31 research outputs found

    Uticaj životne dobi, estrogenskog statusa i karotidne ateroskleroze na protok krvi kroz zubnu pulpu

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    Dental pulp represents a microcirculatory sistem which due to localization within dentinal walls has specific characteristics. Major feeding blood vesels of dental pulp, as well as orofacial region, are common carotid artery (CCA) and external carotid artery (ECA). Carotid arteries, like dental pulp microcirculation, undergo different structural and functional age-related changes. It has been shown that physiological changes in plasma estrogen levels during the menstrual cycle, and postmenopause, significantly affect blood flow in the microcirculatory system of the brain and skin. In pathological conditions, in presence of carotid atherosclerosis, there are significant changes in blood flow in tissues they supply. Having all this in mind, it was hypothesized that age, estrogen status and carotid atherosclerosis significantly affect blood flow in the dental pulp. The aims of this study were to: 1. Determine dental pulp blood flow and blood flow through the CCA and ECA and intima-media thickness (IMT) of these arteries in healthy adults of both sexes in two age groups of 20-25 and 50-60 years (general population); 2. Examine the dependence of dental pulp blood flow, the flow through the CCA and ECA, and IMT of these arteries in relation to age in the general population; 3. Examine the correlation between dental pulp blood flow and flow through the CCA and ECA and IMT of these arteries in the general population; 4. Determine dental pulp blood flow and estrogen levels in healthy women aged 20-25 years during the regular menstrual cycle (which is 28 days), at a phase when estrogen is high (from 10 to 13 days) and a phase when estrogen is low (from 26 to 5 days), and in postmenopausal women; 5. Examine the correlation between dental pulp blood flow and estrogen levels in women with regular menstrual cycle and postmenopausal women...Zubna pulpa predstavlja mikrocirkulatorni sistem koji zbog svoje lokalizacije unutar čvrstih dentinskih zidova ima posebne karakteristike. Glavni dovodni krvni sudovi za zubnu pulpu, kao i druge organe i tkiva orofacijalne regije, su zajednička karotidna arterija (ZKA) i spoljašnja karotidna arterija (SKA). Karotidne arterije, kao i mikrocirkulacija zubne pulpe starenjem podležu različitim strukturnim i funkcionalnim promenama. Pokazano je da fiziološke promene nivoa estrogena u plazmi tokom menstrualnog ciklusa, kao i u menopauzi, značajno utiču na protok krvi u mikrocirkulatornim sistemima mozga i kože. U patološkim uslovima, u prisustvu ateroskleroze karotidnih arterija, postoje značajne promene u protoku krvi u tkivima koja one ishranjuju. Imajući sve ovo u vidu postavljena je hipoteza da životna dob, estrogenski status i ateroskleroza karotidnih arterija značajno utiču na protok krvi u zubnoj pulpi. Ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su: 1. Odrediti protok krvi kroz krvne sudove zubne pulpe i protok kroz ZKA i SKA kao i debljinu intimo-medijalnog kompleksa (IMK) pomenutih arterija kod zdravih osoba, oba pola, u dve starosne grupe, od 20-25 i od 50- 60 godina (opšta populacija); 2. Ispitati zavisnost protoka krvi u zubnoj pulpi, protoka kroz ZKA i SKA kao i debljine IMK pomenutih arterija u odnosu na životnu dob kod opšte populacije; 3. Ispitati korelaciju između protoka krvi kroz krvne sudove zubne pulpe i protoka kroz ZKA i SKA i debljine IMK pomenutih arterija kod opšte populacije; 4. Odrediti protok krvi kroz krvne sudove zubne pulpe i nivo estrogena kod zdravih žena starosti od 20-25 godina u toku redovnog menstrualnog ciklusa (koji traje 28 dana), u fazi kada je visok estrogen (od 10. do 13. dana) i u fazi niskog estrogena (od 26. do 5. dana), kao i kod žena u menopauzi; 5. Ispitati korelaciju između protoka krvi u krvnim sudovima zubne pulpe i estrogenskog statusa žena sa redovnim menstrualnim ciklusom i žena u menopauz

    The influence of age, estrogen status and carotid atherosclerosis on dental pulp blood flow

