40 research outputs found
Fokus grupe kao sredstvo davanja glasa neuspešnim učenicima
This paper analyses discourses on school failure of gymnasium students. Research strategy for establishment of dialogue with students is focus group. The method of analysis of the material obtained in the conversations with students is discourse analysis. First, two dominant strategies of focus group usage are discussed: as means for collecting data from subjects and as a social emancipatory practice. The prevailing discourses about school failure of students are mapped: the discourse of school as an insecure investment, the discourse of school marginalisation, the discourse of disinterest of students, the discourse of disinterest of teachers and the discourse 'school success does not have an alternative'. The concluding part discusses research implications on social position of students in power relations in education.Rad se bavi analizom diskursa o školskom neuspehu kod učenika gimnazije. Istraživačka strategija za ulaženje u dijalog sa učenicima je fokus grupa. Metoda za analizu materijala, dobijenog u razgovoru sa učenicima je analiza diskursa. Prvo, razmatraju se dve dominantne strategije upotrebe fokus grupa: kao sredstva za prikupljanje podataka i kao socijalne emancipatorne prakse. Mapirani su preovlađujući diskursi o školskom neuspehu: diskurs škole kao nesigurne investicije, diskrus marginalizacije škole, diskurs nezainteresovanosti učenika, diskurs nezainteresovanosti nastavnika i diskurs 'školski uspeh nema alternativu'. U završnom delu se razmatraju implikacije istraživanja na socijalni položaj učenika u odnosima moći u obrazovanju
A proposal to consider a new model of the self and the methodology of its exploring and transforming
The aim of this work is to present a new concept of the
agonistic self as well as a new methodology for its exploring
and transforming. Based on Foucault’s analytics of power,
but also constructivist metaphor of the community of self and
the theory of polyphony we propose the self to be conceived
as multiple and emerging from the dialogical encounter of the
various positions of subjectivities unequaled in power. This
theoretical model of the self explains the empirical findings
suggesting that the sense of self is fragmented,
contextualized, changeable and inconsistent. Further, inspired
by the technique of the constructivist rologram, we developed
a new approach to exploring and facilitating change in the
agonistic self. The case study research on student’s sense of
self is conducted and the results were presented as the
illustration of the methodology of the agonistic self.Proceedings of the XXVI scientific conferenc
Analiza odnosa moći u višeglasnom sopstvu
Teorija višeglasja, konstruktivistička metafora zajednice sopstva i fukoovska teorija moći
omogućuju da se sopstvo posmatra kao da je sačinjeno od mnoštva različitih ideoloških
stanovišta (Bahtin), Ja-pozicija (Hermans), uloga (Mair, 1977) ili subjektivizacija (Fuko,
1997), koje kao glasovi stupaju u raznovrsne dijaloške odnose. Novina koju donosi ovaj rad
jeste to što multiplo sopstvo ne posmatramo kao složenu, ali konzistentnu celinu, već više kao
promenljivu stratešku situaciju sukoba glasova nejednakih snaga, u kojoj neki glasovi
privremeno preuzimaju dominaciju u odnosu na druge koji predstavljaju glasove otpora. U radu
se prikazuju dve studije slučaja, u kojima se ilustruje značaj borbe za dominaciju unutar
višestrukog sopstva za konstituisanje doživljaja sebe kod uspešnih i neuspešnih učenika.
