347 research outputs found

    The Feynman effective classical potential in the Schr\"odinger formulation

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    New physical insight into the correspondence between path integral concepts and the Schr\"odinger formulation is gained by the analysis of the effective classical potential, that is defined within the Feynman path integral formulation of statistical mechanics. This potential is related to the quasi-static response of the equilibrium system to an external force. These findings allow for a comprehensive formulation of dynamical approximations based on this potential.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure

    Core losses analysis of the LCL filter inductor for SiC-based inverter

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    The ability of SiC devices to switch at high speed allows increasing significantly the power density in both converters and passive components, reducing their required size. To mitigate harmonic injection form inverters into the grid, in order to comply with power quality standards, an accurate filter design is required. Given its excellent performance, an LCL filter is the configuration most suitable in grid-connected power converters. Several parameters must be considered when designing an effective LCL filter, and the inverter-side inductor assumes a special importance because of its relevance to suppress high frequency harmonic content at the inverter side. One of the most relevant issues to be considered in the process of designing the LCL filter is the evaluation of core losses in the inverter-side inductor, which will determine the final temperature of the inductor. This paper analyses the core losses of the inverter-side inductor of an LCL filter. The proposed method is based on the computation of the current harmonics generated by the inverter and on Steinmetz’s empirical equation. As a result, core losses calculated taking into account several carrier and sideband harmonics show good agreement with the experimental values. When current harmonics are estimated by simulation, as it is done in the proposed design procedure, results are less accurate, but precise enough for a design procedure

    MoDeST: a compositional modeling formalism for hard and softly timed systems

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    This paper presents Modest (MOdeling and DEscription language for Stochastic Timed systems), a formalism that is aimed to support (i) the modular description of reactive system's behaviour while covering both (ii) functional and (iii) nonfunctional system aspects such as timing and quality-of-service constraints in a single specification. The language contains features such as simple and structured data types, structuring mechanisms like parallel composition and abstraction, means to control the granularity of assignments, exception handling, and non-deterministic and random branching and timing. Modest can be viewed as an overarching notation for a wide spectrum of models, ranging from labeled transition systems, to timed automata (and probabilistic variants thereof) as well as prominent stochastic processes such as (generalized semi-)Markov chains and decision processes. The paper describes the design rationales and details of the syntax and semantics

    Machine learning to predict morphology, topography and mechanical properties of sustainable gelatin-based electrospun scaffolds

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    Electrospinning is an outstanding manufacturing technique for producing nano-micro-scaled fibrous scaffolds comparable to biological tissues. However, the solvents used are normally hazardous for the health and the environment, which compromises the sustainability of the process and the industrial scaling. This novel study compares different machine learning models to predict how green solvents affect the morphology, topography and mechanical properties of gelatin-based scaffolds. Gelatin-based scaffolds were produced with different concentrations of distillate water (dH2O), acetic acid (HAc) and dimethyl sulfoxide (DMSO). 2214 observations, 12 machine learning approaches, including Generalised Linear Models, Generalised Additive Models, Generalised Additive Models for Location, Scale and Shape (GAMLSS), Decision Trees, Random Forest, Support Vector Machine and Artificial Neural Network, and a total of 72 models were developed to predict diameter of the fibres, inter-fibre separation, roughness, ultimate tensile strength, Young’s modulus and strain at break. The best GAMLSS models improved the performance of R2 with respect to the popular regression models by 6.868%, and the MAPE was improved by 21.16%. HAc highly influenced the morphology and topography; however, the importance of DMSO was higher in the mechanical properties. The addition of the morphological properties as covariates in the topographic and mechanical models enhanced their understanding

    Single-channel transmission in gold one-atom contacts and chains

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    We induce superconductivity by proximity effect in thin layers of gold and study the number of conduction channels which contribute to the current in one-atom contacts and atomic wires. The atomic contacts and wires are fabricated with a Scanning Tunneling Microscope. The set of transmission probabilities of the conduction channels is obtained from the analysis of the I(V)I(V) characteristic curve which is highly non-linear due to multiple Andreev reflections. In agreement with theoretical calculations we find that there is only one channel which is almost completely open.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures. To be published in Phys. Rev. B, Rapid Communications (2003

