104 research outputs found

    Bioarqueología de Nubia: resultados preliminares de las campañas de 2007-2009 del proyecto MDASP en la zona de la 4ª catarata, norte de Sudán

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    X Congreso Nacional de Paleopatología. Univesidad Autónoma de Madrid, septiembre de 200

    Phosphorus dynamic in ashes of the volcanoes Quizapu and Hudson and their nutrient content

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    Se presenta el contenido de algunos elementos minerales totales y disponibles en muestras de cenizas provenientes de las erupciones de los volcanes Quizapu y Hudson, en comparación con el de suelo adyacentes a las mismas y, en particular, su comportamiento en relación al fósforo. Los datos obtenidos revelan que las cenizas antes nombradas se diferencian mucho en su pH, presentando valores próximos a 5 y a 10 respectivamente, aunque no discrepan mucho en los contenidos de elementos analizados entre las cenizas del Quizapu y los suelos adyacentes a las mismas; sí, en cambio, contenidos menores en las cenizas del Hudson. El fraccionamiento de fósforo de las cenizas muestra predominio de Ca-P, y éstas están caracterizadas por elevados contenidos de fósforo disponible, lo que causa desorción de este nutriente.Total and available element contents in ash samples from the volcanoes Quizapu and Hudson in comparison to soil samples and their behavior in relation to phosphorous is presented. The obtained data show that the ashes differ much in their pH values, which are near 5 and 10 respectively, but there are not remarkable differences in the analyzed element contents between the Quizapu ash and the soil samples, and lower contents appear in that of the Hudson. The phosphorous fractionation of the ashes shows dominance of Ca-P, and they are characterized by high available phosphorous content which produces his desorption.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Agricultural homogeneous areas in Buenos Aires province, Argentine

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    Al considerarse los registros históricos de rendimientos de granos de girasol, maíz, trigo y soja, durante el período 1970-1993, se delimitaron 22 áreas homogéneas de producción agrícola en la provincia de Buenos Aires. Los rendimientos de los cultivos de maíz y de trigo fueron los principales contribuyentes en la definición de estas regiones. La distribución de áreas se vinculó con los grandes grupos de suelos y geoformas predominantes. Las regiones con menor producción de tos cultivos se ubicaron hacia el sudoeste y centro-este de la provincia de Buenos Aires. En cambio, las regiones de mayor producción se detectaron hacia el nor-noreste y sudeste, dependiendo de los cultivos considerados.Twenty two homogeneous agricultural areas were delimitad in the Buenos Aires province (Argentine). Tney were grouped considering sunfíower, corn, soybean and wheat annual production in each district during 1970-1993. The areas were mainiy defined accoraing to wheat and corn productivity. Regions were grouped in irelation to the principal groups of soils and geoforms. Low agricultural production regions were located on the South-West and Central east, and, on the other hand, high agricultural production areas were located on the North-North east and South east, accoraing to the crops that were considerad.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Espuestas a la fertilización fosforada y evaluación de cuatro métodos extractivos de fosforo en suelos de la región semiárida pampeana central con cultivo de alfalfa (Ensayo en macetas)

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    La información referida a fertilidad fosforada, incluyendo la utilización del método Bray Kurtz 1 como diagnóstico, es escasa y contradictoria para los suelos de la región semiárida pampeana central. Por este motivo se estudiaron los rendimientos y respuestas a la fertilización fosforada de alfalfa, así como los contenidos de nutrientes en dos cortes sucesivos por medio de un ensayo en macetas. Se utilizaron diez Haplustoles énticos de planicie con propiedades físicas (granulometría) y químicas (contenidos de materia orgánica, Alo, Feo y carbonato de calcio) variables. Se realizaron cuatro tratamientos (Testigo, Fertilización completa, Fertilización completa sin sorgo, Fertilización con fósforo) y se evaluaron cuatro métodos de extracción de fósforo disponible (Bray Kurtz 1, Olsen, Kelowna y Resinas de intercambio anióníco). Se observó que ninguno de los métodos probados predice ni los rendimientos ni las respuestas a la fertilización en la totalidad de los suelos de la región. En parte esto se explica porque otros nutrientes posiblemente se encuentren en cantidades limitantes (azufre, magnesio, zinc), aparentemente la materia orgánica es un "pool" de fósforo para la planta, no detectable por los métodos de extracción utilizados.Director: Ing. Agr. Daniel Buschiazzo. Profesor Asociado Cátedra de Edafología, manejo y conservación de suelos

    Agricultural homogeneous areas in Buenos Aires province, Argentine

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    Al considerarse los registros históricos de rendimientos de granos de girasol, maíz, trigo y soja, durante el período 1970-1993, se delimitaron 22 áreas homogéneas de producción agrícola en la provincia de Buenos Aires. Los rendimientos de los cultivos de maíz y de trigo fueron los principales contribuyentes en la definición de estas regiones. La distribución de áreas se vinculó con los grandes grupos de suelos y geoformas predominantes. Las regiones con menor producción de tos cultivos se ubicaron hacia el sudoeste y centro-este de la provincia de Buenos Aires. En cambio, las regiones de mayor producción se detectaron hacia el nor-noreste y sudeste, dependiendo de los cultivos considerados.Twenty two homogeneous agricultural areas were delimitad in the Buenos Aires province (Argentine). Tney were grouped considering sunfíower, corn, soybean and wheat annual production in each district during 1970-1993. The areas were mainiy defined accoraing to wheat and corn productivity. Regions were grouped in irelation to the principal groups of soils and geoforms. Low agricultural production regions were located on the South-West and Central east, and, on the other hand, high agricultural production areas were located on the North-North east and South east, accoraing to the crops that were considerad.Facultad de Ciencias Agrarias y Forestale

