model intended to carry a higher degree of generality. The present work compares several design choices for similarity-based graphs, in order to determine which is most suitable for use in land management

    Perilaku Pencegahan Infeksi Menular Seksual Pada Wanita Pekerja Seksual Kabupaten Tegal

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    Wanita Pekerja Seks merupakan kelompok risiko tinggi terkena IMS dan paling berpengaruh dalam persebaran IMS. Lokalisasi Peleman berada di Kabupaten Tegal, dengan kasus IMS lebih dari 50%. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui gambaran perilaku WPS dalam upaya pencegahan IMS di Lokalisasi Peleman. Jenis penelitian menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif dengan teknik pengambilan informan snowball sampling. Informan berjumlah 6 WPS, 6 teman WPS, 6 mucikari dan 1 petugas kesehatan Puskesmas Jatibogor. Teknik pengambilan data berupa wawancara mendalam dan observasi. Analisis data dilakukan secara deskriptif dan disajikan dalam bentuk narasi. Penelitian ini dilakukan tahun 2014. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa WPS cukup aktif mencari informasi IMS melalui teman, petugas kesehatan, penyuluhan, media cetak dan elektronik, tetapi tidak melalui mucikari. Hampir semua WPS merayu pelanggan untuk memakai kondom dan dapat memakai kondom dengan baik. Vaginal higiene WPS belum baik, mereka membersihkan vagina bagian dalam menggunakan antiseptik dan pasta gigi. Female sex workers are the high risk group to be infected STIs and the most influential group that responsible for the spreading of STIs. Peleman prostitution site is located in Tegal district which has more than 50% STIs case. The purpose of this research is to find out the image of female sex workers behaviour in the effort of STIs prevention in Peleman prostitution site.This research was qualitative research and used snowball sampling technique. Informant for this research amounts 6 FSW, 6 FSW\u27s friends, 6 pimps, and 1 health workers of Puskesmas Jatibogor. The data collection in this research used in-depth interview and observation. The data analyzed descriptively and presented in narrative form. This result was held in 2014 year. The result showed that FSW were quite actively looking for STIs information through friends, health workers, elucidation, print and electronic media, but not through a pimp. Almost all of FSW asked costumers to used condoms and could use condoms properly. Vaginal hygiene of FSW has not been good, they really cleaned the inside of vagina using an antiseptic and toothpaste

    Hubungan Antara Iklim Organisasi Dengan Keterikatan Kerja Pada Karyawan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Kantor Cabang Semarang

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    Organisasi dengan iklim organisasi yang positif dapat meningkatkan motivasi, keterlibatan dan produktivitas karyawan, serta kepuasan kerja yang pada akhirnya dapat meningkatkan keterikatan kerja dalam diri karyawan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara iklim organisasi dan keterikatan kerja pada karyawan PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Kantor Cabang Semarang. Populasi dalam penelitian ini berjumlah 109 orang karyawan tetap PT Angkasa Pura I (Persero) Kantor Cabang Semarang, serta sampel penelitian berjumlah 65 karyawan. Alat ukur yang digunakan adalah Skala Keterikatan Kerja (29 aitem, α = 0,921) dan Skala Iklim Organisasi (31 aitem, α = 0,915). Analisis regresi sederhana menunjukkan adanya hubungan positif yang signifikan antara iklim organisasi dan keterikatan kerja (r = 0,786; p < 0,001), yang berarti bahwa semakin positif iklim organisasi maka semakin tinggi keterikatan kerja karyawan, dan sebaliknya, semakin negatif iklim organisasi maka semakin rendah keterikatan kerja karyawan. Iklim organisasi memberikan sumbangan efektif sebesar 61,8% pada keterikatan kerja. Kondisi tersebut menunjukkan bahwa tingkat konsistensi variabel keterikatan kerja sebesar 61,8% dapat diprediksi oleh iklim organisasi, sisanya 38,2% ditentukan oleh faktor lain yang tidak diukur dalam penelitian ini

    TF-IDF vs word embeddings for morbidity identification in clinical notes: An initial study

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    Today, we are seeing an ever-increasing number of clinical notes that contain clinical results, images, and textual descriptions of patient's health state. All these data can be analyzed and employed to cater novel services that can help people and domain experts with their common healthcare tasks. However, many technologies such as Deep Learning and tools like Word Embeddings have started to be investigated only recently, and many challenges remain open when it comes to healthcare domain applications. To address these challenges, we propose the use of Deep Learning and Word Embeddings for identifying sixteen morbidity types within textual descriptions of clinical records. For this purpose, we have used a Deep Learning model based on Bidirectional Long-Short Term Memory (LSTM) layers which can exploit state-of-the-art vector representations of data such as Word Embeddings. We have employed pre-trained Word Embeddings namely GloVe and Word2Vec, and our own Word Embeddings trained on the target domain. Furthermore, we have compared the performances of the deep learning approaches against the traditional tf-idf using Support Vector Machine and Multilayer perceptron (our baselines). From the obtained results it seems that the latter outperform the combination of Deep Learning approaches using any word embeddings. Our preliminary results indicate that there are specific features that make the dataset biased in favour of traditional machine learning approaches

