609 research outputs found

    Estudio clínico prospectivo controlado a doble ciego sobre la prevención de la gingivitis con suplemento nutricional a base de proantocianidinas oligométricas.

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    Objetivo: Evaluar la respuesta de los tejidos periodontales al consumo de un nuevo suplemento nutricional que contiene proantocianidinas oligoméricas (OPCs) en sustitución de gingivitis inducida tras 21 días de consumo y cese del cepillado. Material y Método: Ensayo clínico prospectivo, controlado, randomizado, a doble ciego, llevado a cabo sobre 20 pacientes divididos en grupo experimental y control. Se realizaron tres visitas durante el estudio: una visita inicial y dos revisiones, a los 14 y 21 días, para recoger los datos de índice gingival de Löe y Sillness, de sangrado gingival, de placa, nivel del interleucina 6 (IL-6) en el fluido crevicular y cambios en el brillo gingival. Los pacientes debían mantener un comprimido a base de OPCs en el grupo de estudio y placebo en el grupo control hasta su total disolución en boca cada noche, no pudiendo llevar a cabo medidas de higiene adicionales durante los 21 días del estudio. Resultados: El índice Gingival de Löe y Sillness fue mayor en el grupo control que en el grupo experimental, llegando a existir una diferencia del doble entre ambos grupos (p <0,0001). Este dato es también corroborado por el índice de sangrado gingival (p<0,005). Sin embargo, el índice de placa en la superficie del diente fue mayor en un 33% en el grupo experimental (p<0,006). No se encontraron diferencias estadísticamente significativas en el brillo de la encía entre ambos grupos. Sólo se identificaron algunas diferencias en los valores referidos a la cantidad de IL-6 en el líquido crevicular durante el período de estudio (p<0,0001). Conclusión: Las OPCs tienen un efecto real en la salud de los tejidos periodontales en las condiciones experimentales estudiadas, ya que el índice de sangrado y el índice gingival de Löe y Sillness fueron menores en el grupo de estudio que en el grupo control. Sin embargo, no se encontró una disminución en la acumulación de placa en la superficie dental en el grupo experimental frente al grupo control. Son necesarios más estudios para determinar la naturaleza de dicha placa.Aim: To evaluate the effectiveness on tissue response in the consumption of the new nutritional supplement made of oligomeric proanthocyanidins in the situation of induced gingivitis after 21 days of use and removal of tooth brushing. Material and Methods: A double-blind randomized controlled prospective clinical trial was carried out on 20 patients; it is divided into an experimental and a control group after fulfilling the selection criteria. Patients had to come three times during the study to register the Löe and Sillness Index, the Gingival Bleeding Index, the Plaque Index, the inflammatory crevicular fluid study (IL6) and the changes in brightness of the gingiva. No complementary hygiene methods were allowed during the 21 days. Results: The Löe and Sillness Index were higher in the control group than in the experimental group, reaching a twofold difference between both groups (p<0.0001). The Gingival Bleeding Index also supports this fact, since the bleeding was lower in the experimental group (p<0.005). However, the dental plaque on the tooth surface according to the Plaque Index was 33% higher in the experimental group (p<0.006). Only some differences in the values were referred in the quantity of IL-6 in the crevicular fluid during the period of the study (p<0.0001). Conclusion: Oligomeric proanthocyanidins have an effect on the periodontal tissue’s health under the experimental conditions studied. No effects on the accumulation of plaque on the tooth surface were found. Further studies are needed to determine the nature of the plaque

    Challenges for the figure of the coordination ICT: review of its roles and proposals directed a project implementation of School 2.0

