18 research outputs found

    Monitoring treatment of field cancerisation with 3% diclofenac sodium 2.5% hyaluronic acid by reflectance confocal microscopy: a histologic correlation

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    Visual inspection may fail to accurately evaluate field cancerisation (subclinical actinic keratoses [AKs]). We aimed to describe field cancerisation by confocal reflectance microscopy and changes induced by the application of 3% diclofenac sodium gel in 2.5% hyaluronic acid. Fourteen male patients, > 50 years old, with AKs on the bald scalp were included. Clinical examination, confocal microscopy and histological study of clinically visible lesions and 'normal appearing' adjacent skin before and after treatment was completed. Reflectance confocal microscopy showed a decrease in scaling (p = 0.001) and atypia of the honeycomb pattern (p = 0.001) at 2 weeks of treatment. Changes in parakeratosis, inflammation and dermal collagen remodelling were also observed. Histology correlated with confocal features in AK and subclinical AK. Reflectance confocal microscopy was useful in the evaluation of field cancerisation and monitoring of treatment response. A rapid improvement in epidermal atypia was observed

    Changes of liver hemodynamic and elastography parameters in patients with colorectal liver metastases receiving preoperative chemotherapy: 'a note of caution'

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    BACKGROUND: New systemic chemotherapy agents have improved prognosis in patients with colorectal liver metastases (CLM), but some of them damage the liver parenchyma and ultimately increase postoperative morbidity and mortality after liver resection. The aims of our study were to determine the degree of hemodynamic and pathological liver injury in CLM patients receiving preoperative chemotherapy and to identify an association between these injuries and postoperative complications after liver resection. METHODS: This is a prospective descriptive study of patients with CLM receiving preoperative chemotherapy before curative liver resection from November 2013 to June 2014. All patients had preoperative elastography and hepatic hemodynamic evaluation. We analyzed clinical preoperative data and postoperative outcomes after grouping the patients by chemotherapy type, development of sinusoidal obstructive syndrome (SOS), and development of major complications. RESULTS: Eleven from the 20 patients included in the study received preoperative oxaliplatin-based chemotherapy (OBC). Nine patients had SOS at pathological analysis and five patients developed major complications. Patients receiving preoperative OBC had higher values of hepatic venous pressure gradient (HVPG) and developed more SOS and major complications. Patients developing SOS had higher values of HVPG and developed more major complications. Patients with major complications had higher values of HVPG, and patients with a HVPG of 5 mmHg or greater had more major complications than those under 5 mmHg (20 vs 80%, p = 0.005). CONCLUSIONS: OBC and SOS impair liver hemodynamics in CLM patients. An increase in major complications after liver resection in these patients develops at subclinical HVPG levels

    Stimulation of soluble guanylate cyclase exerts antiinflammatory actions in the liver through a VASP/NF-κB/NLRP3 inflammasome circuit

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    Soluble guanylate cyclase (sGC) catalyzes the conversion of guanosine triphosphate into cyclic guanosine-3',5'-monophosphate, a key second messenger in cell signaling and tissue homeostasis. It was recently demonstrated that sGC stimulation is associated with a marked antiinflammatory effect in the liver of mice with experimental nonalcoholic steatohepatitis (NASH). Here, we investigated the mechanisms underlying the antiinflammatory effect of the sGC stimulator praliciguat (PRL) in the liver. Therapeutic administration of PRL exerted antiinflammatory and antifibrotic actions in mice with choline-deficient l-amino acid-defined high-fat diet-induced NASH. The PRL antiinflammatory effect was associated with lower F4/80- and CX3CR1-positive macrophage infiltration into the liver in parallel with lower Ly6CHigh- and higher Ly6CLow-expressing monocytes in peripheral circulation. The PRL antiinflammatory effect was also associated with suppression of hepatic levels of interleukin (IL)-1β, NLPR3 (NACHT, LRR, and PYD domain-containing protein 3), ASC (apoptosis-associated speck-like protein containing a caspase-recruitment domain), and active cleaved-caspase-1, which are components of the NLRP3 inflammasome. In Kupffer cells challenged with the classical inflammasome model of lipopolysaccharide plus adenosine triphosphate, PRL inhibited the priming (expression of Il1b and Nlrp3) and blocked the release of mature IL-1β. Mechanistically, PRL induced the protein kinase G (PKG)-mediated phosphorylation of the VASP (vasodilator-stimulated phosphoprotein) Ser239 residue which, in turn, reduced nuclear factor-κB (NF-κB) activity and Il1b and Nlrp3 gene transcription. PRL also reduced active cleaved-caspase-1 levels independent of pannexin-1 activity. These data indicate that sGC stimulation with PRL exerts antiinflammatory actions in the liver through mechanisms related to a PKG/VASP/NF-κB/NLRP3 inflammasome circuit

    Time and tumor type (primary or metastatic) do not influence the detection of BRAF/NRAS mutations in formalin fixed paraffin embedded samples from melanomas.