    Standarisasi Resep Kue Inti di Birugo Kecamatan Aur Birugo Tigo Baleh Kota Bukittinggi

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    This study the background due to the absence of standardization Kue Intirecipe. This looks in the results of observations material preparation techniquesand how to making, resulting in kue inti form of his round is less than perfect, softand oily texture, flavor less sweet and there is sticky when fried. the purpose ofthis research to found standard recipe, and the quality of the kue inti. The researchis a qualitative, with direct interviews with mothers who can be make the kue inti.Data collection techniques are interviews, observation, and documentation.Analysis using three flows of activities: reduction, presentation, and drawconclusions. This study conducted at one of the houses Birugo Bukittinggi inApril to May 2014. Based on the test results organopleptik a standard kue intirecipe that has been converted to four repetitions is found the quality in view ofthe round shape with a diameter of four cm, golden yellow color, savory of skinflavor, the sweet flavor of the contents, aromatic, and chewy textured

    Pengaruh Varietas Apel dan Campuran Bakteri Asam Asetat terhadap Proses Fermentasi Cider

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    Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengevaluasi pearan varietas apel dan rasio bakteri asam asetat dalam fermen- tasi cider. Dua varietas apel (Manalagi and Rome Beauty) dan dua kultur bakteri (Acetobacter pasteurianus INT-7 and Acetobacter aceti JCM 7640) digunakan dalam penelitian ini. Ekstrak buah apel dinokulasi dengan bakteri asam asetat dengan rasio 1:1 dan 1:2. Sebagai substrat ditambahkan ke dalam medium fermentasi etanol sebanyak 5 %. Fermentasi silakukan secara aerobik pada suhu ruang selama 7 hari. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa fermentasi cider menggunakan varietas apel Rome Beauty dengan perbandingan A. pasteurianus : A. aceti = 1:2 menghasilkan asam asetat sebanyak 3,11 %, yield produk 0,85 dan efisiensi sebesar 60,56 %

    Pengaruh Level Protein Dan Asam Asetat Dalam Ransum Terhadap Tingkat Keasaman (Ph) Usus Halus, Laju Digesta Dan Bobot Badan Akhirayam Broiler (the Effect of Levels Protein and Acetic Acid on Feed Formula to Potensial Hydrogen (Ph) Intestine Small, Digest

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    This research aims to determine the effect of levels protein and acetic acid on feed formula to pH small intestine, digest rate and final body weight of broiler. The materials used in the research were 180 unsex broiler chickens Lohman strain MB 202 with an average weight 45,6 ± 4,8 g. The ration used consisting of broken maize, rice bran, soybean meal, Poutry Meat Meal (PMM), fish meal and premix. The experimental design used was a completely randomized design (CRD) factorial 2x3 with 3 replications. The first factor, the protein level in ration, is CP 21% (T1) and 20% (T2), the second factor is the addition of acetic acid on level 0% (V0), 0,75% (V1), 1,5% (V2). Parameters were observed include pH small intestine, digest rate and final body weight. Research used variance analised.The results showed that the protein level of the ration with the addition of acetic acid in the diet there is no significant interaction (p> 0.05) on the pH small intestine, digesta rate and final body weight. Conclusion The study is a combination of levels protein 21% and 20% with the addition of acetic acid 0%, 0.75% and 1.5% in the diet has not been able to change the pH small intestine, digesta rate and final body weight

    Perbedaan Hasil Belajar Siswa Menggunakan Pendekatan Inkuiri dengan Pembelajaran Konvensional pada Mata Pelajaran Ekonomi Kelas XI IPS SMA N 14 Padang

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    The research was motivated by the low learning outcomes studied economics . This is caused by several factors , among the contributing factors is the method or approach used by teachers is still conventional , less students are actively involved in the learning and assessment that is used is still assessing the results of the assessment process yet . The purpose of this study was to look at differences in student learning outcomes using the inquiry approach to learning directly in SMA Negeri 14 Padang .This research is experimental research and research design used was purposive sampling . The population in this study were all students of class XI IPS SMA Negeri 14 Padang were registered in 2013/2014 , while the samples in this study were students of class XI IPS as an experimental class 5 and class XI IPS 3 as the control class .The data analysis technique used is the t test for normal distribution of data and groups of data have a homogeneous variance . The results showed that the average learning outcomes experimental class is 89.8 while the average of the control class learning outcomes is 80.83 . Based on the analysis of the data obtained , t = 3.631 > table = 1,654 then the decision is H0 is rejected and H1 is accepted .So it can be concluded that there are differences in student learning outcomes using the inquiry approach with conventional learning , where learning using an inquiry approach to higher learning outcomes than learning outcomes using conventional learning . This study is expected to be beneficial to all parties including the school principal to socialize inquiry approach to economic studies teachers in particular , for teachers to be able to apply the approach to inquiry and research institute, and later as reference material for future research . Keywords : Inquiry Approaches and Learning Outcome