3,050 research outputs found

    Rude and crude?: When teens in your library respond negatively to you, think back to how you approached them

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    Skaters, taggers, gang members, and other groups of young people are being identified all over America as problems for libraries. However, these teens respond negatively to librarians because of the way that they are approached and because they experience so much discrimination. If teen behavior needs to be changed, there needs to be a change in the way they are approached and an appeal toward their code of ethics

    The Complacent Acceptance of Diversity: Human Resource Development in a Culturally Diverse Environment

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    This paper examines the inability of work organizations to achieve racial balance and use training and development, organization development, and multicultural organizational development principles to manage and enable diversity initiatives. The paper proposes a conceptual framework for a micro and macro model as an approach to diversity initiatives

    Level attraction in a microwave optomechanical circuit

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    Level repulsion - the opening of a gap between two degenerate modes due to coupling - is ubiquitous anywhere from solid state theory to quantum chemistry. In contrast, if one mode has negative energy, the mode frequencies attract instead. They converge and develop imaginary components, leading to an instability; an exceptional point marks the transition. This, however, only occurs if the dissipation rates of the two modes are comparable. Here we expose a theoretical framework for the general phenomenon and realize it experimentally through engineered dissipation in a multimode superconducting microwave optomechanical circuit. Level attraction is observed for a mechanical oscillator and a superconducting microwave cavity, while an auxiliary cavity is used for sideband cooling. Two exceptional points are demonstrated that could be exploited for their topological properties.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures; includes Supplementary informatio

    Working In The Margins Of Critical Race Theory And HRD

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    Sixteen articles published in Human Resource Development Quarterly about diversity issues relating to race, gender, and women were examined through the lens of critical race theory. CRT provides a new paradigm to discuss diversity and equity in the field of human resource development

    Terpenoid-Induced Feeding Deterrence and Antennal Response of Honey Bees

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    Multiple interacting stressors negatively affect the survival and productivity of managed honey bee colonies. Pesticides remain a primary concern for beekeepers, as even sublethal exposures can reduce bee immunocompetence, impair navigation, and reduce social communication. Pollinator protection focuses on pesticide application guidelines; however, a more active protection strategy is needed. One possible approach is the use of feeding deterrents that can be delivered as an additive during pesticide application. The goal of this study was to validate a laboratory assay designed to rapidly screen compounds for behavioral changes related to feeding or feeding deterrence. The results of this investigation demonstrated that the synthetic Nasonov pheromone and its terpenoid constituents citral, nerol, and geraniol could alter feeding behavior in a laboratory assay. Additionally, electroantennogram assays revealed that these terpenoids elicited some response in the antennae; however, only a synthetic Nasonov pheromone, citral, and geraniol elicited responses that differed significantly from control and vehicle detections

    Distribution, Habitat, and Productivity of Tundra Swans on Victoria Island, King William Island, and Southwestern Boothia Peninsula, N.W.T.

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    Data on tundra swans (Cygnus columbianus columbianus) were recorded in the central and eastern Canadian Arctic, south of 77 N latitude, and on Southampton Island during the summers of 1980-85. Swans were seen on Victoria, Royal Geographical Society, King William, Stanley, and Southampton islands and on southwestern Melville and Boothia peninsulas. Most swans inhabited low-lying areas that were inundated by the sea following glaciation and are now dotted with shallow tundra ponds. Breeding swans were common in the Minto Inlet, Lady Franklin Point, and Cambridge Bay areas of Victoria Island and on King William Island and southwestern Boothia Peninsula. In August, 52-89% of the adults and subadults in these areas were seen as potential breeders, and the remainder were in nonbreeding flocks. Between 17 and 33% of the pairs had cygnets, and 10-13% of all swans were cygnets. With brood sizes of 1-3 (1.5 ±0.7 [mean ±SD] to 1.6 ±0.5), the apparent breeding success was low relative to other northern swan populations. However, these breeding populations are significant and should be considered in management plans for the eastern population of the tundra swan.Key words: arctic birds, Canada, Cygnus columbianus columbianus, distribution, habitat, Northwest Territories, productivityMots clés: oiseaux arctiques, Canada, Cygnus columbianus columbianus, distribution, habitat, Territoires du Nord-Ouest, productivit&eacute

    Opportunités et contraintes agroforestières de Ricinodendron heudelotii au Cameroun

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    Ricinodendron heudelotii est une essence endémique des forêts tropicales humides d’Afrique, très prisée pour ses graines comestibles. Sa régénération naturelle reste difficile à cause principalement de la dormance tégumentaire de ses graines. Elle possède de nombreuses vertus ethnobotaniques et d’opportunités agroforestières pour les peuples des forêts du bassin du Congo. Au nombre de ces vertus, on cite des propriétés médicinales, agroalimentaires, agronomiques, écologiques et industrielles. Des programmes de domestication de R. heudelotii sont en cours dans les stations du Centre Mondial de l’Agroforesterie (CMAF) au Cameroun. L’essentiel des travaux déjà réalisés sur cette essence a porté sur ses propriétés ethnobotaniques, l’analyse de la composition chimique de l’huile des graines et sa domestication. Les tentatives de domestication de R. heudelotii se heurtent par ailleurs à diverses contraintes phytosanitaires encore à identifier. Sur la base des observations réalisées en forêts, dans les pépinières et au laboratoire, les dégâts observés seraient d’origine fongique et entomologique. À ce jour, aucun programme de lutte ou d’amélioration génétique n’est envisagé. Pourtant, l’existence de deux sous-espèces (heudelotii et africanum) chez R. heudelotii et d’une espèce apparentée (R. rautanenii) constitue un atout exploitable pour d’éventuels travaux d’amélioration génétique. Cette étude suggère que R. heudelotii pourrait être considérée comme une essence modèle d’avenir pour l’agroforesterie au Cameroun, avec au premier plan un moyen de lutte prometteur contre la pauvreté, et propose quelques pistes de recherche en vue de contribuer au succès des programmes de  domestication de l’espèce. © 2013 International Formulae Group. All rights reserved.Mots clés : Ricinodendron heudelotii, intérêt agroécologique, contraintes agroforestières, amélioration génétique
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