201 research outputs found

    Pemanfaatan Kali Mati sebagai Media Pembuatan Kolam Waring di Desa Iringmulyo, Metro Timur, Kota Metro

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    Based on situation analysis, client problem and joint discussion result, the priority problem that experienced by inhabitants of RT. 26 and RT. 27 Iringmulyo Village, sub-district of Metro Timur, Metro City is untidiness of dead river that is not utilized and only used as laystall by some inhabitants. The promoted approach methods to solve this clien problem are: cleaning dead river, building nets fish pond, and provision of venture capital to inhabitants. By conducting these IbM program, it is expected for comfort and cleanliness of environment around river, increasing of inhabitant's economic income by fish cultivation. The foundational of problem solving is to reduce environmental pollution and to prohibit inhabitant for throwing rubbish into dead river and enhancement of inhabitant prosperity. This activity has made dead river cleans, fishing group (Pokdakan) is formed named “Metro Bintang Timur” that has legality evidence, 6 nets fish pond is built where main foundation is plastic drum  where if flood comes, the nets will float and unstuck. The pokdakan is given capital of fingerlings of catfish and fish feed for development and mentoring phase till the harvest time

    Pemodelan Tingkat Kepuasan Mahasiswa terhadap Pelayanan Laboratorium Komputer Jurusan Matematika Fakultas MIPA Universitas Sriwijaya

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    Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk mendapatkan model prediksi peluang tingkat kepuasan mahasiswa terhadap pelayanan laboratorium komputer di Jurusan Matematika. Variabel-variabel bebas yang diamati adalah Penunjang Proses Pembelajaran, Empati, Keandalan, Jaminan, Peranan Asisten, Fasilitas Komputasi, Fasilitas Tetap, Keberadaan Asisten, dan Kredibilitas. Pembentukan model dilakukan dengan metode regresi logistik ordinal. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa semua faktor yang diamati signifikan berpengaruh pada taraf 5%, dengan tingkat ketepatan model sebesar 86,51%. Faktor yang memberikan kontribusi terbesar ter-hadap peningkatan peluang kepuasan mahasiswa adalah faktor Penunjang Proses Pembelajaran di laborato-rium. Faktor ini memuat atribut-atribut pelayanan laboratorium, yaitu ketersediaan fasilitas internet, layanan mengetik gratis, kepemilikan AC dan fasilitas visual (LCD dan Layar), dan ketersediaan air minum. Atribut-atribut ini dapat dijadikan bahan pertimbangan untuk meningkatkan pelayanan laboratorium komputer di Jurusan Matematika


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    In general, the measurement of current in a circuit using amperemeter. However, current measurements with amperemeter weakness was not able to display the form of a measurable current signal. In this project created a tool that can measure the flow and display of the measured current signal into a PC-based Microcontroller ATmega 8535. This design uses Hall effect sensors UGN3503 as current sensors, Hall effect sensor UGN3503 can measure the magnetic field generated from the teraliri wire electric currents. Sensor output voltage is equal to the electric current flowing in the wire. The working principle of the flow measuring device based on PC (Personal Computer) is the current detection circuit that is the Hall effect sensor UGN3503 used to measure the current flowing in a circuit then the current magnitude is converted into digital quantities by using 10-bit ADC which is owned by the microcontroller ATMega8535. Scale digital output from ADC is sent to a PC via the serial port and the PC data is converted into a form of signal. The existence of such forms results measurable current signal can then be easier in view of current changes occur in the series and can instantly save the data flow changes into the computer

    The Behavior of Fishpond Farmers with Silvofishery Insight and its Effects on Biodiversity of Macrozoobenthos in Mangrove Ecosystem of Coastal Area

