88 research outputs found

    Well-being w turystyce – ramy pojęciowe

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    The aim of the article is to develop a conceptual framework for the relationship between well being and tourism. The article is based on desk research of the academic literature of various disciplines (their original perspectives and main research topics, with particular emphasis on the relationship between well-being and tourism) and the policies documents published by leading supranational organizations. The article ends with a proposal of a scheme of relations between tourism and various concepts of well-being.Celem artykułu jest opracowanie ram koncepcyjnych relacji pomiędzy well-being a turystyką. Artykuł opiera się na literaturze akademickiej różnych dyscyplin (ich pierwotnych perspektyw i głównych tematów badawczych, ze szczególnym uwzględnieniem związku między well-being a turystyką) oraz dokumentach programowych publikowanych przez wiodące organizacje międzynarodowe. Opracowanie zawiera w części końcowej propozycję schematu powiązań turystyki z różnymi koncepcjami well-being

    Tourism versus the transformation of ksours - Southern Morocco case study

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    Ksours form a cultural landscape for most of the countries of North Africa. They are an important part of the cultural heritage of the desert areas in Algeria, Libya, Tunisia, Mali or Morocco. They also become an undeniable attraction for tourism. The article looks at the impact of tourism on the transformation of ksours. It is based on comparative field research in the Dades-Drâa Valley (Southern Morocco), the region of the highest ksour concentration. The results show that despite being very close to most sustainable tourism indicators, the whole impact of tourism is rather negative. Tourism is creating social disproportions, being the first incentive to abandon the ksours by those who are not involved in the sector. This is leading to the destruction of particular houses first, and later to the destruction of the whole village. The revitalization of ksours remains a theoretical solution only; thus the author suggests paying greater attention to social equity in order to stop the transformation of ksours at the 2nd stage of development .

    Potential of city break clubbing tourism in Wrocław

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    Over the last decade Polish cities have become popular destinations of the foreign clubbing tourism. Interest of foreign tourists, however, is not reflected in the interest of scientists, because clubbing tourism-related issues have not been extensively studied in the literature regarding Polish cities. In this paper the authors have tried to fill this gap by analysing the potential of city break clubbing tourism in Wrocław, the city which has been selected the European Capital of Culture 2016. As part of the analysis, the following elements affecting the development of this type of tourism were examined: transport accessibility, clubbing infrastructure (discos, nightclubs and pubs), and other factors (accommodation facilities and selected tourist attractions). The transport accessibility data include only regular direct flights carried by low-cost carriers (LCC) in 2014 (number of connections, frequency of flights and ticket prices), as this type of transportation is crucial for city break tourism

    Turystyka luksusowa i turystyka wysokiej klasy – kluczowe zagadnienia i trendy

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    The article aims to familiarise the reader with the concept of luxury tourism (high-end tourism), trace relevant global consumer trends and to look at the relationship between luxury tourism and sustainable development. The authors rely on the literature that refers to the concept of luxury or high-end tourism, strategic documents published by supranational and national tourism organizations, and a pilot comparative analysis of selected tourist products from the luxury tourism sector. The article is for illustrative purposes only.Artykuł ma na celu przybliżenie pojęcia „turystyka luksusowa”, prześledzenie trendów konsumenckich na świecie w odniesieniu do tego typu turystyki oraz pochylenie się nad związkiem turystyka luksusowa – zrównoważony rozwój. Autorzy opierają się na literaturze przedmiotu, dokumentach strategicznych publikowanych przez międzynarodowe i narodowe organizacje turystyczne oraz na pilotażowej analizie porównawczej ofert wybranych usługodawców z sektora turystyki luksusowej. Artykuł ma charakter poglądowy

    Investigating the intersection between sustainable tourism and community-based tourism

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    This paper interrogates the intersection between sustainable tourism and community-based tourism (CBT). It is a conceptual paper that unpacks the conceptualization of tourism and traces the emergence of sustainable tourism as one of the responses to conventional/mass tourism. The history of conventional tourism shows that, like any form of tourism, it has both positive and negative impacts on destinations. It is against this backdrop that CBT emerged. To achieve its aim, this article examined the main principles and attributes of CBT in CBT manuals and handbooks, focusing on two key concepts - sustainability and the environment. This examination revealed a significant mismatch in the conception of sustainability, while it is a fundamental requirement in tourism to tackle its negative environmental impacts. Environmental sustainability is considered more implicit in CBT, while it is often less regarded in conventional/mass tourism. We argue that the sustainability of tourism should be an intrinsic and universal principle of all forms of tourism that governments should enforce. The fact that conventional tourism produces most of the environmental damage, it is for this reason that it should elevate its role to become a solid promoter of sustainable measures for environmentally-friendly and sustainability-friendly practices instead

    Molecular analysis of Sorbus Sp. from the Pieniny Mts. and its relation to other Sorbus Species