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    Zubna pulpa predstavlja mikrocirkulatorni sistem koji zbog svoje lokalizacije unutar čvrstih dentinskih zidova ima posebne karakteristike. Glavni dovodni krvni sudovi za zubnu pulpu, kao i druge organe i tkiva orofacijalne regije, su zajednička karotidna arterija (ZKA) i spoljašnja karotidna arterija (SKA). Karotidne arterije, kao i mikrocirkulacija zubne pulpe starenjem podležu različitim strukturnim i funkcionalnim promenama. Pokazano je da fiziološke promene nivoa estrogena u plazmi tokom menstrualnog ciklusa, kao i u menopauzi, značajno utiču na protok krvi u mikrocirkulatornim sistemima mozga i kože. U patološkim uslovima, u prisustvu ateroskleroze karotidnih arterija, postoje značajne promene u protoku krvi u tkivima koja one ishranjuju. Imajući sve ovo u vidu postavljena je hipoteza da životna dob, estrogenski status i ateroskleroza karotidnih arterija značajno utiču na protok krvi u zubnoj pulpi. Ciljevi ovog istraživanja bili su: 1. Odrediti protok krvi kroz krvne sudove zubne pulpe i protok kroz ZKA i SKA kao i debljinu intimo-medijalnog kompleksa (IMK) pomenutih arterija kod zdravih osoba, oba pola, u dve starosne grupe, od 20-25 i od 50- 60 godina (opšta populacija); 2. Ispitati zavisnost protoka krvi u zubnoj pulpi, protoka kroz ZKA i SKA kao i debljine IMK pomenutih arterija u odnosu na životnu dob kod opšte populacije; 3. Ispitati korelaciju između protoka krvi kroz krvne sudove zubne pulpe i protoka kroz ZKA i SKA i debljine IMK pomenutih arterija kod opšte populacije; 4. Odrediti protok krvi kroz krvne sudove zubne pulpe i nivo estrogena kod zdravih žena starosti od 20-25 godina u toku redovnog menstrualnog ciklusa (koji traje 28 dana), u fazi kada je visok estrogen (od 10. do 13. dana) i u fazi niskog estrogena (od 26. do 5. dana), kao i kod žena u menopauzi; 5. Ispitati korelaciju između protoka krvi u krvnim sudovima zubne pulpe i estrogenskog statusa žena sa redovnim menstrualnim ciklusom i žena u menopauziDental pulp represents a microcirculatory sistem which due to localization within dentinal walls has specific characteristics. Major feeding blood vesels of dental pulp, as well as orofacial region, are common carotid artery (CCA) and external carotid artery (ECA). Carotid arteries, like dental pulp microcirculation, undergo different structural and functional age-related changes. It has been shown that physiological changes in plasma estrogen levels during the menstrual cycle, and postmenopause, significantly affect blood flow in the microcirculatory system of the brain and skin. In pathological conditions, in presence of carotid atherosclerosis, there are significant changes in blood flow in tissues they supply. Having all this in mind, it was hypothesized that age, estrogen status and carotid atherosclerosis significantly affect blood flow in the dental pulp. The aims of this study were to: 1. Determine dental pulp blood flow and blood flow through the CCA and ECA and intima-media thickness (IMT) of these arteries in healthy adults of both sexes in two age groups of 20-25 and 50-60 years (general population); 2. Examine the dependence of dental pulp blood flow, the flow through the CCA and ECA, and IMT of these arteries in relation to age in the general population; 3. Examine the correlation between dental pulp blood flow and flow through the CCA and ECA and IMT of these arteries in the general population; 4. Determine dental pulp blood flow and estrogen levels in healthy women aged 20-25 years during the regular menstrual cycle (which is 28 days), at a phase when estrogen is high (from 10 to 13 days) and a phase when estrogen is low (from 26 to 5 days), and in postmenopausal women; 5. Examine the correlation between dental pulp blood flow and estrogen levels in women with regular menstrual cycle and postmenopausal women..

