14 research outputs found

    Adaptation and Validation of the Diabetic Foot Ulcer Scale-Short Form in Spanish Subjects

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    Diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) is a chronic complication that negatively affects the quality of life (QoL) of diabetic patients. In Spain, there is no specifically designed and validated instrument to assess the QoL of patients with DFU. Our aim was to adapt the Diabetic Foot Ulcer Scale-Short Form (DFS-SF) questionnaire to a Spanish population and validate it. A prospective, observational design was used. The DFS-SF was administered by personal interview. The validated SF-36 and EQ-5D generic instruments were used as reference tools. The reliability, validity, and sensitivity to changes were assessed using standard statistical methods. A sample of 141 patients with DFU was recruited. The content validity was 3.46 on average (maximum score of 4). The internal consistency of the DFS-SF subscales showed a standardized Cronbach’s α range between 0.720 and 0.948. The DFS-SF domains showed excellent reproducibility measures (intraclass correlation coefficient from 0.77–0.92). The criterion validity was good with significant correlations between each DFS-SF subscale and its corresponding SF-36 and EQ-5D subscales (p < 0.001). However, the questionnaire structure was not validated (comparative fit index = 0.844, root mean square error of approximation = 0.095, and standardized root mean square residual = 0.093). The instrument showed high sensitivity to ulcer changes over time (p < 0.001). The adapted and validated Spanish version of the DFS-SF questionnaire has good psychometric properties and shows good sensitivity to ulcer changes, although the construct validity was not optimal. The adapted questionnaire will be a useful tool specifically to assess the QoL in subjects with diabetic foot ulcers in the clinical and research settings in Spain.CIBERDEM is an initiative from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Plan Nacional de I + D + I and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional). M.G.-C. held a predoctoral fellowship from the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, FPU15/03005. This project was developed in the context of the Programme “Doctorat en Medicina de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona”, Autonomous University of Barcelona

    Adaptation and Validation of the Diabetic Foot Ulcer Scale-Short Form in Spanish Subjects

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    Diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) is a chronic complication that negatively affects the quality of life (QoL) of diabetic patients. In Spain, there is no specifically designed and validated instrument to assess the QoL of patients with DFU. Our aim was to adapt the Diabetic Foot Ulcer Scale-Short Form (DFS-SF) questionnaire to a Spanish population and validate it. A prospective, observational design was used. The DFS-SF was administered by personal interview. The validated SF-36 and EQ-5D generic instruments were used as reference tools. The reliability, validity, and sensitivity to changes were assessed using standard statistical methods. A sample of 141 patients with DFU was recruited. The content validity was 3.46 on average (maximum score of 4). The internal consistency of the DFS-SF subscales showed a standardized Cronbach’s α range between 0.720 and 0.948. The DFS-SF domains showed excellent reproducibility measures (intraclass correlation coefficient from 0.77–0.92). The criterion validity was good with significant correlations between each DFS-SF subscale and its corresponding SF-36 and EQ-5D subscales (p < 0.001). However, the questionnaire structure was not validated (comparative fit index = 0.844, root mean square error of approximation = 0.095, and standardized root mean square residual = 0.093). The instrument showed high sensitivity to ulcer changes over time (p < 0.001). The adapted and validated Spanish version of the DFS-SF questionnaire has good psychometric properties and shows good sensitivity to ulcer changes, although the construct validity was not optimal. The adapted questionnaire will be a useful tool specifically to assess the QoL in subjects with diabetic foot ulcers in the clinical and research settings in Spain.CIBERDEM is an initiative from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Plan Nacional de I + D + I and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional). M.G.-C. held a predoctoral fellowship from the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, FPU15/03005. This project was developed in the context of the Programme “Doctorat en Medicina de la Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona”, Autonomous University of Barcelona

    High Incidence of Adverse Outcomes in Haemodialysis Patients with Diabetes with or without Diabetic Foot Syndrome: A 5-Year Observational Study in Lleida, Spain

