31 research outputs found

    Similarities, differences and mechanisms of climate impact on terrestrial vs. marine ecosystems

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    Comparisons between terrestrial and marine ecosystems are generally not in the main stream of scientific literature even though Webb (2012) listed several points for which the transfer of knowledge and concepts related to one or to the other system would benefit our understanding of both. Even sharing this view, the leading hypothesis behind this contribution is that the pelagic system, where the dominant biotic component by number and biomass is microscopic, has specific features which strongly differentiate it from the above-the-surface terrestrial systems. Due to this, climate change, i.e. changes in temperature, precipitation and most importantly in the dynamics of the two fluid media, atmosphere and ocean, act with different mechanisms which prevents proceeding with analogies in many cases. In addition, the non-linearity of most of the processes and responses to perturbations requires, in order to obtain reliable forecasts or hindcasts, a detailed analysis of the path followed by the system which is normally overlooked in the step-change simulations or projections

    A Conceptual Framework for Developing the Next Generation of Marine OBservatories (MOBs) for Science and Society

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    In the field of ocean observing, the term of “observatory” is often used without a unique meaning. A clear and unified definition of observatory is needed in order to facilitate the communication in a multidisciplinary community, to capitalize on future technological innovations and to support the observatory design based on societal needs. In this paper, we present a general framework to define the next generation Marine OBservatory (MOB), its capabilities and functionalities in an operational context. The MOB consists of four interconnected components or “gears” (observation infrastructure, cyberinfrastructure, support capacity, and knowledge generation engine) that are constantly and adaptively interacting with each other. Therefore, a MOB is a complex infrastructure focused on a specific geographic area with the primary scope to generate knowledge via data synthesis and thereby addressing scientific, societal, or economic challenges. Long-term sustainability is a key MOB feature that should be guaranteed through an appropriate governance. MOBs should be open to innovations and good practices to reduce operational costs and to allow their development in quality and quantity. A deeper biological understanding of the marine ecosystem should be reached with the proliferation of MOBs, thus contributing to effective conservation of ecosystems and management of human activities in the oceans. We provide an actionable model for the upgrade and development of sustained marine observatories producing knowledge to support science-based economic and societal decisions

    TURBOGEN: Computer-controlled vertically oscillating grid system for small-scale turbulence studies on plankton

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    11 pages, 10 figures, 3 tablesIn recent years, there has been a renewed interest in the impact of turbulence on aquatic organisms. In response to this interest, a novel instrument has been constructed, TURBOGEN, that generates turbulence in water volumes up to 13 l. TURBOGEN is fully computer controlled, thus, allowing for a high level of reproducibility and for variations of the intensity and characteristics of turbulence during the experiment. The calibration tests, carried out by particle image velocimetry, showed TURBOGEN to be successful in generating isotropic turbulence at the typical relatively low levels of the marine environment. TURBOGEN and its sizing have been devised with the long-term scope of analyzing in detail the molecular responses of plankton to different mixing regimes, which is of great importance in both environmental and biotechnological processesRachel Macmasters is acknowledged for language check. A.A., M.I.F., D.I., M.R.d’A., and R.W. thank the Flagship project RITMARE—The Italian Research for the Sea Programme (Ricerca ITaliana per il MARE) for partial support. A.A. was funded by the European Union under FP7-People—GA No. 600407Peer Reviewe

    On the trophic regimes of the Mediterranean Sea: a satellite analysis

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    International audienceThe ten years of the SeaWiFS satellite surface chlorophyll concentration observations, presently available, were used to characterize the biogeography of the Mediterranean Sea and the seasonal cycle of the surface biomass in different areas of the basin. The K-means cluster analysis was applied on the satellite time-series of chlorophyll concentration. The resulting coherent patterns were then explained on the basis of the present knowledge of the basin's functioning. Winter biomass enhancements were shown to occur in most of the basin and last for 2-3 months depending on the region. Classical spring bloom regimes were also observed, regularly in the North Western Mediterranean, and intermittently in four other specific areas. The geographical correspondence between specific clusters and regions showing high values of mean chlorophyll concentration indicates that, at least in the Mediterranean Sea, accumulations of phytoplankton are observed only where specific temporal trends are present

    Modelling coastal systems

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    Plankton in the open mediterranean Sea: A review

