1,326 research outputs found

    Radiative forcing under mixed aerosol conditions

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    The mixture of mineral dust with biomass burning or urban-industrial aerosols presents significant differences in optical properties when compared to those of the individual constituents, leading to different impacts on solar radiation levels. This effect is assessed by estimating the direct radiative forcing (ΔF) of these aerosols from solar flux models using the radiative parameters derived from the Aerosol Robotic Network (AERONET). These data reveal that, in oceanic and vegetative covers (surface albedo (SA) 0.30 are not present in East Asia region. At the bottom of atmosphere (BOA) the maximum ΔF values are associated with the highest AOD levels obtained for the mixture of mineral dust and biomass burning aerosols (−130 ± 44 Wm−2 with AOD = 0.8 ± 0.4 for SA < 0.30).Support for this study was given by Spanish Ministry of Education and Science, projects CGL2005‐03428‐C04‐02, CGL2007‐66477‐C02‐02/CLI, PI042005/033, and CGL2008‐04740/CLI

    Social network changes in cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) after the birth of new infants

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    Cotton-top tamarins (Saguinus oedipus) are characterized by a system of cooperative breeding where helpers, in addition to the reproductive pair, contribute to infant care. Grooming interactions between individuals play an important role in establishing social relationships, creating an interconnected social network in the group. We used social network analysis to investigate the social structure of two groups of cotton-top tamarins with different sizes and compositions and study whether they remain stable after the birth of new infants. We also investigated the possible correlation between the time spent carrying infants and an increase in the grooming centrality. We found that group A (n = 13) had a stable grooming network that showed consistent stability after the birth, although group B (n = 8 and no adult helpers) changed its grooming network and showed a lower density after the birth. Infant carrying was not correlated with increased grooming centrality after the birth. These findings highlight the usefulness of social network analysis in the study of group structure in cooperatively breeding primates and suggest that the birth of offspring has a greater impact on the stability of groups without adult helpersThis research was funded by the Spanish Ministerio de Educación y Cultura; Contract grant number: FP-93 9310751 (DGICyT PB90-206); Contract grant sponsor: International Agreement between Universidad Autónoma de Madrid (Spain) and Deutsches Primatenzentrum (Göttingen, Germany) 1994–199

    Coping style and early life vocalizations in the common marmoset (Callithrix jacchus)

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    Coping styles describe behavioral differences during stressful or challenging situations. Coping styles are stable over time but little is known about early life manifestation and development of these behavioral differences. We aimed to investigate if differences in the way marmosets produce vocalizations at an early age are related to their coping style in the future. We studied 14 common marmosets (Callithrix jacchus)from three social groups housed at the marmoset colony at Universidad Autónoma de Madrid. We recorded the vocalizations of each marmoset in isolation at 15–17 days of age, analyzing latency to vocalize and calling rate of phee and tsik calls. To measure coping style, we introduced a novel stimulus to the group cages when infants were 3 months old and recorded exploration, headcocking, and approaches to the stimulus. The results showed negative relationships between the latency of phee call (a long-range contact call) at 15–17 days and frequency of exploration and approach to the novel stimulus at 3 months, although both correlations fall above the cut-off points for the false discovery rate. Marmosets that gave long-range calls sooner at 15–17 days of age also showed more exploratory behaviors at 3 months. The results also showed group differences in exploration at 3 months, and twins were more similar to each other than to other infants in the sample. There were no group differences in early vocalizations and no sex differences in any variable. These findings suggest that coping style is stable from as early as 15–17 days after birth and suggest that the group can influence exploration in marmosetsThis project received funding from a grant from the Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad, “Proyectos de Investigación Fundamental No Orientada Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad,” PSI 2012-3074

    Study of the effect of four warm mix asphalt additives on bitumen modified with 15% crumb rubber