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    Background: We evaluated whether, in subjects receiving haemodialysis (HD), the presence of diabetic foot syndrome (DFS) was associated with increased mortality compared with subjects with diabetes mellitus (DM) without DFS and with non-diabetic subjects. Methods: Retrospective, observational study in 220 subjects followed for six years. We calculated and compared the frequency and 5-year cumulative incidence of all-cause mortality, cardiovascular (CV) mortality, CV events, major adverse CV events (MACE), and new foot ulcer (FU) or amputation. We also examined prognostic factors of all-cause and CV mortality based on baseline characteristics. Results: DM patients had a 1.98 times higher probability of all-cause mortality than those without DM (p = 0.001) and 2.42 times higher likelihood of CV mortality and new FU or amputation (p = 0.002 and p = 0.008, respectively). In the DM cohort, only the risk of a new FU or amputation was 2.69 times higher among those with previous DFS (p = 0.021). In patients with DM, older age was the only predictor of all-cause and CV mortality (p = 0.001 and p = 0.014, respectively). Conclusions: Although all-cause and CV mortality were increased on HD subjects with DM, the presence of DFS did not modify the excess risk. Additional studies are warranted to further explore the impact of DFS in subjects with DM undergoing HD

    Prevalence of Diabetic Foot Disease in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus under Renal Replacement Therapy in Lleida, Spain

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    Aim. To assess the prevalence of diabetic foot and other associated conditions in patients with diabetes mellitus under renal replacement in the region of Lleida, Spain. Methods. This was an observational, cross-sectional study of 92 dialysis-treated diabetic patients. Besides a podiatric examination, we explored the presence of cardiovascular risk factors, late diabetes complications, including peripheral neuropathy, atherosclerotic disease, and peripheral artery disease. We assessed risk factors for foot ulceration and amputation by logistic regression. Results. Prevalent diabetic foot was found in 17.4% of patients, foot deformities were found in 54.3%, previous ulcer was found in 19.6%, and amputations were found in 16.3%; and 87% of them had some risk of suffering diabetic foot in the future. We observed a high prevalence of patients with peripheral neuropathy and peripheral artery disease (89.1% and 64.2%, resp.). Multivariable analysis identified diabetic retinopathy and advanced atherosclerotic disease (stenosing carotid plaques) as independent risk factors for foot ulceration (p=0.004 and p=0.023, resp.) and diabetic retinopathy also as an independent risk factor for lower-limb amputations (p=0.013). Moreover, there was a temporal association between the initiation of dialysis and the incidence of amputations. Conclusion. Diabetic patients receiving dialysis therapy are at high risk of foot complications and should receive appropriate and intensive foot care

    Comorbiditats i mesura de qualitat de vida en el pacient amb peu diabètic en diferents situacions clíniques