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    A lo largo de la última década, todas las Comunidades Autónomas Españolas, desde que asumieron las competencias en materia educativa, ha hecho una apuesta importante por la inclusión de las TIC en los centros educativo. En concreto en la Comunidad de Extremadura, desde un primer momento unos de los objetivos principales de la Consejería era la introducción de las TIC en todos los centros educativos de la región. Así pues, Una figura clave en este proceso ha sido la de los/as coordinadores/as TIC en los centros de primaria y secundaria, ya que éstos son los principales dinamizadores del uso de las TIC. Por este motivo, en el presente documento en primer momento se analiza la legislación en la que se regula la figura del coordinador/a TIC, señalando las funciones que se les asigna y las características que deben cumplir para la asignación del cargo. En segundo lugar, se realiza un análisis descriptivo de los resultados obtenidos de la realización de entrevistas a los/as coordinadores/as TIC de centros tanto de centros de Infantil y Primaria como de Secundaria en los que se realiza una valoración del proceso de implantación de las tecnologías en el centro, y por último, se proponen algunos aspectos de mejora, que permitirá mejorar la labor del coordinador TIC y por tanto la mejora de este proceso de integración TIC en Educación.Over the last decade, all the country since assumed responsibility in education, has made an important commitment by the inclusion of ICT in educational institutions. Specifically in Extremadura, from the outset, one of the main objectives of the Ministry was the introduction of ICT in all schools in the region. Thus, a key figure in this process has been that of coordinators as ICT in primary schools and secondary schools, as these are the main driving force behind the use of ICT. For this reason, this document first time analyzes the legislation regulating the figure of coordinator ICT, stating the tasks assigned to them and Metal framed to be satisfied for allocation of office. Second, performing a descriptive analysis of the results of interviews with the coordinators both centers as ICT centers and Primary and Secondary in which an assessment is made of the implementation process technologies in the middle, and finally proposes some areas for improvement, which will improve the work of the ICT coordinator and therefore improving the process of ICT integration in education

    Social networking and microblogging: educational innovation in higher education

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    Cada día nacen nuevos sitios web destinados a crear y gestionar redes sociales, a crear grupos o comunidades, a mantener el contacto online con personas conocidas o con los conocidos de estos últimos, a compartir conocimiento, experiencias, música, fotografías, entre otros. Estamos viviendo un gran fenómeno social que está revolucionando la manera de comunicarse y de interactuar con los demás, puesto que se están originando nuevas formas de interacción social, hasta ahora jamás producidas, donde se desencadena una red de contactos e intercambio virtual y dinámico entre personas, grupos e instituciones que tienen intereses y necesidades comunes (Bettinson, 2009; Espuny et al., 2011). Este fenómeno es provocado principalmente por las llamadas «redes sociales virtuales y el microblogging». Pero, ¿qué son exactamente las redes sociales virtuales?, ¿qué las diferencia de las redes sociales meramente físicas?, ¿qué ventajas e inconvenientes puede conllevar su uso? y por supuesto, ¿cómo podemos aprovechar esas ventajas en los diferentes contextos formativos?. En este artículo se presentan distintas experiencias educativas realizadas por tres docentes de la Facultad de Formación del Profesorado de la Universidad de Extremadura, que puede servir como marco de reflexión y acción en la praxis e innovación educativa que pueden servir de reflexión, ejemplo o de punto de partida para todo aquel docente que busque en las redes sociales la oportunidad de innovar en su práctica educativa.Nowadays, new websites are created everyday. They are devoted to creating and managing social networks, create groups or communities, to keep online contact with acquaintances and the acquaintances of the latter, to share knowledge, experiences, music, photographs, etc. Thus, we are witnessing a great social phenomenon, a true revolution in the way of communicating and interacting with others, owing to the fact that new modes of social interaction, unknown before, are emerging, whereby new networks of contacts and virtual and dynamic exchanges surge among individuals, groups and institutions sharing common interests and needs (Bettinson, 2009; Espuny et al., 2011). This phenomenon is mainly triggered by the so called «virtual social networking and microblogging». However, what exactly are virtual social networks?; what is it that differenciate them from mere physical social networks?; what are the advantages and drawbacks their use can entail?, and above all, how can we make the most of them in regular and virtual teaching? Hereby will be explained different teaching experiences carried out by three lecturers from the University of Extremadura that should serve as a reflexion, experience sharing or starting point for those practitioners that are looking for innovation in the social networking area