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    BACKGROUND: BRAF and NRAS mutation detection is crucial for advanced melanoma treatment. Our aim was to evaluate how different characteristics from formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded (FFPE) samples, age of the block or DNA concentration could influence the success of BRAF and NRAS mutational screening. METHODS: DNA was obtained from 144 FFPE samples (62 primary melanoma, 43 sentinel lymph nodes [SLN] and 39 metastasis). BRAF and NRAS were sequenced by Sanger sequencing. RESULTS: Complete sequencing results were obtained from 75% (108/144) of the samples, and at least one gene was sequenced in 89% (128/144) of them. BRAF was mutated in 55% (29/53) and NRAS in 11% (5/45) of the primary melanomas sequenced. DNA concentration correlated with the tumor area used for DNA extraction (mm2) (adj p-value<0.01, r=0.73). The age of the block did not affect sequencing success. In 60% of samples kept for more than 10 years, both BRAF and NRAS were successfully sequenced. CONCLUSIONS: Preserving sufficient tumor area in FFPE blocks is important. It is necessary to keep the FFPE blocks, no matter their age, as they are necessary to decide the best treatment for the melanoma patient

    Acute liver failure due to visceral leishmaniasis in Barcelona: a case report

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    Background: Leishmaniasis is an emerging infectious disease. Due to human migration and tourism, visceral leishmaniasis may become more common in non-endemic areas. In the Mediterranean basin, visceral leishmaniasis typically occurs in rural regions. Case presentation: We present an unusual urban case of acute liver failure due to visceral leishmaniasis, following a prolonged fever of unknown origin. After obtaining negative results from the bone marrow aspirate, we performed a liver biopsy that elucidated the diagnosis. The liver involvement in visceral leishmaniasis may appear as chronic granulomatous hepatitis. However diffuse hepatitis process, a necro-inflammatory pattern, without forming granulomas were observed in the liver biopsy specimens in this case. Intracytoplasmic Leishmania amastigotes were observed in the liver biopsy specimens and a polymerase chain reaction confirmed the diagnosis. Only five pathological confirmed cases of acute hepatitis due to visceral leishmaniasis have been described so far, just two in adults and both from Barcelona. A revision of the literature is performed. Conclusions: Acute hepatitis is an uncommon debut of visceral leishmaniasis in immunocompetent patients. Furthermore there are only few cases in the literature that describe the histopathological changes that we found in this patient. In conclusion, in case of acute hepatitis leading to liver failure, leishmaniasis should be considered a differential diagnosis (even in non-endemic countries and without clear epidemiological exposure) and liver biopsy can elucidate the diagnosis

    Immunological function restoration with Lopinavir/ritonavir vs Efavirenz containing regimens in HIV infected patients: a randomized clinical trial

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    CD4+ count increase has been reported to be different with lopinavir/r (LPV/r) and efavirenz (EFV)-containing regimens. The different effect of these two regimens on other immune function parameters and the relationship with the gain of CD4+ count have not been assessed in a randomized clinical trial. Fifty antiretroviral treatment (cART) naïve HIV-infected individuals were randomized to receive LPV/r or EFV both with tenofovir/emtricitabine for 48 weeks. A substudy of immunological function restoration was performed in 22 patients (LPV/r n=10 and EFV n=12). Activation, thymic function, apoptosis, senescence, exhaustion, Treg cells, interleukin (IL)-7-receptor/IL-7 system, thymic volume, and lymphoid tissue fibrosis were evaluated at baseline and at week 48. Both groups experienced a CD4+ count increase that was higher in the EFV group (ΔCD4+ 88 vs. 315 cells/μl LPV/r vs. EFV, respectively, p<0.001). Despite this difference in CD4+ gain, the change in other immune function parameters was similar in both treatment groups. Most of parameters evaluated tended to normalize after 48 weeks of cART. A significant decrease in levels of activation, senescence, exhaustion, and apoptosis on CD4+ and CD8+ T cells (p<0.001 for all) and a significant increase in markers of thymic function, IL-7 receptor, and in the levels of central memory CD4+ T cells and naive subsets of CD8+ T cells (p<0.001 for all) with respect to baseline values were observed without any difference between groups. These data indicate that the differences in CD4+ gain with different cART regimens are not immunologically meaningful and might explain the similar clinical efficacy of these regimens