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    Due to a growing concern over global warming, the bituminous mixture industry is making a constant effort to diminish its emissions by reducing manufacturing and installation temperatures without compromising the mechanical properties of the bituminous mixtures. The use of mixtures with tyre rubber has demonstrated that these mixtures can be economical and ecological and that they improve the behaviour of the pavements. However, bituminous mixtures with a high rubber content present one major drawback: they require higher mixing and installation temperatures due to the elevated viscosity caused by the high rubber content and thus they produce larger amounts of greenhouse gas emissions than conventional bituminous mixtures. This article presents a study of the effect of four viscosity-reducing additives (Sasobit®, Asphaltan A®, Asphaltan B® and Licomont BS 100®) on a bitumen modified with 15% rubber. The results of this study indicate that these additives successfully reduce viscosity, increase the softening temperature and reduce penetration. However, they do not have a clear effect on the test for elastic recovery and ductility at 25 °C

    Aerosol radiative forcing and forcing efficiency in the UVB for regions affected by Saharan and Asian mineral dust

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    The influence of mineral dust on ultraviolet energy transfer is studied for two different mineralogical origins. The aerosol radiative forcing ΔF and the forcing efficiency at the surface ΔFeff in the range 290–325 nm were estimated in ground-based stations affected by the Saharan and Asian deserts during the dusty seasons. UVB solar measurements were taken from the World Ozone and Ultraviolet Data Center (WOUDC) for four Asian stations (2000–04) and from the Santa Cruz Observatory, Canary Islands (2002–03), under Gobi and Sahara Desert influences, respectively. The Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) aerosol optical depth at 550 nm was used to characterize the aerosol load τ, whereas the aerosol index provided by the Total Ozone Mapping Spectrometer (TOMS) sensor was employed to identify the mineral dust events. The ΔF is strongly affected by the aerosol load, the values found being comparable in both regions during the dusty seasons. Under those conditions, ΔF values as large as −1.29 ± 0.53 W m−2 (τ550 = 0.48 ± 0.24) and −1.43 ± 0.38 W m−2 (τ550 = 0.54 ± 0.26) were reached under Saharan and Asian dust conditions, respectively. Nevertheless, significant differences have been observed in the aerosol radiative forcing per unit of aerosol optical depth in the slant path, τS. The maximum ΔFeff values associated with dust influences were −1.55 ± 0.20 W m−2 τS550−1 for the Saharan region and −0.95 ± 0.11 W m−2 τS550−1 in the Asian area. These results may be used as a benchmark database for establishing aerosol corrections in UV satellite products or in global climate model estimations.We acknowledge the MCYT (Ministry of Science and Technology, Spain) and F.E.D.E.R. foundations (E.U.) for their economic support of projects CGL2004-05984-C07-05, CGL2005-03428-C04-02, CGL2007-66477-C02-02/CLI, CGL2008-04740/CLI and PI042005/033

    Analysis of digital teaching tools in the new educational paradigm

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    [EN] Nowadays most high education professors use several digital tools to support teaching, such as education platforms and other sources like digital slides or digital documents. Most universities rely on their own educational platforms, which has been mainly used to share documents between professors and students. These platforms reinforce the master classes, but do not replace the typical face-to-face classes. For instance, the platform used by the Universitat Politècnica de València in 2006 is called PoliformaT and is an adaptation of Sakai. On this digital platform, professors and students can share and manage information and documents from their degree or master subjects, such as tasks, exams, content repository, etc. Due to the COVID-19 crisis, the high education professors forced to replace face-to-face classes by virtual classes, to confront the new educational paradigm that has emerged. Furthermore, they have had to deepen into the functionalities offered by existing platforms and to adapt their teaching to other types of platforms that allow virtual teaching such as Microsoft Teams, Google Classroom or Blackboard Learn. Therefore, because of the current situation and the potential that e-learning platforms and tools have in university teaching, it has led to the emergence of numerous software related to teaching. However, due to the short reaction time to adapt face-to-face to virtual teaching, no comparisons have been made between existing digital tools to define which of them is most appropriate for each university and its teaching style. Hence, a deep analysis of existing digital tools to support teaching is required. This paper aims to analyse and compare several teaching software tools. For that, the functionalities of the most used teaching tools are compared, and their main advantages and disadvantages are analysed in order to obtain the best tools to be used in high education.This work has been developed within the framework of the projects Coordinación metodológica a través de webs de apoyo en títulos ETSII para diferentes Competencias Trasversales of the call for Educational Innovation and Improvement Projects (PIME) with code PIME/19-20 Ref. 150, Ref. 151 and Ref. 152, in its institutional modality, promoted by the Vice-Rectorate for Studies, Quality and Accreditation and the Institute of Education Sciences of the Universitat Politècnica de València. The first author was supported by the Generalitat Valenciana (Conselleria de Educación, Investigación, Cultura y Deporte) under Grant ACIF/2019/021.Rodríguez-Sánchez, MDLÁ.; Esteso, A.; Alemany Díaz, MDM.; Boza, A. (2021). Analysis of digital teaching tools in the new educational paradigm. IATED Academy. 9564-9570. https://doi.org/10.21125/inted.2021.20009564957