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    The systematic position of Sorbus population occurring in the Pieniny Mts. is controversial. To verify its taxonomic status we studied the ITS sequence of closely related species of the S. aria group: Sorbus sp. from the Pieniny Mts., S. aria from the Tatra Mts., S. graeca from the Balkans, and other well-distinguished native Polish Sorbus species (S. aria, S. aucuparia, S. intermedia and S. torminalis). As a reference we examined Sorbus populations closest to the Pieniny Mts. where S. graeca was reported to occur, in Slovakia. The results indicate that the Sorbus plants found in the Pieniny Mts. differ genetically from those in the Tatra Mts. but are identical to those collected from the Vihorlat Mts. in Slovakia and are closely related to S. graeca from the Balkan

    Cultural ecosystem services and wellbeing policies for tourism – transnational and national challenges and opportunities

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    The aim of the paper is to present the results of a comparative study about cultural ecosystem services (CES ), wellbeing and tourism policies in UK , Finland and Poland in the years 2012–2018. We start with a review of the theoretical background and academic conceptualizations of CES and wellbeing tourism, and go on to review indicative policies at transnational and national levels in selected case countries. We compare the countries’ policies related to tourism, wellbeing and CES , and we discuss conceptual linkages between them. The results indicate substantial differences at European level, starting from Finland and UK , where the policies analysed show important linkages between the three study areas, to Poland where tourism, wellbeing and CES are treated separately and with only moderate or weak linkages. We conclude with a discussion of the challenges in transferring CES and wellbeing concepts to different cultural-linguistic and political-administrative national and transnational contexts, but highlight also potential opportunities for transfer of learning and experiences between the countries studied

    Potencjał rozwoju turystyki w Kazachstanie – stan obecny i perspektywy

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    This article intends to contribute to the growing debate related to tourism in Kazakhstan and to understand future perspectives on tourism development in this country. The aim of the article, which is a desktop research based on previous literature and documents, is to propose a way forward for tourism development in Kazakhstan. Two models will be presented in the article, the first one – proposing the types of tourism development approaches, which the country can focus on, and the second model – illustrating more in details the tourism development working framework. Although these models should certainly not be considered final, they aim at providing a consistent guiding input on future tourism development in Kazakhstan.Niniejszy artykuł stanowi głos w dyskusji dotyczącej potencjału i perspektyw rozwoju turystyki w Kazachstanie. Oparty jest na literaturze przedmiotu i wybranych dokumentach strategicznych. Celem jest zaproponowanie drogi rozwoju turystyki w Kazachstanie. Zaprezentowano tu dwa modele: 1) proponujący wybrane rodzaje podejść do rozwoju turystyki, na których kraj może się skoncentrować w strategiach wykonawczych; 2) dotyczący szczegółowych ram funkcjonowania sektora turystycznego. Mimo że modele te z pewnością nie powinny być uważane za ostateczne, to mają one na celu zapewnienie spójnego przewodniego wkładu w przyszły rozwój turystyki w Kazachstanie

    Kolonie jako właściwa forma zagospodarowania czasu wolnego dzieci? Analiza na przykładzie kolonii w Tleniu i Jarosławcu

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    Tourism is a global social occurrence which act on interests and daily behaviorof large segments of society including children. School age is characterized by large desire to know the world and the learning which comes with surrounding environment and direct contact with other people is absorbed very easily. Ones of the possibilities spend leisure time by children and young people is share in tourism through participation is organized summer holiday for children and teenagers in other words in the summer camps. Through participation in summer camps, organized different types of activities and trips children have a chance to spend interesting and useful your holiday leisure time. The subject of research in the article is the issue of participation of children and young people in the summer camps. The aim of research is to determine whether summer camps are held correct. Material for the study are the data obtained from performed research on two summer camps which were organized by the Association "Nasze Szwederowo" during the holidays in 2014. The method used in this study is not categorized collective hidden interview. On the basis of the study found that at summer camps organized by the Association "Nasze Szwederowo" were not always made pedagogical objectives and the form of substantive activitiesTourism is a global social occurrence which act on interests and daily behaviorof large segments of society including children. School age is characterized by large desire to know the world and the learning which comes with surrounding environment and direct contact with other people is absorbed very easily. Ones of the possibilities spend leisure time by children and young people is share in tourism through participation is organized summer holiday for children and teenagers in other words in the summer camps. Through participation in summer camps, organized different types of activities and trips children have a chance to spend interesting and useful your holiday leisure time. The subject of research in the article is the issue of participation of children and young people in the summer camps. The aim of research is to determine whether summer camps are held correct. Material for the study are the data obtained from performed research on two summer camps which were organized by the Association "Nasze Szwederowo" during the holidays in 2014. The method used in this study is not categorized collective hidden interview. On the basis of the study found that at summer camps organized by the Association "Nasze Szwederowo" were not always made pedagogical objectives and the form of substantive activitie