10 research outputs found


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    Japonya'nın İkinci Dünya Savaşı'ndan bu yana teknolo- jik geîişme, kalite kontrol, dış ticaret ye ekonomik büyüme alan- larında sağladığı büyük başarı dikkatlerin Japonların kendileri- ne özgü yönetim uygulamaları üzerinde yoğunlaşmasına neden olmuştur. Bu incelemenin amacı, Japon yönetim biçimine özgün- lük kazandıran insangücü yönetiminin temel ilke ve niteliklerini belirlemek ve konuyu Türkiye açısından değerlendirmektir. Ça- lışma, Japon mucizesinin altında yatan en önemli faktörlerden birinin çalışanların geniş ölçüde yönetime katılmaları olduğunu göstermektedir. Japon tarih ve kültüründen kaynaklanan, insanı aile olarak düşünülen örgütün temel taşı sayan, yaşamboyu istih- dam, kişilerarası uyum, işbirliği, fikir birliğine dayalı karar ver- me ve şirket sendikacılığına dayandırılan ve insanı kuruluşla bü- tünleştiren bu yönetim anlayışı, gerek Batı'da, gerekse ülkemizde karşılaşılan yönetim bunalımının giderilmesinde önemli katkı- lar sağlayabilecek niteliktedir.Japan's post-war fast industrialization and growth has recently generated a tremen- dous amount of research and intellectual inquiry. Among many factors thought to be res- ponsible for Japan's post-war miracle, Japanese-style management has attracted the gre- atest attention. Japanese management is largely characterized by the unique nature of hu- man resource management. Management of human resources in Japan is a culture-bound, paternalistic, collectivity-oriented and pragmatic system with many unique characteristics. It has grown out of Japanese traditions and culture, and modified by the problems of the post-war era. It is largely the mutual trust between management and employees, lifetime employment, fuîl commitment on the part of the employees toward the achievement of orga- nizational goals, widely practiced participation through consensus decision-making, quality circles, and enterprise unionism, and successful integration of individuals and organization which accounts for managerial success. Most of the organizational practices have consci- ously been developed to elevate human beings from a level of being simple and easily dis- posable cogs to a level of being indispensable parts. The paper is an attempt to identify and analyze these characteristics of the Japanese human resource management and evaluate their relevance to the managerial problems of Turkish organizations.Publisher's Versio

    Development of a Medical Module For Disaster Information Systems

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    This study aims to improve a medical module which provides a real time medical information flow about pre-hospital processes that gives health care in disasters; transferring, storing and processing the records that are in electronic media and over internet as a part of disaster information systems. In this study which is handled within the frame of providing information flow among professionals in a disaster case, to supply the coordination of healthcare team and transferring complete information to specified people at real time, Microsoft Access database and SQL query language were used to inform database applications. System was prepared on Microsoft .Net platform using C# language. Disaster information system-medical module was designed to be used in disaster area, field hospital, nearby hospitals, temporary inhabiting areas like tent city, vehicles that are used for dispatch, and providing information flow between medical officials and data centres. For fast recording of the disaster victim data, accessing to database which was used by health care professionals was provided (or granted) among analysing process steps and creating minimal datasets. Database fields were created in the manner of giving opportunity to enter new data and search old data which is recorded before disaster. Web application which provides access such as data entry to the database and searching towards the designed interfaces according to the login credentials access level. In this study, homepage and users interfaces which were built on database in consequence of system analyses were provided with www.afmedinfo.com web site to the user access. With this study, a recommendation was made about how to use disaster-based information systems in the field of health. Awareness has been developed about the fact that disaster information system should not be perceived only as an early warning system. Contents and the differences of the health care practices of disaster information systems were revealed. A web application was developed supplying a link between the user and the database to make date entry and data query practices by the help of the developed interfaces

    Effect of Transient Maternal Hypotension on Apoptotic Cell Death in Foetal Rat Brain

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    Background: Intrauterine perfusion insufficiency induced by transient maternal hypotension has been reported to be associated with foetal brain malformations. However, the effects of maternal hypotension on apoptotic processes in the foetal brain have not been investigated experimentally during the intrauterine period. Aims: The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of transient maternal hypotension on apoptotic cell death in the intrauterine foetal brain. Study Design: Animal experimentation. Methods: Three-month-old female Wistar albino rats were allocated into four groups (n=5 each). The impact of hypoxic/ischemic injury induced by transient maternal hypotension on the 15th day of pregnancy (late gestation) in rats was investigated at 48 (H17 group) or 96 hours (H19 group) after the insult. Control groups underwent the same procedure except for induction of hypotension (C17 and H17 groups). Brain sections of one randomly selected foetus from each pregnant rat were histopathologically evaluated for hypoxic/ischemic injury in the metencephalon, diencephalon, and telencephalon by terminal transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labelling and active cysteine-dependent aspartate-directed protease-3 (caspase-3) positivity for cell death. Results: The number of terminal transferase-mediated dUTP nick end labelling (+) cells in all the areas examined was comparable in both hypotension and control groups. The H17 group had active caspase-3 (+) cells in the metencephalon and telencephalon, sparing diencephalon, whereas the C19 and H19 groups had active caspase-3 (+) cells in all three regions. The number of active caspase-3 (+) cells in the telencephalon in the H19 group was higher compared with the metencephalon and diencephalon and compared with H17 group (p<0.05). Conclusion: Our results suggest that prenatal hypoxic/ischemic injury triggers apoptotic mechanisms. Therefore, blockade of apoptotic pathways, considering the time pattern of the insult, may constitute a potential neuroprotective approach for the detrimental effects of prenatal hypoperfusion.Wo

    Evaluation Of Apoptotic Cell Death Following Transient Maternal Hypotension In Fetal Rat Brain: Temporal Pattern Within The First 24 H After Procedure

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    Background/aim: To explore the effects of maternal transient systemic hypotension on apoptotic neuronal death in an intrauterine fetal rat brain during the first 24 h after induction of hypotension. Materials and methods: A total of 40 pregnant Sprague-Dawley rats were subjected to either transient systemic hypotension produced for 30 min by blood withdrawal via femoral artery catheterization (hypotension group) or sham operation (control group) on day 15. Two randomly selected fetuses were taken from each rat at 0, 6, 12, and 24 h after the procedure. Apoptosis was evaluated in sections from the whole fetal brain by TUNEL and caspase-3 staining. Results: TUNEL (+) and caspase (+) cells were detected only on the walls of the ventricles of both groups and more abundantly in the hypotension groups than in the control groups at all time points (P < 0.05). The increase in TUNEL (+) and caspase (+) cells was highest at 12 h (P < 0.05) following hypotension compared to the other hypotension groups. Conclusion: Maternal transient systemic hypotension caused the hypoxia-ischemia (HI)-induced death of immature neurons by apoptosis, and this is especially prominent at 12 h after the insult. Determination of the susceptibility of a developing brain to HI at a certain time may have potential significance on the timing of neuroprotective measures.WoSScopu