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    L'actual previsió mundial d'augment de persones amb diabetis, fa pressuposar un increment de les complicacions. El peu diabètic és un complicació crònica de la diabetis sovint menystinguda, però que comporta unes repercussions d'alt impacte sobre les persones que la pateixen i pel seu entorn més immediat, a més d'una despesa important per al nostre sistema de salut. Els pacients amb diabetis que presenten malaltia renal terminal (MRT) i els que desenvolupen una neuroartropatia de Charcot (NAC) tenen altes probabilitats de patir un o més episodis d'úlcera de peu diabètic (UPD) associats a mal pronòstic. Aquest fet implica unes altes taxes d'amputacions, d'hospitalitzacions i de mortalitat. Els pacients amb diabetis que desenvolupen una UPD veuen minvada la seva qualitat de vida (QDV).La primera part del nostre treball va ser un tall de prevalença de peu diabètic en pacients amb diabetis i tractament substitutiu renal (TSR) en diàlisi de la regió sanitària de Lleida. La prevalença va ser alta, d'un 32%, dels quals un 17,4% presentaven UPD activa. El 87% dels pacients presentaven, en base al consens de l'International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot (IWGDF), un o més factors de risc per a desenvolupar peu diabètic en un futur. Vàrem trobar una associació independent de les UPD amb la retinopatia diabètica (RD) (p=0,004) i amb plaques estenosants en les artèries caròtides (p=0,023.) La incidència d'amputacions acumulada durant el primer, segon, tercer i quart any després de l'inici de la diàlisi va ser d'un 18,7%, 37,5%, 43,8% i 50%, respectivament. Seguidament és va fer un estudi retrospectiu i observacional de seguiment de dues cohorts de pacients amb i sense diabetis, coetanis en TSR en la modalitat d'hemodiàlisi (HD) de la regió sanitària de Lleida. La cohort de pacients amb diabetis era la mateixa que en la nostra primera publicació, excloent els pacients en diàlisi peritoneal. L'objectiu era conèixer la relació entre les UPD i la mortalitat. Es van definir com a variables de resultat la mortalitat cardiovascular i per qualsevol causa, la incidència d'esdeveniments cardiovasculars i l'objectiu agregat d'esdeveniments majors (major adverse cardiovascular events, MACE), i també l'objectiu de nova úlcera o amputació. Els resultats van mostrar que els pacients amb diabetis tenen incrementada la mortalitat tant d'origen cardiovascular (p<0,001), com per qualsevol causa (p<0,001). En els pacients amb diabetis és va observar un major desenvolupament d'esdeveniments cardiovasculars (p=0,001), MACE (p=0,001), i més incidència de nova UPD i/o amputació (p=0,001). Els pacients amb diabetis tenien dues vegades més de probabilitat de mortalitat per qualsevol causa (HR=1,98), de mort cardiovascular (HR=2,42), i de noves UPD i/o amputació (HR=2,29). Al subanalitzar la cohort de pacients amb diabetis, en aquells amb peu diabètic associat el risc de desenvolupar una nova UPD i/o de patir una nova amputació era 2,69 cops superior als pacients sense peu diabètic. Les úlceres i les amputacions no van mostrar associació amb la mortalitat cardiovascular. En el grup dels pacients amb diabetis, l'únic factor de risc associat a major mortalitat de qualsevol tipus i cardiovascular van ser la edat, i la RD va ser predictora de risc per a la mortalitat de qualsevol tipus. Les UPD no es van associar a l'excés de mortalitat de cap tipus. Per a l'estudi dels pacients amb NAC es va realitzar un estudi multicèntric retrospectiu en qualsevol de les seves dues formes de manifestació clínica, tractats en unitats especialitzades en peu diabètic de Catalunya i les Illes Balears. L'objectiu va ser conèixer les característiques clíniques i els factors de risc per a resultats rellevants a curt termini, definits com la presència de nova UPD, nova amputació major, hospitalització i mort. La majoria dels pacients atesos van presentar la NAC en la seva fase crònica (79,5%). El 38,5% dels pacients, en el moment d'inclusió, ja havien patit algun tipus d'amputació, i el 65,1% presentaven antecedent de UPD prèvia. Els resultats van mostrar que gairebé la meitat dels pacients (47,5%) havien desenvolupat una complicació a curt termini. Els pacients que presentaven nefropatia diabètica associada tenien 3 vegades més de possibilitats de patir complicacions a curt termini (p=0,009; OR=3,37;95%CI=1,12-10,1). La darrera part d'aquesta tesi descriu els resultats d'adaptar i validar el qüestionari específic Diabetic Foot Ulcer Scale-Short Form (DFS-SF, de les sigles en anglès) en llengua anglesa a la llengua espanyola. El qüestionari resultant mostrà unes òptimes qualitats psicomètriques i una elevada sensibilitat per a detectar els canvis en l'estat de les UPD al llarg del temps, tot i no validar-se'n definitivament l'estructura. Tots els components de les esferes mentals i físiques van demostrar una bona correlació amb les corresponents esferes del qüestionari específic SF-36. Com a conclusió, hem trobat que els pacients en TSR de la regió sanitària de Lleida tenen una alta prevalença de UPD i de factors de risc per a desenvolupar-la. Les amputacions i les UPD estan relacionades amb la RD i la malaltia arteroscleròtica en les artèries caròtides. En persones que reben HD la mortalitat tant cardiovascular com per qualsevol causa és més elevada entre les persones amb diabetis. Les UPD no s'associen a un excés de mortalitat, però si ho fan la RD i l'edat. Respecte a la NAC, la majoria dels pacients atesos en les unitats especialitzades de peu diabètic per aquest motiu la presenten en la seva forma crònica, i la meitat de pacients desenvolupen complicacions a curt termini, especialment els que presenten nefropatia diabètica associada. Hem adaptat i