Studije slučaja su deo šireg istraživanja o učeničkom doživljaju školskog uspeha, u kome je
učestvovalo 25 učenika srednje stručne škole. Za prikupljanje podataka primenjen je intervju
o višeglasnom doživljaju sebe. Intervjuisani učenici su eksplicirali različite perspektive iz kojih
doživljavaju sebe kao uspešne ili neuspešne u školi i zapisivali ih u formi glasova koji
razmenjuju međusobno poruke, a zatim bili podstaknuti da opišu odnose između tih glasova,
sa posebnim osvrtom na saradanju, konflikte i dominaciju. Za analizu podataka je korišćena
deduktivna tematska analiza, sa teorijskim kategorijama Struktura i Dinamika (sa dve
potkategorije Saradnja spram konflikata i Dominacija spram podređenosti). Prikazane studije
pokazuju da doživljaj sebe kao uspešnog ili neuspešnog učenika proističe iz trenutnog odnosa
snaga, koji podrazumeva da jedan glas ili grupa glasova zauzimaju poziciju iz koje su u
mogućnosti da nametnu određeni narativ o sebi. Međutim, u oba slučaja postoji stalna
tendencija glasova otpora da uzurpiraju postojeću stratešku situaciju i afirmišu alternativne
narative o sebi, što doživljaj sebe kod učenika čini tenzičnim, promenljivim i
kontekstualizovanim. Takođe, pokazalo se da višeglasno sopstvo uspešnih učenika odlikuje
postojanje snažnog, operativnog glasa, koji je u stanju da u dijaloškom odmeravanju snaga sa
drugim glasovima obezbedi sprovođenje u delo vrednosti koje se tiču posvećenosti,
odgovornosti i istrajnosti. U slučaju neuspešnih učenika, takav glas ne uspeva da obezbedi
dovoljno moći da nametne svoju perspektivu, pa primat preuzimaju glasovi koji se opiru
perspektivama koje promovišu obrazovne vrednosti.Theory of polyphony, constructivist metaphor of the community of self and Foucault’s theory
of power allow the self to be viewed as being constituted from a multitude of different
ideological standpoints (Bakhtin, 1929/1984), I-positions (Hermans & Kempen, 1993), roles
(Mair, 1977) or subjectivizations (Foucault, 1972), which as voices enter into diverse
dialogues. The novelty brought about by this work is that we do not regard the multiple self as
a complex but consistent whole, but rather as an ever changing strategic situation involving the
struggle between voices of unequal forces, in which some voices temporarily dominate over
others that are counter-voices. The paper presents two case studies, which are the result of a
broader research on students’ perceptions of the school success, in which 25 students from a
secondary vocational school participated. In the data collection process interviews about the
students’ polyphonic identity were conducted. Interviewees explicated different perspectives
from which they perceive themselves as successful or unsuccessful in school and recorded
them in the form of voices, and then they were encouraged to describe the relationship between
these voices, with particular reference to co-operation, conflicts and domination. For the data analysis a deductive approach to thematic analysis is used, with the theoretical categories of
Structure and Dynamics (with two subcategories Collaboration versus conflicts and
Domination versus subjection). The studies show that the sense of self as a successful or
unsuccessful student stems from the current relationship of power, which implies that a single
voice or group of voices occupy a position from which they are able to impose a certain selfnarrative.
However, in both cases there is a constant tendency of counter-voices to usurp the
existing strategic situation and affirm alternative self-narratives, making the sense of self tense,
changeable and contextualized. It also turned out that the polyphonic self of successful students
is characterized by the existence of a strong, operational voice, which is able to ensure the
implementation of values relating to commitment, responsibility and persistence in a dialogical
struggle with other voices. In the case of unsuccessful students, such a voice fails to provide
enough strength to impose its perspective, so primacy is taken over by voices resisting
perspectives that promote educational values.Knjiga rezimea / XXV naučni skup Empirijska istraživanja u psihologiji
29–31. mart 2019
Uloga samokontrole, samoefikasnosti, metakognicije i motivacije u predviđanju školskog uspeha
Self-control and self-regulated learning refer to those processes and strategies whereby individuals exert agency in facing educational demands. This study tested a structural model which predicts that self-control has direct effect on school achievement, as well as mediated by metacognitive self-regulation, academic self-efficacy, and regulatory motivational styles as the variables related to self-regulated learning. The research was carried out on a stratified random sample of 575 eighth grade students. It was shown that the effect of self-control on achievement is mediated by self-efficacy. In other words, students who have heightened selfcontrol and believe in their own ability to meet school demands will be successful in school regardless of the complexity of their learning or whether they are autonomously motivated. The implications of such a finding were considered, as well as the limitations of the research and the indications for future research.Pojmovi samokontrole i samo regulisanog učenja odnose se na procese i strategije kojima pojedinac pokazuje agentnost u svom odnosu prema zahtevima obrazovanja. Ovo istraživanje testiralo je strukturni model koji predviđa da samokontrola ima direktan efekat na uspeh u školi, kao i efekat koji je posredovan metakognitivnom samoregulacijom, akademskom samo efikasnošću i stilovima regulisanja motivacije. Istraživanje je sprovedeno na stratifikovanom slučajnom uzorku od 575 učenika osmog razreda (osnovne škole, prim. prev.). Pokazalo se da je efekat samokontrole na postignuće posredovan samoefikasnošću. Drugim rečima, učenici koji imaju povišenu samokontrolu i veruju da su sposobni da odgovore zahtevima škole će biti uspešni u školi bez obzira na kompleksnost njihovog učenja ili toga da li su autonomno motivisani ili ne. Razmatrane su implikacije ovakvog nalaza, kao i ograničenja ovog i pravci za buduća istraživanja
