388 research outputs found

    Conformal relativity versus Brans-Dicke and superstring theories

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    Conformal relativity theory which is also known as Hoyle-Narlikar theory has recently been given some new interest. It is an extended relativity theory which is invariant with respect to conformal transformations of the metric. In this paper we show how conformal relativity is related to the Brans-Dicke theory and to the low-energy-effective superstring theory. We show that conformal relativity action is equaivalent to a transformed Brans-Dicke action for Brans-Dicke parameter ω=3/2\omega = -3/2 in contrast to a reduced (graviton-dilaton) low-energy-effective superstring action which corresponds to a Brans-Dicke action with Brans-Dicke parameter ω=1\omega = -1. In fact, Brans-Dicke parameter ω=3/2\omega =-3/2 gives a border between a standard scalar field evolution and a ghost. We also present basic cosmological solutions of conformal relativity in both Einstein and string frames. The Eintein limit for flat conformal cosmology solutions is unique and it is flat Minkowski space. This requires the scalar field/mass evolution instead of the scale factor evolution in order to explain cosmological redshift. It is interesting that like in ekpyrotic/cyclic models, a possible transition through a singularity in conformal cosmology in the string frame takes place in the weak coupling regime.Comment: REVTEX4, 12 pages, an improved version, references adde

    How far is it to a sudden future singularity of pressure?

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    We discuss the constraints coming from current observations of type Ia supernovae on cosmological models which allow sudden future singularities of pressure (with the scale factor and the energy density regular). We show that such a sudden singularity may happen in the very near future (e.g. within ten million years) and its prediction at the present moment of cosmic evolution cannot be distinguished, with current observational data, from the prediction given by the standard quintessence scenario of future evolution. Fortunately, sudden future singularities are characterized by a momentary peak of infinite tidal forces only; there is no geodesic incompletness which means that the evolution of the universe may eventually be continued throughout until another ``more serious'' singularity such as Big-Crunch or Big-Rip.Comment: REVTEX4, 4 pages, 2 figures, references change

    Statefinders, higher-order energy conditions and sudden future singularities

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    We link observational parameters such as the deceleration parameter, the jerk, the kerk (snap) and higher-order derivatives of the scale factor, called statefinders, to the conditions which allow to develop sudden future singularities of pressure with finite energy density. In this context, and within the framework of Friedmann cosmology, we also propose higher-order energy conditions which relate time derivatives of the energy density and pressure which may be useful in general relativity.Comment: LATEX, 11 pages, no figures, version to appear in Phys. Lett.

    35P Wstępne wyniki kontroli radioterapii techniką zdjęć sprawdzających

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    Cel pracyWeryfikacja ułożenia pacjenta na aparacie terapeutycznym techniką zdjęć sprawdzających.Materiał i metodyZdjęcia sprawdzające wykonano dla pacjentów leczonych w Świętokrzyskim Centrum Onkologii w Kielcach a powodu nowotworu1)krtani (obszar głowy i szyi), napromienianych techniką dwóch pól przeciwległych; pacjent unieruchomiony maską orfitową2)z obszaru miednicy, napromienianych techniką box; pacjent unieruchomiony maską z pelvicastu oraz bez takiej maski.Zdjęcia wykonano na filmach Kodak X-Omatic V film pelicula (for therapy veryfication) w kasetach Kodak X-Omatic cassette V Radiation Therapy for Portal Verification.Zdjęcia portalowe porównano ze zdjęciami z symulatora, które zostały poddane obróbce cyfrowej przy użyciu programu komputerowego.Photoipact 3.0 SE. Na zdjęciach portalowych wyznaczono środki pól promieniowania, a następnie nałożono zdjęcia portalowe i z symulatora. Nałożenie polegało na dopasowaniu struktur kostnych, dla których przyjęto, że nie zmieniają swojego położenia podczas całego procesu leczenia.Jako miarę powtarzalności napromieniania przyjęto różnice położenia pomiędzy środkami pól oraz kąt pomiędzy płaszczyznami głównymi dla zdjęć portalowych i z symulatora.WynikiŚrednia wartość przesunięcia środka pola [mm] ze zdjęcia portalowego względem środka pola z symulatora w kierunku X (poprzeczny), Y (wzdłuż osi ciała), Z (A-P)oraz odpowiadającego im odchylenia standardowego są następujące:1)krtań (strona lewa): y=0,6, z=0,9 δy=0,47, δz=0,76;2)miednica (z pelvicastem AP):x=3,2, y=3,1, δx=1,32, δy=2,013)miednica (bez pelvicastu AP): x=0,2, y=0,1 δx=1,20, δy=0,89.PodsumowanieWstępne wyniki wskazują na bardzo dobrą powtarzalność dla pacjentów z nowotworem regionu głowy i szyi oraz dobrą powtarzalność dla pacjentów z nowotworem w rejonie miednicy

    303. Image registration – precise quality assessment of radiotherapy without necessity of showing corresponding points in simulation and portal images

