239 research outputs found

    Crime and the Criminal Law in the United States

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    Genetic considerations in ecosystem restoration using native tree species. State of the World’s Forest Genetic Resources – Thematic Study.

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    There is renewed interest in the use of native tree species in ecosystem restoration for their biodiversity benefits. Growing native tree species in production systems (e.g. plantation forests and subsistence agriculture) can also ensure landscape functionality and support for human livelihoods. Achieving these full benefits requires consideration of genetic aspects that are often neglected, such as suitability of germplasm to the site, quality and quantity of the genetic pool used and regeneration potential. Understanding the extent and nature of gene flow across fragmented agro-ecosystems is also crucial to successful ecosystem restoration. We review the role of genetic considerations in a wide range of ecosystem restoration activities involving trees and evaluate how different approaches take, or could take, genetic aspects into account, leading towards the identification and selection of the most appropriate methods

    Experience of living with cancer and comorbid illness: protocol for qualitative systematic review

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    Introduction There is an increasing number of people living with and beyond cancer, whose experience is further complicated by additional long-term health conditions in the context of an ageing population. The supportive care needs of this growing patient group should be recognised and addressed. There is a need to explore the experience of living with cancer and comorbid illness in order to develop optimal models of patient-centred care. This protocol describes a systematic review that aims to identify the qualitative evidence relating to the experience of cancer and comorbid illness for patients, informal carers and professionals, and to highlight areas where more research is needed. Methods and analysis A systematic review following PRISMA guidance will be undertaken. Medline, Embase, CINAHL, PsycINFO, ASSIA, Sociological Abstracts, Web of Science, SCOPUS, OpenGrey and ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global databases will be systematically searched for articles relevant to patient, carer and professional experiences. Two independent reviewers will screen articles for inclusion and evaluate them according to the Critical Appraisal Skills Programme tool. Extracted data will be combined using recognised methods of qualitative synthesis to offer new insights into the topic area and for a patient-centred model of care. Ethics and dissemination The review does not require formal ethical review as no direct patient contact or patient identifiable data is used. Conduct of the review has been approved internally by the University of Edinburgh Centre for Population Health Sciences Ethics Review Committee. Results of the review will be published in a generalist peerreviewed journal and presented at a relevant conference in addition to informing subsequent empirical work by the authors on this topic area

    Chronic intermittent hypoxia impairs diuretic and natriuretic responses to volume expansion in rats with preserved low-pressure baroreflex control of the kidney

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    We examined the effects of exposure to chronic intermittent hypoxia (CIH) on baroreflex control of renal sympathetic nerve activity (RSNA) and renal excretory responses to volume expansion (VE) before and after intra-renal TRPV1 blockade by capsaizepine (CPZ). Male Wistar rats were exposed to 96 cycles of hypoxia per day for 14 days (CIH), or normoxia. Urine flow and absolute Na+ excretion during VE were less in CIH-exposed rats, but the progressive decrease in RSNA during VE was preserved. Assessment of the high-pressure baroreflex revealed an increase in the operating and response range of RSNA and decreased slope in CIH-exposed rats with substantial hypertension (+19mmHg basal mean arterial pressure, MAP), but not in a second cohort with modest hypertension (+12mmHg). Intra-renal CPZ caused diuresis, natriuresis and a reduction in MAP in sham and CIH-exposed rats. Following intra-renal CPZ, diuretic and natriuretic responses to VE in CIH-exposed rats were equivalent to sham. TPRV1 expression in the renal pelvic wall was similar in both experimental groups. Exposure to CIH did not elicit glomerular hypertrophy, renal inflammation or oxidative stress. We conclude that exposure to CIH: 1) does not impair the low-pressure baroreflex control of RSNA; 2) has modest effects on the high-pressure baroreflex control of RSNA, most likely indirectly due to hypertension; 3) can elicit hypertension in the absence of kidney injury; and 4) impairs diuretic and natriuretic responses to fluid overload. Our results suggest that exposure to CIH causes renal dysfunction, which may be relevant to obstructive sleep apnea