    Prekobrojni zub u predelu inciziva donje vilice - prikaz slučaja

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    Supernumerary teeth are defined as any supplementary tooth in addition to usual configuration of twenty deciduous and thirty-two permanent teeth. They are most commonly found in the anterior maxilla and mandibular bicuspid region. Although supernumerary teeth have been reported in the incisor region of the mandible, they are very rare. It has been confirmed that approximately 25% of permanent supernumerary teeth appear in the mouth, the rest remains unerupted. The aim of this study was to present a case of single, erupted, supernumerary tooth in the right incisal region of the mandible. A patient showed up at the dental office complaining about aesthetic problem caused by a supernumerary tooth in mandibular incisal region. On intraoral examination, a supernumerary tooth, conical in shape and labially positioned, between the tooth 42 and 43, was observed. On previously taken panoramic radiogram, six months ago, the supernumerary tooth was undetected. Because the supernumerary tooth was masked by the denser overlying cortical bone, it was difficult to interpret the radiogram correctly. It should be noted that panoramic radiography does not guarantee accurate diagnosis of supernumerary teeth, therefore additional diagnostic methods are required.Kao prekobrojni može se definisati svaki zub koji se javi kao višak u odnosu na uobičajenu konfiguraciju od dvadeset mlečnih zuba i trideset dva stalna zuba. Prekobrojni zubi se najčešće javljaju u prednjem delu gornje vilice i predelu pretkutnjaka donje vilice. Iako su poznati slučajevi prekobrojnih zuba u predelu sekutića donje vilice, oni se retko javljaju. Pokazano je da oko 25% prekobrojnih zuba stalne denticije niče, dok ostali ostaju impaktirani. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se kod odraslog muškarca prikaže slučaj prekobrojnog zuba koji je iznikao u predelu sekutića donje vilice. Pacijent se javio zbog estetskih problema izazvanih dodatnim nicanjem donjeg prednjeg zuba. Intraoralno, u predelu između zuba 42 i 43, mogao se uočiti labijalno pozicioniran prekobrojni zub koničnog oblika. Na ortopantomogramu načinjenom šest meseci ranije ovaj prekobrojni zub nije zapažen. S obzirom na to da se prekobrojni zub superponirao s kortikalnom kosti, bilo je otežano ispravno tumačenje snimka. S obzirom na to da ortopantomografski snimci ne garantuju uvek preciznu dijagnozu prekobrojnih zuba, za kliničku dijagnozu je neophodno preduzeti i dodatne dijagnostičke postupke

    Water uptake and solubility of Acroseal sealer in comparison with Apexit and AH Plus sealers in Hank’s solution

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    Introduction. The function of root canal fillings is to seal the root canal system. The important physical property necessary for sealers to achieve this is low solubility. However, any therapeutic effect of calcium hydroxide-based sealers is dependent on the calcium hydroxide being in ionized form, which implies that the material must be at least partly soluble. Objective. The objective of our study was to compare weight changes of Acroseal and Apexit, conventional calcium hydroxide-based sealer and AH Plus, epoxy-amine resin sealer in Hank’s solution at different exposure times. Methods. The standardized samples of each material were weighed and immersed in the Hank’s solution for 1 h, 24 h, 96 h, 14 days and 28 days. After these exposure times, they were removed, dried, and weighed again. Mean weight changes were determined and the differences between sealers were analysed statistically using a one-way ANOVA. Results. The highest differences in mass were observed in Apexit, 1.52%, and were significantly different from Acroseal, 0.93% (p<0.05) and AH Plus, 0.45% (p<0.05). There were no significant differences between Acroseal and AH Plus, except for 96 h period. Conclusion. Under the conditions of our study, it may be concluded that the Acroseal sealer presented the behaviour more like epoxy-based material, AH Plus, than calcium hydroxide sealer, Apexit