Metodologija za analizu agonističkog sopstva i podsticanje njegove promene
Refleksivni domen osobe, lokovsko sopstvo, tradicionalno se smatra jedinstvenim,
samosadržavajućim središtem svesti, koje poseduje i autonomnu moć da deluje u svetu
oko sebe (Geertz, 1983; Locke, 1690/1999; Sampson, 1985). Ovakav model sopstva snažno
će uticati na autore koji su odlučujuće oblikovali psihologiju ličnosti u XX veku (na primer,
Adler, 1924/2014; Erikson, 1968/1994; McAdams, 1985; Rogers, 1951). Iako se u savremenom
diskurzivnom pristupu tretira kao socijalna konstrukcija, sopstvu se i dalje pripisuje funkcija
pred-iskustvenog ujedinitelja psihičkih procesa i funkcija u celovitost koja je prisutna u
iskustvu kao osećaj nečije jednosti sopstvenog bića (Harré, 1998). Međutim, pojedini autori
počinju da ukazuju na to da koncept ljudske subjektivnosti u kome se insistira na skladu
uspostavljenom kroz centralizovani poredak odražava vrednosni ideal zapadnih društava, pa
je prema tome kulturno i istorijski situirana pojava (Sampson, 1989). Ovakve kritike utiru put za
snažniji uticaj argumenata koji dolaze iz tri različite tradicije, Džemsovog pragmatizma (James,
1890/1983), Bahtinove polifonije (Bahtin, 1967) i socijalnog konstrukcionizma (Gergen, 1991;
2009). Zajedničko za sve njih je uverenje da je sopstvo decentralizovano, otvoreno, socijalno
zasnovano, dinamično, promenljivo i kontekstualizovano. Najsnažniju sintezu doživeće ove
ideje u teoriji dijaloškog sopstva (Hermans & Kempen, 1993).XXVI Nаučnа konferencijа „Pedаgoškа istrаživаnjа i školskа prаksа
Mathematics and science teachers' beliefs about innovations in teaching: A qualitative study
The paper explores the ways in which mathematics and science teachers in one primary school perceive innovations in teaching that they implemented during inservice training. We started from the recent findings pointing to the prevailing perceptions of obstacles and an anxious and antagonistic attitude of teachers towards innovations. Hence, the aim of our research was to see whether we would obtain similar findings with the teachers who attended a training course for implementing innovations within the Trefoil project. Research participants were seven teachers. We analysed their conversations, which took place during the meetings of the expert council, about the experiences with implementing innovations. The results have shown that the teachers had the perception that innovations ensured higher quality knowledge and additionally motivated students. Still, the predominant narratives were those about the obstacles referring to the lack of time, difficulties in developing teaching activities and grading system, restrictions in the curriculum, as well as the lack of readiness and cooperation on the part of students and parents. A novelty compared to the previous studies was that we cannot speak about typical reactions. Instead, teachers' attitude towards innovations changed depending on whether the experiences were positive or they encountered problems in their implementation. The recommendations for the practice of in-service teacher training and further research are provided in the final part
Construing change: professional development of primary and secondary school teachers
Предмет истраживања у овом рада јесу наставничке конструкције сопствене професионалне праксе и професионалне улоге. Наставничке конструкције се посматрају као резултат преговарања међу наставницима, до кога долази у конверзационој пракси у групи наставника. Такође, истраживање се бави и ефектима подстицања професионалног учења наставника помоћу групних рефлексивних активности. Тема наставничких имплицитиних теорија, којој припада предмет овог рада, добија на значају како расте свест о томе да су наставници кључни ресурс и агенс промена у образовању. Такође, све су важнија испитивања која би требало да дају одговор на питање како обезбедити ефективне програме професионалног развоја наставника. У том смислу, теоријски контекст у коме се, у овом раду, разматрају наставничке конструкције и могућности подстицања њихове промене чине: а) савремене теорије о професионалном учењу; б) психологија личних конструката; в) сазнања о карактеристикама ефективних програма професионалног развоја наставника. Савремен теорије учења наглашавају да се учење одвија у сарадњи, дијалогу и преговарању око значења и да тако настало знање представља ко-конструкцију, у форми групних имплицитних теорија и заједничке визије. Такође, значајан допринос разумевању професионалног учења дале су теорије које учење посматрају као процес овладавања социјалним вештинама коришћења дискурзивних и реторичких средстава, ако и вештинама социјалног позиционирања у оквирима одређеног културног и етичког поретка. Психологија личних конструката представља теоријски оквир, који је омогућио да се наставничке перцепције њихове професије опишу и анализирају као конструкти, који предствљају семантичка средства која повезују значења и праксу. Психологија личних конструката посматра учење као процес преиспитивања и мењања конструката, који се назива реконструкцијом. Новина коју доноси овај рад јесте посматрање конструката као дијалошких средстава насталих у конверзацијама, што је контекст који је до сада био занемарен у
