173 research outputs found

    Theoretical perspective on rebound effects from a social science point of view: Working paper to prepare empirical psychological and sociological studies in the REBOUND project

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    The replacement of appliances and other energy using products by more efficient ones is generally regarded as an effective strategy to reduce energy demand. However, the savings realized by this strategy may be lower than those theoretically expected or calculated from a technological point of view due to changes of behaviour following the acquisition. This phenomenon is known as the rebound effect. While scientists generally agree on the existence of rebound effects, size, relevance and explanations of such effects are controversially discussed. This paper discusses concepts to explain rebound effects from a psychological as well as sociological point of view. In particular, an approach which combines variables from psychological action theories with the sociological life-style concept is suggested as a framework for studying determinants of rebound effects. --

    Dynamic electricity pricing - Which programs do consumers prefer?

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    Variable Stromtarife aus Kundensicht: Akzeptanzstudie auf Basis einer Conjoint-Analyse

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    Das Energiewirtschaftsgesetz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland schreibt Energieversorgern vor, bis Ende 2010 lastabhängige und/oder zeitvariable Stromtarife anzubieten. Bisher ist jedoch noch wenig über die Einschätzung dieser Tarifmodelle durch die Konsumenten bekannt. Jedoch nur wenn solche flexiblen Tarife neben den Anforderungen der Energieversorgungsunternehmen (EVU) auch den Bedürfnissen der Kunden Rechnung tragen, können die gewünschten Effekte Lastverlagerung und Energieeinsparung realisiert werden. Die vorliegende Studie ermittelt deshalb Konsumentenpräferenzen in Bezug auf entsprechende Stromtarife auf Basis einer Conjoint-Analyse mit 160 Befragten. Dieses Verfahren erlaubt es, von der Beurteilung ganzer Produktkonzepte auf die Nutzenwerte einzelner Merkmalsausprägungen zu schließen. D. h. im vorliegenden Fall, die Attraktivität der einzelnen Tarifkomponenten zu bestimmen. Die Ergebnisse liefern konkrete Hinweise für die Gestaltung von Tarifmodellen. Die Analyse zeigt, dass Stromkunden einen statischen Tarif bevorzugen, und dass der Nutzen für die Kunden mit steigendem Grad der Dynamik des Tarifs, d.h. der Häufigkeit und Regelmäßigkeit der Schwankung des kWh-Preises, abnimmt. Darüber hinaus wird eine geringe Schwankungsbreite des Preises je kWh gegenüber einer höheren Schwankungsbreite bevorzugt. Für das Lastmanagements bevorzugen die Befragten programmierbare Haushaltsgeräte, die automatisch auf Preissignale reagieren gegenüber einer manuellen Steuerung. Insgesamt weisen die Ergebnisse somit daraufhin, dass eine breite Einführung variabler Tarife vermutlich nur in Kombination mit einer automatischen Steuerung zu positiven Effekten führen kann, da die Konsumenten statische Tarife bevorzugen, mit denen der Umgang im Alltag einfacher ist. --Variable Stromtarife,Lastverschiebung,Kundenakzeptanz,Smart Home

    Smart Homes as a Means to Sustainable Energy Consumption: A Study of Consumer Perceptions

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    European and national policies are aimed at reducing greenhouse gases and increasing energy efficiency - also in the household sector. For this purpose, new solutions for private homes based on information and communication technologies (ICT) are being developed and tested. However, up to now, hardly anyone has seen, experienced or lived in an environment that offers the full range of ICT-based energy management solutions. In this study, consumer reactions to a fully furnished and equipped smart home are analysed using focus groups (four groups with a total of 29 participants). The analysis looks at consumer perceptions of and reactions to an energy management system which optimizes electricity consumption based on different ICT solutions. The topics that were demonstrated in practice and then discussed with the participants included variable tariffs, smart metering, smart appliances, and home automation. In general, there were positive group reactions to the smart home environment. Consumers saw many advantages for themselves; especially the chance to save money. However, giving up high levels of flexibility and adapting everyday routines to fit in with electricity tariffs were regarded as difficult. Smart appliances and smart meters were therefore considered to be necessary elements by most participants. Concerns regarding data privacy played a major role in one of the groups

    Electric Vehicle Procurement Decisions in Fleets : Results of a Case Study in South-Western Germany

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    In order to increase the market share of electric vehicles (EV) in Germany, further insights on actors and structures of EV specific procurement decisions for fleets are necessary. Our analysis focuses on vehicles registered by companies/organizations as they dominate new vehicle registrations in Germany. The following question is examined empirically: Which departments influence EV procurement decisions in small and medium-sized enterprises (SME), in large-scale enterprises (LSE) and in public organizations (PO) and what are the differences compared to these departments' influences on internal combustion engine vehicles (ICEV) procurement decisions? Our results show that EV procurement decisions of organizations in South-West Germany are decisively influenced by upper management levels and partly by organizations' fleet management departments. In small and medium-sized enterprises sales- and public relations departments have a major influence on EV procurement decisions. These findings are important for stakeholders interested in selling EVs or in designing policies that are more effective in influencing organizations' decision making concerning future EV procurement decisions

    Critical perspectives on disruptive innovation and energy transformation

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    What are ‘disruption’ and ‘disruptive innovation’? And what relevance do they have for energy transformation? Ten critical perspectives offer ten contrasting responses to these questions. The relevance of Christensen’s canonical definition of disruptive innovation is highly contested in its applicability to energy and climate challenges, as is the usefulness of analysing discrete business models or technologies rather than socio-technical systems. Further research on disruptive innovation and energy transformation needs to tackle: (i) the social, systemic and emissions impact of widespread adoption; (ii) how to mitigate the adverse distributional consequences of disruption; (iii) the consumer appeal of ‘good enough’ products for users marginalised or excluded from mainstream markets; (iv) the role of incumbents in system transformation; and (v) the reasons for geographic variation in disruption processes currently underway
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