    Microscopía virtual en la enseñanza de la Anatomía Patológica en Medicina

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    Podeu consultar la Vuitena trobada de professorat de Ciències de la Salut completa a: http://hdl.handle.net/2445/66524Introducción y objetivos: La microscopía virtual (MV) se ha introducido en la educación post-graduada en las Facultades de Medicina. No obstante, la experiencia acumulada con esta tecnología es aún limitada y existen muy escasas evidencias sobre su impacto sobre los estudiantes. Los objetivos del estudio fueron: 1) determinar si el posible impacto sobre las notas en los exámenes prácticos de la asignatura del paso de las preparaciones de cristal y el microscopio convencional (MC) a las preparaciones virtuales y el MV, y 2) evaluar la impresión subjetiva de los estudiantes en relación con el impacto de la MV en su aprendizaje. Métodos: Se evaluaron dos grupos que realizaron la asignatura de Anatomía Patológica en el curso 2013-2014, uno usando MC y el otro MV. Las mismas preparaciones utilizadas en el grupo de MC fueron digitalizadas en un escáner Ventana iScan HT a 20x y presentadas a los estudiantes con el visor Virtuoso (Roche diagnostics). Se evaluó el nivel de conocimientos alcanzado por los estudiantes mediante un examen online. Se realizó una encuesta a los estudiantes del grupo MV para evaluar sus impresiones sobre el recurso docente. Resultados: No existieron diferencias entre los dos grupos en cuanto a las notas obtenidas en el examen online: 9,87 ± 0,34 para el grupo de MC, vs 9,86 ± 0,53 para el grupo de MV; p=0,880). La característica más valorada de la MV fue la posibilidad de acceder a las imágenes en cualquier lugar y a cualquier hora (93.3%). El 86.6% de los estudiantes encontraron que el software era fáci

    Estudi de les alteracions genètiques en melanoma cutani mitjançant hibridació in situ fluorescent: valor diagnòstic i pronòstic