проучавању конструката. Стога ће допринос овог рада бити у томе што ће анализирати дијалошки аспект конструкција и што ће омогућити мапирање наставничких конструката насталих у конверзацијама о важним професионалним темама. У овом раду се ослањамо на конструктивистичка начела подстицања промене, да бисмо осмислили и испитали пробни модел професионалног развоја наставника, зато што ова начела задовољавају карактеристике ефективних програма. Наиме, теоријски и практично, психологија личних конструката је окренута ка могућностима и креативном потенцијалима особе да практично ради на унапређивању личног и професионалног функционисања, кроз подстицање рефлексивног преиспитивања старих конструкција и експериментисање са новим. Истраживање је у овом раду имало два циља: 1) утврдити које конструкте конституишу наставници током међусобних разговора о професионалним темама; 2) утврдити ефекте активности подстицања рефлексивног и кооперативног учења код групе наставника у основној школи. У истраживању је учествовало девет наставника у основној школи, осам наставника у стручној школи и седам наставника у гимназији. Укупно је у истраживању учествовало 24 учесника. Поступци за прикупљање података, који су примењени у овом истраживању су фокус групе и процене активности и исхода професионалног учења у фокус групама наставника на основу независних процена. Специфичност примене фокус група у истраживању је та што је одржано десет фокус група са истим наставницима из основне школе и по две фокус групе са истим наставницима из средње стручне школе и гимназије. Материјал из снимљених фокус група (аудио и видео) транскрибован је. Подаци о активностима и исходима у фокус групама наставника у основној школи су прикупљани на основу процена три независна посматрача, који су посматрали видео снимке. За потребе процене конструисан је ad hoc инструмент, Лист за евалуацију групног рада са наставницима, који је садржавао унапред дефинисане категорије за процену. Подаци су обрађени применом квалитативних и квантитативних поступака. Квалитативна обрада је подразумевала примену Анализе конструката у конверзацији, која подразумева издвајање конструката на основу реторичке размене између саговорника и описивање промене ових конструката током одвијања разговора. Квантитативна
обради подразумевала је утврђивање интерсубјективне сагласности процена независних процењивача помоћу израчунавања процента слагања. Мапирани конструкти су груписани у пет ширих тематских категорија, од којих су најзначајније агенсност, брига и смисао. Унутар сваке теме су мапирани конструкти-гроздови, који обухватају мноштво значења развијаних током наставничких дискусија. Конструкти који се односе на тему агенсности развијали су се у контексту дискусија о могућностима наставника да утичу на промену праксе и о томе да ли су наставници или ученици одговорни за проблеме у настави. Тема бриге обухвата конструкте који су настали у дијалогу о томе да ли би требало заштити интересе ученика, наставника или свих актера подједнако, као и у дискусији о томе како заштитити себе у непријатној и угрожавајућој комуникацији са колегама у школи. Конструкти који се односе на тему смисла конституисани су у дискусијама о томе како је одустајање од очекивања да ће заинтересовати све ученике начин да наставници задрже осећај смисла у професионалном контексту. Најзначајнији налаз независних процењивача ефеката огледног програма професионалног развоја наставника је да учесталост активности као што су пружање подршке у групи, размена искуства, разумевање туђе перспективе, стицање нових увида и негативне емоције најпре расте до пете снимљене фокус групе, а затим постепено опада. Учесталост је највећа у фокус групама у којима су наставници имали прилику да дискутују о темама које су најрелевантније за њих, као што су одговорност ученика за дисциплинске проблеме и комуникациони проблеми. Такође, показало се да расту размена, међусобно разумевање, нови увиди, пружање подршке и слично када су задаци у акционим фокус групама били структурисани тако да подстичу рефлексију, давање фидбека другим учесницама у групи, пропозиционално конструисање и изграђивање односа улога. Огледни програм подстицања професионалног учења наставника ефективан је у великој мери у подстицању иницијалне психолошке повезаности и осећања сигурности у групи, сарадничког односа са модератором, размене искустава у групи и креативне усмерености на заједнички циљ.The research subject of this paper is teacher’s constructs of their personal professional practice and professional role. Teaching constructs are considered to be the result of negotiations among teachers which occur in conversational practice in groups of teachers. This study also deals with the effects of promoting teacher development by using group reflective activities. The