    Merenje protoka krvi laser dopler metodom u orofacijalnoj regiji

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    Laser Doppler is a noninvasive, objective, reproducible and painless method for measuring blood flow in tissue microcirculation. This method is based on the Doppler effect, the change in frequency of light reflecting from blood cells in motion. Light from helium-neon laser through optical fibers and probes is directed to the surface of the tissue in which the flow is measured. Light portion is reflected from the cells in motion and changes the frequency while another portion is reflected from the static tissue maintaining the same frequency as the initial light. The total reflected light, with changed and original frequency, reaches photo detector in the same probe where the emitter is and it is transformed into electrical impulse. In the orofacial region the laser Doppler method is used to examine blood flow in the mandible, teeth pulp and masticator muscles. A significant drawback of the laser Doppler method is its sensitivity to the ambient conditions during measuring and the fact that blood flow is measured in all blood vessels of examined microregion. Therefore, the circulation of isolated individual blood vessels can not be monitored. Laser Doppler method can give reliable indicators of blood flow in mouth tissue and method is acceptable for the patients.Laser dopler floumetrija je neinvazivna, objektivna, reproduktibilna i bezbolna metoda merenja protoka krvi na nivou mikrocirkulacije tkiva. Metoda je zasnovana na promeni frekvencije svetlosti pri odbijanju od krvnih ćelija u pokretu, odnosno na Doplerovom efektu. Svetlost helijum- neonskog lasera se putem optičkih vlakana i sonde s emiterom usmerava na površinu tkiva u kojem se ispituje protok. Deo svetlosti se odbija od ćelija u pokretu, pri čemu menja frekvenciju, a drugi deo svetlosti se odbija od statičnih tkiva zadržavajući istu frekvenciju kao i upadna svetlost. Ukupna odbijena svetlost s promenjenom i nepromenjenom frekvencijom dospeva do fotodetektora, koji je u okviru iste sonde kao i emiter, i pretvara se u električni impuls. U orofacijalnoj regiji laser dopler metoda je korišćena za ispitivanje protoka krvi u mandibuli, protoka u pulpi humanih zuba i u mastikatornim mišićima. Značajan nedostatak ove metode je njena osetljivost na uticaje iz okoline, kao i činjenica da se protok krvi meri u svim krvnim sudovima ispitivane mikroregije, pa se ne može izolovano pratiti cirkulacija u pojedinačnim krvnim sudovima. Ovom metodom se mogu dobiti pouzdani pokazatelji protoka krvi u tkivima usne duplje, a pacijenti je dobro prihvataju

    Makroekonomske posledice deficita računa tekućih transakcija za privredu Srbije

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    ad analizira makroekonomske posledice postojanog i dugoročnog deficita računa tekućih transakcija na primeru srpske privrede. Polazeći od makroekonomske teorije i relacija koje uspostavljaju vezu među ključnim makroekonomskim veličinama, i od metodološkog okvira nacionalnih računa za platni bilans, tekući bilans i međunarodnu investicionu poziciju, rad analizira empirijske podatke i pokazuje da dugoročni deficit tekućeg bilansa, umanjuje dugoročni održivi rast bruto domaćeg proizvoda, pogoršava međunarodnu investicionu poziciju Srbije, dovodi do sprege sa precenjenim realnim deviznim kursom, održava visok nivo spoljne zaduženosti zemlje i doprinosi većoj ranjivosti na krize u slučaju problema otplate javnog duga i prestanka priliva stranih direktnih investicija