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    El melanoma cutani és la principal causa de mort per càncer de pell. L’estudi histopatològic és considerat actualment el gold standard per al diagnòstic del melanoma i el seu diagnòstic diferencial, principalment amb les lesions melanocítiques benignes (nevus). Això, tanmateix, mostra moltes limitacions i de fet existeix una gran variabilitat interobservador inclòs entre dermatopatòlegs experts. Clars contextos de dificultat diagnòstica són les neoplàsies melanocítques fusocel·lulars i les neoplàsies melanocítiques acrals. Estudis recents d’hibridació genòmica comparada han demostrat que els melanomes, a diferència dels nevus, molt sovint presenten aberracions en forma de guanys i pèrdues gèniques. D'aquests estudis s'han seleccionat determinats gens, l’estudi dels quals mitjançant hibridació in situ fluorescent (FISH) s'ha demostrat útil per al diagnòstic diferencial de les lesions melanocítiques. D'altra banda, aquests estudis també han demostrat que sota el nom de melanoma existeixen diferents subtipus de neoplàsies amb aberracions cromosòmiques distintives, suggerint bases patogenètiques diferents. Així, els melanomes lentiginosos acrals es caracteritzen per mostrar amplificacions dels gens CCND1, TERT i AURKA. En el primer treball que conforma aquesta tesi hem estudiat un seguit de lesions histològiques melanocítiques fusocel·lulars, atenent les seves característiques clínico-patològiques així com la utilitat de l'estudi de proteïnes del cicle cel·lular i inhibidors de l'apoptosi per immunohistoquímica i també l'estudi dels gens REEB1, CCND1 i MYB per FISH en el seu diagnòstic diferencial. Els nevus de Reed, encara que normalment mostren característiques diferencials amb els melanomes, també poden tenir trets preocupants com el creixement pagetoide o l’extensió annexial. L'estudi de Ki-67, CCND1 i survivina per imunohistoquímica podria ser una tècnica útil addicional en el diagnòstic diferencial entre nevus de Reed i melanomes fusocel·lulars, així com també l'estudi mitjançant FISH dels gens RREB1, CCND1 i MYB, amb una sensibilitat i especificitat del 73% i 93%, respectivament. En el segon i tercer treballs que conformen aquesta tesi hem estudiat una sèrie de lesions melanocítiques acrals, incloent-hi nevus i melanomes acrals (MLAs). Es van estudiar les seves característiques clínico-patològiques i es va avaluar la utilitat del FISH en el seu diagnòstic diferencial (mitjançant l'estudi dels gens RREB1, CCND1, MYB, TERT i AURKA). També es van correlacionar l'estat dels gens CCND1, TERT i AURKA amb la seva expressió proteica mitjançant immunohistoquímica així com amb les característiques histopatològiques dels tumors i els pronòstic dels pacients. Hem observat que el l’estudi de FISH dels gens REEB1, CCND1 i MYB demostra una sensibilitat del 85.3% i una especificitat del 100% en el diagnòstic diferencial de les lesions melanocítiques acrals. Aquesta sensibilitat clarament s'incrementa amb l'addició de sondes específiques per als gens TERT i AURKA. En els MLAs, les amplificacions de CCND1, TERT i AURKA són mutualment excloents, fet que suggereix que aquest tipus de melanoma presenta diferents vies oncogèniques. També hem detectat una correlació significativaent positiva entre el número de còpies del gen i la sobreexpressió de proteïna en la CCND1. Les amplificacions de TERT detectades per FISH en els MLAs s’associen a una pitjor supervivència global, inclòs després de l'anàlisi multivariant.Melanoma is the leading cause of death from skin cancer. Histopathological study is currently considered the gold standard for the diagnosis of melanoma and its differential diagnosis, mainly with benign melanocytic lesions (nevi). This, however, shows many limitations. Well-known diagnostic difficulty contexts are spindle cell melanocytic neoplasms and acral melanocytic neoplasms. Recent studies with comparative genomic hybridization have shown that melanomas, unlike nevi, frequently show aberrations (gains and losses From these studies, a useful fluorescent in situ hybridization (FISH) probe for the differential diagnosis of melanocytic lesions was developed. Acral lentiginous melanomas are characterized by amplifications of CCND1, TERT and AURKA genes. In the first work we studied a series of spindle cell melanocytic lesions, according to clinical characteristics as well as the usefulness of immunohistochemistry and FISH in their differential diagnosis. The study of Ki-67, CCND1 and surviving by immunohistochemistry could be useful in the differential diagnosis between Reed nevi and spindle cell melanomas as well as the study by FISH of the genes RREB1, CCND1 and MYB, with a sensitivity and specificity of 73% and 93%, respectively. We also studied a series of acral melanocytic lesions, including nevi and acral lentiginous melanomas (MLAs). We evaluated the usefulness of FISH in their differential diagnosis (through the study of the genes RREB1, CCND1, MYB, TERT and AURKA). Gene status of CCND1, TERT and AURKA gene were correlated with their protein expression in tumors (assessed by Immunohistochemistry) as well as with patients’ evolution. We observed that the FISH study of REEB1, CCND1 and MYB shows a sensitivity of the 85.3% and a specificity of 100% in the differential diagnosis of acral melanocytic lesions. This sensitivity is clearly increased with the addition of specific probes for TERT and AURKA genes. In MLAs, CCND1, TERT and AURKA amplifications are mutually exclusive, suggesting that this type of melanoma presents different oncogenic pathways. TERT gene amplifications detected by FISH in MLAs are associated with a worse overall survival, including after the multivariate analysis

    Monitoring treatment of field cancerisation with 3% diclofenac sodium 2.5% hyaluronic acid by reflectance confocal microscopy: a histologic correlation

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    Visual inspection may fail to accurately evaluate field cancerisation (subclinical actinic keratoses [AKs]). We aimed to describe field cancerisation by confocal reflectance microscopy and changes induced by the application of 3% diclofenac sodium gel in 2.5% hyaluronic acid. Fourteen male patients, > 50 years old, with AKs on the bald scalp were included. Clinical examination, confocal microscopy and histological study of clinically visible lesions and 'normal appearing' adjacent skin before and after treatment was completed. Reflectance confocal microscopy showed a decrease in scaling (p = 0.001) and atypia of the honeycomb pattern (p = 0.001) at 2 weeks of treatment. Changes in parakeratosis, inflammation and dermal collagen remodelling were also observed. Histology correlated with confocal features in AK and subclinical AK. Reflectance confocal microscopy was useful in the evaluation of field cancerisation and monitoring of treatment response. A rapid improvement in epidermal atypia was observed