subject of teaching implicit theories, to which the subject of this paper belongs, gains significance with the growth of awareness that teachers are the key resource and agents of change in education. Also, research studies aimed at providing the answer to the question of how to secure effective programs for teachers’ professional development are becoming increasingly important. In that sense, the theoretical context in which teaching constructs and the possibilities of promoting change are considered in this paper consists of: a) contemporary theories of professional learning; b) the Psychology of Personal Constructs; c) knowledge about the characteristics of effective teacher development programs. Contemporary theories of professional learning emphasise that social learning develops through cooperation, dialogue and negotiations regarding meaning, and knowledge acquired in such a way represents co-construction in the form of group implicit theories and joint vision. A significant contribution to understanding of professional learning make theories which understand learning as a process of mastering the social skills of using discursive and rhetoric means, as well as those of social positioning within the framework of a given cultural and ethical order. The psychology of personal constructs presents the theoretical frame, which has enabled teachers’ perceptions of their profession to be described and analysed as constructs which represent the semantic tools which connect meanings and practice. The psychology of personal constructs considers learning as the process of reconsidering and changing constructs which is termed reconstruction. This work is innovative in approaching constructs as dialogical means, formed in the struggle between different dialogue positions, which is the context which has so far been neglected in the study of constructs. Therefore the contribution of this work will be in the analysis of the dialogical aspect of constructs which will enable the mapping of
teachers’ constructs formed in conversations about important professional issues. In this work we rely on the constructivist principles of encouraging change in order to develop and test a professional development model, because those principles satisfy the characteristics of effective programs. Namely, both theoretically and practically, the psychology of personal constructs is directed towards the possibilities and creative potentials of persons to work on the improvement of their personal and professional functioning by encouraging reflexive reconsideration of old constructs and experimenting with new ones. This research had two goals: 1) to establish which constructs teachers constitute during joint discussions about professional issues; 2) to establish the effects of activities aimed at encouraging reflective and cooperative learning in groups of primary school teachers. Ten primary school teachers, eight vocational school teachers and seven grammar school teachers participated in the research. A total of 24 participants were included in the study. The data collection procedure included focus groups and the evaluation of the activities and outcomes of professional learning in these focus groups on the basis of independent estimations. The specificity of the focus groups in the research is that ten focus groups were held with the same teachers from primary schools and two focus groups with the same teachers from vocational and grammar schools. The recorded audio and video material was then transcribed. The data pertaining to the activities and outcomes in the primary school teacher focus groups were gathered on the basis of estimations made by three independent observers, who watched the recorded material. An ad hoc instrument was constructed for evaluation purposes, a list for the evaluation of the group work which contained advanced defined evaluation categories. The data was analysed qualitatively and quantitatively. Qualitative analysis involved the Conversation Construct Analysis, which included the separation of constructs on the basis of the rhetorical exchange between the participants and a description of the changes to those constructs during the development of the conversation. Quantitative analysis involved the establishment of the inter-subjective agreement of the independent evaluators’ estimations by calculating the percentage of agreement. Mapped constructs were grouped into five broad thematic categories, out of which the most important were agency, care and meaning. Construct-clusters were mapped within each theme, encompassing the multitude of meanings developed during the discussions. The
