15 research outputs found


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    The purpose of this study is to examine the relationships between teachers' classroom management concern and pupil control ideologies. In this context, research design, general survey model and relational model were preferred. The universe of the research consists of 8957 teachers working in official schools in the Malatya province. The sample of the study, on the other hand, consists of 546 teachers who were determined using the stratified sampling method. The data of the research were collected from the teachers after obtaining the necessary permissions by the researcher. In this context, a questionnaire form consisting of two parts was used. The first part is based on demographic information (gender, years of service and school level), the second part is from the "Classroom Management Concern Scale” and "Pupil Control Ideologies Scale. As a result of the analysis, it was determined that teachers' pupil control ideologies average scores differed significantly. Article visualizations


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    In this study, the weir coefficient for cylindrical weirs was experimentally investigated. Experiments were conducted for both free and submerged overflow conditions. Experimental results have indicated that the weir coefficient is about 3.50-3.80 for the free overflow condition. The weir coefficient for the submerged overflow condition varies with the amount of submergence

    Effects of Early Resistance Training After Liver Transplantation Procedures: A Randomized Controlled Pilot Trial.

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    BACKGROUND: Exercise interventions improve muscle performance and functionality when applied more than 6 months after liver transplantation, but no studies have reported on earlier exercise interventions. Hence, we assessed the effects of early resistance training on functional outcomes in adult liver recipients. METHODS: The study included 30 liver transplantation patients (53.2 ± 12.4 years) randomly assigned to a training group (n = 15) or a control group (n = 15). Data collected preoperatively and 4 and 8 weeks post-surgery were analyzed, including peripheral and respiratory muscle strength, exercise capacity, physical performance, and fatigue. An 8-week physiotherapy program was applied (training group: standard physiotherapy + resistance training; control group: standard physiotherapy) for 2 sessions/day, 5 days/week. RESULTS: Baseline data showed a homogeneous distribution in the between-group comparisons. In the within-group analysis; EG showed higher improvements in physical performance (TG: P = .001, CG: P = .048) and fatigue perception (TG: P = .001; CG: P = .006), than the CG. The TG showed eight-week improvements in exercise capacity, peripheral muscle strength, and maximal inspiratory pressure (P = .001), and maximal expiratory pressure (P = .047), while CG remained unchanged (P > .05). In the between-group analysis; the improvements indicated significant differences in deltoid strength and fatigue perception, in favor of the TG (P 37.8 m in 6-min walk distance (6MWD) was determined, representing clinically significant improvement in liver recipients. CONCLUSION: Early resistance training may improve muscle strength, exercise capacity, physical performance, and fatigue perception in liver recipients, when added to standard physiotherapy. The estimated minimal clinically important differences are meaningful to clinicians in setting liver transplanted patient-specific goals


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    Biga Yarımadası’nın 20 km batısında yer alan ve Türkiye’nin en büyük adası olan Gökçeada’ın jeolojisi, özellikle de magmatik kayaçları bu çalışmanın konusunu oluşturmaktadır. Gökçeada’nın kuzeybatısında tektonik yükselimle dar bir alanda yüzeyleyen Geç Ediakaran/Erken Paleozoyik yaşlı Çamlıca metamorfitleri adanın en yaşlı kayaçlarıdır. Çamlıca metamorfitleri üzerinde denizaltı yelpaze çökellerinden oluşan Erken Eosen yaşlı Karaağaç Formasyonu uyumsuz olarak yer alır. Çamlıca metamorfitlerini keserek Karaağaç Formasyonu içerisine yerleşen riyolitik lavlar ile tüf ve tüfitlerden oluşan Dağiçitepe volkanit üyesi ise çalışma sahasının en yaşlı volkanik birimidir. Karaağaç Formasyonu üzerinde uyumsuz olarak Orta Eosen yaşlı sığ denizel kumtaşlarından oluşan Koyunbaba Formasyonu çökelmiştir. Üzerinde ise uyumlu olarak GB-KD uzanımlı resifal kireçtaşından oluşan Soğucak Formasyonu bulunur. Soğucak Formasyonu üzerinde uyumlu olarak yer alan Orta-Üst Eosen yaşlı Ceylan Formasyonu ve Ceylan Formasyonu üzerinde de uyumlu olarak bulunan Erken Oligosen yaşlı Mezardere Formasyonu, derin denizel ortamda türbiditik akıntılara bağlı olarak çökelmişlerdir. Mesozoyik ve Eosen yaşlı birimleri keserek, Eosen yaşlı çökel birimler içerisine kriptodom ve dom şeklinde yerleşen ve çalışma sahasının bugünkü sert topoğrafyasını oluşturan Geç Eosen (?)- Oligosen yaşlı subvolkanitler, adadaki ikinci magmatik evre olup, Gökçeada Domları olarak isimlendirilmiştir. Subvolkanitlerin alt zonlarında kristalleşen diyorit-monzodiyorit porfirler ise Mutludere sokulumunu oluşturmaktadır. Gökçeada’nın doğusunda ve güneyinde Oligosen yaşlı Mezardere Formasyonu üzerinde pomza akmaları şeklinde izlenen Geç Oligosen yaşlı Gökçeada ignimbiriti yer alır. İgnimbiritin üzerine ise bloklu kül akmalarından oluşan Erken Miyosen yaşlı Kesmekaya volkanitleri gelir. Bazaltik andezit ile andezitik bileşimli lav ve piroklastitlerden oluşan Orta Miyosen yaşlı Eşelek volkanitleri Gökçeada’nın doğusunda genişçe bir alanda izlenir. Genellikle az pekişmiş konglomera, kumtaşı ve silttaşı ile marn ara katkılarından oluşan Üst Miyosen yaşlı Çanakkale Formasyonu Gökçeada’nın doğu, güneydoğu ve güneyinde dar alanlarda yüzeylemektedir. Gevşek, tutturulmamış, kum, silt, vb. çökellerden oluşan Kuvaterner yaşlı alüvyal çökeller ve yamaç molozları kendinden önce oluşmuş tüm birimleri uyumsuz olarak örterek istifi sonlandırırlar. Gökçeada’nın ana tektonik yapılarını Neo-tektonik dönemde gelişen sağ yanal atımlı oblik faylar oluşturmaktadır

