7 research outputs found

    Labour insertion of disabled students at the University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria

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    El empleo es el eje vertebrador del desarrollo pleno en las sociedades actuales. Sin embargo, encontramos que las personas con discapacidad presentan dificultades de acceso al mercado laboral, incluso cuando han culminado con éxito estudios universitarios. Con el propósito de describir y analizar la situación de las personas con discapacidad que han egresado en la ULPGC entre 2000 y 2010, se han revisado las trayectorias laborales de 96 egresados mediante el emparejamiento de los registros de la universidad y los del Observatorio de Empleo de Canarias. Se han utilizado cuatro indicadores: inserción laboral, paro registrado, temporalidad y empleo encajado. Los resultados muestran que una de cada dos personas logra un empleo acorde a su formación al tercer año del egreso, lo que sugiere ciertos efectos positivos de la formación universitaria en la inserción laboral.Nowadays, to have a job is the best way to get a successful personal development. However, we find that people with disabilities have difficulties in accessing the labour market, even when they have successfully completed their university studies. This paper describes and analyzes the situation of people with disabilities who have graduated from the ULPGC between 2000 and 2010. The career trajectories of 96 graduates have been reviewed by matching the records from the ULPGC and those of The Canary Islands Observatory of Employment (OBECAN). Four indicators have been used: job placement, registered unemployment, temporary employment, and occupation. The results show that one in two people achieves a job according to their training in the third year after graduation, which suggests certain positive effects of university studies on job placement

    ¿Influye en la felicidad la relación entre alumnos de NEE y de aula ordinaria?

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    The attention to the diversity is a topic that constitutes a challenge for the teachers of any educational stage for the expectations and doubts that the reality with this student generates. About these concerns, this research project focuses on knowing if implementing a sensitization program towards people with functional limitations upon the same range collective, improves their subjective assessment of wellness as individuals when such program is applied to them, also if the people with functional limitations who take part in the program benefits from it. The intervention is performed in a High School with students in exceptional schooling modality (enclave) and students of 3rd of ESO and 1st of PMAR (Program for the improvement of learning and performance), using as instruments the BIS-HERNÁN questionnaire (Hernández, P. 1996 and 2000) that measures the Individual Subjective Well-being of people, the register of behaviors of enclave classroom’s students, interviews to different representatives of the educational community and the participants of the intervention program “Do We Know Each Other?”. The results support the initial hypothesis that the program improves the subjective individual wellness but only for the female participants, resulting in a non-significant difference. It finds significant differences in the general level of happiness between males and females, discovering that males are happier than females. It also concludes that the program has benefited some of the students of the aula enclave, improving their behavior during class and break time.La atención a la diversidad es un tema que constituye un desafío para los docentes de cualquier etapa educativa por las expectativas y dudas que la realidad con este alumnado genera. Fruto de esa inquietud, este trabajo se centra en conocer si al implementar un programa de sensibilización hacia la limitación funcional de los iguales mejora la valoración del bienestar subjetivo individual de aquellos participantes y si el alumnado con limitación funcional también presenta beneficios al respecto. La intervención se realiza en un Instituto de Educación Secundaria con alumnado en modalidad de escolarización excepcional (aula enclave) y alumnado de 3ºESO y 1ºPMAR (Programa de Mejora del Aprendizaje y del Rendimiento), utilizando como instrumentos el cuestionario BIS-HERNÁN (Hernández, P. 1996 y 2000) que mide el Bienestar Subjetivo Individual de las personas, el registro de conductas del alumnado del aula enclave, entrevistas a distintos representantes de la comunidad educativa y participantes del programa de intervención “¿Nos Conocemos?”. Los resultados apoyan la hipótesis inicial de que tras el programa de intervención mejora el bienestar subjetivo individual pero únicamente en el grupo de mujeres, resultando la diferencia no significativa. Se encuentra diferencias significativas en el grado de felicidad general entre hombres y mujeres, siendo el colectivo masculino más feliz que el femenino. También se concluye, que el programa ha mejorado el comportamiento en las aulas y el recreo en algunos alumnos del aula enclave