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    PurposeEnabling the quality assessment of radiotherapy to be made in daily practice, using the new software tool to analyze the simulation and portal images.MethodIn the registration of the anatomical structures as well as the irradiation fields, the features used as landmarks are the edges. The significant edge fragments must be chosen manually, but without showing any specific corresponding points. Field edges marked with wires in the simulation image are found fully automatically with the original combination of a dedicated line edge detector and a version of hierarchical, combined Hough transform. The registration is guided by the robust accuracy criterion using the modified Hausdorff distance measure. The only parameter of the measure – quantile rank, or share of data used in comparison – is not fixed, but evolves from 1 to 0 during the optimization of the accuracy. This has two advantages. 1: The user can choose the result found for the share corresponding to the actual share of erroneous data in the images, which can be seen only after the results for all the possible ranks are known. 2: The algorithm can avoid the local minima. The registration takes few seconds on a typical PC. The method has been implemented in a software tool which supports the complete process of measurement, and has been tested in clinical triais with positive result.ConclusionsThe modified Hausdorff distance measure with evolving rank is a good and efficient registration accuracy measure for quality assessment of radiotherapy based on the comparison of portal and simulation images

    Randall-Sundrum limit of f(R) brane-world models

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    By setting some special boundary conditions in the variational principle we obtain junction conditions for the five-dimensional f(R)f(R) gravity which in the Einstein limit f(R)Rf(R)\rightarrow R transform into the standard Randall-Sundrum junction conditions. We apply these junction conditions to a particular model of a Friedmann universe on the brane and show explicitly that the limit gives the standard Randall-Sundrum model Friedmann equation.Comment: 6 pages, no figures, REVTEX4, minor change

    3/Evaluation of set-up deviations during the irradiation of patients suffering from breast cancer treated with two different techniques

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    PurposeTo present results of patient positioning during routine radiotherapy for patients treated after mastectomy and to compare the inaccuracies in patient set-up for this group of patients and for the patients treated after breast conserving therapy with tangential fields.Methods and materialsIn total, the analysis comprised 56 pairs of portal and simulator films for 14 consecutive patients treated following breast conserving therapy and 98 pairs of portal and simulator films for 20 consecutive patients treated after mastectomy. For the first group the tangential field technique (TF technique) was used, for the second the inverse hockey stick technique (IHS technique). The comparison of the treatment reproducibility obtained for both groups of patients was performed in terms of systematic and random error calculated for the whole groups and by the comparison of cumulative distribution of the length of the displacement vector.ResultsIn the IHS and TF techniques for medial and lateral fields, displacement larger than 5 mm occurred in 28.3%, 15.8% and 25.4% respectively. For the IHS technique, the systematic errors for lateral and cranial-caudal direction were 1.9 and 1.7 mm respectively (1 standard deviation – SD), the random errors for lateral and cranial-caudal direction were 2.0 and 2.5 mm. For the TF technique, the systematic errors for lateral and cranial-caudal direction were 2.6 and 1.3 mm for medial field and 3.7 and 0.7 mm for lateral fields respectively, the random errors for lateral and cranial-caudal direction were 2.2 and 1.0 mm for medial field and 2.9 and 1.1 for lateral field respectively. Rotations were negligible in the HIS technique. For the TF technique the systematic component and random component amounted to about 2.0 degrees (1 SD).ConclusionsBoth the inverse hockey stick and standard tangential techniques showed good reproducibility of patients set-up with respect to cranial-caudal direction. For the TF technique, the accuracy should be improved for the medial field with respect to the ventral-dorsal direction

    Inverted and horizontal impacted third molars in an Early Modern skull from Wroclaw, Poland: a case report

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    Background: An impacted tooth is one of the most commonly occurring dental anomalies, although some types of impaction (i.e. inverted angulation) may be considered rare finding. There are many hypotheses regarding impaction aetiology. One of the most popular hypotheses suggested that this condition may result from insufficient space in retromolar space, other: improper angulation of tooth bud, malposition of the tooth germ or hereditary factors, insufficient interproximal attrition, ectopy or dysfunction of genes necessary for proper tooth eruption. This study aims to present the odontological and paleopathological assessment of the impacted molars observed within the skull excavated from an early modern cemetery in Wroclaw.  Materials and methods: The skull used in the study was complete and in a good state of preservation. It belonged to an adult individual whose body was buried at the former Salvator Cemetery (currently Czysty Square). The individual’s dentition was almost completely lost antemortem. Only second molars preserved within the maxillae (bilaterally) and the mandible was almost edentulous as well. The morphometric traits have been taken according to standards established by R. Martin. Macroscopic observations were supported by X-rays and computed tomography imaging.  Results: The age at death was estimated at 20–35 years. Comparison of the metric characteristics of skull with the reference material reveals that it is much smaller than the average female skull from this series. Morphometric indices calculated for both splanchocranium and neurocranium allow defining the skull and jaw as short, which could be an important factor involved in the teeth impaction.  Conclusions: Atypical impaction of the third molars could result from small size of skull and could have significantly deteriorated the quality of life of the individual.

    Quantum phantom cosmology

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    We apply the formalism of quantum cosmology to models containing a phantom field. Three models are discussed explicitly: a toy model, a model with an exponential phantom potential, and a model with phantom field accompanied by a negative cosmological constant. In all these cases we calculate the classical trajectories in configuration space and give solutions to the Wheeler-DeWitt equation in quantum cosmology. In the cases of the toy model and the model with exponential potential we are able to solve the Wheeler-DeWitt equation exactly. For comparison, we also give the corresponding solutions for an ordinary scalar field. We discuss in particular the behaviour of wave packets in minisuperspace. For the phantom field these packets disperse in the region that corresponds to the Big Rip singularity. This thus constitutes a genuine quantum region at large scales, described by a regular solution of the Wheeler-DeWitt equation. For the ordinary scalar field, the Big-Bang singularity is avoided. Some remarks on the arrow of time in phantom models as well as on the relation of phantom models to loop quantum cosmology are given.Comment: 21 pages, 6 figure