    Análisis de los procesos de implementación del modelo 1:1 en aulas de Secundaria

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    In Spain, the "Project School 2.0" has joined the model 1:1 in Secondary Education Centers. However, in most schools is not perceived the full integration of ITC in classrooms, therefore, its regular use in the teaching-learning process.This paper aims to provide a description and analysis of educational practices that has been doing inside the 1:1 model in the context of three secondary schools, to deepen about current state of ICT integration processes.Through classroom observation and analysis of the recorded categories, can be seen that educational practices reproduce traditional teaching models and can't be considered as innovative experiences. Across the board, the developed practices are individualistic and active by students. They are based on different exercises that do not promote collaboration among students. However, we can say that laptop promotes students motivation toward learning, and promote teacher's roles change to a counselor and guide role. However, the classroom organization has been influenced negatively by the introduction of laptops, the laptops forces to immobilize the tables and establish traditional models of organization.En España, el Proyecto Escuela 2.0 ha incorporado el modelo 1:1 en los centros educativos de secundaria. Sin embargo, en la mayoría de los centros escolares no se percibe una plena integración de las TIC en las aulas y, por tanto, su uso normalizado en el proceso de enseñanza-aprendizaje. En el presente trabajo se pretende realizar una descripción y análisis del tipo de prácticas educativas que se están realizando dentro del modelo 1:1 en el contexto de tres Institutos de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria, para profundizar sobre el estado actual de los procesos de integración de las TIC.A través de la observación de aula y el análisis de las categorías registradas se puede observar que las prácticas educativas reproducen un modelo tradicional de la enseñanza y no pueden considerarse como experiencias innovadoras. De forma generalizada, las prácticas desarrolladas son individualistas y activas por parte del alumnado. Están basadas en ejercicios pre-elaborados de ensayo error y de corrección inmediata y que no favorece la colaboración entre el alumnado. Sin embargo, se puede afirmar que el uso del ordenador portátil favorece la motivación del estudiante hacia el aprendizaje, además de promover el cambio de rol docente a uno más de orientador y guía. No obstante, la organización y distribución del aula se ha visto influida de manera negativa por la introducción de las ordenadores portátiles en el aula, puesto que obliga a inmovilizar los mesas y establecer modelos tradicionales de organización.

    Citizenship education from the social e-Learning perspective. Confluence of formal and non-Formal contexts

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    En este trabajo se presentan dos estudios de casos basados en dos acciones formativas online que han contribuido a la educación para la ciudadanía a través de competencias relacionadas con el empoderamiento y promoción social de las personas que han participado en ellas. Por un lado, se analiza una experiencia de formación online realizada a través del Campus Virtual de la Universidad de Extremadura, dirigida a un grupo de mujeres gitanas extremeñas con la finalidad de conformar una Comunidad de Práctica para su promoción social y cultural. Por otro lado, se desarrolla una experiencia educativa piloto en el marco de la Cooperación Internacional al Desarrollo, llevada a cabo a través de la modalidad MOOC sobre Capacitación Emprendedora» que nace ante la necesidad de fomentar el emprendimiento y la apertura cultural en la población a la que atiende. Se proponen modelos formativos e-learning para la educación ciudadana basados en metodologías activas, uso colaborativo de las TIC y en el aprendizaje dialógico, los cuales han ayudado a capacitar y empoderar a las personas, favoreciendo así la igualdad de oportunidades y la participación social. Además, la adquisición y apropiación de los conocimientos, habilidades y competencias desarrolladas en las distintas experiencias por parte los participantes influye de forma muy positiva en la transformación de sus comunidades y su entorno más inmediato.In this paper we present two case studies based on two online training activities that have contributed to citizenship education, development. This activities have developed skills to empowerment and social advancement in Community of Practice for social and cultural development of a Roma women group. Moreover, we present an educational pilot project about MOOC on «Entrepreneurial Training» for increase entrepreneurship and cultural openness in the population within the International Development Cooperation’s framework. We propose two educational models for citizenship education based on active methodologies, collaborative use of ICT and dialogic learning. We found helped to train and empower people, promoting equal opportunities and social participation. So the acquisition and appropriation of knowledge, skills and competences developed in the different context have been very important in the development their communities and their environment.peerReviewe

    Intergenerational programs and intergenerational contact zones: Aligning notions of ‘good quality