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    44 pages, 19 figures, 7 tablesWe present an overview of the plankton studies conducted during the last 25 years in the epipelagic offshore waters of the Mediterranean Sea. This quasi-enclosed sea is characterized by a rich and complex physical dynamics with distinctive traits, especially in regard to the thermohaline circulation. Recent investigations have basically confirmed the long-recognised oligotrophic nature of this sea, which increases along both the west-east and the north-south directions. Nutrient availability is low, especially for phosphorous (N:P up to 60), though this limitation may be buffered by inputs from highly populated coasts and from the atmosphere. Phytoplankton biomass, as chl a, generally displays low values (less than 0.2 ÎŒg chl a l−1) over large areas, with a modest late winter increase. A large bloom (up to 3 ÎŒg l−1) is observed throughout the late winter and spring exclusively in the NW area. Relatively high biomass values are recorded in fronts and cyclonic gyres. A deep chlorophyll maximum is a permanent feature for the whole basin, except during the late winter mixing. It is found at increasingly greater depths ranging from 30 m in the Alboran Sea to 120 m in the easternmost Levantine basin. Primary production reveals a west-east decreasing trend and ranges between 59 and 150 g C m−2 y−1 (in situ measurements). Overall, the basin is largely dominated by small autotrophs, microheterotrophs and egg-carrying copepod species. The microorganisms (phytoplankton, viruses, bacteria, flagellates and ciliates) and zooplankton components reveal a considerable diversity and variability over spatial and temporal scales, although the latter is poorly studied. Examples are the wide diversity of dinoflagellates and coccolithophores, the multifarious role of diatoms or picoeukaryotes, and the distinct seasonal or spatial patterns of the species-rich copepod genera or families which dominate the basin. Major dissimilarities between western and eastern basins have been highlighted in species composition of phytoplankton and mesozooplankton, but also in the heterotrophic microbial components and in their relationships. Superimposed to these longitudinal differences, a pronounced biological heterogeneity is also observed in areas hosting deep convection, fronts, cyclonic and anti-cyclonic gyres or eddies. In such areas, the intermittent nutrient enrichment promotes a switching between a small-sized microbial community and diatom-dominated populations. A classical food web readily substitutes the microbial food web in these cases. These switches, likely occurring within a continuum of trophic pathways, may greatly increase the flux towards higher trophic levels, in spite of the apparent heterotrophy. Basically, the microbial system seems to be both bottom-up and top-down controlled. A >multivorous web> is shown by the great variety of feeding modes and preferences and by the significant and simultaneous grazing impact on phytoplankton and ciliates by mesozooplanktonThis paper was supported by a grant provided by the European Network of Excellence EUR-OCEANS contract number 511106-2. We thank the authors who directly provided their data. Additional funds were provided to D. VaquĂ© by the MICROVIS project (CTM 2007-62140) (Spanish Ministry of Science) and to M. Ribera d’AlcalĂĄ by the EU IP SESAME (contract number 036949)Peer Reviewe

    Isotropic marine microturbulence affects diatom chain composition

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    Aquatic Sciences Meeting, Aquatic Sciences: Global And Regional Perspectives - North Meets South, 22-27 February 2015, Granada, SpainTurbulence, a key component of flow regimes in aquatic ecosystems, affects planktonic organisms over a wide range of scales. We designed a computer controlled instrument to generate a turbulent field with vertically oscillating grids. This instrument produces isotropic microturbulence in a range that mimics natural values. We ran growth experiments in TurboGen with three ecologically relevant phylogenetically distant species Pseudo-nitzschia multistriata, Thalassiosira rotula and Chaetoceros decipiens, characterised by three different chain formation modes. P. multistriata produces chains by overlapping cell apices; in T. rotula adjacent cells are connected via chitin threads; C. decipiens cells hook each other through frustule processes called setae. Chain composition, the frequency of each chain length class expressed in number of cells per chain, was compared between turbulence-exposed cells and controls. Different outcomes were observed: P. multistriata did not show any modifications when exposed to turbulence, the other two responded by modifying the chain spectra in presence of turbulence. The experiments were run in triplicate and statistical tests confirmed significance of the results. Chain formation in diatoms has been proposed to be a solution to sinking and molecular diffusion of nutrients in the boundary layer. There are evidences that the process of chain formation is regulated by biotic stimuli, our results indicate that it can also be regulated by an abiotic factor: microscale turbulence. More thorough investigation with a transcriptomics approach will identify the genes involved in sensing and responding to turbulence in this class of unicellular algaePeer Reviewe


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    Nutrient consumption and chain tuning in diatoms exposed to storm-like turbulence

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    Current information on the response of phytoplankton to turbulence is linked to cell size and nutrient availability. Diatoms are considered to be favored by mixing as dissolved nutrients are more easily accessible for non-motile cells. We investigated how diatoms exploit microscale turbulence under nutrient repletion and depletion conditions. Here, we show that the chain-forming diatom Chaetoceros decipiens, continues to take up phosphorus and carbon even when silicon is depleted during turbulence. Our findings indicate that upon silica depletion, during turbulence, chain spectra of C. decipiens remained unchanged. We show here that longer chains are maintained during turbulence upon silica depletion whereas under still conditions, shorter chains are enriched. We interpret this as a sign of good physiological state leading to a delay of culture senescence. Our results show that C. decipiens senses and responds to turbulence both in nutrient repletion and depletion. This response is noteworthy due to the small size of the species. The coupling between turbulence and biological response that we depict here may have significant ecological implications. Considering the predicted increase of storms in Northern latitudes this response might modify community structure and succession. Our results partly corroborate Margalef's mandala and provide additional explanations for that conceptualization