    Bienestar subjetivo, estrategias cognitivo-afectivas y familia

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    Psychological wellness is a broad concept that includes social, subjective and psychological dimensions, as well as behaviors related to health in general, that lead people to function in a positive way. Subjective wellness measures the degree of happiness or satisfaction that, in general terms, predominates in each person according to their own point of view. In relation to this, it is known that the mind has a relevant role in the construction of reality. To interpret reality, our thinking uses certain cognitive-affective structures. Events by themselves do not produce behavioral, emotional and cognitive consequences, but rather through a process of personal evaluation of events, these consequences occur. Lazarus (2000) argued that before the emotion takes place, people make an automatic and unconscious evaluation of what is happening and what is going to be assumed. In addition, Hernández-Guanir (2002,2010) raised the existence of habitual and peculiar strategies that each person shows in the way of focusing, of reacting or of interpreting reality in situations of ego-involvement, that is, where people face a reality that engages them in their interests and emotions. It is well-known the relationship between cohesion and family adaptability (called Family System) with the level of satisfaction of the members of the family system, as stated by Olson (2000) in his circumplex model. In order to ascertain the influences of the cognitive-affective strategies and the family with the subjective wellness, a research was proposed with 225 students of the Faculty of Legal Sciences of the University of Las Palmas of Gran Canaria, through an external design post facto. The results offer, among others, a relationship between the elements of the family system, family satisfaction, cognitive-affective strategies and subjective well-being. It also informs us that it is possible to predict subjective well-being more by the aspects of the world’s evaluation and life in general and of family satisfaction, than by the variables of the family system. It concludes with a broad reflection of the role played by these variables in subjective wellness or more commonly called happiness.El bienestar psicológico es un concepto amplio que incluye dimensiones sociales, subjetivas y psicológicas, así como comportamientos relacionados con la salud en general, que llevan a las personas a funcionar de un modo positivo. El Bienestar Subjetivo mide el grado de felicidad o de satisfacción que, en términos generales, predomina en cada persona según su propio punto de vista. En relación con esto, se conoce que la mente tiene un papel relevante en la construcción de la realidad. Para interpretar la realidad, nuestro pensamiento usa determinadas estructuras cognitivoafectivas. Los acontecimientos por sí mismos no producen consecuencias conductuales, emocionales y cognitivas, sino que a través de un proceso de valoración personal sobre los eventos se producen dichas consecuencias. Lazarus (2000) argumentaba que antes de que la emoción tuviera lugar, las personas hacen una evaluación automática e inconsciente de lo que está ocurriendo y de lo que va a suponer. Además, Hernández-Guanir (2002, 2010) plantea la existencia de estrategias habituales y peculiares que cada persona muestra en el modo de enfocar, de reaccionar o de interpretar la realidad en situaciones de ego-implicación, es decir, donde las personas se enfrentan a una realidad que les compromete en sus intereses y emociones. También es conocida la relación que existe entre la cohesión y la adaptabilidad familiar (llamado Sistema Familiar) con el nivel de satisfacción de los integrantes del sistema familiar, tal y como plantea Olson (2000) en su modelo circumplejo. Con la finalidad de conocer las influencias de las estrategias cognitivo-afectivas y la familia con el bienestar subjetivo, se planteó una investigación con 225 estudiantes de la Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas de la Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, a través de un diseño ext post facto. Los resultados ofrecen, entre otros, una relación entre los elementos del sistema familiar, la satisfacción familiar, las estrategias cognitivo-afectivas y el bienestar subjetivo. También nos informa que es posible predecir el bienestar subjetivo más por los aspectos de valoración del mundo y la vida en general y de la satisfacción familiar, que por las variables del sistema familiar. Se concluye con una amplia reflexión del papel que juegan dichas variables en el bienestar subjetivo o más comúnmente llamado felicidad