    Liver Transplantation in a Patient with Absent Inferior Vena Cava: Case Report

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    Transplantation procedure used if the recipient and donor do not have a special anatomicalvariation today; left lateral segment in the pediatric age group, and right lobe in the adult agegroup. Biliary atresia in children and various liver diseases like metabolic events in adults arethe major causes of liver transplantation. Liver transplantation is challenging in the patientswith congenital vascular anomalies. Infrahepatic interruption of the inferior vena cava (IVC)is a rare congenital anomaly with the incidence of 0.6% to 2% and mostly found withcongenital heart disease. In this study we tried to report a 58-year old male patient with adiagnosis of decompensated liver cirrhosis caused by the hepatitis B virus (HBV) who washospitalized for the first time for living donor liver transplantation.Günümüzde alıcı ve vericinin özel anatomik bir varyasyonunun yokluğunda kullanılan transplantasyon prosedürü; pediatrik yaş grubu için sol lateral segmentin alınması, erişkin yaş grubunda ise sağ lobun kullanılmasıdır. Çocuklarda biliyer atrezi, erişkinlerde ise metabolik olaylar gibi çeşitli karaciğer hastalıkları karaciğer transplantasyonu için başlıca nedenlerdir. Karaciğer transplantasyonu, konjenital damar anomalisi olan hastalar için oldukça zor bir işlemdir. İnferior vena cavadaki, infrahepatik kesinti %0,6 ile %2 oranında gerçekleşen oldukça nadir bir konjetinal anomalidir ve genellikle konjenital kalp hastalığı ile birlikte görülür. Biz bu çalışmada, hepatit B virüsü (HBV) zemininde gelişen dekompanse karaciğer yetmezliği tanısı olan ve canlı vericiden karaciğer nakli için ilk kez hastaneye yatışı yapılan 58 yaşındaki erkek hastayı takdim etmek istedik.2-s2.0-8508528441

    Teachers’ Perceptions Regarding Effective School Features and Effective Leadership Qualifications of School Principals in Turkey

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    The purpose of this study is to reveal the relationship between effective school characteristics and effective leadership qualities from the perspective of a group of teachers in Antalya, Turkey, who were selected based on the demographic diversity of the population. The questionnaires “Qualifications of Effective Leaders Questionnaire” and “Effective School Characteristics Inventory” were used to collect data for the study. The data were collected from 560 school teachers working in the five central provinces in Antalya. Spearman correlation analysis and Linear regression were used in the study analyses. Consequently, the findings showed that there is a positive and significant correlation between effective leadership qualities and effective school characteristics. The results of the linear regression analysis further demonstrate statistically significant correlations. Specifically, there is a significant correlation between being democratic and tolerant, and limited learning obstacles. Additionally, a significant correlation exists between communication, excitement, and the dimensions of flexible resources, as well as focusing on basic skills. Lastly, there is a significant correlation between communication, excitement, vision, and monitoring students’ progress within effective schools

    Gut barrier protein levels in serial blood samples from critically ill trauma patients during and after intensive care unit stay

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    Purpose In an efort to better manage critically ill patients hospitalised in the intensive care unit (ICU) after experiencing multiple traumas, the present study aimed to assess whether plasma levels of intestinal epithelial cell barrier proteins, including occludin, claudin-1, junctional adhesion molecule (JAM-1), tricellulin and zonulin, could be used as novel biomarkers. Additional potential markers such as intestinal fatty acid-binding protein (I-FABP), d-lactate, lipopolysaccharide (LPS) and citrulline were also evaluated. We also aimed to determine the possible relationships between the clinical, laboratory, and nutritional status of patients and the measured marker levels. Methods Plasma samples from 29 patients (frst, second, ffth and tenth days in the ICU and on days 7, 30 and 60 after hospital discharge) and 23 controls were subjected to commercial enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) testing. Results On frst day (admission) and on the second day, plasma I-FABP, d-lactate, citrulline, occludin, claudin-1, tricellulin and zonulin levels were high in trauma patients and positively correlated with lactate, C-reactive protein (CRP), number of days of ICU hospitalisation, Acute Physiology and Chronic Health Evaluation II (APACHE II) score and daily Sequential Organ Failure Assessment (SOFA) scores (P<0.05–P<0.01). Conclusion The results of the present study showed that occludin, claudin-1, tricellulin and zonulin proteins, as well as I-FABP, d-lactate and citrulline, may be used as promising biomarkers for the evaluation of disease severity in critically ill trauma patients, despite the complexity of the analysis of various barrier markers. However, our results should be supported by future studies