    Paleomobility in Iberia: 12 years of strontium isotope research

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    Many institutions and reasearchers have supported our research and/or contributed with their samples, among them: Museo Arqueológico Regional de Madrid, Museo de Guadalajara, Museo de Albacete, Raquel Aliaga, Rodrigo de Balbín, Enrique Baquedano, Jess Beck, Primitiva Bueno, Susana Consuegra, Miguel Contreras, Rafael Garrido, Raúl Flores, Mauro Hernández and Rubi Sanz. This material is based upon work supported by the Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Spain, under Grant No. PGC2018-095506-B-I00. The reviewers positive and careful comments have substantially improved and clarified the manuscript.All data used is attached and available on line at www.idearq.orgWe examine the quantity, contextual quality and spatial distribution of the data gathered in the strontium isotope archaeological database for the Iberian Peninsula and the Balearic Islands, an open source available as part of IDEArq (www.idearq.org), the spatial data infrastructure hosted at the Instituto de Historia (CSIC). It has to date 1635 87Sr/86Sr values from human and animal samples, and environmental proxies recovered during archaeological research. The data has allowed us to produce the first regional and peninsular strontium isoscapes for Iberia. We discuss the benefits and limitations of approaching mobility in Iberia through 87Sr/86Sr isotope analysis and suggest directions for future collaborative research.Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades, Spain, under Grant No. PGC2018-095506-B-I0

    Fertilización fosfatada e inoculación de soja en vertisoles

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    215-222The symbiosis between rhizobia and soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merril) provides most of the nitrogen requirements of the crop through a process that also depends on the availability of nutrients, for example phosphorous. The objective of this study was to determine the contribution of P fertilization (0, 18 y 36 kg ha-1) and Bradyrhizobium japonicum inoculation on the nodulation and grain yield of soybean crops in Vertisols with low soil P availability. In the sites without previous soybean crops, the inoculation promoted a greater nodulation, and shoot dry matter and grain yields above the non-inoculated crops. Nodulation and shoot growth increased with increasing available P (Psoil + Pfertilization) levels up to 12.4 mg kg-1. In the sites rotated with soybean, yields were greater in the inoculated crops. Shoot dry matter and grain yields increased with increasing available P levels only under inoculation. In general, the inoculated and fertilized crops showed greater production suggesting the convenience of the combined nutrition of soybean crops for achieving greater grain yields

    Fertilización fosfatada e inoculación de soja en vertisoles

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    215-222The symbiosis between rhizobia and soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merril) provides most of the nitrogen requirements of the crop through a process that also depends on the availability of nutrients, for example phosphorous. The objective of this study was to determine the contribution of P fertilization (0, 18 y 36 kg ha-1) and Bradyrhizobium japonicum inoculation on the nodulation and grain yield of soybean crops in Vertisols with low soil P availability. In the sites without previous soybean crops, the inoculation promoted a greater nodulation, and shoot dry matter and grain yields above the non-inoculated crops. Nodulation and shoot growth increased with increasing available P (Psoil + Pfertilization) levels up to 12.4 mg kg-1. In the sites rotated with soybean, yields were greater in the inoculated crops. Shoot dry matter and grain yields increased with increasing available P levels only under inoculation. In general, the inoculated and fertilized crops showed greater production suggesting the convenience of the combined nutrition of soybean crops for achieving greater grain yields

    Enraizamiento de internodios de Zea diploperennis Iltis, Doebley Guzman

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    Internodios de Zea diploperennis fueron inducidos a enraizar en posición horizontal o vertical en presencia de Ácido Indol Acético (AlA) en concentración de 5ppm. aplicado en pasta de lanolina en la región apical. La respuesta al enraizamiento fue observada en el lugar de aplicación en presencia o ausencia de AlA. cuando los internodios fueron colocados en posición horizontal. En internodios verticales el AlA inhibió la respuesta al enraizamiento

    Isotopic evidence for mobility in the Copper and Bronze Age Cemetery of Humanejos (Parla, Madrid): a diachronic approach using biological and archaeological variables

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    Over the last several decades, the application of aDNA and strontium isotope analyses on archaeologically recovered human remains has provided new avenues for the investigation of mobility in past societies. Data on human mobility can be valuable in the reconstruction of prehistoric residential patterns and kinship systems, which are at the center of human social organization and vary across time and space. In this paper, we aim to contribute to our understanding of mobility, residence, and kinship patterns in late Prehistoric Iberia (c. 3300–1400BC) by providing new strontium data on 44 individuals from the site of Humanejos (Parla, Madrid). The study presented here is multi-proxy and looks at these new data by interweaving biological, chronological, and archaeological information. This analysis found that 7/44 individuals buried at Humanejos could be identified as non-local to the necropolis. Although more men (n = 5) than women (n = 2) were found in the non-local category, and more non-local individuals were identified in the pre-Bell Beaker (n = 5) than in Bell Beaker (n = 1) or Bronze Age (n = 1), we find no statistically significant differences concerning sex or time period. This contrasts with other archaeological datasets for late prehistoric Europe which suggest higher female mobility, female exogamy, and male-centered residential patterns were common. At Humanejos, we have also identified one non-local female whose exceptional Beaker grave goods suggest she was an individual of special status, leading to additional questions about the relationships between gender, mobility, and social position in this region and time periodThe project leading to this publication has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Sklodowska-Curie Grant Agreement No 891776, project “WOMAM. Women, Men and Mobility: Understanding Gender Inequality in Prehistory.” This article was also supported by the Spanish Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación Grants No. PID2019-105690 GB-I00 and HAR2013- 47776-R, the Dirección General de Patrimonio Cultural (Comunidad de Madrid) and the SFB 1070 “Ressourcenkulturen” (DFG