validat el qüestionari DFS-SF a la llengua espanyola. Aquest qüestionari te unes òptimes qualitats psicomètriques i una elevada sensibilitat per a detectar els canvis en l'estat en pacients amb UPD al llarg del temps.La actual previsión mundial de aumento de personas con diabetes hace presuponer un incremento de sus complicaciones. El pie diabético es una complicación crónica de la diabetes a menudo menospreciada, pero que comporta unas repercusiones de alto impacto sobre las personas que la padecen y para su entorno más inmediato; así como un importante gasto para nuestro sistema de salud. Los pacientes con diabetes que presentan enfermedad renal terminal (ERT) y quienes desarrollan una neuroartropatía de Charcot (NAC) tienen altas probabilidades de sufrir uno o más episodios de úlcera de pie diabético (UPD) asociada a mal pronóstico. Este hecho implica unas altas tasas de amputaciones, hospitalizaciones y mortalidad. Los pacientes con diabetes que desarrollan una UPD ven mermada su calidad de vida (CDV). El primer artículo de nuestro trabajo fue un corte de prevalencia de pie diabético en pacientes con diabetes y tratamiento sustitutivo renal (TSR) en diálisis de la región sanitaria de Lleida. La prevalencia fue alta, un 32%, de los cuales un 17,4% presentaban UPD activa. El 87% de los pacientes presentaban, en base al consenso del International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot (IWGDF), uno o varios factores de riesgo para desarrollar pie diabético en un futuro. Encontramos una asociación independiente de las UPD con la retinopatía diabética (RD) (p=0,004) y con las placas estenosantes en las arterias carótidas (p=0,023.) La incidencia de amputaciones acumulada durante el primer, segundo, tercer y cuarto año después del inicio de la diálisis fue de un 18,7%, 37,5%, 43,8% y 50% respectivamente. La segunda publicación de esta tesis fue un estudio retrospectivo y observacional de seguimiento de dos cohortes de pacientes con y sin diabetes, coetáneos en TSR en la modalidad de hemodiálisis (HD), en la región sanitaria de Lleida. La cohorte de pacientes con diabetes era la misma que en nuestra primera publicación, excluyendo a los pacientes en diálisis peritoneal. El objetivo era conocer la relación entre las UPD y la mortalidad. Se definieron como variables de resultado la mortalidad cardiovascular y por cualquier causa, la incidencia de eventos cardiovasculares y el objetivo agregado de eventos mayores (mayor adverse cardiovascular events, MACE), así como el objetivo de nueva úlcera o amputación. Los resultados mostraron que los pacientes con diabetes tienen incrementada su mortalidad tanto de origen cardiovascular (p<0,001), como por cualquier causa (p<0,001). En los pacientes con diabetes se observó un mayor desarrollo de eventos cardiovasculares (p=0,001), MACE (p=0,001), e incidencia de nueva UPD y/o amputación (p=0,001). Los pacientes con diabetes tenían dos veces más de probabilidad de mortalidad de cualquier tipo (HR=1,98), muerte cardiovascular (HR=2,42) y nuevas UPD y/o amputaciones (HR=2,29). Al subanalizar la cohorte de pacientes con diabetes, en aquellos con pie diabético asociado el riesgo de desarrollar una nueva UPD y/o sufrir una nueva amputación era 2,69 veces superior a los pacientes sin pie diabético. Las úlceras y amputaciones no mostraron asociación con la mortalidad cardiovascular. En el grupo de los pacientes con diabetes el único factor de riesgo asociado a mayor mortalidad de cualquier tipo y cardiovascular fue la edad, siendo la RD predictora de riesgo para la mortalidad de cualquier tipo. Las UPD no se asociaron al exceso de mortalidad de ningún tipo. La tercera publicación fue un estudio multicéntrico retrospectivo de pacientes con NAC en cualquiera de sus dos formas de manifestación clínica, tratados en unidades especializadas en pie diabético de Cataluña y las Islas Baleares. El objetivo fue conocer las características clínicas y factores de riesgo para resultados relevantes a corto plazo, definidos como la presencia de nueva UPD, nueva amputación mayor, hospitalización y muerte. La mayoría de los pacientes atendidos presentaron la NAC en su fase crónica (79,5%). El 38,5% de los pacientes, en el momento de inclusión, ya habían sufrido algún tipo de amputación y el 65,1% presentaba antecedente de UPD previa. Los resultados mostraron que cerca de la mitad de los pacientes (47,5%) habían desarrollado una complicación a corto plazo. Los pacientes que presentaban nefropatía diabética asociada tenían 3 veces más posibilidades de sufrir complicaciones a corto plazo (p=0,009; OR=3,37;95%CI=1,12-10,1). La última publicación describe los resultados de adaptar y validar el cuestionario específico Diabetic Foot Ulcer Scale-Short Form (DFS-SF, de sus siglas en inglés) en legua inglesa a la lengua española. El cuestionario resultante mostró unas óptimas cualidades psicométricas y una elevada sensibilidad para detectar los cambios en el estado de las UPD a lo largo del tiempo, a pesar de no validarse definitivamente su estructura. Todos los componentes de las esferas mentales y físicas demostraron correlación con las correspondientes esferas del cuestionario específico SF-36. A modo de conclusión, hemos encontrado que los pacientes en TSR de la región sanitaria de Lleida tienen una alta prevalencia de UPD y de factores de riesgo para desarrollarla. Las amputaciones y las UPD están relacionadas con la RD y la enfermedad arterosclerótica en las arterias carótidas. En personas que reciben HD, la mortalidad tanto de origen cardiovascular como por cualquier causa es mayor entre las personas con diabetes. Las UPD no están asociadas a un exceso de mortalidad, pero sí lo están la RD y la edad. Respecto a la NAC la mayoría de los pacientes atendidos