    Satisfacción familiar, comunicación e inteligencia emocional

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    In general, for the development of people and society, the family institution is a fundamental pillar. One of the most important social motivations of the human being developed during childhood is the affiliation: maintain positive affective relationships with other people. In addition, one of the vital affections in the human being is the couple’s relationship since it allows satisfying basic needs and in turn establishing patterns of development and behavior.Based on the model of family instability proposed by Rodríguez, Rodríguez-Mateo and Luján (2015), the present work has several objectives: first, to know if the family variables interrelated in said model (family stress, family communication, family resources, family satisfaction and marital instability) can be related to a new variable (Emotional Intelligence); and secondly, to obtain posible influences and interactions, trying to replicate the model proposed by said authors.This research is focused on the search of the different degrees of association or relationship that exists between a relevant group of variables present in the family environment with satisfaction and marital instability. This set of variables related to the family life cycle (family communication, family resources, family stress) directly affect family relationships and is associated with different degrees of well-being in families. In addition, a new variable has been added with respect to the study on the model of family instability in the breakup of a partner (Rodríguez, Rodríguez-Mateo and Luján, 2015), emotional intelligence, to verify its relationship with marital stability. Through different scales we want to evaluate these relationships and check whether these factors (stress, communication, resources and emotional intelligence) have a direct impact on family satisfaction and stability.The instruments used in the present research work, to operationalize the variables to be studied, have been compiled from the Manual of Family Assessment Instruments (2008) published by the University of Deusto and the Scale of Self-Reported Emotional Intelligence (TMMS-24) of Extremera and Fernández Berrocal (2004).The sample corresponds to a group of 96 people, whose inclusion criteria were family group membership and no cognitive difficulty to perform the questionnaires that are attached.The data analysis techniques used have been the correlational analysis between family variables, multiple linear regression, structural model proposal analysis through the confirmation of relationships between variables (confirmatory model), and confirmatory factor analysis.Two factors were observed, total communication and total resources, as predictors of total satisfaction. It has been possible to obtain a confirmatory model that explains the variables associated with family satisfaction through the AMOS program. It is still postulated, through confirmatory factor analysis, the variable family experience as “injector” of the other variables.The results support a new explanatory model of relationship between these variables and confirm the predictive power of communication and family resources in family satisfaction. The aim of this study is to offer intervention professionals new information to improve their performance with families and to provide greater efficiency in their actions.Para el desarrollo de las personas y de la sociedad en general, la institución familiar es un pilar fundamental. Una de las motivaciones sociales más importantes del ser humano desarrollada durante la infancia es la afiliación: mantener relaciones afectivas positivas con otras personas. Además, uno de los afectivos vitales en el ser humano es la relación de pareja, ya que permite satisfacer necesidades básicas y a su vez establecer pautas de desarrollo y comportamiento.Basándonos en el modelo de inestabilidad familiar propuesto por Rodríguez, Rodríguez-Mateo y Luján (2015), el presente trabajo tiene varios objetivos: primero, conocer si las variables familiares interrelacionadas entre sí en dicho modelo (estrés familiar, comunicación familiar, los recursos familiares, satisfacción familiar e inestabilidad marital) pueden relacionarse con una nueva variable (la Inteligencia Emocional); y en segundo lugar, obtener posibles influencias e interacciones, tratando de replicar el modelo propuesto por dichos autores.Esta investigación está centrada en la búsqueda de los distintos grados de asociación o relación que existe entre un grupo relevante de variables presentes en el entorno familiar con la satisfacción y la inestabilidad matrimonial. Este conjunto de variables relacionadas con el ciclo vital familiar (comunicación familiar, recursos familiares, estrés familiar) afectan de forma directa a las relaciones familiares y se asocia a distintos grados de bienestar en las familias. Además, se ha añadido una nueva variable con respecto al estudio sobre el modelo de inestabilidad familiar en la ruptura de pareja (Rodríguez, Rodríguez-Mateo y Luján, 2015), la inteligencia emocional, para comprobar su relación con la estabilidad marital. A través de diferentes escalas se quiere evaluar dichas relaciones y comprobar si esos factores (estrés, comunicación, recursos e inteligencia emocional) inciden de forma directa sobre la satisfacción y la estabilidad familiar.Los instrumentos utilizados en el presente trabajo de investigación, para operativizar las variables a estudiar, han sido recopilados del Manual de Instrumentos de evaluación familiar (2008) publicado por La Universidad de Deusto y la Escala de Inteligencia Emocional Autoinformada (TMMS-24) de Extremera y Fernández-Berrocal (2004).La muestra corresponde a un grupo de 96 personas, cuyos criterios de inclusión fueron la pertenencia a grupo familiar y sin dificultad cognitiva para poder realizar los cuestionarios que se anexan.Las técnicas de análisis de datos utilizadas han sido el análisis correlacional entre las variables familiares, la regresión lineal múltiple, análisis de propuesta de modelo estructural a través de la confirmación de las relaciones entre las variables (modelo confirmatorio), y el análisis factorial confirmatorio.Se observó dos factores, la comunicación total y los recursos totales como variables predictoras de la satisfacción total. Se ha podido obtener un modelo confirmatorio que explica las variables asociadas a la satisfacción familiar a través del programa AMOS. Se sigue postulando, a través del análisis factorial confirmatorio, la variable vivencia familiar como “inyectora” del resto de variables.Los resultados apoyan un nuevo modelo explicativo de relación entre dichas variables y confirman el poder predictivo de la comunicación y los recursos familiares en la satisfacción familiar.Se pretende con este estudio ofrecer a los profesionales de la intervención nuevos datos que permitan mejorar su actuación con las familias y proporcionar mayor eficacia en sus actuaciones