constructs which refer to the theme of agency were developed within the context of discussions about teachers’ possibilities to influence changes in practice and whether teachers or pupils are responsible for the problems in teaching practice. The theme of care encompasses those constructs which occurred in the dialogue about whether the interests of pupils, teachers or all actors should be equally protected, as well as in discussions on how to protect oneself in unpleasant and threatening communication with colleagues in school. The constructs which refer to the theme of meaning were constituted in discussions about how difficult it is for teachers to feel professionally fulfilled by work with indifferent pupils and how giving up on expectations that they will make all pupils interested is the only way to maintain the feeling of meaning in the professional context. The most significant finding of the independent evaluators is that the frequency of activities such as providing group support, exchanging experiences, understanding others’ perspectives, gaining new insights and negative emotions rises up to the fifth recorded focus group, and then gradually drops. Frequency is at its highest in the focus groups where the teachers had the chance to discuss those subjects which were most relevant for them, such as the responsibility of pupils for discipline problems, and communicational problems. It was also shown that exchange, mutual understanding, new insights, providing support and the like increase when the tasks in the focus groups were structured so as to encourage reflections, giving feedback to the other participants in the group, propositional constructing and developing related roles. This experimental program for encouraging teachers’ professional learning is strongly effective in encouraging initial psychological bonding, sense of security in the group, cooperation with the moderator, exchange of experiences in the group and creative direction towards common goal
Teachers' perceptions of factors impeding school improvement in Serbia
In the last ten years the education system in Serbia has undergone a series of innovations which have encountered various obstacles. Teachers, as the key actors in the implementation of innovations, have implicit perceptions which may impact on the success of any school improvement. Therefore this study employed a mixed methods research strategy to investigate what teachers see as the obstacles to school improvement. A qualitative study implied four focus groups with teachers, while quantitative data was gathered through a questionnaire completed by 1,441 teachers from 40 primary schools from different regions around Serbia. Factor analysis confirmed that the potential obstacles could be grouped into six factors (Teachers' incompetence, Material and organizational barriers, Lack of systemic support, Student related barriers, Lack of communication within the school, Lack of communication between schools and stakeholders). Teachers see the biggest obstacles to school improvement in student related and material and organizational barriers. Teachers do not see themselves as the most significant source of problems in improving the work of schools, but transfer responsibility onto more general issues and external agents
Odnos učenika prema nastavi i učenju
The paper presents the results of a pilot-study as a part of TIMSS 2007 study project that is a segment of a large international project on the study of educational trends for primary school pupils in the field of mathematics and natural sciences. The first part of the paper deals with analyzing structural features and describing variables that TIMSS concept defines in order to investigate the relation between pupils’ self-esteem and their evaluation of school subjects considering two fields of study: mathematics and natural sciences. The second part of the paper describes pupils’ educational aspirations and their interdependent relationship with self-esteem and evaluation. The third part of the paper deals with some relevant predictors of pupils’ educational aspirations and their attitudes towards mathematics and natural sciences. At the end, some recommendations have been offered that can further stimulate a change in education values of our society.U radu su izloženi nalazi probnog istraživanja u okviru studije TIMSS 2007 koji predstavljaju deo obimnog međunarodnog projekta proučavanja trendova obrazovnog postignuća učenika osnovnih škola u oblasti matematike i prirodnih nauka. Prvi deo rada odnosi se na analizu strukturalnih karakteristika i opis varijabli kojima je u TIMSS koncepciji operacionalizovan odnos samopouzdanja učenika i vrednovanja školskih predmeta u oblasti matematike i prirodnih nauka. Drugi deo rada odnosi se na opis obrazovnih aspiracija učenika i međuzavisnost sa samopouzdanjem i vrednovanjem. U trećem delu rada razmatraju se neki relevantni prediktori obrazovnih aspiracija učenika i njihov odnos prema matematici i prirodnim naukama. Na kraju, predložene su neke od konkretnih preporuka koje mogu dovesti do promene obrazovnih vrednosti našeg društva
The challenges of school practitioners’ expectations of school-university and school-institute cooperation
The present forms of school-university/institute partnership are largely based on the interests of experts in this field. The aim of this study is to research teachers’ and school counsellors’ perceptions of both the existing and desired forms of the partnership. Based on the qualitative content analysis of the materials from the interviews, four dimensions of partnership were mapped: systematicity, practicality, equality and initiative. The study has shown that the current partnership is somewhat sporadic and initiated more by the research needs of experts rather than the practical needs of teachers. The desired partnership would imply the creation of an organised and continuous relationship, whereby the experts would take on the role of a mentor, thus proposing practical solutions and initiating forms of cooperation. Such expectations lead to controversy, and these issues are discussed in the study