en las unidades especializadas de pie diabético la presentan en su forma crónica, y la mitad de pacientes desarrollan complicaciones a corto plazo, especialmente los que presentan nefropatía diabética asociada. Hemos adaptado y validado el cuestionario DFS-SF a la lengua española. Este cuestionario tiene unas cualidades psicométricas óptimas y una alta sensibilidad para detectar cambios en el estado en pacientes con UPD a lo largo del tiempo.The current forecast of an increase of people presupposes an increase in its complications. Diabetic foot is a chronic complication of diabetes that is often underestimated; however, diabetic foot disease bears a high impact on people who present with this complication, as well as increased expenditure for the health system. Patients with diabetes who present with end-stage renal disease (ESRD) and those who develop Charcot neuroarthropathy (CNA) have a high probability of suffering one or more episodes of diabetic foot ulcer (DFU) associated with a poor prognosis. This fact implies high rates of amputations, hospitalitzations, and mortality. Patients with diabetes who develop a DFU have a worse quality of live (QoL). The first part of our work was a cross-sectional study on the prevalence of diabetic foot in patients with diabetes under renal replacement therapy (RRT) in the health region of Lleida. The prevalence was high, i.e.32%, of wich 17.4% had and active DFU. Eighty seven percent of subjects had one or more risk factors for developing a diabetic foot in the future, according to the consensus of the International Working Group on the Diabetic Foot (IWGDF). We found and independent association of DFU with diabetic retinopathy (DR) (p=0.004) and with stenotic plaques in the carotid arteries (p=0.023). The cumulative incidence of amputacions during the first, second, third and fouth year after initiation of dialysis was 18.7%, 37.5%, 43.8% and 50%, respectively. Subsequently we did a retrospective and observational follow-up study of two cohorts of patients with and without diabetes under RRT with hemodialysis (HD) in the health region of Lleida. The cohort of patients with diabetes was the same as in our first puclication, excluding subjects on peritoneal dialysis. The objective was to assess the relationship between DFU and mortality. Cardiovascular and all-cause mortality, the incidence of cardiovascular events and the aggregate objective of major adverse cardiovascular events (MACE), as well as an episode of the new ulcer or amputation, were defined as the outcome variables. The results showed that patients with diabetes had an increased mortality both from cardiovascular origin (p<0.001) and from any cause (p<0.001). Patients with diabetes showed a higher frequency of cardiovascular events (p=0.001), MACE (p=0.001), and incidence of new DFU and/or amputation (p=0.001). Patients with diabetes were twice as likely to have all-cause mortality (HR=1.98), cardiovascular death (HR=2.42), and a new DFU and/or amputation (HR=2.29). When subanalyzing the cohort of patients with diabetes, those with associated diabetic foot had a risk of developing a new DFU and/or suffering a new amputation 2.69 times higher than those without diabetic foot. Ulcers and amputations showed no association with cardiovascular mortality. In the group of patients with diabetes, the only risk factor associated with higher all-cause and cardiovascular mortality was age, futher, DR was a risk predictor of all-cause mortality. UPDs were not associated with excess mortality of any type. With the purpose of studying CNA we designed a retrospective multicenter study of patients with CNA, in either of its two clinical forms, theated in specialized diabetic foot units in Catalonia and the Balearic Islands. The aim was to assess the clinical characteristics and risk factors for relevant short-therm outcomes, defined as the presence of a new DFU, a new major amputation, hospitalitzation and death. Most of the patients had CNA in its chronic phase (79.5%). At the inclusion 38.5% of the patients had already undergone any type of amputation and 65.1% had a history of previous DFU. The results showed that almost half of the patients (47.5%) had developed a short-therm complication. Patients with diabetic nephropathy were 3 times more likely to suffer short-term complications (p=0.009;OR=3.37;95%CI=1.12-10.1). Finally we decribe the results of adapting and validating the English version of the specific Diabetic Foot Ulcer Scale-Form (DFS-SF) questionnaire into Spanish. The resulting questionnaire showed optimal psychometric qualities and high sensitility ot detect changes in the state of the DFU over the time, despite its structure was not definitively validated. All the components of the mental and physical spheres showed correlation with the corresponding spheres of the generic questionnaire SF-36. As a conclusion, we found that patients in RRT in the health region of Lleida have a high prevalence of DFU and risk factors for developing it. Amputations and DFU are related to RD and atherosclerotic disease in the carotid arteries. In people who receive HD mortality both from cardiovascular origin and from any other cause, is increased in people with diabetes. RD and age are associated with an excess of mortality, but we did not find this association with DFU. With respect to CNA the majority of patients treated in specialized diabetic foot units have CNA in its chronic form, and half of them developed short-therm complications, especially in those with diabetic nephropathy. We adapted and validated the DFS-SF questionnarie to the Spanish Language. This questionnarie has optimal psychometric qualities and high sensitivity to detect changes in patients with DFU over time

