450 research outputs found

    El compromiso del profesor universitario con la formación integral de sus estudiantes

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    La Formación Integral es considerada hoy en día como la máxima aspiración de la Educación en general y la superior en particular; por tanto, la Universidad como Institución suprema del sistema educativo no puede sustraerse a este compromiso. Para tal fin, ha adoptado políticas institucionales que favorecen la formación integral de los estudiantes y confiere a sus profesores la misión de promover el máximo desarrollo posible de la mayor cantidad de dimensiones de sus alumnos a través de su ejercicio docente.  El presente artículo expone una forma particular de comprender la formación integral en la Universidad. En primer lugar procura desentrañar el significado de formación integral; en segundo lugar plantea brevemente la evolución del rol del profesor universitario en relación con la formación de sus estudiantes y finalmente, ofrece algunas estrategias para posibilitar la formación integral desde el ejercicio docente en la Universidad tales como la autorreflexión, el valor formativo de las acciones curriculares y el establecimiento de interrelaciones constructivas entre profesores y estudiantes.  Palabras Clave: Formación Integral, Dimensiones, Profesor Universitario, Estrategias docentes, Autorreflexión, Valor formativo, Interrelaciones. SUMMARY The Integral Education is today considered as the highest aspiration of Education and the University as the supreme institution of the education system can not deviate from this commitment. To this end, it has adopted institutional policies that promote integral training of students and give professors the task of promoting the greatest possible development dimensions of their students through their teaching. This paper presents a particular way of understanding the Integral Education in University. First of all, it attempts to clarify the meaning of comprehensive education, second, it briefly raises the evolving role of university professors in connection with the formation of their students, and finally, it offers some strategies to enable the comprehensive education from the teaching practice at the university such as self-reflection, the educational value of the curricular shares and the establishment of constructive relationships between professors and students.  key words: Integral or Comprehensive Education, Dimensions, University Professor, Teaching Strategies, Self-reflection, Educational Value, Relationships.

    Influencia de los hábitos y experiencias de viaje en el comportamiento de reserva de vivienda vacacional.

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    La vivienda vacacional ha crecido exponencialmente durante los últimos años, al mismo tiempo que el número de viajes turísticos ha seguido creciendo hasta antes de la pandemia de la COVID-19. Aunque múltiples estudios han indagado sobre factores incidentes en la intención de reserva de vivienda vacacional en plataformas como Airbnb, se han realizado pocas investigaciones que abarquen de manera global los factores que influyen y las variables que moderan esta influencia. El presente estudio establece un modelo conceptual basado en la Teoría del Comportamiento Planificado y se centra en conocer la influencia de los hábitos de viaje y alojamiento en el comportamiento. La metodología empleada ha sido una encuesta realizada a turistas mayores de 18 años obteniéndose 874 respuestas. Los resultados revelan que las variables de hábito influyen en el comportamiento y la intención de reserva de las personas. Además, se abordan las implicaciones prácticas de estos resultados para la gestión.Home sharing has grown exponentially over the last few years, while the number of tourist trips has continued to grow until before the COVID-19 pandemic. Although multiple studies have investigated factors influencing the intention to book holiday homes on platforms such as Airbnb, little research has been conducted that comprehensively covers the factors that influence and the variables that moderate this influence. This study establishes a conceptual model based on the Theory of Planned Behavior and focuses on the influence of travel and accommodation habits on behavior. The methodology used was a survey of tourists over 18 years of age, with 874 responses. The results reveal that habit variables influence people’s booking behavior and intention to book. Furthermore, the practical implications of these results for management are addressed