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    Mangrove ecosystem is an open ecosystem of various orientation of human interests in coastal areas, so that its position as common property makes these ecosystems are vulnerable to all forms of exploitation and environment manipulation that occur in it. Some areas in South Sulawesi Province has experienced such things, one of which is Sinjai district which has an area bordering dominated coastal mangrove vegetation has been experiencing a crisis of environmental degradation, at least negative impact has been felt since 10 years ago. The reason for the coastal area is converted to farms and settlements area. In optimizing the role of fish farmers against Silvofishery program which has been running since 10 years ago, and to avoid the negative impact of prolonged crises of environmental degradation, the need to study the problem formulation through research questions, as follows: (1) Whether the insight of environment knowledge, ecosystems, conservation, attitude and motivation affect the behavior of fish farmers with Silvofishery insight? (2) Whether the behavior of Silvofishery concept can maintain biodiversity that meet the natural standards as ecosystem feasibility? Based on the problem formulation, the objectives of this study was; (1) to analyze the effect of knowledge, attitude and motivation of fish farmers against Silvofishery insightful behavior, (2) to analyze the effect of behavioral patterns of fish farmers with Silvofishery insight that can maintain the natural biodiversity as ecosystem feasibility standard. With a package of biodiversity analysis and quantitative approaches through Structural Equation Model analysis of case-study research data obtained through questionnaires distribution, so that obtained the results below. The results of study showed that: (1) the knowledge insight does not affect the behavior of fish farmers with Silvofishery insight; (2) there is a positive contribution to the fish farmers attitude with Silvofishery insight; (3) there is a positive contribution of motivation to the behavior of fish farmers with Silvofishery insight; (4) patterns of Silvofishery insightful behavior of fish farmers showed biodiversity that meet natural standard of ecosystem feasibility. Thus, the exogenous variables of study ie research knowledge, attitudes and motivation, directly has a major role in influencing the behavior of endogenous variables of Silvofishery insight as a concept of integrated ecosystem management that are environmentally friendly and can maintain the natural biodiversity as a guidance of viable environment quality in a sustainable manner

    Secure E-Health: Managing Risks to Patient Personal Identity

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    As we are becoming a digital society, it is very important for us to protect the security of personal identity in any transactions. One of the efforts to maintain the security of personal identity is by unrevealed our data more than necessary. Anonymous credential allows an organization to give a credential to a user. This credential consists of user attribute such as address and date of birth. By using this credential, the user can prove the ownership to the third party without revealing the information that contained in credential information more than necessary. This paper proposes secure ehealth system that focuses on proving protocol to reveal and prove some of the patient attributes while others remain hidden, so the security of personal identity more awake. The experimental results showed that the computational time of each proving protocol less than 1 second

    Analisa Perbandingan Metode Routing Distance Vector dan Link State pada Jaringan Packet

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    In the process of routing has several methods, among which are Distance Vector and Link State. This routing arrangement can define and improve the performance of a network. This routing methods are Link State and Distance Vector will be used in the process of routing a packet network simulation. Simulations using the Network Simulator simulator 2 (NS 2). Both methods will be tested using the testing technique of homogeneous and heterogeneous package. This test is used to obtain the value of its QoS. By the end of this project, then will be gotten this analysis of comparison between two routing methods namely method Distance Vector and Link State in a packet network so that can know what the best method, which can improve performance on a network. Keyword : Distance Vector, Link State , NS2, Qo

    Towards a numerical simulation of direct manufacturing of thermoplastic parts by powder laser sintering COMPLAS XI

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    Direct manufacturing technology using Selective Laser Sintering (SLS) on thermoplastic powders allows obtaining final parts in a short time, with classical polymer density and a high flexibility of shape and evolution of parts. The physical base of this process is the coalescence of grains, which initiates the densification of powder during SLS. This study presents a 2D C-NEM simulation of the whole process. We firstly focus on the chosen method and its advantages. We present the simulation details and validate the modeling through a 2D infinite cylinders coalescence simulation. The mesh of the grain interface is continuously adapted to the local curvature to better capture the coalescence phenomenon. We are able to simulate the sintering of twelve particles laying on a support within some hours
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