106 research outputs found

    The impact of corporate volunteering on CSR image: a consumer perspective

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    Received: 29 June 2013 / Accepted: 15 January 2014Abstract Corporate volunteering (CV) is known to be an effective employee engagement initiative. However, despite the prominence of corporate social responsibility (CSR) in academia and practice, research is yet to investigate whether and how CV may influence consumer perceptions of CSR image and subsequent consumer behaviour. Data collected using an online survey in Australia show perceived familiarity with a company’s CV programme to positively impact CSR image and firm image, partially mediated by others-centred attributions. CSR image, in turn, strengthens affective and cognitive loyalty as well as word-of-mouth. Further analysis reveals the moderating effect of perceived leveraging of the corporate volunteering programme, customer status and the value individuals place on CSR. The paper concludes with theoretical and managerial implications, as well as an agenda for future research.Carolin Plewa, Jodie Conduit, Pascale G. Quester, Claire Johnso

    II.—Some New Genera and Species of Cretaceous Cheilostome Polyzoa

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    Socially responsible marketing impact to organizations implementing socially responsibility

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    Straipsnyje analizuojamas socialiai atsakingas marketingas, jo nauda ir svarba organizacijoms įgyvendinančioms socialinę atsakomybę. Tyrimo tikslas – išanalizavus socialiai atsakingo marketingo poveikį organizacijoms, pateikti socialiai atsakingų įmonių įgyvendinančių socialinę atsakomybę pavyzdžių, parodant naudą bei svarbą. Keliamas probleminis klausimas: kokį poveikį ir kaip daro socialiai atsakingas marketingas organizacijoms įgyvendinančioms socialinę atsakomybę. Atliktas kokybinis tyrimas, kuriame analizuojami socialiai atsakingo marketingo dokumentiniai pavyzdžiai socialiai atsakingose organizacijose, vertinant šių organizacijų pateiktas metines ataskaitas. Pateikti socialiai atsakingų organizacijų pavyzdžiai iliustruoja kaip organizacijos į savo veiklą integruoja socialiai atsakingą marketingą.This, article analyze the social responsible marketing, its benefits and importance of organizations implementing social responsibility. Social marketing is defined as an ethical corporate governance orientation in order to meet the needs of the public, consistent with the public interest. Research problem: what impact and how social responsible marketing makes for organizations implementing social responsibility. Aim of the research. Analyze the impact of social responsible marketing, providing examples of the organizations implementing social responsibility, benefits and importance. Research methods: literature analysis, synthesis, documents analyze. Social responsible organizations examples illustrate how organizations integrate their activities in a social responsible marketing. Emphasis, that social responsible marketing impact on social responsible organization's image, reputation, customer satisfaction with the service / product