    Interactive data visualization of chatter conditions in a cold rolling mill

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    [EN] Rolling of flat steel products is an industrial process in the field of metalworking where two or more pairs of rolls reduce the thickness of a steel strip to produce a uniform thickness material. Despite it has been studied for many years, there are still unpredictable problems that can affect the final quality of the product. One of them is the so-called chatter, that is a powerful self-excited vibration that appears suddenly and limits the productivity of the process. In this paper, a visual analytics approach is considered for exploratory analysis in order to discover and understand the factors and conditions under which chatter appears. An interactive web-based interface is presented here which allows the user to explore a map of dynamical conditions and visualize relevant details of each chatter onset. A validation case is performed using real data where normal/fault conditions have been identified automatically. By means of interactive exploration, the tool allows to refine an automatic chatter detection method. Moreover, it is shown to reveal correlations between variables, providing in some expected cases data-based confirmation, but also revealing less obvious relationships. Finally, it provides context, allowing to carry out comparative analysis, both qualitative and quantitative, for different subsets of coils (e.g. different years) as well as for different working conditions.SIThe authors would like to thank financial support from the Spanish Ministry of Economy (MINECO), FEDER funds from the EU under grant DPI2015-69891-C2-1/2-R and from the Principado de Asturias government through the predoctoral grant Severo Ochoa

    Interactive data visualization of chatter conditions in a cold rolling mill

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    Artículo publicado en abierto mediante APC Elsevier Open AccessRolling of flat steel products is an industrial process in the field of metalworking where two or more pairs of rolls reduce the thickness of a steel strip to produce a uniform thickness material. Despite it has been studied for many years, there are still unpredictable problems that can affect the final quality of the product. One of them is the so-called chatter, that is a powerful self-excited vibration that appears suddenly and limits the productivity of the process. In this paper, a visual analytics approach is considered for exploratory analysis in order to discover and understand the factors and conditions under which chatter appears. An interactive web-based interface is presented here which allows the user to explore a map of dynamical conditions and visualize relevant details of each chatter onset. A validation case is performed using real data where normal/fault conditions have been identified automatically. By means of interactive exploration, the tool allows to refine an automatic chatter detection method. Moreover, it is shown to reveal correlations between variables, providing in some expected cases data-based confirmation, but also revealing less obvious relationships. Finally, it provides context, allowing to carry out comparative analysis, both qualitative and quantitative, for different subsets of coils (e.g. different years) as well as for different working condition

    Estudio de técnicas de planificación dinámica de planes de ocio

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    Este proyecto, 'Olétrip', es la continuación de una versión anterior cuyos autores fueron Raquel Álvarez Hernández, Qiang Sun y YanYan Cheng. Nuestro objetivo en el proyecto es mejorar las recomendaciones de un sistema de planes de ocio usando diferentes algoritmos para calcular las rutas más óptimas con la ayuda de un validador personalizado. Los algoritmos nuevos implementados en la aplicación son los siguientes: • Algoritmo aleatorio: se implementó para ayudarnos a familiarizarnos con el código heredado del proyecto anterior, y posteriormente resultó útil para la implementación del algoritmo genético. • Algoritmo de primero el mejor (BFS): se usa para la búsqueda de la ruta más corta después de que el usuario haya especificado todos los detalles del viaje. • Algoritmo genético: este algoritmo se realizó con la idea de construir un plan óptimo, a pesar de saber que requiere de bastante tiempo y consumo de recursos... pero finalmente se optó por ese algoritmo para los viajeros que saben a qué ciudad quieren ir pero que no saben qué visitar. Se explicará las ventajas y desventajas que nos supone optar por un algoritmo u otro, el cómo se ha implementado cada uno de ellos y los cambios que han sido necesarios abordar con respecto a la anterior versión del proyecto. Incorporaremos a Olétrip un validador de planes que se encargará en la parte del backend de considerar la eficiencia que tiene un plan partiendo de unos requisitos que hemos definido. Será de gran importancia esta nueva funcionalidad de validación ya que los algoritmos implementados manejan una cantidad importante de planes y de esta manera nos ayuda a evaluar qué planes son más eficientes. La interfaz utilizada será la misma que en su anterior versión, incorporando una interfaz nueva que sirve para el recomendar de planes a los usuarios indecisos. También hemos incorporado un simulador de planes para los usuarios Admin que ayuda a la hora de implementar alguna funcionalidad nueva en la aplicación. De esta manera realizaremos una serie de evaluaciones con el usuario realizando un estudio de los distintos algoritmos, analizando así los resultados obtenidos y la satisfacción del usuario