    Analiza sjaja i površine različitih kompozitnih materijala

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    Introduction To obtain the ideal aesthetics, each restorative material must imitate natural tooth in color, surface texture and be stable over time. Damage or wear of the material causes poor optical properties of the restoration, so it is necessary to repolish, repair or replace it. The aim of this study was to test the gloss and surface changes of the composite materials with filler's particles of different size, before and after material artificial mechanical ageing. Material and Methods Four composite materials were tested, two microhybrid composites (Gradia Direct GC, Herculite XRV, Kerr) and two nanohybrid composites (Filtek Ultimate 3M; TetricEvoceram, Ivoclar). Composites' samples of 9 × 9 × 2 mm in size were polished in accordance to the standard protocol by Sof-Lex discs (2382 C, SM, F, SF) for 30 seconds. Gloss was measured after polishing and taking photos using optical microscope (400×). In the chewing simulator, ageing of the samples was conducted (100,000 cyclic kicks). After the samples' ageing, surface photos were taken and gloss measured. The obtained results were statistically processed (One-way ANOVA, t-test). Results The best gloss after polishing was shown by Filtek Ultimate (54.00 ± 14.06), the worst by Gradia Direct (47.33 ± 7.92). There was no statistically significant difference (p > 0.05) in surface gloss after polishing composite. The smallest defects on the surface of composites were detected in material Gradia Direct (21363.7 mm2 ) with the average value of the diameter 137 mm. Conclusion The tested nanohybrid and microhybrid composites showed comparable gloss value before and after artificial aging. Mechanical aging caused vivid changes regarding surface defects on all tested composite materials.Uvod Da bi se dobila idealna estetika, svaki restaurativni materijal mora oponašati prirodni zub po boji i teksturi površine i mora biti stabilan u vremenu. Oštećenje ili habanje materijala uzrokuje loša optička svojstva ispuna, pa ga je neophodno prepolirati, reparirati ili zameniti. Cilj rada je bio da se ispitaju sjaj i površinske promene kompozita sa različitom veličinom čestica punilaca, pre i posle artificijalnog mehaničkog starenja. Materijal i metode Testirana su četiri kompozita, dva mikrohibridna (Gradia Direct GC; Herculite XRV, Kerr) i dva nanohibridna (Filtek Ultimate 3M; Tetric Evoceram, Ivoclar). Uzorci kompozita (9 × 9 × 2 mm) polirani su po standardnom protokolu diskovima Sof-Lex 30 sek. Posle poliranja izmeren je sjaj, a uzorci su posmatrani pod optičkim mikroskopom (×400). U simulatoru žvakanja uzorci su izloženi artificijalnom starenju sa 100.000 cikličnih udaraca. Posle mehaničkog starenja ponovo je izmeren sjaj, a površine su fotografisane i sačuvane u digitalnom formatu. Dobijeni rezultati su statistički obrađeni (One-way ANOVA, t-test). Rezultati Najveći sjaj posle poliranja pokazao je Filtek Ultimate (54,00 ± 14,06), a najmanji Gradia Direct (47,33 ± 7,92). Nije bilo statistički značajne razlike sjaja između testiranih materijala posle poliranja (p > 0,05). Najmanji defekti na površini kompozita uočeni su kod materijala Gradia Direct (21.364 mm), sa srednjom vrednošću prečnika 137 mm. Zaključak Ispitivani nanohibridni i mikrohibridni kompozitisu pokazali komparabilne vrednosti sjaja pre i posle artificijalnog starenja. Mehaničko starenje je izazvalo vidljive promene u vidu površinskih defekata na svim ispitivanim kompozitima

    Zubni kamenac - karakterizacija na nanonivou

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    Emerging technologies and new nanoscale information have potential to transform dental practice by improving all aspects of diagnostics and therapy. Nanocharacterization allows understanding of oral diseases at molecular and cellular levels which eventually can increase the success of prevention and treatment. Opto-magnetic spectroscopy (OMS) is a promising new technique based on light-matter interaction which allows insight into the quantum state of matter. Since biomolecules and tissues are usually paramagnetic or diamagnetic materials it is possible to determine the dynamics of para-and diamagnetism at different teeth structures using that method. The topography of the surface of a sample can be obtained with a very high resolution using atomic force microscopy (AFM), which allows observation of minimal changes up to 10 nm, while magnetic force microscopy (MFM) is used to record the magnetic field gradient and its distribution over the surface of a sample. The aim of this study was to determine the possibility of AFM and MFM for the characterization of dental calculus, and a potential application of OMS for the detection of subgingival dental calculus.Inovativne tehnologije i nove informacije na nanonivou imaju potencijal da poboljšaju stomatološku praksu, unapređujući sve aspekte dijagnostike i terapije. Nanokarakterizacija omogućava razumevanje razvoja oboljenja na ćelijskom i molekularnom nivou, što za krajnji rezultat može imati poboljšanje prevencije i uspeha lečenja. Optomagnetna spektroskopija (engl. opto-magnetic spectroscopy - OMS) je nova tehnika koja obećava, a zasnovana je na interakciji svetlosti i materije koja omogućava uvid u kvantno stanje materije. S obzirom na to da biomolekuli i tkiva mogu ispoljavati osobine paramagnetičnosti, odnosno dijamagnetičnosti, ovom metodom moguće je utvrditi dinamiku paramagnetizma i dijamagnetizma na različitim strukturama zuba. Pomoću mikroskopije atomskih sila (engl. atomic force microscopy - AFM) moguće je dobiti topografiju površine uzorka vrlo visoke rezolucije, čime se uočavaju i najmanje promene sve do 10 nm, dok se mikroskopija magnetnih sila (engl. magnetic force microscopy - MFM) koristi za snimanje gradijenta magnetnog polja i njegove raspodele po površini uzorka. Cilj ovog rada bio je da prikaže mogućnosti primene AFM i MFM za karakterizaciju zubnog kamenca, kao i primene OMS za otkrivanje subgingivalnog kalkulusa