    The importance of the community context in family interventions: a systematic review from a social work perspective

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    Introducción. En el artículo que aquí se presenta se realiza una investigación, que persigue analizar diferentes estudios realizados que ponen en relación las influencias del contexto comunitario, la familia, el desarrollo y bienestar de los individuos desde la óptica del trabajo social proporcionando una serie de aspectos que deben ser evaluados para determinar cuál es el grado de relación entre ellos. Para ello se concretan tres objetivos específicos: 1) analizar los métodos y técnicas e instrumentos de investigación utilizados, 2) conocer las teorías que fundamentan la investigación comunidad-familia-bienestar, 3) destacar los resultados primordiales de la producción científica existente. Metodología. Ha sido una revisión sistemática utilizando la base de datos Web of Science, exportando unos resultados (N=1064) publicados en la última década de producción (2011 y 2021). Se ha utilizado el protocolo PRISMA 2016 para mejorar la integridad del informe de las revisiones sistemáticas con el fin de proporcionar rigurosidad y calidad a la presente investigación. Con la aplicación de los criterios de elegibilidad se revisan los principales hallazgos (N=31). Resultados. Los principales resultados aportan unos análisis centrales sobre la influencia de los contextos comunitarios en el desarrollo y bienestar de los individuos. Se determina que la relación entre la comunidad y la familia inciden en el desarrollo humano y en el bienestar social. Discusión. Se detecta que hay estudios que analizan el papel de la familia como contexto de desarrollo y bienestar subjetivo, puesto que hay análisis que se centran en los efectos que produce el contexto comunitario donde está inmersa la familia y los individuos. Por lo tanto, se proporciona evidencias de la importancia del contexto comunitario en el desarrollo individual y familiar, dado que implica importantes cambios relacionados con el proceso de socialización, en la reducción de problemas infantiles y familiares, mejores resultados en la salud, etc. Conclusiones. Se recogen sugerencias para plantear futuras investigaciones, así como los elementos más importantes que se deben tener en cuenta para la intervención en el trabajo social como puede ser la evaluación de la comunidad y la calidad de sus barrios/vecindarios. Se confirma que las escalas es el instrumento más utilizado para la medición de esta interrelación y el marco teórico de todas estas investigaciones revisadas tienen en común la fundamentación de la teoría ecológica. Además, se recomienda la posibilidad de realizar un metaanálisis de las producciones científicas que intervienen en esta investigación.Introduction. The work presented here sought to analyse different studies relating the influences of the community context and family with the development and well-being of individuals from the perspective of social work. It also aimed at providing a series of aspects which must be evaluated in order to determine the degree of relationship between these elements. To this end, the analysis followed three specific objectives: 1) to analyse the research methods, techniques and instruments used; 2) to know the theories that underpin community/family/well-being research; 3) to highlight the main results of the existing scientific production. Methodology. A systematic review was conducted using the Web of Science database, exporting the results (N=1064) published over the last decade (2011 and 2021). The PRISMA 2016 protocol was followed in order to improve the integrity of the systematic review and to improve the rigour and quality of the study. The eligibility criteria were applied and the main findings of the obtained articles (N=31) were reviewed. Results. The main results provide essential analyses of the influence of community contexts on the development and well-being of individuals. The relationship between the community and the family was found to have an impact on human development and social well-being. Discussion. A number of studies examined the role of the family as a context for development and subjective well-being, while some analyses focused on the effects of the community as a context of immersion of the family and individuals. Therefore, evidence was found on the key role of the community on individual and family development, given the important changes communities entail regarding socialisation, the reduction of child and family problems, better health outcomes, etc. Conclusions. Suggestions for future research are advanced, as well as the major elements to be considered when conducting social work interventions, such as the assessment of the community and the quality of its neighbourhoods. Scales were confirmed to be the most commonly used instrument to measure this interrelationship and the theoretical framework of all these reviewed studies shared the common foundation of ecological theory. To finish we recommend a possible meta-analysis of the scientific productions involved in this study

