20,373 research outputs found

    Effective String Theory of Vortices and Regge Trajectories

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    Starting from a field theory containing classical vortex solutions, we obtain an effective string theory of these vortices as a path integral over the two transverse degrees of freedom of the string. We carry out a semiclassical expansion of this effective theory, and use it to obtain corrections to Regge trajectories due to string fluctuations.Comment: 27 pages, revtex, 3 figures, corrected an error with the cutoff in appendix E (was previously D), added more discussion of Fig. 3, moved some material in section 9 to a new appendi

    On the Dynamical Ferromagnetic, Quantum Hall, and Relativistic Effects on the Carbon Nanotubes Nucleation and Growth Mechanism

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    The mechanism of carbon nanotube (CNT) nucleation and growth has been a mystery for over 15 years. Prior models have attempted the extension of older classical transport mechanisms. In July 2000, a more detailed and accurate nonclassical, relativistic mechanism was formulated considering the detailed dynamics of the electronics of spin and orbital rehybridization between the carbon and catalyst via novel mesoscopic phenomena and quantum dynamics. Ferromagnetic carbon was demonstrated. Here, quantum (Hall) effects and relativistic effects of intense many body spin-orbital interactions for novel orbital rehybridization dynamics (Little Effect) are proposed in this new dynamical magnetic mechanism. This dynamic ferromagnetic mechanism is proven by imposing dynamic and static magnetic fields during CNT syntheses and observing the different influence of these external magnetic environments on the catalyzing spin currents and spin waves and the resulting CNT formation

    Three-neutron resonance trajectories for realistic interaction models

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    Three-neutron resonances are investigated using realistic nucleon-nucleon interaction models. The resonance pole trajectories are explored by first adding an additional interaction to artificially bind the three-neutron system and then gradually removing it. The pole positions for the three-neutron states up to J=5/2 are localized in the third energy quadrant-Im (E)<=0, Re (E)<=0-well before the additional interaction is removed. Our study shows that realistic nucleon-nucleon interaction models exclude any possible experimental signature of three-neutron resonances.Comment: 13 pages ; 8 figs ; 5 table

    Improved Quantum Hard-Sphere Ground-State Equations of State

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    The London ground-state energy formula as a function of number density for a system of identical boson hard spheres, corrected for the reduced mass of a pair of particles in a sphere-of-influence picture, and generalized to fermion hard-sphere systems with two and four intrinsic degrees of freedom, has a double-pole at the ultimate \textit{regular} (or periodic, e.g., face-centered-cubic) close-packing density usually associated with a crystalline branch. Improved fluid branches are contructed based upon exact, field-theoretic perturbation-theory low-density expansions for many-boson and many-fermion systems, appropriately extrapolated to intermediate densities, but whose ultimate density is irregular or \textit{random} closest close-packing as suggested in studies of a classical system of hard spheres. Results show substantially improved agreement with the best available Green-function Monte Carlo and diffusion Monte Carlo simulations for bosons, as well as with ladder, variational Fermi hypernetted chain, and so-called L-expansion data for two-component fermions.Comment: 15 pages and 7 figure

    Chiral Quasicrystalline Order and Dodecahedral Geometry in Exceptional Families of Viruses

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    On the example of exceptional families of viruses we i) show the existence of a completely new type of matter organization in nanoparticles, in which the regions with a chiral pentagonal quasicrystalline order of protein positions are arranged in a structure commensurate with the spherical topology and dodecahedral geometry, ii) generalize the classical theory of quasicrystals (QCs) to explain this organization, and iii) establish the relation between local chiral QC order and nonzero curvature of the dodecahedral capsid faces.Comment: 8 pages, 3 figure

    Searching for Gravitational Waves with a Geostationary Interferometer

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    We analyze the sensitivities of a geostationary gravitational wave interferometer mission operating in the sub-Hertz band. Because of its smaller armlength, in the lower part of its accessible frequency band (1042×10210^{-4} - 2 \times 10^{-2} Hz) our proposed Earth-orbiting detector will be less sensitive, by a factor of about seventy, than the Laser Interferometer Space Antenna (LISA) mission. In the higher part of its band instead (2×102102 \times 10^{-2} - 10 Hz), our proposed interferometer will have the capability of observing super-massive black holes (SMBHs) with masses smaller than 106\sim 10^{6} M_{\odot}. With good event rates for these systems, a geostationary interferometer will be able to accurately probe the astrophysical scenarios that account for their formation.Comment: 33 pages, 9 eps figure

    3D Lya radiation transfer. II. Fitting the Lyman break galaxy MS 1512-cB58 and implications for Lya emission in high-z starbursts

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    Using our 3D Lya radiation transfer code, we compute the radiation transfer of Lya and UV continuum photons including dust. Observational constraints on the neutral gas (column density, kinematics, etc.) are taken from other analysis of this object. RESULTS: The observed Lya profile of MS 1512--cB58 is reproduced for the first time taking radiation transfer and all observational constraints into account. The observed absorption profile is found to result naturally from the observed amount of dust and the relatively high HI column density. Radiation transfer effects and suppresion by dust transform a strong intrinsic Lya emission with EW(Lya)>~ 60 Ang into the observed faint superposed Lya emission peak. We propose that the vast majority of LBGs have intrinsically EW(Lya)~60-80 Ang or larger, and that the main physical parameter responsible for the observed variety of Lya strengths and profiles in LBGs is N_H and the accompanying variation of the dust content. Observed EW(Lya) distributions, Lya luminosity functions, and related quantities must therefore be corrected for radiation transfer and dust effects. The implications from our scenario on the duty-cycle of Lya emitters are also discussed.Comment: Accepted for publication in A&