    Dental and jaws status in pre-historic human population of the Gomolava site

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    Introduction Knowledge of biological and cultural heritage represents a significant basis for the advance of human civilization. The aim of this study was to determine and define dental health status of pre-historic people of the Vinca culture. Material and method Study included twenty skeleton remnants of different gender and age from anthropological series of Gomolava. Skeletons originated from one necropolis and two individual graves dating from mid and early Neolithic periods of the Vinca culture. Based on radiocarbon analysis absolute skeletal age was determined to date within the periods from 5848±38 to 5739±35 BC. Preservation of skeletons varied from completely preserved skulls and jaws to fragmented parts of jaws. Data analysis was performed with methodology used in the research of human population teeth and jaws from the Lepenski Vir culture. Results Results showed high level of teeth abrasion (98,1%), medium level of dental calculus deposits (44,9%), low level of tooth decay, significant number of retained roots, as well as the occurrence of periapical lesions and periodontal disease within the neolith population of Gomolava site. Conclusion Taking into account absolute age of examined skeletons, collected data are very significant, from the perspective of its wide content. From a pathological perspective, teeth abrasion stands out as a dominant feature, while tooth decay fits within standard values for human population of the neolith period

    Status zuba i vilica praistorijske humane populacije sa lokaliteta Gomolava

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    Introduction Knowledge of biological and cultural heritage represents a significant basis for the advance of human civilization. The aim of this study was to determine and define dental health status of pre-historic people of the Vinca culture. Material and method Study included twenty skeleton remnants of different gender and age from anthropological series of Gomolava. Skeletons originated from one necropolis and two individual graves dating from mid and early Neolithic periods of the Vinca culture. Based on radiocarbon analysis absolute skeletal age was determined to date within the periods from 5848±38 to 5739±35 BC. Preservation of skeletons varied from completely preserved skulls and jaws to fragmented parts of jaws. Data analysis was performed with methodology used in the research of human population teeth and jaws from the Lepenski Vir culture. Results Results showed high level of teeth abrasion (98,1%), medium level of dental calculus deposits (44,9%), low level of tooth decay, significant number of retained roots, as well as the occurrence of periapical lesions and periodontal disease within the neolith population of Gomolava site. Conclusion Taking into account absolute age of examined skeletons, collected data are very significant, from the perspective of its wide content. From a pathological perspective, teeth abrasion stands out as a dominant feature, while tooth decay fits within standard values for human population of the neolith period.Uvod Poznavanje biološkog i kulturnog nasleđa je bitna pretpostavka daljeg civilizacijskog napretka. Cilj ovog rada je bio da se na osnovu očuvanih humanih skeletnih ostataka lobanja i vilica antropološke serije sa Gomolave, analizom zuba i vilica, sagleda i definiše zubno-zdravstveni status praistorijskih ljudi iz perioda Vinčanske kulture. Materijal i metod Istraživanja su obuhvatila dvadeset skeletnih ostataka, različitog pola i individualne starosti. Skeleti potiču iz jedne nekropole i dva pojedinačna groba srednjeg i mlađeg neolita iz perioda Vinčanske kulture. Apsolutna starost skeleta je radio- karbonskom analizom ugljenika C14 datovana u periodu od 5848. ±38 do 5739. ±35 godina pre nove ere. Očuvanost skeleta je bila različita i kretala se od kompletno sačuvanih lobanja i vilica do fragmentovanih delova vilica. Podaci su analizirani metodologijom koja je primenjivana u istraživanjima zuba i vilica humane populacije Kulture Lepenskog Vira. Rezultati Rezultati su ukazali na visok stepen abrazije zuba (98.1%) neolitske populacije sa lokaliteta Gomolava, umereni stepen naslaga (44,9%), nizak stepen karijesa, značajan broj zaostalih korenova, kao i pojavu periapikalnih procesa i parodontopatije. Zaključak Uzimajući u obzir apsolutnu starost ispitivanih skeleta, prikupljeni podaci su izuzetno vredni po obimu građe i njenom sadržaju. Patološkom slikom dominira abrazija, dok je karijes prisutan u okviru standardnih vrednosti za humanu populaciju iz perioda neolita