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    This chapter focuses on the following question: How may we enhance good quality in Intergenerational Programs (IP) through the application of Intergenerational Contact Zones (ICZ) as programming tool? In this context, it is argued that it makes sense to align the introduction of good quality planning and implementation of IP with efforts to set up efficient ICZ. Consequently, the chapter exemplifies how this alignment may be made starting from two international models to incorporate quality features for IP: the Together Old and Young for Quality Program and the International Certificate in Intergenerational Learning Quality Standards. After careful analysis and combination of these models, four domains of IP quality are presented, and quality guidelines and indicators for both IP and ICZ as programming tool are listed accordingly. Despite some limitations, the chapter contributes to the development of ICZ through specifying 23 indicators for efficient ICZ as supportive settings for good quality IP

    FamTV : an architecture for presence-aware personalized television

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    Since the advent of the digital era, the traditional TV scenario has rapidly evolved towards an ecosystem comprised of a myriad of services, applications, channels, and contents. As a direct consequence, the amount of available information and configuration options targeted at today's end consumers have become unmanageable. Thus, personalization and usability emerge as indispensable elements to improve our content-overloaded digital homes. With these requirements in mind, we present a way to combine content adaptation paradigms together with presence detection in order to allow a seamless and personalized entertainment experience when watching TV.This work has been partially supported by the Community of Madrid (CAM), Spain under the contract number S2009/TIC-1650.Publicad

    Improving privacy in identity management systems for health care scenarios

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    Privacy is a very complex and subjective concept with different meaning to different people. The meaning depends on the context. Moreover, privacy is close to the user information and thus, present in any ubiquitous computing scenario. In the context of identity management (IdM), privacy is gaining more importance since IdM systems deal with services that requires sharing attributes belonging to users’ identity with different entities across domains. Consequently, privacy is a fundamental aspect to be addressed by IdM to protect the exchange of user attributes between services and identity providers across different networks and security domains in pervasive computing. However, problems such as the effective revocation consent, have not been fully addressed. Furthermore, privacy depends heavily on users and applications requiring some degree of flexibility. This paper analyzes the main current identity models, as well as the privacy support presented by the identity management frameworks. After the main limitations are identified, we propose a delegation protocol for the SAML standard in order to enhance the revocation consent within healthcare scenarios.Proyecto CCG10-UC3M/TIC-4992 de la Comunidad Autónoma de Madrid y la Universidad Carlos III de Madri

    SuSSo: seamless and ubiquitous single sign-on for cloud service continuity across devices

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    The great variety of consumer electronic devices with support of wireless communications combined with the emerging Cloud Computing paradigm is paving the way to real anytime/anywhere computing. In this context, many services, such as music or video streaming, are delivered to the clients using Cloud-based providers. However, service continuity when moving across different terminals is still a major challenge. This paper proposes SuSSo, a novel middleware architecture that allows sessions initiated from one device to be seamlessly transferred to a second one, as might be desirable in the enjoyment of long running media.Publicad

    A metric-based approach to assess risk for "on cloud" federated identity management

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    The cloud computing paradigm is set to become the next explosive revolution on the Internet, but its adoption is still hindered by security problems. One of the fundamental issues is the need for better access control and identity management systems. In this context, Federated Identity Management (FIM) is identified by researchers and experts as an important security enabler, since it will play a vital role in allowing the global scalability that is required for the successful implantation of cloud technologies. However, current FIM frameworks are limited by the complexity of the underlying trust models that need to be put in place before inter-domain cooperation. Thus, the establishment of dynamic federations between the different cloud actors is still a major research challenge that remains unsolved. Here we show that risk evaluation must be considered as a key enabler in evidencebased trust management to foster collaboration between cloud providers that belong to unknown administrative domains in a secure manner. In this paper, we analyze the Federated Identity Management process and propose a taxonomy that helps in the classification of the involved risks in order to mitigate vulnerabilities and threats when decisions about collaboration are made. Moreover, a set of new metrics is defined to allow a novel form of risk quantification in these environments. Other contributions of the paper include the definition of a generic hierarchical risk aggregation system, and a descriptive use-case where the risk computation framework is applied to enhance cloud-based service provisioning.This work was supported in part by the Spanish Ministry of Science and Innovation under the project CONSEQUENCE (TEC2010-20572-C02-01).Publicad
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