    Psychometric Validation of the Cardiff Wound Impact Schedule Questionnaire in a Spanish Population with Diabetic Foot Ulcer

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    Diabetic foot ulcers (DFU) negatively affect the quality of life (QoL) of people with diabetes. The Cardiff Wound Impact Schedule (CWIS) questionnaire has been designed to measure the QoL of people with chronic foot wounds. However, no studies have been specifically designed to validate this instrument in a Spanish population. In this prospective study, a total of 141 subjects with DFU were recruited. DFU was determined by performing physical examinations. Medical records were exhaustively reviewed to collect clinical variables. The CWIS was transculturally adapted by a group of experts and a group of patients with DFU. The SF-36 and EQ-5D generic instruments were used as reference tools. The questionnaires were administered at 7 days and 4, 12, and 26 weeks after the baseline assessment by personal interview with each of the study subjects. The psychometric properties of the instrument were assessed using statistical methods. The content validity had an average of 3.63 (90.7% of the maximum score of 4). The internal consistency of the CWIS subscales had a standardized Cronbach’s alpha range from 0.715 to 0.797. The reproducibility was moderate with an intraclass correlation coefficient (ICC) range from 0.606 to 0.868. Significant correlations between CWIS domains and SF-36 and EQ-5D subscales were observed, demonstrating a good criterion validity of the CWIS questionnaire (p < 0.001). However, the construct validity of the CWIS was not validated with a comparative fit index (CFI) of 0.69, a root mean square error of approximation (RMSEA) of 0.09, and a standardized root mean square residual (SRMR) of 0.10. The sensitivity to changes over time was optimal in the three domains (i.e., social life, well-being, and physical symptoms) (p < 0.001). In conclusion, the Spanish version of the CWIS shows acceptable psychometric properties to assess the QoL of subjects with DFU, except for its construct validity.This research was funded by CIBERDEM is an initiative from Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Plan Nacional de I + D + I and Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional). M.G.-C. held a predoctoral fellowship from the Ministerio de Educación, Cultura y Deporte, FPU15/03005