    The wild Scots pines (Pinus sylvestris) of Kielderhead

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    In the British Isles, Pinus sylvestris L. (Scots Pine) is currently considered to be native only in the Scottish Highlands. Once widespread throughout the archipelago, the species is thought to have declined to extinction outside the Scottish Highlands c.4500 cal BP, and c.1550 cal BP in Ireland. However, there have been discussions about whether some naturally occurring populations may have persisted outside the Highlands into modern times, and potentially may still be alive today. One such population is the enigmatic “Kielderhead Pines” in a remote valley just on the English side of the Scottish border at the heart of the c.60,000 ha Kielder Forest in Northumberland. Debate about the origins of this small population of apparently wild living pines has been ongoing since the 1950s, which has inspired the creation of the “Kielderhead Wildwood” to support its conservation and restoration. We outline the status, significance and the state-of-play in 2023 of our understanding of the origin of these trees, summarising research on the age of the trees, bioclimatic studies, possible botanical evidence of flora and lichen species typical of the Scottish pinewoods and genetics. We conclude that the explanation for the occurrence of the Kielderhead Pines - that they are locally native - remains a possibility, but we recognise and recommend that further research is required. We summarise the conservation efforts that have taken place to secure the pines within a landscape of restored, wild native upland woodland and mires i.e. re-creation of a Northumbrian equivalent of the Caledonian Forest. We also reflect on how the Kielderhead Pines support the case for greater consideration of the restoration of W18 pine woodland vegetation in appropriate locations outside the Scottish Highlands. We conclude by reflecting that one day these few pines, discovered in an isolated valley in Kielder Forest in the 1950s, may be seen as the start of something much bigger in the uplands of northern England, southern Scotland and beyond

    Scotland’s biodiversity progress to 2020 Aichi Targets:Conserving genetic diversity- development of a national approach for addressing Aichi Biodiversity Target 13 that includes wild species

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    Aichi Target 13 (T13) focuses on the conservation of genetic diversity. •Major challenges in implementing T13 are that the type of genetic diversity to conserve is not clearly defined, and that key issues in genetic conservation vary across different sectors (e.g., forestry vs agriculture vs other species of socio-economic importance). •In Scotland and the UK more widely, baseline mechanisms are well established for assessing and reporting on genetic diversity in species of agricultural importance (e.g., rare livestock breeds, crop wild relatives), and a methodology has been established for ornamental plants. •A new UK Strategy for Forest Genetics Resources was launched in 2019, creating a framework for linking forest trees into T13 reporting. •However, there is no clear strategy to deal with ‘other species of socio-economic importance’ in Scotland, the UK or indeed elsewhere, and addressing this gap is the major focus of this report. •There is a lack of guidance for identifying focal species of socio-economic importance, and no clear mechanism for addressing T13 for these species once they have been identified. •To address this, we have identified a set of criteria for defining terrestrial and freshwater species of socio-economic importance in Scotland, and selected an initial list of 26 species. •The criteria applied were: -National conservation priority wild species. -Species of national cultural importance. -Species providing key ecosystem services. -Species of importance for wild harvesting (food and medicine). -Economically important game species. •We then developed a simple, readily applicable scorecard method for assessing risks to the conservation of genetic diversity in these species. •The scorecard approach is not dependent on prior genetic knowledge, and instead uses structured expert opinion assessments of whether: -Demographic declines are likely to lead to loss of genetic diversity (genetic erosion). -Hybridisation is likely to lead to undesirable replacement of genetic diversity. -Restrictions to regeneration/turnover are likely to impede evolutionary change. •For plant species where seed-banking is a viable mechanism for holding genetic resources ex situ,we also report on the representativeness of these ex situ collections. •Overall, this scorecard provides a mechanism for incorporating ‘other species of socio-economic importance’ into T13 actions and reporting. •Furthermore, its application is not restricted to Aichi T13 as the approach is designed as a generic scorecard for genetic diversity. It is thus relevant to post-2020 CBD targets focusing on genetic diversity. •Future priorities include: -Extension to other species of socio-economic, commercial and cultural importance (with the inclusion of marine species being a particularly high priority). -Harmonising genetic conservation strategies between sectors (drawing on commonalities), whilst minimising disruption of existing well-established methodologies within sectors. -Greater incorporation of genomic data into monitoring genetic diversity (particularly in the agricultural and forestry sectors where data availability is potentially high)
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