    Surgical management of lower extremity lymphedema: A comprehensive review

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    Lymphedema refers to the accumulation of protein-rich fluid in the interstitial spaces. This can occur secondary to congenital malformation of the lymphatic channels or nodes or as a result of an insult that damages appropriately formed channels and nodes. Stagnant, protein-rich lymph initiates an inflammatory response that leads to adipocyte proliferation, fibrous tissue deposition, and increased susceptibility to infections. The end result is permanent disfigurement and dermal changes. Early and accurate diagnosis is essential, since lymphedema is a chronic and progressive problem. When lymphedema affects the lower extremity, it is important to manage it in a way that preserves function and mobility. Early diagnosis also allows for a proactive rather than reactive approach to treatment and utilization of novel physiologic procedures, such as lymphovenous anastomosis and vascularized lymph node transfer. Such interventions slow down disease progression and reduce morbidity by allowing the surgeon to salvage the remaining functional lymphatic channels.Whenphysiologicproceduresfailorwhenfacedwithadelayedpresentation, the addition of excisional procedures can provide a more comprehensive treatment of this debilitating disease. The aim of this article is to review the most current concepts in the surgical management of lower extremity lymphedema

    Grassroots Agency: Participation and Conflict in Buenos Aires Shantytowns seen through the Pilot Plan for Villa 7 (1971–1975)

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    open access articleIn 1971, after more than a decade of national and municipal policies aimed at the top-down removal of shantytowns, the Buenos Aires City Council approved the Plan Piloto para la Relocalización de Villa 7 (Pilot Plan for the Relocation of Shantytown 7; 1971–1975, referred to as the Pilot Plan hereinafter). This particular plan, which resulted in the construction of the housing complex, Barrio Justo Suárez, endures in the collective memory of Argentines as a landmark project regarding grassroots participation in state housing initiatives addressed at shantytowns. Emerging from a context of a housing shortage for the growing urban poor and intense popular mobilizations during the transition to democracy, the authors of the Pilot Plan sought to empower shantytown residents in novel ways by: 1) maintaining the shantytown’s location as opposed to eradication schemes that relocated the residents elsewhere, 2) formally employing some of the residents for the stage of construction, as opposed to “self-help” housing projects in which the residents contributed with unpaid labor, and 3) including them in the urban and architectural design of the of the new housing. This paper will examine the context in which the Pilot Plan was conceived of as a way of re-assessing the roles of the state, the user, and housing-related professionals, often seen as antagonistic. The paper argues that residents’ fair participation and state intervention in housing schemes are not necessarily incompatible, and can function in specific social and political contexts through multiactor proposals backed by a political will that prioritizes grassroots agency

    Mapping selection within Drosophila melanogaster embryo's anatomy

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    We present a survey of selection across Drosophila melanogaster embryonic anatomy. Our approach integrates genomic variation, spatial gene expression patterns and development, with the aim of mapping adaptation over the entire embryo's anatomy. Our adaptation map is based on analyzing spatial gene expression information for 5,969 genes (from text-based annotations of in situ hybridization data directly from the BDGP database, Tomancak et al. 2007) and the polymorphism and divergence in these genes (from the project DGRP, Mackay et al. 2012).The proportion of non-synonymous substitutions that are adaptive, neutral or slightly deleterious are estimated for the set of genes expressed in each embryonic anatomical structure using the DFE-alpha method (Eyre-Walker and Keightley 2009),. This method is a robust derivative of the McDonald and Kreitman test (McDonald and Kreitman 1991). We also explore whether different anatomical structures differ in the phylogenetic age, codon usage or expression bias of the genes they express and whether genes expressed in many anatomical structures show more adaptive substitutions than other genes.We found that: (i) most of the digestive system and ectoderm-derived structures are under selective constraint, (ii) the germ line and some specific mesoderm-derived structures show high rates of adaptive substitution and (iii) the genes that are expressed in a small number of anatomical structures show higher expression bias, lower phylogenetic ages and less constraint