    Diagnostic yield of chest and thumb ECG after cryptogenic stroke, Transient ECG Assessment in Stroke Evaluation (TEASE): an observational trial

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    Objective In stroke survivors, atrial fibrillation (AF) is typically evaluated solely by short-term ECG monitoring in the stroke unit. Prolonged continuous ECG monitoring or insertable cardiac monitors require substantial resources. Chest and thumb ECG could provide an alternative means of AF detection, which in turn could allow prompt anticoagulation to prevent recurrent stroke. The objective of this study was to assess the yield of newly diagnosed AF during 28 days of chest and thumb ECG monitoring two times per day in cryptogenic stroke.Methods This study, Transient ECG Assessment in Stroke Evaluation, included patients who had a stroke from Region Gävleborg, Sweden, between 2017 and 2019. Patients with a recent ischaemic stroke without documented AF (or other reasons for anticoagulation) before or during ECG evaluation in the stroke unit were evaluated using the Coala Heart Monitor connected to a smartphone application for remote monitoring.Results The prespecified number of 100 patients (mean age 67.6±10.8 years; 60% men) was analysed. In nine patients (9%, number needed to screen 11) AF but no other significant atrial arrhythmias (>30 s) was diagnosed. The mean CHA2DS2-VASc score was similar among patients with AF and no AF (4.9±1.1 vs 4.3±1.3; p=0.224) and patients with AF were older (74.3±9.0 vs 66.9±10.8; p=0.049). Patients performed on average 90.1%±15.0% of scheduled transmissions.Conclusion In evaluation of cryptogenic stroke, 9% of patients had AF detected using chest and thumb ECG two times per day during 1 month. In many stroke survivors, this is a feasible approach and they will be potentially protected from recurrent stroke by anticoagulation treatment.Trial registration number NCT03301662

    Prevalence and genotype distribution of cervical human papilomavirus infection in the pre-vaccination era: a population-based study in the Canary Islands

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    Objective National Spanish studies show that prevalence of cervical human papillomavirus (HPV) infection in the female population is increasingly frequent, with an overall estimate of 14% in women aged 18–65 years. The objective of this study is to know the prevalence and distribution of HPV types in the female population of the Canary Islands prior to the introduction of HPV vaccines and to investigate the associated clinical and sociodemographic factors.Methods Based on the Primary Health Care database, a sample of adult women (aged 18–65 years) of Gran Canaria (GC) and Tenerife (TF) stratified into nine age groups was carried out between 2002 and 2007. Women were contacted by postal letter and telephone call and were visited in their primary care centre. A clinical-epidemiological survey was completed and cervical samples were taken for cytological study and HPV detection. HPV prevalence and its 95% CI were estimated, and multivariate analyses were performed using logistic regression to identify factors associated with the infection.Results 6010 women participated in the study, 3847 from GC and 2163 from TF. The overall prevalence of HPV infection was 13.6% (CI 12.8%–14.5%) and 11.1% (CI 10.3%–11.9%) for high-risk types. The most frequent HPV type was 16 followed by types 51, 53, 31, 42 and 59. HPV types included in the nonavalent vaccine were detected in 54.1% of infected women. Factors associated with an increased risk of infection were: young ages (18–29 years), the number of sexual partners throughout life, not being married, being a smoker, and having had previous cervical lesions or genital warts.Conclusions It is confirmed that prevalence of HPV infection in the female population of the Canary Islands is high, but similar to that of Spain, HPV 16 being the most frequent genotype. The determinants of infection are consistent with those of other populations