    Instagram y el posicionamiento de los emprendimientos en la pastelería: caso Yiyi pastelería.

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    El objetivo del siguiente proyecto de investigación fue el análisis de cómo la red social Instagram influye en el posicionamiento de los emprendimientos. Para lograr entender este estudio de manera empresarial fue determinante analizar cómo funciona la plataforma en las empresas que ofrecen un producto o servicio a través de esta. Para ello, fue importante analizar la perspectiva que los usuarios de Instagram tienen frente a los emprendimientos que realizan todo su mercadeo por medio de esta plataforma y a su vez, analizar como los emprendedores desarrollan sus estrategias de venta. Para la realización de este trabajo se llevaron a cabo una serie de investigaciones tales como encuestas, entrevistas a expertos en marketing digital y cinco entrevistas a pastelerías de la ciudad de Ibagué. Instagram es una plataforma que permite generar mayor visibilidad y acercamiento entre cliente y usuario; además, esta red social facilita que el emprendedor/empresa entienda la manera en cómo su producto/servicio es percibido por su consumidor final, como factor final, el emprendedor usa a su favor dicha información para mejorar su forma de promocionar y llegar a generar un engagement exitoso.Resumen ; Introducción ; 1. Revisión de la literatura ; 2. Metodología ; 3. Resultados obtenidos ; Conclusiones.Administrador de EmpresasPregrad

    María Montessori

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    Para empezar, este presente informe trata de un proyecto de investigación sobre la médica y educadora italiana, María Montessori. Para ello, hemos recopilado, examinado y observado distintas fuentes de información, para, así, aportar una visión crítica y personal sobre dicha autora. Por ello, en primer lugar, empezamos seleccionando y recogiendo toda la información posible sobre el contexto histórico donde ella vivió, siendo éste finales del siglo XIX y la primera mitad del siglo XX. De este modo, conoceremos las circunstancias y las incidencias que rodearon la vida de María Montessori. A continuación, redactamos brevemente sin olvidarnos de los acontecimientos más relevantes, la historia de la vida de su persona. Para terminar, investigamos sobre una de sus obras, “El niño, el secreto de la infancia”. Montessori con esta obra, trata de introducir el concepto de períodos sensitivos. Como conclusión, realizamos una reflexión personal sobre el método Montessori, destacando tanto las ventajas como desventajas de dicho método.To begin with, this report is about a research project on the Italian doctor and educator, Maria Montessori. For that purpose, we have compiled, examined and observed different sources of information, in order to provide a critical and personal view of this author. Therefore, first of all, we began by selecting and collecting as much information as possible about the historical context in which she lived, which was the end of the 19th century and the first half of the 20th century. In this way, we will know the circumstances and incidents that surrounded the life of Maria Montessori. Next, we wrote briefly without forgetting the most relevant events, the history of his life. To finish, we investigated on its works, selecting one of them, being this "The secret of the childhood". Montessori, with this work, he tries to introduce the concept of sensitive periods. In conclusion, we made a personal reflection about the work done, highlighting both the advantages and disadvantages of this report