    Effect of sit-to-stand-based training on muscle quality in sedentary adults: a randomized controlled trial

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    The aim of this study was to compare the effects of sit-to-stand (STS) training programs with 5 vs. 10 repetitions on muscle architecture and muscle function in sedentary adults. Sixty participants were randomly assigned into three groups: five-repetition STS (5STS), 10-repetition STS (10STS), or a control group (CG). Participants performed three sets of five or 10 repetitions of the STS exercise three times per week for 8 weeks. Before and after 8 weeks, all groups performed ultrasound measures to evaluate muscle thickness (MT), pennation angle (PA), and fascicle length (FL), and the five-repetition STS test to estimate the relative STS power and muscle quality index (MQI). After 8 weeks, both experimental groups improved MQI (40–45%), relative STS power (29–38%), and MT (8–9%) (all p < 0.001; no differences between the 5STS vs. 10STS groups). These improvements in both groups resulted in differences regarding the CG, which did not present any change. In addition, only the 5STS group improved PA (15%; p = 0.008) without differences to the 10STS and CG.This suggests that STS training is time-effective and low-cost for improving muscle function and generating adaptations in muscle architectureRecualificación del Profesorado Universitario. Modalidad Margarita Salas”, Universidad de Granada/ Ministerio de Universidades y Fondos Next Generation de la Unión Europe

    Aplicación informática de soporte a la gestión estratégica universitaria

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    Computer software is suggested to support strategic management at Maximo Gomez Baez University of Ciego de Avila, Cuba, in order to provide directors with a tool to back up and improve such processes. This contributes to related information follow-up and decision-making support. Rational Unified Process was the methodology used within the Yii framework, based on PHP programming language. This system is currently spread throughout the university, and it helps manage 205 indicators for evaluation of more than 200 organic units through 15000 settings.Se propone un sistema informático para el apoyo a la gestión estratégica en la Universidad de Ciego de Ávila Máximo Gómez Báez, Ciego de Ávila, Cuba, con el objetivo de dotar a los directivos del centro con una herramienta para apoyar y mejorar dichos procesos. Así se contribuye al seguimiento de la información asociada a estos y se apoya la toma de decisiones. Se utilizó la metodología de desarrollo Rational Unified Process y el marco de trabajo Yii construido sobre el lenguaje de programación PHP. El sistema está actualmente desplegado en dicho centro docente, contribuye a la gestión de 205 indicadores centrados en evaluar más de 200 unidades orgánicas, a través de 15&nbsp;000 condiciones de evaluación

    Problem-based learning versus lectures : comparison of academic results and time devoted by teachers in a course on Dentistry in Special Patients

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    Objectives: Problem-Based Learning (PBL) is a teaching-learning technique centred on the complete development of the student. It has been successfully implemented in several universities, notably in the health sciences. The process of creating the European Higher Education Area, initiated in Bologna, encourages European universities to use new methodologies in the teaching-learning process, including PBL. Our objectives were to analyze the results obtained by using PBL with fifth-year Dentistry students. Study design: Comparison of academic results between students receiving lectures and PBL participants, and assessment of differences between them in the time devoted to tasks by students and teachers. Results: PBL participants obtained higher grades compared to those receiving lectures only(p<0.05). The two student groups devoted the same amount of time to this subject but the time distribution of tasks was very different, with PBL students spending more time on group work and analysis of the literature. The teachers devoted much more time to the PBL group. Conclusions: PBL is a teaching-learning methodology that improves student academic results. PBL diverts student time to more complex tasks but requires a greater commitment from the teachers