    Prevalence of Diabetic Foot Disease in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus under Renal Replacement Therapy in Lleida, Spain

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    Aim. To assess the prevalence of diabetic foot and other associated conditions in patients with diabetes mellitus under renal replacement in the region of Lleida, Spain. Methods. This was an observational, cross-sectional study of 92 dialysis-treated diabetic patients. Besides a podiatric examination, we explored the presence of cardiovascular risk factors, late diabetes complications, including peripheral neuropathy, atherosclerotic disease, and peripheral artery disease. We assessed risk factors for foot ulceration and amputation by logistic regression. Results. Prevalent diabetic foot was found in 17.4% of patients, foot deformities were found in 54.3%, previous ulcer was found in 19.6%, and amputations were found in 16.3%; and 87% of them had some risk of suffering diabetic foot in the future. We observed a high prevalence of patients with peripheral neuropathy and peripheral artery disease (89.1% and 64.2%, resp.). Multivariable analysis identified diabetic retinopathy and advanced atherosclerotic disease (stenosing carotid plaques) as independent risk factors for foot ulceration ( = 0.004 and = 0.023, resp.) and diabetic retinopathy also as an independent risk factor for lower-limb amputations ( = 0.013). Moreover, there was a temporal association between the initiation of dialysis and the incidence of amputations. Conclusion. Diabetic patients receiving dialysis therapy are at high risk of foot complications and should receive appropriate and intensive foot care

    Prevalence of Diabetic Foot Disease in Patients with Diabetes Mellitus under Renal Replacement Therapy in Lleida, Spain

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    Aim. To assess the prevalence of diabetic foot and other associated conditions in patients with diabetes mellitus under renal replacement in the region of Lleida, Spain. Methods. This was an observational, cross-sectional study of 92 dialysis-treated diabetic patients. Besides a podiatric examination, we explored the presence of cardiovascular risk factors, late diabetes complications, including peripheral neuropathy, atherosclerotic disease, and peripheral artery disease. We assessed risk factors for foot ulceration and amputation by logistic regression. Results. Prevalent diabetic foot was found in 17.4% of patients, foot deformities were found in 54.3%, previous ulcer was found in 19.6%, and amputations were found in 16.3%; and 87% of them had some risk of suffering diabetic foot in the future. We observed a high prevalence of patients with peripheral neuropathy and peripheral artery disease (89.1% and 64.2%, resp.). Multivariable analysis identified diabetic retinopathy and advanced atherosclerotic disease (stenosing carotid plaques) as independent risk factors for foot ulceration (p=0.004 and p=0.023, resp.) and diabetic retinopathy also as an independent risk factor for lower-limb amputations (p=0.013). Moreover, there was a temporal association between the initiation of dialysis and the incidence of amputations. Conclusion. Diabetic patients receiving dialysis therapy are at high risk of foot complications and should receive appropriate and intensive foot care