452 research outputs found

    Citra Perempuan Dalam Novel Kekuatan Cinta Karya Sastri Bakry

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    The purpose of this research is to describe the reflection of the woman characteristic in the novel Kekuatan Cinta by Sastri Bakri. Some theory that use in this research are: (1) the meaning of novel, (2) parts of novel, (3) the approach when understand literature, (4) the meaning of woman's reflection, (5) the woman's reflection as herself, (6) the reflectionof woman as a civil. This research is kind of qualitative research by using the core analysis approach. The aim of analyzing woman characteristic in the novel is to know the reflectionby main character. The result of this research shows that the reflection of the woman, Sas, as a strong woman through life

    Academic Dishonesty Among Accounting Students: Some Indonesian Evidence

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    Academic dishonesty among students has been recognised as a major concern in higher education in Indonesia. Accounting research arguably need to give more attention to this issue. This is partly because of the importance of integrity as part of accounting ethics and professionalism. However, little currently known about academic dishonesty among accounting students in Indonesia. We address this issue by surveying 342 accounting students about their perception of academic dishonesty and what motivates such behaviour. Our respondents were from all first, second or third year undergraduate students at one state university in Indonesia. Drawing from Theory of Planned Behaviour, we examine three individual variables - attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioural control. In addition, we also examine three situational variables - academic integrity culture, definitional ambiguity, and pressure. Six hypotheses were tested, using a Partial Least Squares-Structural Equation Modelling. The results reveal that 77.5% of respondents admitted committing academic dishonesty. While all individual factors studies have positive significant effect on the intention to commit academic dishonesty, of the three situational factors only pressure and definitional ambiguity have a positive significant effect. Surprisingly, it is found that academic integrity culture does not have a significant effect

    Charmed meson decay constants in three-flavor lattice QCD

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    We present the first lattice QCD calculation with realistic sea quark content of the D^+ meson decay constant f_{D^+}. We use the MILC Collaboration's publicly available ensembles of lattice gauge fields, which have a quark sea with two flavors (up and down) much lighter than a third (strange). We obtain f_{D^+} = 201 +/- 3 +/- 17 MeV, where the errors are statistical and a combination of systematic errors. We also obtain f_{D_s} = 249 +/- 3 +/- 16 MeV for the D_s meson.Comment: note added on recent CLEO measurement; PRL versio

    Proses Penyembelihan dan Waktu Mati Sempurna Sapi Bali sebagai Hewan Kurban di Kabupaten Manokwari

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui aspek kesejahteraan hewan berdasarkan tata cara pemisahan dan handling sapi ketika akan disembelih, berapa lama waktu maksimal sapi Bali yang disembelih mati sempurna dan indikator kematian apa yang paling lama hilang setelah sapi disembelih. Penelitian ini dilakukan pada 57 ekor sapi Bali yang disembelih di 5 masjid di Kabupaten Manokwari yang menyelenggarakan penyembelihan hewan kurban. Pengamatan tata cara pemisahan dan handling sapi dilakukan dengan observasi. Waktu henti darah memancar dihitung sejak awal darah memancar sampai tidak lagi memancar. Indikator kematian lain (refleks pupil, refleks kornea, pernafasan ritmik, tonus rahang, tonus lidah, refleks ekor, refleks anus, dan refleks tracak) dihitung setelah waktu henti darah memancar diperoleh. Data yang diperoleh dianalisis secara deskriptif. Data henti darah memancar dihitung rerata dan simpangan bakunya, sedangkan indikator lain disajikan dengan range tiap menit dalam tabel. Pemisahan antara lokasi penempatan dengan penyembelihan dan penggunaan kandang jepit modifikasi untuk handling telah dilakukan disebagian besar lokasi pengamatan. Waktu henti darah memancar pada penelitian ini adalah 2,93 menit. Refleks kornea dan tonus lidah merupakan indikator tercepat yang hilang, yaitu 4-5 menit setelah darah berhenti memancar, kemudian berturut-turut diikuti dengan pernafasan ritmik dan tonus rahang, yaitu masing-masing 5-6 menit serta refleks ekor dan refleks tracak, yaitu 6-7 menit. Refleks anus merupakan indikator terlama yang hilang, yaitu 7-8 menit setelah darah berhenti memancar. Kesimpulan: sebagain besar masjid telah memperhatikan kesejahteraan hewan berdasarkan lokasi dan tata cara penyembelihan. Sapi Bali sebagai hewan kurban di Kabupaten Manokwari mengalami mati sempurna pada menit ke 13,93 dan indikator kematian terakhir yang hilang adalah refleks anus

    Mechanics of cutting manoeuvres by ostriches ('Struthio camelus')

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    We studied the strategies used by cursorial bipeds (ostriches) to maneuver during running. Eight ostriches were induced to run along a trackway and execute turns. Ground reaction forces and three-dimensional kinematics of the body and leg joints were simultaneously recorded, allowing calculation of joint angles and quasi-static net joint torques. Sidesteps, where the leg on the outside of the turn changes the movement direction, and crossovers using the inside leg, occurred with nearly equal frequency. Ostriches executed maneuvers using a simple control strategy that required minimal changes to leg kinematics or net torque production at individual joints. Although ostriches did use acceleration or braking forces to control body rotation, their morphology allowed for both crossovers and sidesteps to be accomplished with minimal net acceleratory/braking force production. Moreover, body roll and ab/adduction of the leg shifted the foot position away from the turn direction, reducing the acceleratory/braking forces required to prevent under-or over-rotation and aligning the leg with the ground reaction force