    La medicina tradicional en afecciones lumbosacras en el adulto mayor

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    Introduction: the methods used by Natural and Traditional Medicine are therapeutic, economical and harmless. Low back pain is a condition the elderly suffer from at certain moments throughout their lives.Objective: to determine the effectiveness of traditional medicine in lumbosacral conditions in the elderly, at Pedro Borrás Astorga University Polyclinic, from September 2016 to June 2017.Methods: an observational, analytical, case and control research was carried out with a target group of 562 old people who attended a traditional medicine consultation with low back pain, a simple random sample of 200 patients was chosen, who were separated into two groups, of 100 each of cases treated with traditional medicine and the control group treated with conventional medicine; theoretical methods were used, empirical review of clinical history, Oswestry scale and Womac index, along with statistical techniques were applied (percentage and Chi-square).Results: in both groups the ages between 60-64 years predominated, female sex prevailed, the occupation of housewives in women and agricultural workers in men, the development of symptoms using traditional medicine was satisfactory in 95 %, 36 % needed from 3 to 6 sessions with cups, 52 % from 7 to 10 sessions with cups, 88 % underwent treatment with acupressure and 48 % suffered from gastritis as an adverse reactions regarding the conventional treatment.Conclusions: traditional medicine proved to be an effective treatment for the elderly suffering from lumbosacral conditions.Introducción: los métodos empleados por la Medicina Natural y Tradicional son terapéuticos, económicos e inocuos. La lumbalgia es una afección que padecen los adultos mayores en algún momento de la vida.Objetivo: determinar la efectividad de la medicina tradicional en afecciones lumbosacras en el adulto mayor, del Policlínico Universitario Pedro Borrás Astorga, en el período de septiembre de 2016 a junio de 2017.Métodos: se realizó una investigación observacional, analítica, de casos y controles, con un universo de 562 adultos mayores que asistieron a consulta de medicina tradicional con dolor lumbosacro, se seleccionó una muestra aleatoria simple de 200 pacientes, separados en dos grupos, de 100 cada uno, el de casos que recibió tratamiento con medicina tradicional y el grupo de controles tratado con medicina convencional; se utilizaron métodos teóricos, empíricos la revisión de la historia clínica, la escala de Oswestry e índice Womac, se aplicaron técnicas estadísticas (porciento y Chi cuadrado).Resultados: predominaron en ambos grupos las edades entre 60-64 años, el sexo femenino, la ocupación de ama de casa en las féminas y trabajador agrícola en los hombres, la evolución de los síntomas utilizando la medicina tradicional resultó satisfactoria en un 95 %, el 36% utilizó de 3 a 6 sesiones con ventosas, el 52% de 7 a 10 sesiones con ventosas, el 88% recibió tratamiento con digitopuntura y un 48% presentó gastritis como reacción adversa ante el tratamiento convencional.Conclusiones: la medicina tradicional resultó ser un tratamiento efectivo para los adultos mayores aquejados de afecciones lumbosacras

    Towards Bio-impedance Based Labs: A Review

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    In this article, some of the main contributions to BI (Bio-Impedance) parameter-based systems for medical, biological and industrial fields, oriented to develop micro laboratory systems are summarized. These small systems are enabled by the development of new measurement techniques and systems (labs), based on the impedance as biomarker. The electrical properties of the life mater allow the straightforward, low cost and usually non-invasive measurement methods to define its status or value, with the possibility to know its time evolution. This work proposes a review of bio-impedance based methods being employed to develop new LoC (Lab-on-a-Chips) systems, and some open problems identified as main research challenges, such as, the accuracy limits of measurements techniques, the role of the microelectrode-biological impedance modeling in measurements and system portability specifications demanded for many applications.Spanish founded Project: TEC 2013-46242-C3-1-P: Integrated Microsystem for Cell Culture AssaysFEDE